Groupby count in pandas of two categorical column - pandas - python-3.x

I have df as shown below.
ID Type Status Age
1 2 P 23
2 1 P 28
3 1 F 33
4 3 P 48
5 1 F 23
6 2 P 28
7 2 F 23
8 3 P 38
From the above I would like to perform groupby count of Status based on Type
Expected output:
Type Status Frequency
1 F 2
1 P 1
2 F 1
2 P 2
3 F 0
3 P 2
I tried below code
df.groupby('Type').agg('Status': 'size').\
sort_values(ascending = False).reset_index()

I think you want value_counts:
Type Status Frequency
0 1 F 2
1 1 P 1
2 2 P 2
3 2 F 1
4 3 P 2
Or replace reset_index with unstack to get the missing groups:
Status F P
1 2 1
2 1 2
3 0 2
Note: df.groupby('Type').Status.value_counts() is somewhat equivalent to df.groupby(['Type,'Status']).size().

Let us try crosstab
pd.crosstab(df.Type, df.Status)
Status F P
1 2 1
2 1 2
3 0 2
pd.crosstab(df.Type, df.Status).stack().reset_index(name = 'freq')
Type Status freq
0 1 F 2
1 1 P 1
2 2 F 1
3 2 P 2
4 3 F 0
5 3 P 2


Complete DataFrame with missing steps python

I have a pandas data frame which misses some rows. It actually has the following format:
id step var1 var2
1 1 a h
2 1 b i
3 1 c g
1 3 d k
2 2 e l
5 2 f m
6 1 g n
An observation should pass through every steps. I mean id ==1 has step 1 and 3 but misses step 2 (which I don't want). id==2 has step 1 and 2 and there is no step 3 and this is fine because there is no gap. id ==5 has step 2 but doesn't have step 1 so I am missing a line there.
I need to add some rows to complete the steps, I would keep var1 var2 and id as the same.
I would like to obtain this df :
id step var1 var2
1 1 a h
2 1 b i
3 1 c g
1 3 d k
2 2 e l
5 2 f m
6 1 g n
1 2 a h
5 1 f m
It would be awesome if anyone could help with a smooth solution
You can try pivot the table then ffill and bfill:
(df.pivot(index='id', columns='step')
.groupby(level=0, axis=1)
.apply(lambda x: x.ffill().bfill())
id step var1 var2
0 1 1 a h
1 1 2 e l
2 1 3 d k
3 2 1 b i
4 2 2 e l
5 2 3 d k
6 3 1 c g
7 3 2 e l
8 3 3 d k
9 5 1 c g
10 5 2 f m
11 5 3 d k
12 6 1 g n
13 6 2 f m
14 6 3 d k

pandas transform one row into multiple rows

I have a dataframe as below.
My dataframe as below.
ID list
1 a, b, c
2 a, s
3 NA
5 f, j, l
I need to break each items in the list column(String) into independent row as below:
ID item
1 a
1 b
1 c
2 a
2 s
3 NA
5 f
5 j
5 l
Use str.split to separate your items then explode:
print (df.assign(list=df["list"].str.split(", ")).explode("list"))
ID list
0 1 a
0 1 b
0 1 c
1 2 a
1 2 s
2 3 NaN
3 5 f
3 5 j
3 5 l
A beginners approach : Just another way of doing the same thing using pd.DataFrame.stack
df['list'] = df['list'].map(lambda x : str(x).split(','))
dfOut = pd.DataFrame(df['list'].values.tolist())
dfOut.index = df['ID']
dfOut = dfOut.stack().reset_index()
del dfOut['level_1']
dfOut.rename(columns = {0 : 'list'}, inplace = True)
ID list
0 1 a
1 1 b
2 1 c
3 2 a
4 2 s
5 3 nan
6 5 f
7 5 j
8 5 l

if values existes from given list in multiple column and counts the number of column

i have below df
2 2 4 11
11 0 5 3
12 10 1 11
5 9 7 15
1st i wants a unique value from whole df like below:
then i wants final output
value value exists in number of col
0 1
1 1
2 2
3 1
4 1
5 1
7 1
9 1
10 1
11 2
12 1
15 1
that means each value,how many columns its available
i wants that output
Using python you can do something like this:
# your input df as a list of lists
df = [[2,11,12,5], [2,0,10,9], [4,5,1,7], [11,3,11,15]]
#remove duplicates in each list
dfU = [list(set(l)) for l in df]
# sort each list (not required for this approach)
for l in dfU:
# the requested unique list
flatList = [item for sublist in df for item in sublist]
uniqueList = list(set(flatList))
# output as a list of lists
output = []
for num in uniqueList:
cnt = 0
for idx in range(len(dfU)):
if dfU[idx].count(num) > 0:
Side note, the count function is computationally expensive, so it would be better to do a linear scan along all sorted columns.
Use DataFrame.melt for reshape, remove duplicates by both columns and count by GroupBy.size with Series.reset_index for DataFrame:
df1 = (df.melt(value_name='value')
print (df1)
value count
0 0 1
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 1
4 4 1
5 5 2
6 7 1
7 9 1
8 10 1
9 11 2
10 12 1
11 15 1
print (df.melt(value_name='value'))
variable value
0 B 2
1 B 11
2 B 12
3 B 5
4 C 2
5 C 0
6 C 10
7 C 9
8 D 4
9 D 5
10 D 1
11 D 7
12 E 11
13 E 3
14 E 11
15 E 15
One 11 for index 14 is removed:
print (df.melt(value_name='value').drop_duplicates())
variable value
0 B 2
1 B 11
2 B 12
3 B 5
4 C 2
5 C 0
6 C 10
7 C 9
8 D 4
9 D 5
10 D 1
11 D 7
12 E 11
13 E 3
15 E 15
If want pure python solution:
from collections import Counter
L = sorted(Counter([y for x in df.T.values for y in set(x)]).items())
df1 = pd.DataFrame(L, columns=['value','count'])
print (df1)
value count
0 0 1
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 1
4 4 1
5 5 2
6 7 1
7 9 1
8 10 1
9 11 2
10 12 1
11 15 1

Pandas Dataframe show Count with Group by and Aggregate

I have this data
ID Value1 Value2 Type Type2
1 3 1 A X
2 2 2 A X
3 5 3 B Y
4 2 4 B Z
5 6 8 C Z
6 7 9 C Z
7 8 0 C L
8 3 2 D M
9 4 3 D M
10 6 5 D M
11 8 7 D M
Right now i am able to generate this output using this code
pandabook.groupby(['Type','Type2'],as_index=False)['Value1', 'Value2'].agg({'Value1': 'sum','Value2': 'sum'})
ID Value 1 Value2 Type Type2
1 5 3 A X
2 5 3 B Y
3 2 5 B Z
4 13 17 C Z
5 8 0 C L
6 21 17 D M
I want to show the Aggregated count as well, as show in this example
How can i achieve this output ?
Add new value to dictionary with size function, remove as_index=False for prevent:
ValueError: cannot insert Type, already exists
and last rename with reset_index:
df = pandabook.groupby(['Type','Type2']).agg({'Value1': 'sum','Value2': 'sum', 'Type':'size'})
df = df.rename(columns={'Type':'Count'}).reset_index()
print (df)
Type Type2 Value1 Value2 Count
0 A X 5 3 2
1 B Y 5 3 1
2 B Z 2 4 1
3 C L 8 0 1
4 C Z 13 17 2
5 D M 21 17 4

How to apply function to data frame column to created iterated column

I have IDs with system event times, and I have grouped the event times by id (individual systems) and made a new column where the value is 1 if the eventtimes.diff() is greater than 1 day, else 0 . Now that I have the flag I am trying to make a function that will be applied to groupby('ID') so the new column starts with 1 and keeps returning 1 for each row in the new column until the flag shows 1 then the new column will go up 1, to 2 and keep returning 2 until the flag shows 1 again.
I will apply this along with groupby('ID') since I need the new column to start over again at 1 for each ID.
I have tried to the following:
def try(x):
y = 1
if row['flag']==0:
y = y
y += y+1
df['NewCol'] = df.groupby('ID')['flag'].apply(try)
I have tried differing variations of the above to no avail. Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.
Also, feel free to let me know if I messed up posting the question. Not sure if my title is great either.
Use boolean indexing for filtering + cumcount + reindex what is much faster solution as loopy apply :
I think you need for count only 1 per group and if no 1 then 1 is added to output:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'ID': ['a','a','a','a','b','b','b','b','b'],
'flag': [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1]
df['new'] = (df[df['flag'] == 1].groupby('ID')['flag']
.reindex(df.index, fill_value=1))
print (df)
ID flag new
0 a 0 1
1 a 0 1
2 a 1 1
3 a 1 2
4 b 0 1
5 b 0 1
6 b 1 1
7 b 1 2
8 b 1 3
#filter by condition
print (df[df['flag'] == 1])
ID flag
2 a 1
3 a 1
6 b 1
7 b 1
8 b 1
#count per group
print (df[df['flag'] == 1].groupby('ID')['flag'].cumcount())
2 0
3 1
6 0
7 1
8 2
dtype: int64
#add 1 for count from 1
print (df[df['flag'] == 1].groupby('ID')['flag'].cumcount().add(1))
2 1
3 2
6 1
7 2
8 3
dtype: int64
If need count 0 and if no 0 is added -1:
df['new'] = (df[df['flag'] == 0].groupby('ID')['flag']
.reindex(df.index, fill_value=-1))
print (df)
ID flag new
0 a 0 1
1 a 0 2
2 a 1 -1
3 a 1 -1
4 b 0 1
5 b 0 2
6 b 1 -1
7 b 1 -1
8 b 1 -1
Another 2 step solution:
df['new'] = df[df['flag'] == 1].groupby('ID')['flag'].cumcount().add(1)
df['new'] = df['new'].fillna(1).astype(int)
print (df)
ID flag new
0 a 0 1
1 a 0 1
2 a 1 1
3 a 1 2
4 b 0 1
5 b 0 1
6 b 1 1
7 b 1 2
8 b 1 3
