Passing dynamic content inside a SQL Query in lookup stage of Azure Data Factory - azure

I'm using a lookup stage as a source to fetch some data and i want to pass that output as the input to the next lookup stage. I tried adding #activity('Step1').output.firstRow.Col and it failed with scalar variable was not being declared. Also tried with #{activity('Step1').output.firstRow.col} which failed and the log shows only default expressions supported. Please help if it is possible.
I have accomplished this using dataflow, but considering the performance i would like to know if it can be done in a pipeline.

Please try this:
Query:select * from dbo.test5 where col = '#{activity('Lookup1').output.firstRow.col}'


Azure Data Factory - Use system variable in Dynamic Content

I'm trying to use system variable '#pipeline().TriggerTime' in a dynamic content field.
I have a 'Copy Data' activity which has a sink dataset to a folder.
Inside this Sink dataset, I try to set the filepath to
#concat('Trigger_',formatDateTime(#pipeline().TriggerTime, 'ddMMyyyyHHmmss'), '.trg')
But I get the following error message.
The activity is contained in an 'If Condition' block which itself is contained in a 'ForEach' but this variable should be global in the pipeline so I don't see why it shouldn't work.
Thanks for any help.
As Joel comments,just change "#pipeline" to "pipeline".
#concat('Trigger_',formatDateTime(pipeline().TriggerTime, 'ddMMyyyyHHmmss'), '.trg')
If you want to use multiple functions,you just add # at the beginning.
If you want to get the string of functions,you need to add double #,such as "Answer is: ##{pipeline().parameters.myNumber}" return the string Answer is: #{pipeline().parameters.myNumber}.
More detail,you can refer to this documentation.

DELETE using PreCopy Script in CopData activity

I have simple copy data activity with source and destination as a table in Azure Data Factory, Before inserting I'm having delete script in the pre-copy script option. The Delete should be done on the basis of parameters passed to the pipeline.
I tried this way but getting error.
DELETE FROM [dbo].[StgMetricLoad] where TransactionKey in(pipeline().parameters.TransactionKey)
Per my experience,you can't merge pipeline string parameter into sql string like that directly. This should be configured as dynamic content with #cancat built-in function.
I tested it in the Set Variable Activity:
#concat('DELETE FROM [dbo].[StgMetricLoad] where TransactionKey in(',
Test Output:

Stream Analytics UDF works in Test but not in Job

I need to parse a JSON data in Stream Analytics,
Below is the sample is am using,
UDF.parseData(GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(A.message,0), 'raw')).intent as 'rawData'
AppInsightMessages A
I can able to parse the intent from the field. This is a custom logging required.
However it is not working in Stream analytics job.
I am getting error like
Stream Analytics job has validation errors: Query compilation error: Expression is not supported: 'udf . parseData
Tried with CAST ing to string to record also. no luck.
What I am doing wrong ?
thanks in advance ..
Usually, this is due to trying to merge multiple stages into a single expression.
Please try splitting the processing to several steps:
With UDFStep AS (
UDF.parseData(GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(A.message,0), 'raw'))
AppInsightMessages A
SELECT intent as rawData
BTW, you don't need to quote the 'rawData'.

Azure Data Factory V2 Copy Activity file filters

I am using Data Factory v2 and I currently have a simple copy activity which copies files from an FTP server to blob storage. The file names on this server are of the following form :
In order to download the most recent file I add this filter to my input dataset json file :
"fileName": {
"value": "#concat('File_',formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'yyyyMMdd'), '.zip')",
"type": "Expression"
I now want to be able to download yesterday's file which is possible using adddays().
However I would like to be able to do this in the same copy activity and it seems that Data Factory v2 does not allow me to use the following kind of regular expression logic :
#concat('File_',formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'yyyyMMdd'), '.zip') || #concat('File_', formatDateTime(adddays(utcnow(), -1), 'yyyyMMdd'), '.zip')
Is this possible or do I need a separate activity ?
It would seem strange to need a second activity since a Copy Activity can only take a single input but if the regex is simple enough, then multiple files are treated as a single input and if not then multiple files are treated as multiple inputs.
The '||' won't work since it will be evaluate as a single string.
But I can provided two solutions for this.
using a tumbling window daily trigger and set the start time as yesterday. So it will trigger two pipeline run.
using Foreach activity + copy activity. The foreach activity iterate an array to pass the yesterday and today to the copy activity.
Btw, you could just use string interpolation expression instead of concat. They are the same.
File_#{formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'yyyyMMdd')}.zip
I would suggest you to read about get metadata activity. This can be helpful in your scenario I think.
You have itemName property, lastModified property, check it out.

What am I missing in trying to pass Variables in an SSIS Execute SQL Task?

I am creating an SSIS Execute SQL Task that will use variables but it is giving me an error when I try to use it. When I try to run the below, it gives me an error and when I try to build the query, it gives me an error SQL Sytnax Errors encountered and unable to parse query. I am using an OLEDB connection. Am I not able to use variables to specify the tables?
You can't parameterize a table name.
Use the Expressions editor in your Execute SQL Task to Select a SqlStatementSource property.
Try "SELECT * FROM " + #[User::TableName]
After clicking OK twice (to exit the Task editor), you should be able to reopen the editor and find your table name in the SQL statement.
Add a string cast in a case where it might be a simple Object - (DT_WSTR,100)
You are using only single parameter(?) in the query and assigning 3 inputs to that parameters which is not fair put only single input and assign some variable as input as shown in image and change the value of variable respectively.
the parameter name should be incremented by 1 start with 0 because they are the indexes representing the "?" in the query which was written the query window.
