Creating Dataframes in PySpark - apache-spark

I'm trying to create a dataframe from a list
Can someone let me know why I'm getting the error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: The number of columns doesn't match.
with the following
from pyspark.sql.types import *
test_list = ['green', 'peter']
df = spark.createDataFrame(test_list,StringType()).toDF("color", "name")

The test_list should contain the list of rows where the rows should be a tuple or list like
test_list = [('green', 'peter')]
test_list = [['green', 'peter']]
In case more than one rows it will be like
test_list = [('green', 'peter'), ('red', 'brialle')]
df = spark.createDataFrame(test_list, schema=["color", "name"])
Results in
|color| name |
|green|peter |
|red |brialle |
Reference: CreateDataFrame

required_columns = ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone_numbers', 'courses']
target_column_names = ['user_id', 'user_first_name', 'user_last_name', 'user_email', 'user_phone_numbers', 'enrolled_courses']
users_df. \
select(required_columns). \
toDF(*target_column_names). \


Split column with JSON string to columns each containing one key-value pair from the string

I have a data frame that looks like this (one column named "value" with a JSON string in it). I send it to an Event Hub using Kafka API and then I want to read that data from the Event Hub and apply some transformations to it. The data is in received in binary format, as described in the Kafka documentation.
Here are a few columns in CSV format:
What I want to do is to apply a transformation and create a data frame with 3 columns one with id, one with latitude and one with longitude.
This is what I tried but the result is not what I expected:
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType
from pyspark.sql.functions import from_json
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
# df is the data frame received from Kafka
location_schema = StructType().add("id", "string").add("latitude", "float").add("longitude", "float")
string_df = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)").withColumn("value", from_json(F.col("value"), location_schema))
And this is the result:
It created a "value" column with a structure as a value. Any idea what to do to obtain 3 different columns, as I described?
Your df:
df = spark.createDataFrame(
(1, '{"id":"e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8","latitude":"34.5016064725731","longitude":"123.43996453687777"}'),
(2, '{"id":"32782100-9b59-49c7-9d56-bb4dfc368a86","latitude":"49.938541626415144","longitude":"111.88360885971986"}'),
(3, '{"id":"a72a600f-2b99-4c41-a388-9a24c00545c0","latitude":"4.988768300413497","longitude":"-141.92727675177588"}'),
(4, '{"id":"5a5f056a-cdfd-4957-8e84-4d5271253509","latitude":"41.802942545247134","longitude":"90.45164573613573"}'),
(5, '{"id":"d00d0926-46eb-45dd-9e35-ab765804340d","latitude":"70.60161063520081","longitude":"20.566520665122482"}'),
(6, '{"id":"dda14397-6922-4bb6-9be3-a1546f08169d","latitude":"68.400462882435","longitude":"135.7167027587489"}'),
(7, '{"id":"c7f13b8a-3468-4bc6-9db4-e0b1b34bf9ea","latitude":"26.04757722355835","longitude":"175.20227554031783"}'),
(8, '{"id":"97f8f1cf-3aa0-49bb-b3d5-05b736e0c883","latitude":"35.52624182094499","longitude":"-164.18066699972852"}'),
(9, '{"id":"6bed49bc-ee93-4ed9-893f-4f51c7b7f703","latitude":"-24.319581484353847","longitude":"85.27338980948076"}')
['id', 'value']
|value |
|{"id":"e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8","latitude":"34.5016064725731","longitude":"123.43996453687777"} |
|{"id":"5a5f056a-cdfd-4957-8e84-4d5271253509","latitude":"41.802942545247134","longitude":"90.45164573613573"} |
|{"id":"d00d0926-46eb-45dd-9e35-ab765804340d","latitude":"70.60161063520081","longitude":"20.566520665122482"} |
|{"id":"dda14397-6922-4bb6-9be3-a1546f08169d","latitude":"68.400462882435","longitude":"135.7167027587489"} |
|{"id":"c7f13b8a-3468-4bc6-9db4-e0b1b34bf9ea","latitude":"26.04757722355835","longitude":"175.20227554031783"} |
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import *
json_schema = StructType([
StructField("id", StringType(), True),
StructField("latitude", FloatType(), True),
StructField("longitude", FloatType(), True)
.withColumn('json', F.from_json(F.col('value'), json_schema))\
|id |latitude |longitude |
|e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8|34.5016064725731 |123.43996453687777 |
|32782100-9b59-49c7-9d56-bb4dfc368a86|49.938541626415144 |111.88360885971986 |
|a72a600f-2b99-4c41-a388-9a24c00545c0|4.988768300413497 |-141.92727675177588|
|5a5f056a-cdfd-4957-8e84-4d5271253509|41.802942545247134 |90.45164573613573 |
|d00d0926-46eb-45dd-9e35-ab765804340d|70.60161063520081 |20.566520665122482 |
|dda14397-6922-4bb6-9be3-a1546f08169d|68.400462882435 |135.7167027587489 |
|c7f13b8a-3468-4bc6-9db4-e0b1b34bf9ea|26.04757722355835 |175.20227554031783 |
|97f8f1cf-3aa0-49bb-b3d5-05b736e0c883|35.52624182094499 |-164.18066699972852|
|6bed49bc-ee93-4ed9-893f-4f51c7b7f703|-24.319581484353847|85.27338980948076 |
If pattern remains unchanged then you can use regexp_replace()
>>> df ="header",False).option("inferSchema",True).csv("/dir1/dir2/Sample2.csv")
|_c0 |_c1 |_c2 |
|"{""id"":""e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8""|""latitude"":""34.5016064725731"" |""longitude"":""123.43996453687777""}" |
|"{""id"":""32782100-9b59-49c7-9d56-bb4dfc368a86""|""latitude"":""49.938541626415144"" |""longitude"":""111.88360885971986""}" |
|"{""id"":""a72a600f-2b99-4c41-a388-9a24c00545c0""|""latitude"":""4.988768300413497"" |""longitude"":""-141.92727675177588""}"|
|"{""id"":""5a5f056a-cdfd-4957-8e84-4d5271253509""|""latitude"":""41.802942545247134"" |""longitude"":""90.45164573613573""}" |
|"{""id"":""d00d0926-46eb-45dd-9e35-ab765804340d""|""latitude"":""70.60161063520081"" |""longitude"":""20.566520665122482""}" |
|"{""id"":""dda14397-6922-4bb6-9be3-a1546f08169d""|""latitude"":""68.400462882435"" |""longitude"":""135.7167027587489""}" |
|"{""id"":""c7f13b8a-3468-4bc6-9db4-e0b1b34bf9ea""|""latitude"":""26.04757722355835"" |""longitude"":""175.20227554031783""}" |
|"{""id"":""97f8f1cf-3aa0-49bb-b3d5-05b736e0c883""|""latitude"":""35.52624182094499"" |""longitude"":""-164.18066699972852""}"|
|"{""id"":""6bed49bc-ee93-4ed9-893f-4f51c7b7f703""|""latitude"":""-24.319581484353847""|""longitude"":""85.27338980948076""}" |
>>> df.withColumn("id",regexp_replace('_c0','\"\{\"\"id\"\":\"\"','')).withColumn("id",regexp_replace('id','\"\"','')).withColumn("latitude",regexp_replace('_c1','\"\"latitude\"\":\"\"','')).withColumn("latitude",regexp_replace('latitude','\"\"','')).withColumn("longitude",regexp_replace('_c2','\"\"longitude\"\":\"\"','')).withColumn("longitude",regexp_replace('longitude','\"\"\}\"','')).drop("_c0").drop("_c1").drop("_c2").show()
| id| latitude| longitude|
|e52f247c-f46c-402...| 34.5016064725731| 123.43996453687777|
|32782100-9b59-49c...| 49.938541626415144| 111.88360885971986|
|a72a600f-2b99-4c4...| 4.988768300413497|-141.92727675177588|
|5a5f056a-cdfd-495...| 41.802942545247134| 90.45164573613573|
|d00d0926-46eb-45d...| 70.60161063520081| 20.566520665122482|
|dda14397-6922-4bb...| 68.400462882435| 135.7167027587489|
|c7f13b8a-3468-4bc...| 26.04757722355835| 175.20227554031783|
|97f8f1cf-3aa0-49b...| 35.52624182094499|-164.18066699972852|
|6bed49bc-ee93-4ed...|-24.319581484353847| 85.27338980948076|
You can use json_tuple to extract values from JSON string.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame(
cols = ['id', 'latitude', 'longitude']
df ='value', *cols)).toDF(*cols)
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
# |id |latitude |longitude |
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
# |e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8|34.5016064725731|123.43996453687777|
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
If needed, cast to double:
.withColumn('latitude', F.col('latitude').cast('double'))
.withColumn('longitude', F.col('longitude').cast('double'))
It's easy to extract JSON string as columns using inline and from_json
df = spark.createDataFrame(
df = df.selectExpr(
"inline(array(from_json(value, 'struct<id:string, latitude:string, longitude:string>')))"
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
# |id |latitude |longitude |
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
# |e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8|34.5016064725731|123.43996453687777|
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
I used the sample data provided, created a dataframe called df and proceeded to use the same method as you.
The following is the image of the rows present inside df dataframe.
The fields are not displayed as required because of the their datatype. The values for latitude and longitude are present as string types in the dataframe df. But while creating the schema location_schema you have specified their type as float. Instead, try changing their type to string and later convert them to double type. The code looks as shown below:
location_schema = StructType().add("id", "string").add("latitude", "string").add("longitude", "string")
string_df = df.selectExpr('CAST(value AS STRING)').withColumn("value", from_json(F.col("value"), location_schema))
Now using DataFrame.withColumn(), Column.withField() and cast() convert the string type fields latitude and longitude to Double Type.
string_df = string_df.withColumn("value", col("value").withField("latitude", col("value.latitude").cast(DoubleType())))\
.withColumn("value", col("value").withField("longitude", col("value.longitude").cast(DoubleType())))
So, you can get the desired output as shown below.
To get separate columns you can simply use json_tuple() method. Refer to this official spark documentation:
pyspark.sql.functions.json_tuple — PySpark 3.3.0 documentation (

Explode array values into multiple columns using PySpark

I am new to pyspark and I want to explode array values in such a way that each value gets assigned to a new column. I tried using explode but I couldn't get the desired output. Below is my output
this is the code
from pyspark.sql import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode
if __name__ == "__main__":
spark = SparkSession.builder \
.master("local[3]") \
.appName("DataOps") \
dataFrameJSON = \
.option("multiLine", True) \
.option("mode", "PERMISSIVE") \
sub_DF ="values.line").alias("new_values"))
sub_DF2 ="new_values.*")
new_DF ="id", "period.*", "property")
this is data:
"values" : {
"line" : [
"id" : 1,
"period" : {
"start_ts" : "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
"end_ts" : "2020-01-01T00:15:00"
"property" : [
"name" : "PID",
"val" : "P120E12345678"
"name" : "EngID",
"val" : "PANELID00000000"
"name" : "TownIstat",
"val" : "12058091"
"name" : "ActiveEng",
"val" : "5678.1"
Could you include the data instead of screenshots ?
Meanwhile, assuming that df is the dataframe being used, what we need to do, is to create a new dataframe, while exrtracting the vals from the previous property array to new columns, and droping the property column at last :
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
output_df = df.withColumn("PID", col("property")[0].val).withColumn("EngID", col("property")[1].val).withColumn("TownIstat", col("property")[2].val).withColumn("ActiveEng", col("property")[3].val).drop("property")
In case the elementwas of type ArrayType use the following :
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
output_df = df.withColumn("PID", col("property")[0][1]).withColumn("EngID", col("property")[1][1]).withColumn("TownIstat", col("property")[2][1]).withColumn("ActiveEng", col("property")[3][1]).drop("property")
Explode will explode the arrays into new Rows, not columns, see this : pyspark explode
This is a general solution and works even when the JSONs are messy (different ordering of elements or if some of the elements are missing)
You got to flatten first, regexp_replace to split the 'property' column and finally pivot. This also avoids hard coding of the new column names.
Constructing your dataframe:
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
schema = StructType([StructField("id", IntegerType()), StructField("start_ts", StringType()), StructField("end_ts", StringType()), \
StructField("property", ArrayType(StructType( [StructField("name", StringType()), StructField("val", StringType())] )))])
data = [[1, "2010", "2020", [["PID", "P123"], ["Eng", "PA111"], ["Town", "999"], ["Act", "123.1"]]],\
[2, "2011", "2012", [["PID", "P456"], ["Eng", "PA222"], ["Town", "777"], ["Act", "234.1"]]]]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data,schema=schema)
|id |start_ts|end_ts|property |
|1 |2010 |2020 |[[PID, P123], [Eng, PA111], [Town, 999], [Act, 123.1]]|
|2 |2011 |2012 |[[PID, P456], [Eng, PA222], [Town, 777], [Act, 234.1]]|
Flattening and pivoting:
df_flatten = df.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: [(x[0],x[1], x[2], y) for y in x[3]]).toDF(['id', 'start_ts', 'end_ts', 'property'])\
.select('id', 'start_ts', 'end_ts', col("property").cast("string"))
df_split ='id', 'start_ts', 'end_ts', regexp_replace(, "[\[\]]", "").alias("replacced_col"))\
.withColumn("arr", split(col("replacced_col"), ", "))\
.select(col("arr")[0].alias("col1"), col("arr")[1].alias("col2"), 'id', 'start_ts', 'end_ts')
final_df = df_split.groupby(,)\
| id| Act| Eng| PID|Town|start_ts|end_ts|
| 1|123.1|PA111|P123| 999| 2010| 2020|
| 2|234.1|PA222|P456| 777| 2011| 2012|

Performance improvement for UDFs - get column name of least value per row in pyspark

I use this udf:
mincol = F.udf(lambda row: cols[row.index(min(row))], StringType())
df = df.withColumn("mycol", mincol(F.struct([df[x] for x in cols])))
to get the column name for least value per row as value for another column called 'mycol'.
But this code is very slow.
Any suggestions to improve performance?
I am using Pyspark 2.3
Here is another solution for Spark 2.3 which uses only built-in functions:
from sys import float_info
from pyspark.sql.functions import array, least, col, lit, concat_ws, expr
cols = df.columns
col_names = array(list(map(lit, cols)))
set_cols = list(map(col, cols))
# replace null with largest python float \
.withColumn("min", least(*cols)) \
.withColumn("cnames", col_names) \
.withColumn("set", concat_ws(",", *set_cols)) \
.withColumn("min_col", expr("cnames[find_in_set(min, set) - 1]")) \
.select(*[cols + ["min_col"]]) \
Fill all nulls with the larger possible float number. This is a good candidate for null replacement since is hard to find a larger value.
Find min column using least.
Create the column cnames for storing the column names.
Create the column set, which contains all the values as a comma-separated string.
Create the column min_col using find_in_set. The function handles each string item separately and will return the index of the found item. Finally, we use the index with cnames[indx - 1] to retrieve the column name.
Here is an approach without udf. The idea is to create an array containing the value and name of each column and then sort this array.
df1 = spark.createDataFrame([
(1., 2., 3.),(3.,2.,1.), (9.,8.,-1.), (1.2, 1.2, 9.1), (3., None, 1.0)], \
["col1", "col2", "col3"])
cols = df1.columns
col_string = ', '.join("'{0}'".format(c) for c in cols)
df1 = df1.withColumn("vals", F.array(cols)) \
.withColumn("cols", F.expr("Array(" + col_string + ")")) \
.withColumn("zipped", F.arrays_zip("vals", "cols")) \
.withColumn("without_nulls", F.expr("filter(zipped, x -> not x.vals is null)")) \
.withColumn("sorted", F.expr("array_sort(without_nulls)")) \
.withColumn("min", F.col("sorted")[0].cols) \
.drop("vals", "cols", "zipped", "without_nulls", "sorted")
|col1|col2|col3|min |
|1.0 |2.0 |3.0 |col1|
|3.0 |2.0 |1.0 |col3|
|9.0 |8.0 |-1.0|col3|
|1.2 |1.2 |9.1 |col1|
|3.0 |null|1.0 |col3|

Remove duplicated fields in RDD from input data

my input csv data, some rows contains repeated fields or some missing fields, from this data i want to remove the duplicate fields from each row and then all rows should contain all the fields, with value as NULL is wherever it does not contain fields.
Try this:
def transform(line):
>>> s = 'id:111|name:dave|age:33|city:london'
>>> transform(s)
('id:111', {'age': '33', 'name': 'dave', 'city': 'london'})
bits = line.split("|")
key = bits[0]
pairs = [v.split(":") for v in bits[1:]]
return key, {kv[0].strip(): kv[1].strip() for kv in pairs if len(kv) == 2}
rdd = (sc
Find keys:
from operator import attrgetter
keys = rdd.values().flatMap(lambda d: d.keys()).distinct().collect()
Create data frame:
df = rdd.toDF(["id", "map"])
And expand:["id"] + [df["map"][k] for k in keys]).show()
So I assume that you have rdd already from the text file. I create one here:
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([(u'id:111', u'name:dave', u'dept:marketing', u'age:33', u'city:london'),
(u'id:123', u'name:jhon', u'dept:hr', u'city:newyork'),
(u'id:100', u'name:peter', u'dept:marketing', u'name:peter', u'age:30', u'city:london'),
(u'id:222', u'name:smith', u'dept:finance', u'city:boston'),
(u'id:234', u'name:peter', u'dept:service', u'name:peter', u'dept:service', u'age:32', u'city:richmond')])
I just make the function to map the rdd into key and value pair and also remove the duplicated one
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import *
def split_to_dict(l):
l = list(set(l)) # drop duplicate here
kv_list = []
for e in l:
k, v = e.split(':')
kv_list.append({'key': k, 'value': v})
return kv_list
rdd_map = rdd.flatMap(lambda l: split_to_dict(l)).map(lambda x: Row(**x))
df = rdd_map.toDF()
Output example of first 5 rows
| key| value|
|city| london|
|name| dave|
| age| 33|
| id| 111|

Spark: return null from failed regexp_extract()

Suppose you try to extract a substring from a column of a dataframe. regexp_extract() returns a null if the field itself is null, but returns an empty string if field is not null but the expression is not found. How can you return a null value for the latter case?
df = spark.createDataFrame([(None),('foo'),('foo_bar')], StringType())'value', r'_(.+)', 1).alias('extracted')).show()
# +---------+
# |extracted|
# +---------+
# | null|
# | |
# | bar|
# +---------+
I'm not sure if regexp_extract() could ever return None for a String type. One thing you could do is replace empty strings with None using a user defined function:
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_extract, udf
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
df = spark.createDataFrame([(None),('foo'),('foo_bar')], StringType())
toNoneUDF = udf(lambda val: None if val == "" else val, StringType())
new_df ='value', r'_(.+)', 1).alias('extracted'))
new_df.withColumn("extracted", toNoneUDF(new_df.extracted)).show()
This should work:
df = spark.createDataFrame([(None),('foo'),('foo_bar')], StringType())
df ='value', r'_(.+)', 1).alias('extracted'))
when(col('extracted') != '', col('extracted'), lit(None))
In spark SQL, I've found a solution to count the number of regex occurrence, ignoring null values:
SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN rlike(col, "_(.+)") THEN 1 END)
FROM VALUES (NULL), ("foo"), ("foo_bar"), ("") AS tab(col);
I hope this will help some of you.
