I want to read a file(>1GB) in chunks but without saving them into memory, so that I could stream every chunk using as few resources as possible.
For reading the file in chunks of 10MB I am using this:
use anyhow::Result;
use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use std::fs::metadata;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::{env, process::exit};
use tokio::fs::File;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;
use tokio_util::codec::{BytesCodec, FramedRead};
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let now = Instant::now();
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 2 {
eprintln!("missing arguments: file");
let file_path = &args[1];
let fsize = metadata(&file_path).map(|m| m.len()).unwrap();
let mut chunk_size = 10_485_760;
"file size: {}, chunk size: {}, parts: {}",
fsize / chunk_size
let mut seek: u64 = 0;
let mut parts: Vec<(u64, u64)> = Vec::new();
while seek < fsize {
if (fsize - seek) <= chunk_size {
chunk_size = fsize % chunk_size;
println!("seek: {}, chunk: {}", seek, chunk_size,);
parts.push((seek, chunk_size));
seek += chunk_size;
let mut tasks = FuturesUnordered::new();
for (pos, part) in parts.iter().enumerate() {
tasks.push(read_file(&file_path, part.0, part.1, pos));
// limit to only 4 tasks concurrent
if tasks.len() == 4 {
if let Some(t) = tasks.next().await {
println!("{:#?}", t.unwrap());
while let Some(t) = tasks.next().await {
println!("{:#?}", t.unwrap());
println!("Elapsed: {:?}", now.elapsed());
async fn read_file(path: &str, seek: u64, chunk: u64, part: usize) -> Result<String> {
let mut file = File::open(&path).await?;
let file = file.take(chunk);
let mut stream = FramedRead::with_capacity(file, BytesCodec::new(), 1024 * 64);
let mut count = 0;
while let Some(bytes) = stream.try_next().await? {
count += bytes.len();
// do something here, upload/stream the file PUT/POST
// no CPU intensive so maybe spawn will not help much
Ok(format!("part: {}, size: {}", part, count.to_string()))
I am limiting the task to a max of 4 to also prevent too many files open error.
The code works, but reading a file of approximately 4GB(4466092032) in my system with SATA disks takes on average 230seconds.
I also tried with tokio::task::spawn(...) but the speed was about the same.
Any idea of how to improve the coded so that It could read the file faster?
I have a bunch of math that has real time constraints. My main loop will just call this function repeatedly and it will always store results into an existing buffer. However, I want to be able to spawn the threads at init time and then allow the threads to run and do their work and then wait for more data. The synchronization I will use a Barrier and have that part working. What I can't get working and have tried various iterations of Arc or crossbeam is splitting the thread spawning up and the actual workload. This is what I have now.
pub const WORK_SIZE: usize = 524_288;
pub const NUM_THREADS: usize = 6;
fn main() {
let mut work: Vec<f64> = Vec::with_capacity(WORK_SIZE);
for i in 0..WORK_SIZE {
work.push(i as f64);
crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
let threads: Vec<_> = work
.map(|chunk| scope.spawn(move |_| chunk.iter().cloned().sum::<f64>()))
let threaded_time = std::time::Instant::now();
let thread_sum: f64 = threads.into_iter().map(|t| t.join().unwrap()).sum();
let threaded_micros = threaded_time.elapsed().as_micros() as f64;
println!("threaded took: {:#?}", threaded_micros);
let serial_time = std::time::Instant::now();
let no_thread_sum: f64 = work.iter().cloned().sum();
let serial_micros = serial_time.elapsed().as_micros() as f64;
println!("serial took: {:#?}", serial_micros);
assert_eq!(thread_sum, no_thread_sum);
"Threaded performace was {:?}",
serial_micros / threaded_micros
But I can't find a way to spin these threads up in an init function and then in a do_work function pass work into them. I attempted to do something like this with Arc's and Mutex's but couldn't get everything straight there either. What I want to turn this into is something like the following
use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier, Mutex};
use std::{slice::Chunks, thread::JoinHandle};
pub const WORK_SIZE: usize = 524_288;
pub const NUM_THREADS: usize = 6;
//simplified version of what actual work that code base will do
fn do_work(data: &[f64], result: Arc<Mutex<f64>>, barrier: Arc<Barrier>) {
loop {
let sum = data.into_iter().cloned().sum::<f64>();
let mut result = *result.lock().unwrap();
result += sum;
fn init(
mut data: Chunks<'_, f64>,
result: &Arc<Mutex<f64>>,
barrier: &Arc<Barrier>,
) -> Vec<std::thread::JoinHandle<()>> {
let mut handles = Vec::with_capacity(NUM_THREADS);
//spawn threads, in actual code these would be stored in a lib crate struct
for i in 0..NUM_THREADS {
let result = result.clone();
let barrier = barrier.clone();
let chunk = data.nth(i).unwrap();
handles.push(std::thread::spawn(|| {
//Pass the particular thread the particular chunk it will operate on.
do_work(chunk, result, barrier);
fn main() {
let mut work: Vec<f64> = Vec::with_capacity(WORK_SIZE);
let mut result = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0.0));
for i in 0..WORK_SIZE {
work.push(i as f64);
let work_barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(NUM_THREADS + 1));
let threads = init(work.chunks(NUM_TASKS_PER_THREAD), &result, &work_barrier);
loop {
//actual code base would do something with summation stored in result.
println!("{:?}", result.lock().unwrap());
I hope this expresses the intent clearly enough of what I need to do. The issue with this specific implementation is that the chunks don't seem to live long enough and when I tried wrapping them in an Arc as it just moved the argument doesn't live long enough to the Arc::new(data.chunk(_)) line.
use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier, Mutex};
use std::thread;
pub const WORK_SIZE: usize = 524_288;
pub const NUM_THREADS: usize = 6;
//simplified version of what actual work that code base will do
fn do_work(data: &[f64], result: Arc<Mutex<f64>>, barrier: Arc<Barrier>) {
loop {
let sum = data.iter().sum::<f64>();
*result.lock().unwrap() += sum;
fn init(
work: Vec<f64>,
result: Arc<Mutex<f64>>,
barrier: Arc<Barrier>,
) -> Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>> {
let mut handles = Vec::with_capacity(NUM_THREADS);
//spawn threads, in actual code these would be stored in a lib crate struct
for i in 0..NUM_THREADS {
let slice = work[i * NUM_TASKS_PER_THREAD..(i + 1) * NUM_TASKS_PER_THREAD].to_owned();
let result = Arc::clone(&result);
let w = Arc::clone(&barrier);
handles.push(thread::spawn(move || {
do_work(&slice, result, w);
fn main() {
let mut work: Vec<f64> = Vec::with_capacity(WORK_SIZE);
let result = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0.0));
for i in 0..WORK_SIZE {
work.push(i as f64);
let work_barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(NUM_THREADS + 1));
let _threads = init(work, Arc::clone(&result), Arc::clone(&work_barrier));
loop {
//actual code base would do something with summation stored in result.
println!("{:?}", result.lock().unwrap());
I am writing a client for a Unix Domain Socket, which should listen for messages from a server, I got it to work after hours of researching (it shows 1-2 messages), but after that tokio crashes with the error: Error: Kind(WouldBlock), here is my code:
use std::env::{var, VarError};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use tokio::net::UnixStream;
async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let hypr_instance_sig = match var("HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE") {
Ok(var) => var,
Err(VarError::NotPresent) => panic!("Is hyprland running?"),
Err(VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => panic!("wtf no unicode?"),
let socket_path = format!("/tmp/hypr/{hypr_instance_sig}/.socket2.sock");
let stream = UnixStream::connect(socket_path).await?;
loop {
let mut buf = [0; 4096];
stream.try_read(&mut buf)?;
Could someone please help me?
I fully agree with #Caesar's comment.
don't use try_read, use read instead
slice the buffer to the correct size after reading
check for 0 bytes read, which indicates that the end of the stream was reached
use std::env::{var, VarError};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::net::UnixStream;
async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let hypr_instance_sig = match var("HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE") {
Ok(var) => var,
Err(VarError::NotPresent) => panic!("Is hyprland running?"),
Err(VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => panic!("wtf no unicode?"),
let socket_path = format!("/tmp/hypr/{hypr_instance_sig}/.socket2.sock");
let mut stream = UnixStream::connect(socket_path).await?;
let mut buf = [0; 4096];
loop {
let num_read = stream.read(&mut buf).await?;
if num_read == 0 {
let buf = &buf[..num_read];
Disclaimer: I didn't test the code because I don't have the required socket file. It compiles, though.
I am just doing some quick experimenting in an attempt to learn the rust language, I have done a few successful async tests, this is my starting point:
use async_std::task;
use futures;
use std::time::SystemTime;
fn main() {
let now = SystemTime::now();
task::block_on(async {
let mut fs = Vec::new();
let sum = 100000000;
let chunks: u64 = 5; //only valid for factors of sum
let chunk_size: u64 = sum/chunks;
for n in 1..=chunks {
fs.push(task::spawn(async move {
add_range((n - 1) * chunk_size + 1, n * chunk_size + 1)
let vals = futures::future::join_all(fs).await;
// 5000000050000000 for this configuration of inputs
println!("{}", vals.iter().sum::<u64>());
println!("{}ms", now.elapsed().unwrap().as_millis());
fn add_range(start: u64, end: u64) -> u64 {
println!("{}, {}", start, end);
let mut total: u64 = 0;
for n in start..end {
total += n;
return total;
by changing the value of chunks you can change how many task::spawns there are. Now rather than a flat set of workers, I want the add_range function to be recursive and to keep forking off workers based on the inputs, however following the compiler errors I have gotten myself quite tangled up:
use async_std::task;
use futures;
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
fn main() {
let pin_box_u64 = task::block_on(add_range(0, 10, 10, 1, 1001));
println!("{}", pin_box_u64/*how do i get u64 out of this*/)
// recursively calls itself in a branching tree structure
// forking off more worker threads
async fn add_range(
depth: u64,
chunk_split: u64,
chunk_size: u64,
start: u64,
end: u64,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = u64>>> {
println!("{}, {}, {}", depth, start, end);
// if the range of start to end is more than the allowed
// chunk_size then fork off more workers dividing
// the work up further.
if end - start > chunk_size {
let mut fs = Vec::new();
let next_chunk_size = (end - start) / chunk_split;
for n in 0..chunk_split {
let s = start + (next_chunk_size * n);
let mut e = start + (next_chunk_size * (n + 1));
if e > end {
e = end;
// spawn more workers
fs.push(task::spawn(add_range(depth + 1, chunk_split, chunk_size, s, e)));
return Box::pin(async move {
// join workers back up and do joining sum.
return futures::future::join_all(fs).await.iter().map(/*how do i get u64s out of here*/).sum::<u64>();
} else {
// else the work is less than the allowed chunk_size
// so lets now do the actual sum for my chunk
let mut total: u64 = 0;
for n in start..end {
total += n;
return Box::pin(async move { total });
I have played around with this for a while but I feel like Im just becoming more and more lost with the compiler errors.
You need to box the returned future, otherwise the compiler can't determine the size of the return type.
Additional context can be found here: https://rust-lang.github.io/async-book/07_workarounds/04_recursion.html
use std::pin::Pin;
use async_std::task;
use futures::Future;
use futures::FutureExt;
fn main() {
let pin_box_u64 = task::block_on(add_range(0, 10, 10, 1, 1001));
println!("{}", pin_box_u64)
// recursively calls itself in a branching tree structure
// forking off more worker threads
fn add_range(
depth: u64,
chunk_split: u64,
chunk_size: u64,
start: u64,
end: u64,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = u64> + Send + 'static>> {
println!("{}, {}, {}", depth, start, end);
// if the range of start to end is more than the allowed
// chunk_size then fork off more workers dividing
// the work up further.
if end - start > chunk_size {
let mut fs = Vec::new();
let next_chunk_size = (end - start) / chunk_split;
for n in 0..chunk_split {
let s = start + (next_chunk_size * n);
let mut e = start + (next_chunk_size * (n + 1));
if e > end {
e = end;
// spawn more workers
depth + 1,
// join workers back up and do joining sum.
return futures::future::join_all(fs)
.map(|v| v.iter().sum::<u64>())
} else {
// else the work is less than the allowed chunk_size
// so lets now do the actual sum for my chunk
let mut total: u64 = 0;
for n in start..end {
total += n;
return futures::future::ready(total).boxed();
This question already has an answer here:
How to send a pointer to another thread?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 months ago.
I was able to proceed forward to implement my asynchronous udp server. However I have this error showing up twice because my variable data has type *mut u8 which is not Send:
error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
help: within `impl std::future::Future`, the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `*mut u8`
note: captured value is not `Send`
And the code (MRE):
use std::error::Error;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::env;
use tokio::net::UdpSocket;
use tokio::{sync::mpsc, task, time}; // 1.4.0
use std::alloc::{alloc, Layout};
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
const UDP_HEADER: usize = 8;
const IP_HEADER: usize = 20;
const AG_HEADER: usize = 4;
const MAX_DATA_LENGTH: usize = (64 * 1024 - 1) - UDP_HEADER - IP_HEADER;
const MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE: usize = 0x10000;
/// A wrapper for [ptr::copy_nonoverlapping] with different argument order (same as original memcpy)
unsafe fn memcpy(dst_ptr: *mut u8, src_ptr: *const u8, len: usize) {
std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src_ptr, dst_ptr, len);
// Different from https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.u32.html#method.next_power_of_two
// Returns the [exponent] from the smallest power of two greater than or equal to n.
const fn next_power_of_two_exponent(n: u32) -> u32 {
return 32 - (n - 1).leading_zeros();
async fn run_server(socket: UdpSocket) {
let mut missing_indexes: Vec<u16> = Vec::new();
let mut peer_addr = MaybeUninit::<SocketAddr>::uninit();
let mut data = std::ptr::null_mut(); // ptr for the file bytes
let mut len: usize = 0; // total len of bytes that will be written
let mut layout = MaybeUninit::<Layout>::uninit();
let mut buf = [0u8; MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
let mut start = false;
let (debounce_tx, mut debounce_rx) = mpsc::channel::<(usize, SocketAddr)>(3300);
let (network_tx, mut network_rx) = mpsc::channel::<(usize, SocketAddr)>(3300);
loop {
// Listen for events
let debouncer = task::spawn(async move {
let duration = Duration::from_millis(3300);
loop {
match time::timeout(duration, debounce_rx.recv()).await {
Ok(Some((size, peer))) => {
eprintln!("Network activity");
Ok(None) => {
if start == true {
eprintln!("Debounce finished");
Err(_) => {
eprintln!("{:?} since network activity", duration);
// Listen for network activity
let server = task::spawn({
// async{
let debounce_tx = debounce_tx.clone();
async move {
while let Some((size, peer)) = network_rx.recv().await {
// Received a new packet
debounce_tx.send((size, peer)).await.expect("Unable to talk to debounce");
eprintln!("Received a packet {} from: {}", size, peer);
let packet_index: u16 = (buf[0] as u16) << 8 | buf[1] as u16;
if start == false { // first bytes of a new file: initialization // TODO: ADD A MUTEX to prevent many initializations
start = true;
let chunks_cnt: u32 = (buf[2] as u32) << 8 | buf[3] as u32;
let n: usize = MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE << next_power_of_two_exponent(chunks_cnt);
unsafe {
layout.as_mut_ptr().write(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(n, mem::align_of::<u8>()));
// /!\ data has type `*mut u8` which is not `Send`
data = alloc(layout.assume_init());
let a: Vec<u16> = vec![0; chunks_cnt as usize]; //(0..chunks_cnt).map(|x| x as u16).collect(); // create a sorted vector with all the required indexes
missing_indexes = a;
missing_indexes[packet_index as usize] = 1;
unsafe {
let dst_ptr = data.offset((packet_index as usize * MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) as isize);
memcpy(dst_ptr, &buf[AG_HEADER], size - AG_HEADER);
println!("receiving packet {} from: {}", packet_index, peer);
// Prevent deadlocks
match socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await {
Ok((size, src)) => {
network_tx.send((size, src)).await.expect("Unable to talk to network");
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("couldn't recieve a datagram: {}", e);
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let addr = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
let socket = UdpSocket::bind(&addr).await?;
println!("Listening on: {}", socket.local_addr()?);
Since I was converting from synchronous to asynchronous code I know that, potentially, multiple thread would be writing to data, and that is probably why I encounter such error. But I don't know which syntax I could use to "clone" the mut ptr and make it unique for each thread (and same for the buffer).
As suggested by user4815162342 I think the best would be
to make pointer Send by wrapping it in a struct and declaring unsafe impl Send for NewStruct {}.
Any help strongly appreciated!
PS: Full code can be found on my github repository
Short version
Thanks to the comment of user4815162342 I decided to add an implementation for the mut ptr to be able to use it with Send and Sync, which allowed me to solve this part (there are still other issues, but beyond the scope of this question):
pub struct FileBuffer {
data: *mut u8
unsafe impl Send for FileBuffer {}
unsafe impl Sync for FileBuffer {}
//let mut data = std::ptr::null_mut(); // ptr for the file bytes
let mut fileBuffer: FileBuffer = FileBuffer { data: std::ptr::null_mut() };
Long version
use std::error::Error;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::env;
use tokio::net::UdpSocket;
use tokio::{sync::mpsc, task, time}; // 1.4.0
use std::alloc::{alloc, Layout};
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
const UDP_HEADER: usize = 8;
const IP_HEADER: usize = 20;
const AG_HEADER: usize = 4;
const MAX_DATA_LENGTH: usize = (64 * 1024 - 1) - UDP_HEADER - IP_HEADER;
const MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE: usize = 0x10000;
/// A wrapper for [ptr::copy_nonoverlapping] with different argument order (same as original memcpy)
unsafe fn memcpy(dst_ptr: *mut u8, src_ptr: *const u8, len: usize) {
std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src_ptr, dst_ptr, len);
// Different from https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.u32.html#method.next_power_of_two
// Returns the [exponent] from the smallest power of two greater than or equal to n.
const fn next_power_of_two_exponent(n: u32) -> u32 {
return 32 - (n - 1).leading_zeros();
pub struct FileBuffer {
data: *mut u8
unsafe impl Send for FileBuffer {}
unsafe impl Sync for FileBuffer {}
async fn run_server(socket: UdpSocket) {
let mut missing_indexes: Vec<u16> = Vec::new();
let mut peer_addr = MaybeUninit::<SocketAddr>::uninit();
//let mut data = std::ptr::null_mut(); // ptr for the file bytes
let mut fileBuffer: FileBuffer = FileBuffer { data: std::ptr::null_mut() };
let mut len: usize = 0; // total len of bytes that will be written
let mut layout = MaybeUninit::<Layout>::uninit();
let mut buf = [0u8; MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
let mut start = false;
let (debounce_tx, mut debounce_rx) = mpsc::channel::<(usize, SocketAddr)>(3300);
let (network_tx, mut network_rx) = mpsc::channel::<(usize, SocketAddr)>(3300);
loop {
// Listen for events
let debouncer = task::spawn(async move {
let duration = Duration::from_millis(3300);
loop {
match time::timeout(duration, debounce_rx.recv()).await {
Ok(Some((size, peer))) => {
eprintln!("Network activity");
Ok(None) => {
if start == true {
eprintln!("Debounce finished");
Err(_) => {
eprintln!("{:?} since network activity", duration);
// Listen for network activity
let server = task::spawn({
// async{
let debounce_tx = debounce_tx.clone();
async move {
while let Some((size, peer)) = network_rx.recv().await {
// Received a new packet
debounce_tx.send((size, peer)).await.expect("Unable to talk to debounce");
eprintln!("Received a packet {} from: {}", size, peer);
let packet_index: u16 = (buf[0] as u16) << 8 | buf[1] as u16;
if start == false { // first bytes of a new file: initialization // TODO: ADD A MUTEX to prevent many initializations
start = true;
let chunks_cnt: u32 = (buf[2] as u32) << 8 | buf[3] as u32;
let n: usize = MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE << next_power_of_two_exponent(chunks_cnt);
unsafe {
layout.as_mut_ptr().write(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(n, mem::align_of::<u8>()));
// /!\ data has type `*mut u8` which is not `Send`
fileBuffer.data = alloc(layout.assume_init());
let a: Vec<u16> = vec![0; chunks_cnt as usize]; //(0..chunks_cnt).map(|x| x as u16).collect(); // create a sorted vector with all the required indexes
missing_indexes = a;
missing_indexes[packet_index as usize] = 1;
unsafe {
let dst_ptr = fileBuffer.data.offset((packet_index as usize * MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) as isize);
memcpy(dst_ptr, &buf[AG_HEADER], size - AG_HEADER);
println!("receiving packet {} from: {}", packet_index, peer);
// Prevent deadlocks
match socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await {
Ok((size, src)) => {
network_tx.send((size, src)).await.expect("Unable to talk to network");
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("couldn't recieve a datagram: {}", e);
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let addr = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
let socket = UdpSocket::bind(&addr).await?;
println!("Listening on: {}", socket.local_addr()?);
I have a Rust application on on OSX firing up a large amount of threads as can be seen in the code below, however, after looking at how many max threads my version of OSX is allowed to create via the sysctl kern.num_taskthreads command, I can see that it is kern.num_taskthreads: 2048 which explains why I can't spin up over 2048 threads.
How do I go about getting past this hard limit?
let threads = 300000;
let requests = 1;
for _x in 0..threads {
println!("{}", _x);
let request_clone = request.clone();
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
for _y in 0..requests {
Before starting, I'd encourage you to read about the C10K problem. When you get into this scale, there's a lot more things you need to keep in mind.
That being said, I'd suggest looking at mio...
a lightweight IO library for Rust with a focus on adding as little overhead as possible over the OS abstractions.
Specifically, mio provides an event loop, which allows you to handle a large number of connections without spawning threads. Unfortunately, I don't know of a HTTP library that currently supports mio. You could create one and be a hero to the Rust community!
Not sure how helpful this will be, but I was trying to create a small pool of threads that will create connections and then send them over to an event loop via a channel for reading.
I'm sure this code is probably pretty bad, but here it is anyways for examples. It uses the Hyper library, like you mentioned.
extern crate hyper;
use std::io::Read;
use std::thread;
use std::thread::{JoinHandle};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use hyper::Client;
use hyper::client::Response;
use hyper::header::Connection;
const TARGET: i32 = 100;
const THREADS: i32 = 10;
struct ResponseWithString {
index: i32,
response: Response,
data: Vec<u8>,
complete: bool
fn main() {
// Create a client.
let url: &'static str = "http://www.gooogle.com/";
let mut threads = Vec::<JoinHandle<()>>::with_capacity((TARGET * 2) as usize);
let conn_count = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
let (tx, rx) = channel::<ResponseWithString>();
for _ in 0..THREADS {
// Move var references into thread context
let conn_count = conn_count.clone();
let tx = tx.clone();
let t = thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
let idx: i32;
// Lock, increment, and release
let mut count = conn_count.lock().unwrap();
*count += 1;
idx = *count;
if idx > TARGET {
let mut client = Client::new();
// Creating an outgoing request.
println!("Creating connection {}...", idx);
let res = client.get(url) // Get URL...
.header(Connection::close()) // Set headers...
.send().unwrap(); // Fire!
println!("Pushing response {}...", idx);
tx.send(ResponseWithString {
index: idx,
response: res,
data: Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(1024),
complete: false
let mut responses = Vec::<ResponseWithString>::with_capacity(TARGET as usize);
let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
let mut completed_count = 0;
loop {
if completed_count >= TARGET {
break; // No more work!
match rx.try_recv() {
Ok(r) => {
println!("Incoming response! {}", r.index);
_ => { }
for r in &mut responses {
if r.complete {
// Read the Response.
let res = &mut r.response;
let data = &mut r.data;
let idx = &r.index;
match res.read(&mut buf) {
Ok(i) => {
if i == 0 {
println!("No more data! {}", idx);
r.complete = true;
completed_count += 1;
else {
println!("Got data! {} => {}", idx, i);
for x in 0..i {
Err(e) => {
panic!("Oh no! {} {}", idx, e);