Azure AD Single Sign On - azure

My company has developed a web-based application for internal and external use. The application is developed by angular + WebApi and authorised by OAuth. Users have to use the username and password given by us to login. The application works well. Recently, clients made a new request to login our system through Azure AD SSO. They want us to integrate their Azure AD.
On login page, there should be a new option for users to login our system by connecting to their Azure AD.
Alternatively, if their employees are connected to their system and then visit to our website, they will be automatically logged in our website without entering username and password.
I have no knownledge about Azure AD SSO and still get confused even I did some search on google. Can someone give me some advice or hints?

Using Msal with Angular you can implement the Azure AD SSO login. There are multiple code samples and microsoft documents available to achieve your requirement.
Please go through the documentation and code Sample.
In the Angular sample there is a function as mentioned below which verifies the user credentials if the user is already logged in or not.
checkoutAccount() {
this.loggedIn = !!this.authService.getAccount();


python3-saml and Azure AD - missing a point

Good afternoon experts,
I have a Django web application (it is not internet-facing) and so far I used the django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend to authenticate the users.
However I want to integrate this webapp to an existing SSO solution (like Azure AD) so I thought python3-saml would be a good library to be used (more specifically I use python3-saml-django but it is just a wrapper around python3-saml).
Probably I am missing some fundamental point as I don't really understand how this should work.
When I used ModelBackend then I had a login form where the user could type their username+password which was checked against Django database and the authentication was completed. Should the same work with SSO too? i.e. the login form appears, the user will type their credentials but they will be checked in Azure AD instead of Django auth tables? Or the custom login form of that specific auth solution (in this case Azure AD -> Microsoft login form) should be displayed...?
The LOGIN_URL setting is configured in my Django app so if no user is logged in then automatically my login form appears.
Also I set the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting and it points only to django_saml.backends.SamlUserBAckend.
I configured AZure AD (registered the app and added a user, I tested it in Azure AD console) hopefully correctly. I also populated python3-saml's settings.json with login/logout URL, etc.
Whenever I try to log in with the Azure AD user I got an auth error (the user and password did).
I am just wondering if somebody could shed some light please how this should work? Can I debug the SAML requests / responses?
auth is token based in azure ad and it will redirect the user to the microsoft login. You will receive an auth token which then you can use to for authorization and providing secure pages.
First register your app in azure portal in azure active directory and also create a user flow.
Then download MSAL for python (using pip) which is used for auth using azure ad for python.
The basic architecture is that when the user tries to login the Microsoft login page will be shown, after signing in your app will receive a token which then you should use to show the logged in pages.
quickstart for auth in python
MSAL Library

How do I configure Azure SSO between two Azure AD Instances?

I am very new to SSO and am having trouble enabling cross company SSO. I work on a React SPA and used the MSAL React Library to implement SSO for our application. I created a non-gallery Enterprise Application in Azure, and used that subscription information to validate users on the application during login. This is all working as expected.
After providing our SAML SSO configuration to companyB, the user at companyB cannot sign on and is getting the following error...
"Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'XYZ' and cannot access the application '123-456-789' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a different account."
To me, that means I need to manually add the user who is attempting to log in, but that would negate the usefulness of integrating the two Azure ADs. I've provided all of my SAML configuration to companyB, and still no luck. What could I be missing?
In order to create the link between the two Azure ADs, the user just needs to create a non gallery application with SAML SSO enabled and the SAML config, right? Any insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated!
I realized my code was configured to only work for one tenant, pointing to the common login endpoint solved this issue.

Integrating Microsoft Authenticator with Web Application

We have successfully integrated our web application to utilize Azure AD for authentication using a SAML2 component called SAML SSO from ComponentPro, but our application also provides for a user to sometimes submit their Username and Password (it's configurable) in order to check in a document or approve a revision. SAML has no provision for passing a username and password back to the IdP for "re-verification," so that's not an option.
What we'd like to do in this case is to integrate the Microsoft Authenticator tool so that when using Azure AD as the Authentication source, instead of prompting the user for their username and password, we prompt them for their Authenticator code that corresponds to their Business-created Azure Active Directory Account.
We've created the Microsoft Application, have the Application ID and the Application Secret Password, but searching everywhere, I can't find anything to finish this seemingly simple task.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated!
All The Best,
Have a look at this
MFA (including the Authenticator app) and OTP-only authentication are available with Azure AD (Now even with the Azure AD free plan) and the link offers some more information on how to integrate with your application.

Angular 2 - Windows Authentication - without .NET - Node JS API

My application is an Angular 2+ SPA, which uses Azure Active Directory and the back end API is implemented in Node JS. Currently, when an user tries to login, an Azure pop-up appears, User enter login/password which will get authenticated in AD, AD returns a bearer token which I use to authenticate Node JS API.
My requirement is, to use Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). The Front End should use Windows authentication to get the bearer token from AD instead of asking user to enter login/password. How Can I do that? Whatever articles I see about this, all talk about IIS and .Net based application. Should I always use .NET based API to use Windows Authentication? Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
Just a note, the API is an enterprise application hosted in the cloud. All the users are internal company employees and are registered with AD.
Given you already have Azure AD sync setup, the following may be useful. AAD Connect allows you to seamlessly login with SSO:
Azure services doesn't support Windows Authentication, unless you setup a VM with IIS. I assume by your requirements "...Get the bearer token instead of asking user to enter login/password" mean single signon. That is, when a user is logged into the domain on their PC, they don't have to login again to your application.
There are a few ways to approach this depending on your AD configuration, but usually you have to configure ADFS for your organisation AD to allow your cloud app to authenticate you. If you are already logged in, it will simply redirect you and your app will receive the bearer token.
Another option is to connect your organisation AD with Azure AD, using Azure AD sync. The following link helps with this. You would then configure your app to authenticate against Azure AD (as it currently does).
AD configuration is not a simple configuration,

Checking a user exists in Azure Active Directory B2C

I am creating a new Azure AD B2C authenticated site to replace an older Forms Authenticated one. In the new site, I am asking the user to initially enter their email address so I can check if they exist in Azure B2C and send them to the appropriate sign-in page and if not send them to the older Forms Authenticated site.
The issue is I have when following Microsoft's tutorials, is that they show user management but they all require you to have logged in with your Azure account first and obviously this is not possible given the system I am trying to build. Is what I am doing even possible?
Thanks in advance!
MS tutorials:
Sadly, it seems like this is not possible within the Azure B2C Preview.
From the limitations section ( there is this paragraph which describes what I am trying to do:
Daemons / Server Side Applications
Applications that contain long running processes or that operate without the presence of a user also need a way to access secured resources, such as Web APIs. These applications can authenticate and get tokens using the application's identity (rather than a consumer's delegated identity) using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow. This flow is not yet available in Azure AD B2C preview - which is to say that applications can only get tokens after an interactive consumer sign-in flow has occurred.
So it seems like this is currently not possible. Hopefully it'll work once it comes out of preview.
Be careful with this, check if your site is not vulnerable to username enumeration:
With the old users going to forms based authentication, you could call the Graph API to create the users in the B2C directory:
Then the next time they can login through B2C
