Vlookup for an array of values - excel

1 manager Employee
2 M1 E1
3 M1 E2
4 M1 E44
5 M1 E41
6 M1 E34
7 M2 E100
8 M2 E17
9 M2 E29 and so on
I am making a dynamic dashboard where I need the employees under each manager to be dynamically reflected.
1 Input Manager M1 #basically user inputs one manager name here in this cell
2 E1
3 E2
4 E44
5 E41
6 E34
So when I input M1 manager in cell B1 of DashboardSheet , I should get all employees under him in below cells, similarly if I input any other manager , I should get all employees under that manager. Vlookup alone will return only the first employee corresponding to the manager, but i need all employees under him.
I have read that maybe vlookup with offset can do this. But I am not sure.
Can anyone please help?

If you have Office365 then you can easily do that with Filter formula. Try below formula as per screenshot.
If you do not have Office365 then use INDEX() and AGGREGATE() formula together. As per my screenshot use below formula to D2 cell.

What I started out on the assertion that what #Harun24HR can do with one formula VBA should be able to do with one line of code became the epic effort shown below. Obviously I failed. In the project's defense I point out that where you have formulas in a worksheet you should add protection to the sheet to prevent your formulas from being damaged and that adds significantly to the management effort, too.
With that said, the code below is a Worksheet_Change procedure which must be in the code module of your Dashboard sheet and responds to a change in cell B1 (TriggerRange). The function it calls can go with it to the same location. Adjust the 3 constants at the top of the code (a convenience #Harun can't offer because it's one of the advantages of using VBA). The point is that you can modify any or all of the 3 constants and never need to touch the rest of the code. That makes management whole a lot easier.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' 083
Const TriggerRange As String = "B1" ' cell where the change occurs
Const MgrClm As String = "A" ' change to suit
Const EmpClm As String = "C" ' change to suit
Dim List As Variant ' list of employees under one manager
Dim OutputRng As Range ' range to write result to
With Target
If .Address(0, 0) = TriggerRange Then
Set OutputRng = Range(.Offset(1), Cells(.Rows.Count, .Column).End(xlDown))
' keep one blank between the last employee and any other column content
List = EmployeeList(.Value, Columns(MgrClm).Column, Columns(EmpClm).Column)
' write to the cell below the changed cell
Set OutputRng = .Offset(1).Resize(UBound(List))
OutputRng.Value = Application.Transpose(List)
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Function EmployeeList(ByVal Crit As String, _
ByVal MgrClm As Long, _
ByVal EmpClm As Long) As Variant
' 083
Dim Fun As Variant ' function return array
Dim FltMode As Boolean ' Filter set by user
Dim Rng As Range ' working range
Dim RngArea As Range ' areas of the filtered range
Dim n As Long ' index to Fun
Dim R As Long ' loop counter: Rows
With Worksheets("Employees")
If .AutoFilterMode Then
FltMode = True
End If
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, EmpClm).End(xlUp))
With Rng
ReDim Fun(1 To .Rows.Count)
.AutoFilter Field:=MgrClm, Criteria1:=Crit
End With
On Error Resume Next
Set Rng = .AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1, 0) _
.Resize(.AutoFilter.Range.Rows.Count - 1) _
.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) ' omit header row
If Err.Number = 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
For Each RngArea In Rng.Areas
With RngArea
For R = 1 To .Rows.Count
n = n + 1
Fun(n) = .Cells(R, EmpClm).Value
Next R
End With
Next RngArea
End If
If Not FltMode Then .AutoFilter
End With
If n = 0 Then
n = 1
Fun(n) = "No subordinates"
End If
ReDim Preserve Fun(1 To n)
EmployeeList = Fun
End Function

Please, try the next VBA approach:
Copy the next Sub in a standard module. It will create a validation cell keeping the unique Manager names (not required, but helpful I think):
Sub setValidationUnique()
Dim shM As Worksheet, shD As Worksheet, rngV As Range, dict As Object
Dim lastRM As Long, i As Long
Set shM = Worksheets("ManagerEmployeeSheet")'use here your sheet name
Set shD = Worksheets("DashboardSheet") 'use here your sheet name
lastRM = shM.Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 2 To lastRM
dict(shM.Range("A" & i).value) = 1
Next i
Set rngV = shD.Range("B1")
With rngV.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=Join(dict.Keys, ",")
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
With shD.Range("A1")
.value = "Input Manager"
.Font.Bold = True
End With
shD.Activate: rngV.Select
End Sub
In the worksheet "DashboardSheet" module, copy the next event:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address(0, 0) <> "B1" Then Exit Sub
Dim shM As Worksheet, arrE As Variant, k As Long
Dim lastRM As Long, i As Long
Set shM = Worksheets("ManagerEmployeeSheet")
lastRM = shM.Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
ReDim arrE(0 To lastRM)
For i = 2 To lastRM
If shM.Range("A" & i).value = Target.value Then
arrE(k) = shM.Range("B" & i).value: k = k + 1
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve arrE(k - 1)
Target.Parent.Range(Target.Offset(1, -1), Target.Offset(1, -1).End(xlDown)).Clear
Application.EnableEvents = False
Target.Offset(1, -1).Resize(UBound(arrE) + 1, 1).value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arrE)
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Take care to appropriately name the necessary sheets, or name it "ManagerEmployeeSheet" and "DashboardSheet".
Play with the validated cell ("B1"), see the result and send some feedback.


filterout multiple value from table using vba [duplicate]

I have 8 variables in column A, 1,2,3,4,5 and A, B, C.
My aim is to filter out A, B, C and display only 1-5.
I can do this using the following code:
My_Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("1", "2", "3","4","5"), _
But what the code does is it filters variables 1 to 5 and displays them.
I want to do the opposite, but yielding the same result, by filtering out A, B, C and showing variables 1 to 5
I tried this code:
My_Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("<>A", "<>B", "<>C"), _
But it did not work.
Why cant I use this code ?
It gives this error:
Run time error 1004 autofilter method of range class failed
How can I perform this?
I think (from experimenting - MSDN is unhelpful here) that there is no direct way of doing this. Setting Criteria1 to an Array is equivalent to using the tick boxes in the dropdown - as you say it will only filter a list based on items that match one of those in the array.
Interestingly, if you have the literal values "<>A" and "<>B" in the list and filter on these the macro recorder comes up with
Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=<>A", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=<>B"
which works. But if you then have the literal value "<>C" as well and you filter for all three (using tick boxes) while recording a macro, the macro recorder replicates precisely your code which then fails with an error. I guess I'd call that a bug - there are filters you can do using the UI which you can't do with VBA.
Anyway, back to your problem. It is possible to filter values not equal to some criteria, but only up to two values which doesn't work for you:
Range("$A$1:$A$9").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>A", Criteria2:="<>B", Operator:=xlAnd
There are a couple of workarounds possible depending on the exact problem:
Use a "helper column" with a formula in column B and then filter on that - e.g. =ISNUMBER(A2) or =NOT(A2="A", A2="B", A2="C") then filter on TRUE
If you can't add a column, use autofilter with Criteria1:=">-65535" (or a suitable number lower than any you expect) which will filter out non-numeric values - assuming this is what you want
Write a VBA sub to hide rows (not exactly the same as an autofilter but it may suffice depending on your needs).
For example:
Public Sub hideABCRows(rangeToFilter As Range)
Dim oCurrentCell As Range
On Error GoTo errHandler
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each oCurrentCell In rangeToFilter.Cells
If oCurrentCell.Value = "A" Or oCurrentCell.Value = "B" Or oCurrentCell.Value = "C" Then
oCurrentCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next oCurrentCell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I don't have found any solution on Internet, so I have implemented one.
The Autofilter code with criteria is then
iColNumber = 1
Dim aFilterValueArray() As Variant
Call ConstructFilterValueArray(aFilterValueArray, iColNumber, Array("A", "B", "C"))
ActiveSheet.range(sRange).AutoFilter Field:=iColNumber _
, Criteria1:=aFilterValueArray _
, Operator:=xlFilterValues
In fact, the ConstructFilterValueArray() method (not function) get all distinct values that it found in a specific column and remove all values present in last argument.
The VBA code of this method is
'* ConstructFilterValueArray()
Sub ConstructFilterValueArray(a() As Variant, iCol As Integer, aRemoveArray As Variant)
Dim aValue As New Collection
Call GetDistinctColumnValue(aValue, iCol)
Call RemoveValueList(aValue, aRemoveArray)
Call CollectionToArray(a, aValue)
End Sub
'* GetDistinctColumnValue()
Sub GetDistinctColumnValue(ByRef aValue As Collection, iCol As Integer)
Dim sValue As String
iEmptyValueCount = 0
iLastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim oSheet: Set oSheet = Sheets("X")
.range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(iLastRow, iCol)) _
.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy _
, CopyToRange:=oSheet.range("A1") _
, Unique:=True
iRow = 2
Do While True
sValue = Trim(oSheet.Cells(iRow, 1))
If sValue = "" Then
If iEmptyValueCount > 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
iEmptyValueCount = iEmptyValueCount + 1
End If
aValue.Add sValue
iRow = iRow + 1
End Sub
'* RemoveValueList()
Sub RemoveValueList(ByRef aValue As Collection, aRemoveArray As Variant)
For i = LBound(aRemoveArray) To UBound(aRemoveArray)
sValue = aRemoveArray(i)
iMax = aValue.Count
For j = iMax To 0 Step -1
If aValue(j) = sValue Then
aValue.Remove (j)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
'* CollectionToArray()
Sub CollectionToArray(a() As Variant, c As Collection)
iSize = c.Count - 1
ReDim a(iSize)
For i = 0 To iSize
a(i) = c.Item(i + 1)
End Sub
This code can certainly be improved in returning an Array of String but working with Array in VBA is not easy.
CAUTION: this code work only if you define a sheet named X because CopyToRange parameter used in AdvancedFilter() need an Excel Range !
It's a shame that Microfsoft doesn't have implemented this solution in adding simply a new enum as xlNotFilterValues ! ... or xlRegexMatch !
Alternative using VBA's Filter function
As an innovative alternative to #schlebe 's recent answer, I tried to use the Filter function integrated in VBA, which allows to filter out a given search string setting the third argument to False. All "negative" search strings (e.g. A, B, C) are defined in an array. I read the criteria in column A to a datafield array and basicly execute a subsequent filtering (A - C) to filter these items out.
Sub FilterOut()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range, i As Integer, n As Long, v As Variant
' 1) define strings to be filtered out in array
Dim a() ' declare as array
a = Array("A", "B", "C") ' << filter out values
' 2) define your sheetname and range (e.g. criteria in column A)
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FilterOut")
n = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & n)
' 3) hide complete range rows temporarily
rng.EntireRow.Hidden = True
' 4) set range to a variant 2-dim datafield array
v = rng
' 5) code array items by appending row numbers
For i = 1 To UBound(v): v(i, 1) = v(i, 1) & "#" & i + 1: Next i
' 6) transform to 1-dim array and FILTER OUT the first search string, e.g. "A"
v = Filter(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, 0, 1)), a(0), False, False)
' 7) filter out each subsequent search string, i.e. "B" and "C"
For i = 1 To UBound(a): v = Filter(v, a(i), False, False): Next i
' 8) get coded row numbers via split function and unhide valid rows
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
ws.Range("A" & Split(v(i) & "#", "#")(1)).EntireRow.Hidden = False
Next i
End Sub
An option using AutoFilter
Option Explicit
Public Sub FilterOutMultiple()
Dim ws As Worksheet, filterOut As Variant, toHide As Range
Set ws = ActiveSheet
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ws.Cells) = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Empty sheet
filterOut = Split("A B C D E F G")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ws.UsedRange.Columns("A")
If ws.FilterMode Then .AutoFilter
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=filterOut, Operator:=xlFilterValues
With .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If .CountLarge > 1 Then Set toHide = .Cells 'Remember unwanted (A, B, and C)
End With
If Not toHide Is Nothing Then
toHide.Rows.Hidden = True 'Hide unwanted (A, B, and C)
.Cells(1).Rows.Hidden = False 'Unhide header
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Here an option using a list written on some range, populating an array that will be fiiltered. The information will be erased then the columns sorted.
Sub Filter_Out_Values()
'Automation to remove some codes from the list
Dim ws, ws1 As Worksheet
Dim myArray() As Variant
Dim x, lastrow As Long
Dim cell As Range
Set ws = Worksheets("List")
Set ws1 = Worksheets(8)
lastrow = ws.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Go through the list of codes to exclude
For Each cell In ws.Range("A2:A" & lastrow)
If cell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "X" Then 'If the Code is associated with "X"
ReDim Preserve myArray(x) 'Initiate array
myArray(x) = CStr(cell.Value) 'Populate the array with the code
x = x + 1 'Increase array capacity
ReDim Preserve myArray(x) 'Redim array
End If
Next cell
lastrow = ws1.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
ws1.Range("C2:C" & lastrow).AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=myArray, Operator:=xlFilterValues
ws1.Range("A2:Z" & lastrow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).ClearContents
ws1.Range("A2:Z" & lastrow).AutoFilter field:=3
'Sort columns
lastrow = ws1.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Sort with 2 criteria
With ws1.Range("A1:Z" & lastrow)
.Resize(lastrow).Sort _
key1:=ws1.Columns("B"), order1:=xlAscending, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
key2:=ws1.Columns("D"), order1:=xlAscending, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
Header:=xlYes, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, SortMethod:=xlPinYin
End With
End Sub
This works for me:
This is a criteria over two fields/columns (9 and 10), this filters rows with values >0 on column 9 and rows with values 4, 7, and 8 on column 10. lastrow is the number of rows on the data section.
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$O$" & lastrow).AutoFilter Field:=9, Criteria1:=">0", Operator:=xlAnd
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$O$" & lastrow).AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:=Arr("4","7","8"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
Okay, I solved it.
I've smashed my head about this problem several times over the years, but I've solved it.
All we need to do is look at all the values that are actually IN the filter range, and if they're not on the list of values we want to filter out, we add them to the "Filter For this item" list.
To note about this code:
I wrote this to act on multiple sheets, and I'm not going to change that as I'm at work and don't have time. I'm sure you can figure it out.
I don't think you need to work in Option base 1... But I am, so if you run into issues... might be that.
Despite how many hundreds of thousands of times it's checking and rechecking the same arrays, it's remarkably fast.
I'm sure there is a way to redim KeepArray, but I didn't have time to consider it.
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub FilterTable()
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim L As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim tblName As String
Dim filterArray
Dim SrcArray
Dim KeepArray(1 To 5000) ' you might be able to figure out a way to redim this easiely later on.. for now I'm just oversizing it.
N = 0
filterArray = Array("FilterMeOut007", _
"FilterMeOut006", _
"FilterMeOut005", _
"FilterMeOut004", _
"FilterMeOut003", _
"FilterMeOut002", _
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Debug.Print WS.Name
If Left(WS.Name, 4) = "AR -" Then
With WS
tblName = Replace(WS.Name, " ", "_")
Set tbl = WS.ListObjects(tblName)
SrcArray = tbl.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange
For I = 1 To UBound(SrcArray, 1)
If Not ExistsInArray(KeepArray, SrcArray(I, 1)) _
And Not ExistsInArray(filterArray, SrcArray(I, 1)) Then
N = N + 1
KeepArray(N) = SrcArray(I, 1)
End If
Next I
tbl.DataBodyRange.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=KeepArray, Operator:=xlFilterValues
End With
End If
Next WS
End Sub
Function ExistsInArray(arr, Val) As Boolean
Dim I As Long
ExistsInArray = False
For I = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If arr(I) = Val Then
ExistsInArray = True
Exit Function
End If
Next I
End Function
Please let me know if you run into any errors with this as I'd like to stress test and debug it as much as possible in the future to make it as portable as possible. I picture using it a lot.
Please check this one for filtering out values in a range; It works.
Selection.AutoFilter field:=33, Criteria1:="<>Array(IN1R,IN2R,INDA)", Operator:=xlFilterValues
Actually, the above code did not work. Hence I give a loop to hide the entire row whenever the active cell has the value that I am searching for.
For each cell in selection
If cell.value = “IN1R” or cell.value = “INR2” or cell.value = “INDA” then
Activecell.Entirerow.Hidden = True
End if

Compare All Cells in 2 Worksheets

I need to be able to compare every cell in 2 worksheets but the data won't always be in the same row as new data is added and exported constantly.
Range on both sheets would be fairly large, so for now I have limited it to A1:AS150. Any instance where a match cannot be found I'd like to highlight the cell.
I have found this, which looks close to what I need but doesn't work (obviously, I have added the Else code in my working example).
Sub test()
Dim varSheetA As Variant
Dim varSheetB As Variant
Dim strRangeToCheck As String
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
strRangeToCheck = "A1:AS150"
' If you know the data will only be in a smaller range, reduce the size of the ranges above.
Debug.Print Now
varSheetA = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(strRangeToCheck)
varSheetB = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(strRangeToCheck) ' or whatever your other sheet is.
Debug.Print Now
For iRow = LBound(varSheetA, 1) To UBound(varSheetA, 1)
For iCol = LBound(varSheetA, 2) To UBound(varSheetA, 2)
If varSheetA(iRow, iCol) = varSheetB(iRow, iCol) Then
' Cells are identical.
' Do nothing.
' Cells are different.
' Code goes here for whatever it is you want to do.
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
To answer 'Foxfire And Burns And Burns' Questions:
Checks: Does Sheet1.Cell$.Value exist in sheet2 but for every cell in the range on both sheets.
So in these examples:
Search Sheet1.A1 in Sheet 2, IF = Match Then nothing ELSE Highlight Red. Then A2, A3 etc, Then B1, B2 etc, Then C1, C2 etc...you get the gist.
You mention in your VBA code that something will need to be done, but in your example your just mean that a cell will be highlighted.
This is already covered by Excel's conditional formatting feature. You can be conditional formatting on a formula (in your case you might use a Match() function).
I would advise you to start working with a =Match() formula, in order to learn how this works (you might use =MATCH(A1,$B$1:$B$2,0) as an example, the dollarsigns are used for indicating that the lookup values are not to change), do it on different sheets and then try to get conditional formatting working, first basically and then based on your formula.
Sub test()
Dim varSheetA As Worksheet
Dim varSheetB As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim LR As Long
Set varSheetA = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set varSheetB = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
LR = varSheetA.Range("A" & varSheetA.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LR 'we start at first row of sheet 1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(varSheetB.Range("A:A"), varSheetA.Range("A" & i).Value) = 0 Then varSheetA.Range("A" & i).Interior.Color = vbRed
Next i
'clean variables
Set varSheetA = Nothing
Set varSheetB = Nothing
End Sub
The code will count each single cell value from column A from Sheet 1 and will check if it exists somewhere in column A in Sheet 2. If not, then highligh in red.
Output after executing code with the data example you've posted:
UPDATE": I made a fakedataset. Notice row Captain America. Values from columns A and C are same in both sheets, but different on column B
Sub test()
Dim varSheetA As Worksheet
Dim varSheetB As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim LR As Long
Dim MyPos As Long
Set varSheetA = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set varSheetB = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
LR = varSheetA.Range("A" & varSheetA.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LR 'we start at first row of sheet 1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(varSheetB.Range("C:C"), varSheetA.Range("C" & i).Value) > 0 Then
'Match found on Column C. Check A and B
MyPos = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(varSheetA.Range("C" & i).Value, varSheetB.Range("C:C"), 0)
If varSheetA.Range("A" & i).Value <> varSheetB.Range("A" & MyPost.Value Then varSheetA.Range("A" & i).Interior.Color = vbRed
If varSheetA.Range("B" & i).Value <> varSheetB.Range("B" & MyPos).Value Then varSheetA.Range("B" & i).Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
Next i
'clean variables
Set varSheetA = Nothing
Set varSheetB = Nothing
End Sub
That cell has been highlighet because is different.
Please, note this code will work only if all values in column C are unique.
Here is my code:
Option Explicit
Private Const SHEET_1 As String = "Sheet1"
Private Const SHEET_2 As String = "Sheet2"
Private Const FIRST_CELL As String = "A1"
Private Const MAX_ROWS As Long = 1048576
Private Const MAX_COLUMNS As Long = 16384
Private varSheetA As Worksheet
Private varSheetB As Worksheet
Private last_row As Long
Private last_column As Long
Private sheet1_row As Long
Private sheet1_column As Long
Private sheet2_row As Long
Private row_match As Boolean
Public Sub CompareTables()
Set varSheetA = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SHEET_1)
Set varSheetB = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SHEET_2)
'Gets the real Table size
For sheet1_row = 1 To MAX_ROWS - 1
If varSheetA.Range(FIRST_CELL).Offset(sheet1_row, 0).Value = vbNullString _
And varSheetB.Range(FIRST_CELL).Offset(sheet1_row, 0).Value = vbNullString Then
last_row = sheet1_row
Exit For
End If
For sheet1_column = 1 To MAX_ROWS - 1
If varSheetA.Range(FIRST_CELL).Offset(0, sheet1_column).Value = vbNullString _
And varSheetB.Range(FIRST_CELL).Offset(0, sheet1_column).Value = vbNullString Then
last_column = sheet1_column
Exit For
End If
'Sets color RED by default on both Tables
Call SetTextRed(varSheetA.Range(FIRST_CELL).Resize(last_row, last_column))
Call SetTextRed(varSheetB.Range(FIRST_CELL).Resize(last_row, last_column))
'Sweeps all existing ROWS on Sheet1
For sheet1_row = 1 To last_row
'Sweeps all existing ROWS on Sheet2
For sheet2_row = 1 To last_row
row_match = True
'Sweeps all existing COLUMNS on Sheet1 and Sheet2
For sheet1_column = 1 To last_column
If varSheetA.Range(FIRST_CELL).Offset(sheet1_row - 1, sheet1_column - 1).Value _
<> varSheetB.Range(FIRST_CELL).Offset(sheet2_row - 1, sheet1_column - 1).Value Then
row_match = False
Exit For
End If
If row_match Then Exit For 'Found and entire match, no need to search more
'Formats as Grren whenever is a Match
If row_match Then
Call SetTextGreen(varSheetA.Range(FIRST_CELL).Offset(sheet1_row - 1, 0).Resize(1, last_column))
Call SetTextGreen(varSheetB.Range(FIRST_CELL).Offset(sheet2_row - 1, 0).Resize(1, last_column))
End If
End Sub
'Sub Function that sets entire row text as RED
Private Sub SetTextRed(ByVal entireRow As Range)
With entireRow.Font
.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
End Sub
'Sub Function that sets entire row text as GREEN
Private Sub SetTextGreen(ByVal entireRow As Range)
With entireRow.Font
.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
End Sub

AutoFilter rows when multiple columns are 0 in VBA [duplicate]

I have 8 variables in column A, 1,2,3,4,5 and A, B, C.
My aim is to filter out A, B, C and display only 1-5.
I can do this using the following code:
My_Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("1", "2", "3","4","5"), _
But what the code does is it filters variables 1 to 5 and displays them.
I want to do the opposite, but yielding the same result, by filtering out A, B, C and showing variables 1 to 5
I tried this code:
My_Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("<>A", "<>B", "<>C"), _
But it did not work.
Why cant I use this code ?
It gives this error:
Run time error 1004 autofilter method of range class failed
How can I perform this?
I think (from experimenting - MSDN is unhelpful here) that there is no direct way of doing this. Setting Criteria1 to an Array is equivalent to using the tick boxes in the dropdown - as you say it will only filter a list based on items that match one of those in the array.
Interestingly, if you have the literal values "<>A" and "<>B" in the list and filter on these the macro recorder comes up with
Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=<>A", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=<>B"
which works. But if you then have the literal value "<>C" as well and you filter for all three (using tick boxes) while recording a macro, the macro recorder replicates precisely your code which then fails with an error. I guess I'd call that a bug - there are filters you can do using the UI which you can't do with VBA.
Anyway, back to your problem. It is possible to filter values not equal to some criteria, but only up to two values which doesn't work for you:
Range("$A$1:$A$9").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>A", Criteria2:="<>B", Operator:=xlAnd
There are a couple of workarounds possible depending on the exact problem:
Use a "helper column" with a formula in column B and then filter on that - e.g. =ISNUMBER(A2) or =NOT(A2="A", A2="B", A2="C") then filter on TRUE
If you can't add a column, use autofilter with Criteria1:=">-65535" (or a suitable number lower than any you expect) which will filter out non-numeric values - assuming this is what you want
Write a VBA sub to hide rows (not exactly the same as an autofilter but it may suffice depending on your needs).
For example:
Public Sub hideABCRows(rangeToFilter As Range)
Dim oCurrentCell As Range
On Error GoTo errHandler
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each oCurrentCell In rangeToFilter.Cells
If oCurrentCell.Value = "A" Or oCurrentCell.Value = "B" Or oCurrentCell.Value = "C" Then
oCurrentCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next oCurrentCell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I don't have found any solution on Internet, so I have implemented one.
The Autofilter code with criteria is then
iColNumber = 1
Dim aFilterValueArray() As Variant
Call ConstructFilterValueArray(aFilterValueArray, iColNumber, Array("A", "B", "C"))
ActiveSheet.range(sRange).AutoFilter Field:=iColNumber _
, Criteria1:=aFilterValueArray _
, Operator:=xlFilterValues
In fact, the ConstructFilterValueArray() method (not function) get all distinct values that it found in a specific column and remove all values present in last argument.
The VBA code of this method is
'* ConstructFilterValueArray()
Sub ConstructFilterValueArray(a() As Variant, iCol As Integer, aRemoveArray As Variant)
Dim aValue As New Collection
Call GetDistinctColumnValue(aValue, iCol)
Call RemoveValueList(aValue, aRemoveArray)
Call CollectionToArray(a, aValue)
End Sub
'* GetDistinctColumnValue()
Sub GetDistinctColumnValue(ByRef aValue As Collection, iCol As Integer)
Dim sValue As String
iEmptyValueCount = 0
iLastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim oSheet: Set oSheet = Sheets("X")
.range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(iLastRow, iCol)) _
.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy _
, CopyToRange:=oSheet.range("A1") _
, Unique:=True
iRow = 2
Do While True
sValue = Trim(oSheet.Cells(iRow, 1))
If sValue = "" Then
If iEmptyValueCount > 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
iEmptyValueCount = iEmptyValueCount + 1
End If
aValue.Add sValue
iRow = iRow + 1
End Sub
'* RemoveValueList()
Sub RemoveValueList(ByRef aValue As Collection, aRemoveArray As Variant)
For i = LBound(aRemoveArray) To UBound(aRemoveArray)
sValue = aRemoveArray(i)
iMax = aValue.Count
For j = iMax To 0 Step -1
If aValue(j) = sValue Then
aValue.Remove (j)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
'* CollectionToArray()
Sub CollectionToArray(a() As Variant, c As Collection)
iSize = c.Count - 1
ReDim a(iSize)
For i = 0 To iSize
a(i) = c.Item(i + 1)
End Sub
This code can certainly be improved in returning an Array of String but working with Array in VBA is not easy.
CAUTION: this code work only if you define a sheet named X because CopyToRange parameter used in AdvancedFilter() need an Excel Range !
It's a shame that Microfsoft doesn't have implemented this solution in adding simply a new enum as xlNotFilterValues ! ... or xlRegexMatch !
Alternative using VBA's Filter function
As an innovative alternative to #schlebe 's recent answer, I tried to use the Filter function integrated in VBA, which allows to filter out a given search string setting the third argument to False. All "negative" search strings (e.g. A, B, C) are defined in an array. I read the criteria in column A to a datafield array and basicly execute a subsequent filtering (A - C) to filter these items out.
Sub FilterOut()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range, i As Integer, n As Long, v As Variant
' 1) define strings to be filtered out in array
Dim a() ' declare as array
a = Array("A", "B", "C") ' << filter out values
' 2) define your sheetname and range (e.g. criteria in column A)
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FilterOut")
n = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & n)
' 3) hide complete range rows temporarily
rng.EntireRow.Hidden = True
' 4) set range to a variant 2-dim datafield array
v = rng
' 5) code array items by appending row numbers
For i = 1 To UBound(v): v(i, 1) = v(i, 1) & "#" & i + 1: Next i
' 6) transform to 1-dim array and FILTER OUT the first search string, e.g. "A"
v = Filter(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, 0, 1)), a(0), False, False)
' 7) filter out each subsequent search string, i.e. "B" and "C"
For i = 1 To UBound(a): v = Filter(v, a(i), False, False): Next i
' 8) get coded row numbers via split function and unhide valid rows
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
ws.Range("A" & Split(v(i) & "#", "#")(1)).EntireRow.Hidden = False
Next i
End Sub
An option using AutoFilter
Option Explicit
Public Sub FilterOutMultiple()
Dim ws As Worksheet, filterOut As Variant, toHide As Range
Set ws = ActiveSheet
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ws.Cells) = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Empty sheet
filterOut = Split("A B C D E F G")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ws.UsedRange.Columns("A")
If ws.FilterMode Then .AutoFilter
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=filterOut, Operator:=xlFilterValues
With .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If .CountLarge > 1 Then Set toHide = .Cells 'Remember unwanted (A, B, and C)
End With
If Not toHide Is Nothing Then
toHide.Rows.Hidden = True 'Hide unwanted (A, B, and C)
.Cells(1).Rows.Hidden = False 'Unhide header
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Here an option using a list written on some range, populating an array that will be fiiltered. The information will be erased then the columns sorted.
Sub Filter_Out_Values()
'Automation to remove some codes from the list
Dim ws, ws1 As Worksheet
Dim myArray() As Variant
Dim x, lastrow As Long
Dim cell As Range
Set ws = Worksheets("List")
Set ws1 = Worksheets(8)
lastrow = ws.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Go through the list of codes to exclude
For Each cell In ws.Range("A2:A" & lastrow)
If cell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "X" Then 'If the Code is associated with "X"
ReDim Preserve myArray(x) 'Initiate array
myArray(x) = CStr(cell.Value) 'Populate the array with the code
x = x + 1 'Increase array capacity
ReDim Preserve myArray(x) 'Redim array
End If
Next cell
lastrow = ws1.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
ws1.Range("C2:C" & lastrow).AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=myArray, Operator:=xlFilterValues
ws1.Range("A2:Z" & lastrow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).ClearContents
ws1.Range("A2:Z" & lastrow).AutoFilter field:=3
'Sort columns
lastrow = ws1.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Sort with 2 criteria
With ws1.Range("A1:Z" & lastrow)
.Resize(lastrow).Sort _
key1:=ws1.Columns("B"), order1:=xlAscending, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
key2:=ws1.Columns("D"), order1:=xlAscending, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
Header:=xlYes, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, SortMethod:=xlPinYin
End With
End Sub
This works for me:
This is a criteria over two fields/columns (9 and 10), this filters rows with values >0 on column 9 and rows with values 4, 7, and 8 on column 10. lastrow is the number of rows on the data section.
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$O$" & lastrow).AutoFilter Field:=9, Criteria1:=">0", Operator:=xlAnd
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$O$" & lastrow).AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:=Arr("4","7","8"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
Okay, I solved it.
I've smashed my head about this problem several times over the years, but I've solved it.
All we need to do is look at all the values that are actually IN the filter range, and if they're not on the list of values we want to filter out, we add them to the "Filter For this item" list.
To note about this code:
I wrote this to act on multiple sheets, and I'm not going to change that as I'm at work and don't have time. I'm sure you can figure it out.
I don't think you need to work in Option base 1... But I am, so if you run into issues... might be that.
Despite how many hundreds of thousands of times it's checking and rechecking the same arrays, it's remarkably fast.
I'm sure there is a way to redim KeepArray, but I didn't have time to consider it.
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub FilterTable()
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim L As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim tblName As String
Dim filterArray
Dim SrcArray
Dim KeepArray(1 To 5000) ' you might be able to figure out a way to redim this easiely later on.. for now I'm just oversizing it.
N = 0
filterArray = Array("FilterMeOut007", _
"FilterMeOut006", _
"FilterMeOut005", _
"FilterMeOut004", _
"FilterMeOut003", _
"FilterMeOut002", _
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Debug.Print WS.Name
If Left(WS.Name, 4) = "AR -" Then
With WS
tblName = Replace(WS.Name, " ", "_")
Set tbl = WS.ListObjects(tblName)
SrcArray = tbl.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange
For I = 1 To UBound(SrcArray, 1)
If Not ExistsInArray(KeepArray, SrcArray(I, 1)) _
And Not ExistsInArray(filterArray, SrcArray(I, 1)) Then
N = N + 1
KeepArray(N) = SrcArray(I, 1)
End If
Next I
tbl.DataBodyRange.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=KeepArray, Operator:=xlFilterValues
End With
End If
Next WS
End Sub
Function ExistsInArray(arr, Val) As Boolean
Dim I As Long
ExistsInArray = False
For I = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If arr(I) = Val Then
ExistsInArray = True
Exit Function
End If
Next I
End Function
Please let me know if you run into any errors with this as I'd like to stress test and debug it as much as possible in the future to make it as portable as possible. I picture using it a lot.
Please check this one for filtering out values in a range; It works.
Selection.AutoFilter field:=33, Criteria1:="<>Array(IN1R,IN2R,INDA)", Operator:=xlFilterValues
Actually, the above code did not work. Hence I give a loop to hide the entire row whenever the active cell has the value that I am searching for.
For each cell in selection
If cell.value = “IN1R” or cell.value = “INR2” or cell.value = “INDA” then
Activecell.Entirerow.Hidden = True
End if

VBA: Loop through merged cells and apply formatting for alternate rows

I've used VBA to filter out values from a different sheet and I'm thinking of how best to format it for readability.
I've merged similar values and would like to select the corresponding rows for each alternating merged cell and apply a color fill.
Here is a visual for reference:
And this is the code I've used to get to the current state.
Dim lRow As Long
lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For i = lRow To 7 Step -1
If Cells(i, 2) = Cells(i - 1, 2) Then
Range(Cells(i, 2), Cells(i - 1, 2)).Merge
End If
Next i
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Is there a way of inserting formatting within the loop or otherwise? I'm also open to other ways of making the table more readable.
PS: The image I've attached is just for reference. The actual table I'm working with has tons of rows and columns so readability is important.
Except for the merging of cells the code below does what you want. Instead of merging the code effectively hides the duplicate item titles.
Option Explicit
Sub FormatData()
' 28 Feb 2019
Const CaptionRow As Long = 1
Const FirstDataRow As Long = 3 ' assuming row 2 to contain subtitles
Const FirstDataClm As String = "B" ' change as appropriate
Const DescClm As String = "D" ' change as appropriate
Dim Desc As Variant, PrevDesc As Variant
Dim Col() As Variant, ColIdx As Boolean
Dim FontCol As Long
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Rl As Long, Cl As Long ' last Row / Column
Dim R As Long
Rl = Cells(Rows.Count, DescClm).End(xlUp).Row
Cl = Cells(CaptionRow, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Col = Array(15261367, 15986394) ' sky, pale: change as required
FontCol = Cells(FirstDataRow, FirstDataClm).Font.Color
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For R = FirstDataRow To Rl
Desc = Cells(R, DescClm).Value
If Desc = PrevDesc Then
Set Rng = Rng.Resize(Rng.Rows.Count + 1)
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
SetColouring Rng, DescClm, Col(Abs(ColIdx)), FontCol
ColIdx = Not ColIdx
End If
Set Rng = Range(Cells(R, FirstDataClm), Cells(R, Cl))
End If
PrevDesc = Desc
Next R
SetColouring Rng, DescClm, Col(Abs(ColIdx)), FontCol
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub SetColouring(Rng As Range, _
ByVal C As String, _
ByVal Col As Long, _
ByVal Fcol As Long)
' 28 Feb 2019
Dim R As Long
With Rng
.Interior.Color = Col
.Font.Color = Fcol
For R = 2 To .Rows.Count
.Cells(R, Columns(C).Column - .Column + 1).Font.Color = Col
Next R
End With
End Sub
There are some constants at the top of the code which you can modify. Note also that the font color you use in the sheet is presumed to be found in the first used cell of the sheet as specified by the constants.
Observe that the entire code runs on the ActiveSheet. I strongly urge you to change that bit and specify a sheet, preferably both by its name and the workbook it is in. If you regularly use the code as published above its just a matter of time before you apply it to a worksheet which gets damaged as a result.

filter out multiple criteria using excel vba

I have 8 variables in column A, 1,2,3,4,5 and A, B, C.
My aim is to filter out A, B, C and display only 1-5.
I can do this using the following code:
My_Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("1", "2", "3","4","5"), _
But what the code does is it filters variables 1 to 5 and displays them.
I want to do the opposite, but yielding the same result, by filtering out A, B, C and showing variables 1 to 5
I tried this code:
My_Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("<>A", "<>B", "<>C"), _
But it did not work.
Why cant I use this code ?
It gives this error:
Run time error 1004 autofilter method of range class failed
How can I perform this?
I think (from experimenting - MSDN is unhelpful here) that there is no direct way of doing this. Setting Criteria1 to an Array is equivalent to using the tick boxes in the dropdown - as you say it will only filter a list based on items that match one of those in the array.
Interestingly, if you have the literal values "<>A" and "<>B" in the list and filter on these the macro recorder comes up with
Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=<>A", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=<>B"
which works. But if you then have the literal value "<>C" as well and you filter for all three (using tick boxes) while recording a macro, the macro recorder replicates precisely your code which then fails with an error. I guess I'd call that a bug - there are filters you can do using the UI which you can't do with VBA.
Anyway, back to your problem. It is possible to filter values not equal to some criteria, but only up to two values which doesn't work for you:
Range("$A$1:$A$9").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>A", Criteria2:="<>B", Operator:=xlAnd
There are a couple of workarounds possible depending on the exact problem:
Use a "helper column" with a formula in column B and then filter on that - e.g. =ISNUMBER(A2) or =NOT(A2="A", A2="B", A2="C") then filter on TRUE
If you can't add a column, use autofilter with Criteria1:=">-65535" (or a suitable number lower than any you expect) which will filter out non-numeric values - assuming this is what you want
Write a VBA sub to hide rows (not exactly the same as an autofilter but it may suffice depending on your needs).
For example:
Public Sub hideABCRows(rangeToFilter As Range)
Dim oCurrentCell As Range
On Error GoTo errHandler
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each oCurrentCell In rangeToFilter.Cells
If oCurrentCell.Value = "A" Or oCurrentCell.Value = "B" Or oCurrentCell.Value = "C" Then
oCurrentCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next oCurrentCell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I don't have found any solution on Internet, so I have implemented one.
The Autofilter code with criteria is then
iColNumber = 1
Dim aFilterValueArray() As Variant
Call ConstructFilterValueArray(aFilterValueArray, iColNumber, Array("A", "B", "C"))
ActiveSheet.range(sRange).AutoFilter Field:=iColNumber _
, Criteria1:=aFilterValueArray _
, Operator:=xlFilterValues
In fact, the ConstructFilterValueArray() method (not function) get all distinct values that it found in a specific column and remove all values present in last argument.
The VBA code of this method is
'* ConstructFilterValueArray()
Sub ConstructFilterValueArray(a() As Variant, iCol As Integer, aRemoveArray As Variant)
Dim aValue As New Collection
Call GetDistinctColumnValue(aValue, iCol)
Call RemoveValueList(aValue, aRemoveArray)
Call CollectionToArray(a, aValue)
End Sub
'* GetDistinctColumnValue()
Sub GetDistinctColumnValue(ByRef aValue As Collection, iCol As Integer)
Dim sValue As String
iEmptyValueCount = 0
iLastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim oSheet: Set oSheet = Sheets("X")
.range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(iLastRow, iCol)) _
.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy _
, CopyToRange:=oSheet.range("A1") _
, Unique:=True
iRow = 2
Do While True
sValue = Trim(oSheet.Cells(iRow, 1))
If sValue = "" Then
If iEmptyValueCount > 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
iEmptyValueCount = iEmptyValueCount + 1
End If
aValue.Add sValue
iRow = iRow + 1
End Sub
'* RemoveValueList()
Sub RemoveValueList(ByRef aValue As Collection, aRemoveArray As Variant)
For i = LBound(aRemoveArray) To UBound(aRemoveArray)
sValue = aRemoveArray(i)
iMax = aValue.Count
For j = iMax To 0 Step -1
If aValue(j) = sValue Then
aValue.Remove (j)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
'* CollectionToArray()
Sub CollectionToArray(a() As Variant, c As Collection)
iSize = c.Count - 1
ReDim a(iSize)
For i = 0 To iSize
a(i) = c.Item(i + 1)
End Sub
This code can certainly be improved in returning an Array of String but working with Array in VBA is not easy.
CAUTION: this code work only if you define a sheet named X because CopyToRange parameter used in AdvancedFilter() need an Excel Range !
It's a shame that Microfsoft doesn't have implemented this solution in adding simply a new enum as xlNotFilterValues ! ... or xlRegexMatch !
Alternative using VBA's Filter function
As an innovative alternative to #schlebe 's recent answer, I tried to use the Filter function integrated in VBA, which allows to filter out a given search string setting the third argument to False. All "negative" search strings (e.g. A, B, C) are defined in an array. I read the criteria in column A to a datafield array and basicly execute a subsequent filtering (A - C) to filter these items out.
Sub FilterOut()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range, i As Integer, n As Long, v As Variant
' 1) define strings to be filtered out in array
Dim a() ' declare as array
a = Array("A", "B", "C") ' << filter out values
' 2) define your sheetname and range (e.g. criteria in column A)
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FilterOut")
n = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & n)
' 3) hide complete range rows temporarily
rng.EntireRow.Hidden = True
' 4) set range to a variant 2-dim datafield array
v = rng
' 5) code array items by appending row numbers
For i = 1 To UBound(v): v(i, 1) = v(i, 1) & "#" & i + 1: Next i
' 6) transform to 1-dim array and FILTER OUT the first search string, e.g. "A"
v = Filter(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, 0, 1)), a(0), False, False)
' 7) filter out each subsequent search string, i.e. "B" and "C"
For i = 1 To UBound(a): v = Filter(v, a(i), False, False): Next i
' 8) get coded row numbers via split function and unhide valid rows
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
ws.Range("A" & Split(v(i) & "#", "#")(1)).EntireRow.Hidden = False
Next i
End Sub
An option using AutoFilter
Option Explicit
Public Sub FilterOutMultiple()
Dim ws As Worksheet, filterOut As Variant, toHide As Range
Set ws = ActiveSheet
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ws.Cells) = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Empty sheet
filterOut = Split("A B C D E F G")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ws.UsedRange.Columns("A")
If ws.FilterMode Then .AutoFilter
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=filterOut, Operator:=xlFilterValues
With .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If .CountLarge > 1 Then Set toHide = .Cells 'Remember unwanted (A, B, and C)
End With
If Not toHide Is Nothing Then
toHide.Rows.Hidden = True 'Hide unwanted (A, B, and C)
.Cells(1).Rows.Hidden = False 'Unhide header
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Here an option using a list written on some range, populating an array that will be fiiltered. The information will be erased then the columns sorted.
Sub Filter_Out_Values()
'Automation to remove some codes from the list
Dim ws, ws1 As Worksheet
Dim myArray() As Variant
Dim x, lastrow As Long
Dim cell As Range
Set ws = Worksheets("List")
Set ws1 = Worksheets(8)
lastrow = ws.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Go through the list of codes to exclude
For Each cell In ws.Range("A2:A" & lastrow)
If cell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "X" Then 'If the Code is associated with "X"
ReDim Preserve myArray(x) 'Initiate array
myArray(x) = CStr(cell.Value) 'Populate the array with the code
x = x + 1 'Increase array capacity
ReDim Preserve myArray(x) 'Redim array
End If
Next cell
lastrow = ws1.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
ws1.Range("C2:C" & lastrow).AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=myArray, Operator:=xlFilterValues
ws1.Range("A2:Z" & lastrow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).ClearContents
ws1.Range("A2:Z" & lastrow).AutoFilter field:=3
'Sort columns
lastrow = ws1.Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Sort with 2 criteria
With ws1.Range("A1:Z" & lastrow)
.Resize(lastrow).Sort _
key1:=ws1.Columns("B"), order1:=xlAscending, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
key2:=ws1.Columns("D"), order1:=xlAscending, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
Header:=xlYes, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, SortMethod:=xlPinYin
End With
End Sub
This works for me:
This is a criteria over two fields/columns (9 and 10), this filters rows with values >0 on column 9 and rows with values 4, 7, and 8 on column 10. lastrow is the number of rows on the data section.
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$O$" & lastrow).AutoFilter Field:=9, Criteria1:=">0", Operator:=xlAnd
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$O$" & lastrow).AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:=Arr("4","7","8"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
Okay, I solved it.
I've smashed my head about this problem several times over the years, but I've solved it.
All we need to do is look at all the values that are actually IN the filter range, and if they're not on the list of values we want to filter out, we add them to the "Filter For this item" list.
To note about this code:
I wrote this to act on multiple sheets, and I'm not going to change that as I'm at work and don't have time. I'm sure you can figure it out.
I don't think you need to work in Option base 1... But I am, so if you run into issues... might be that.
Despite how many hundreds of thousands of times it's checking and rechecking the same arrays, it's remarkably fast.
I'm sure there is a way to redim KeepArray, but I didn't have time to consider it.
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub FilterTable()
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim L As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim tblName As String
Dim filterArray
Dim SrcArray
Dim KeepArray(1 To 5000) ' you might be able to figure out a way to redim this easiely later on.. for now I'm just oversizing it.
N = 0
filterArray = Array("FilterMeOut007", _
"FilterMeOut006", _
"FilterMeOut005", _
"FilterMeOut004", _
"FilterMeOut003", _
"FilterMeOut002", _
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Debug.Print WS.Name
If Left(WS.Name, 4) = "AR -" Then
With WS
tblName = Replace(WS.Name, " ", "_")
Set tbl = WS.ListObjects(tblName)
SrcArray = tbl.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange
For I = 1 To UBound(SrcArray, 1)
If Not ExistsInArray(KeepArray, SrcArray(I, 1)) _
And Not ExistsInArray(filterArray, SrcArray(I, 1)) Then
N = N + 1
KeepArray(N) = SrcArray(I, 1)
End If
Next I
tbl.DataBodyRange.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=KeepArray, Operator:=xlFilterValues
End With
End If
Next WS
End Sub
Function ExistsInArray(arr, Val) As Boolean
Dim I As Long
ExistsInArray = False
For I = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If arr(I) = Val Then
ExistsInArray = True
Exit Function
End If
Next I
End Function
Please let me know if you run into any errors with this as I'd like to stress test and debug it as much as possible in the future to make it as portable as possible. I picture using it a lot.
Please check this one for filtering out values in a range; It works.
Selection.AutoFilter field:=33, Criteria1:="<>Array(IN1R,IN2R,INDA)", Operator:=xlFilterValues
Actually, the above code did not work. Hence I give a loop to hide the entire row whenever the active cell has the value that I am searching for.
For each cell in selection
If cell.value = “IN1R” or cell.value = “INR2” or cell.value = “INDA” then
Activecell.Entirerow.Hidden = True
End if
