How to set up ACL by not using RBAC in ADLS gen2? - azure

Please let me know how did you set up the ACL by not using RBAC. I tried the below steps:
Created a user in Active Directory
In Storage(Gen2) -> IAM -> Gave the reader access to the user
In Storage Explorer - > Right click on the root folder -> manage access - > Giving Read, Write and execute permission.
Still this is not working. I guess since i have given reader role in IAM, ACL is not getting applied.
However if i do not set read access in IAM. User is unable to see the storage account when he is logging to the Azure portal. Please Let me know how shall i apply ACL ?
I have 5 folders. I want to give rwx access to 3 folders for DE team and rx access to DS team.

If you use ACL to access ADLS Gen2 via Azure portal, it is impossible. Because in Azure portal, in default users will use account key to access ADLS Gen2. So users should have permission to list the account key. But ACL cannot do that. For more details, please refer to here. If you want to use ACL, I suggest you use azcopy.
For example
My ADLS Gen2
I want to list all files in the folder result_csv.
Configure ACL. For more details about ACL, please refer to here
Operation / result_csv/
list /result_csv --x r-x
azcopy login --tenant-id <your tenant>
azcopy list "your url"


ADLS Gen2 --> ACL on a folder level

I have a question regarding permissions for ADLS Gen2
short description:
I have a Gen2 storage account and created a container.
Folder Structure looks something like this
--->Files 1....n
Also i have a service principal from a customer..
Now i have to provide the customer write only permission to only Folder1 (should not be able to delete files inside Folder1)
I have assigned the service principle below permissions in the Access control list
Container1 --> Execute
Folder1 --> Write , Execute
with this the customer can now put data into this Folder1.. but how do i prevent him from deleting any files inside it? ( i dont wanna use SAS )
Or is there any other way other than ACL?
Please help :)
ACL for ADLSgen2
Please check if below can be worked.
ACLs are the way to control access to be applied on the file and
folder level unlike others which are for container level.
Best practice is to always restrict access using (Azure RBAC)
on the Storage Account/Container level has several Azure built-in
roles that you can assign to users, groups, service principals, and
managed identities and then combine with ACLs with more restrictive
control on the file and folder level.
Ex: Storage Blob Data Contributor has read/write/delete permission .Assign an Azure role
If the built-in roles don't meet the specific needs of your
organization, you can create your own Azure custom roles.
To assign roles, you must be assigned a role that has role assignments write permission, such as Owner or User Access Administrator at the scope you are trying to assign the role.
To create a custom role with customized permissions.
Create a new file C:\CustomRoles\customrole1.json like example below. The ID should be set to null on initial role creation as a
new ID is generated automatically.
"Name": "Restrict user from delete operation on Storage",
"ID": null,
"IsCustom": true,
"Description": "This role will restrict the user from delete operation on the storage account. However, customer will be able to see the storage account, container, blob.",
"Actions": [
"NotActions": [
"DataActions": [
"NotDataActions": [
"AssignableScopes": [
Using the above role definition, by running the below powershell script to create a custom role:
New-AzRoleDefinition -InputFile "C:\CustomRoles\customrole1.json"
see below References: for details.
How to restrict the user from upload/download or delete blob in
storage account - Microsoft Tech Community
Azure built-in roles - Azure RBAC | Microsoft Docs
Also try to enable soft delete to restore delete actions if the role has delete permissions .
Though mentioned to not use .Just in case .Shared access signature (SAS) can be used to restrict access to blob container or an individual blob. Folder in blob storage is virtual and not a real folder. You may refer to the suggestion mentioned in this article
Cannot delete blobs from ADLS gen2 when connected via Private Endpoint - Microsoft Q&A
Authorize with Azure Active Directory (REST API) - Azure Storage | Microsoft Docs

Azure Synapse severless SQL pool - query execution fails

After completing tutorial 1, I am working on this tutorial 2 from Microsoft Azure team to run the following query (shown in step 3). But the query execution gives the error shown below:
Question: What may be the cause of the error, and how can we resolve it?
TOP 100 *
BULK '',
) AS [result]
Warning: No datasets were found that match the expression ''. Schema cannot be determined since no files were found matching the name pattern(s) ''. Please use WITH clause in the OPENROWSET function to define the schema.
NOTE: The path of the file in the container is correct, and actually I generated the following query just by right clicking the file inside container and generated the script as shown below:
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account name: contosolake
Container name: users
Firewall settings used on the Azure Data lake account:
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account is allowing public access (ref):
Container has required access level (ref)
The owner of the subscription is someone else, and I did not get the option Check the "Assign myself the Storage Blob Data Contributor role on the Data Lake Storage Gen2 account" box described in item 3 of Basics tab > Workspace details section of tutorial 1. I also do not have permissions to add roles - although I'm the owner of synapse workspace. So I am using workaround described in the Configure anonymous public read access for containers and blobs from Azure team.
If you are unable to granting Storage Blob Data Contributor, use ACL to grant permissions.
All users that need access to some data in this container also needs
to have the EXECUTE permission on all parent folders up to the root
(the container). Learn more about how to set ACLs in Azure Data Lake
Storage Gen2.
Execute permission on the container level needs to be set within the
Azure Data Lake Gen2. Permissions on the folder can be set within
Azure Synapse.
Go to the container holding NYCTripSmall.parquet.
As per your update in comments, it seems you would have to do as below.
Contact the Owner of the storage account, and ask them to perform the following tasks:
Assign the workspace MSI to the Storage Blob Data Contributor role on
the storage account
Assign you to the Storage Blob Data Contributor role on the storage
I was able to get the query results following the tutorial doc you have mentioned for the same dataset.
Since you confirm that the file is present and in the right path, refresh linked ADLS source and publish query before running, just in case if a transient issue.
Two things I suspect are
Try setting Microsoft network routing in Network Routing settings in ADLS account.
Check if built-in pool is online and you have atleast contributer roles on both Synapse workspace and Storage account. (If the current credentials using to run the query has not created the resources)

Folder level access control in ADLS Gen2 for upcoming users

I have a Gen2 storage account and created a container.
Folder Structure looks something like this
->Files 1....n
->Files 1....m
I want to give read only access to the user only for normal-data and NOT sensitive-data
This can be achieved by setting ACL's on the folder level and giving access to the security service principle.
But limitation of this approach is user can only access the files which are loaded into the directory after the ACL is set up, hence cannot access the files which are already present inside the directory.
Because of this limitation, new users cannot be given full read access (unless new users use the same service principle, which is not the ideal scenario in my usecase)
Please suggest a read-only access method in ADLS Gen2, where
If files are already present under a folder and a new user is onboarded, he should be able to read all the files under the folder
New user should get access to only normal-data folder and NOT to sensitive-data
PS : There is a script for assigning ACL's recursively. But as I will get close to million records each day under normal-data folder, it would not be feasible for me to use the recursive ACL script
You could create an Azure AD security group and give that group read only access to the read-only folder.
Then you can add new users to the security group.

Grant access to Azure Data Lake Gen2 Access via ACLs only (no RBAC)

my goal is to restrict access to a Azure Data Lake Gen 2 storage on a directory level (which should be possible according to Microsoft's promises).
I have two directories data, and sensitive in a data lake gen 2 container. For a specific user, I want to grant read access to the directory data and prevent any access to directory sensitive.
Along the documentation I removed all RBAC assignements for that user (on storage account as well as data lake container) so that I have no inherited read access on the directories. Then I added a Read-ACL statement to the data directory for that user.
My expectation:
The user can directly download files from the data directory.
The user can not access files of the sensitive directoy
When I try to download files from the data directory I get a 403 ServiceCode=AuthorizationPermissionMismatch
az storage blob directory download -c containername -s data --account-name XXX --auth-mode login -d "./download" --recursive
RESPONSE Status: 403 This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.
I expect that this should work. Otherwhise I only can grant access by assigning the Storage Blob Reader role but that applies to all directory and file within a container and cannot be overwritten by ACL statements. Did I something wrong here?
According to my research, if you want to grant a security principal read access to a file, we need to give the security principal Execute permissions to the container, and to each folder in the hierarchy of folders that lead to the file. for more details, please refer to the document
I found that I could not get ACLs to work without an RBAC role. I ended up creating a custom "Storage Blob Container Reader" RBAC role in my resource group with only permission "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/read" to prevent access to listing and reading the actual blobs.

Azure Data Lake Service Principal write w/ Data Factory

I have created a Service Principal, and set up the necessary linked services to utilise the credentials and secret key etc in ADF, here is a run down of how this is done:
When i execute my pipeline, and the files are written to the ADL, i can see the top level folder (i am logged in the creator of the ADL service, and am also a contributor on the Resource Group), but i am absolutely unable to drill down any further.
The error i receive basically boils down an ACL error.
Interestingly, i also not at the Execution Location is listed as: East US 2 when using the service principal.
When i manually authenticate the ADL connection in Data Factory (with my own credentials), every works absolutely fine, and the 'execution location' is now listed, correctly, as North Europe.
Has anyone ever seen this?
Helpful Reading:
The problem that you are running into is like an ACL issue as you mentioned. By just having contributor access, you only have access and permission on the Management Plane and not the Data Plane of the account.
Here is the mental model for thinking about ACLs
If you need to be able to read a file, you need r-x access on that file, and --x permissions on the parent folder all the way up to root.
If you create a new folder, and you create an Default ACL entry for yourself, it will apply to all new files and folders created below it.
To address your issue, please ask a Super User (someone from the Owners group) to give you this access.
Alternatively if you are an owner, you will have RWX access to any files/folder indepedent of any ACLs.
This should solve your problem.
