For a Chrome extension, can it control other extensions like turning them off? - google-chrome-extension

I'm working on a project where I need to see the page I'm working on without any extension injected code messing up what I see. I want to know if I can create, or if there is currently, an extension that disables all other extensions for xyz page.

No, extensions can only disable other extensions entirely by using API. It's like the on/off switch in chrome://extensions page.
The only way to exclude a certain site from being affected by all or some extensions is to add ExtensionSettings policy with runtime_blocked_hosts that contains that site. Note that the entire site is disabled, not just a single URL. Example: {"*": {"runtime_blocked_hosts": ["*://"]}}
A simple workaround for your use case may be to open that page in an incognito window or even in a new browser profile without extensions: click your avatar icon in the toolbar to access the profile tools where you can create and then open a new profile.


Disable notifications of a Chrome Extension that you don't control

I'm using a Chrome Extension, which I like a lot, but it shows notifications, which I find distracting. I want to disable those notifications. I'm using Linux Mint, and the notifications are shown in the panel (at the bottom of the screen).
I've checked API, but haven't found anything related to disabling notifications. Also googling didn't provide any results.
The only way I can think of is installing the same
extension via Developer mode, creating a system script that would be watching the original Chrome Extension folder for changes, and on every change, copy the content to the Developer Mode folder (modified), modify it after each update to remove the notifications permission, and then reload the Developer Mode extension inside Chrome via a shortcut, for example.
I'm wondering if there is any simpler way to accomplish this.

An extension to enable or disable images in chrome

I can change the chrome setting by going to Privacy and security - site settings - Content section - disable Images
Is there a chrome extension that will do exactly that? I have tried 2 extensions, but both of them remove images "after" they have loaded. That does not make browsing any faster. I will like to click a button to enable / disable the setting mentioned above.
A simple Chrome extension that lets you disable/enable images on "per host" level.Click once and you'll disable images for the current site. Click again and images will be re-enabled.
There are some options available, but basically, the extension does just that (and nothing more)

is there any way to disable a chrome extension but without hidding the icon

i'm making a chrome extension with a toggle button that disable and enable the extension but the problem is that the extension icon hides when i click it.
i was thinking in a background extension but how I can add two extensions in the manifest.json..
The answer is simple: you can't! In a manifest.json you can only declare one extension and all the relative resources. The behaviour you want to achieve is not possible, because the icon will be removed from the chrome toolbar if an extension is deactivated, and it's not possible to change this.

Instead of running the action, chrome extension menu appears when clicking a page action

I have a Chrome Extension (page action). The extension is loaded in developer mode (not from the store).
The extension is used in two sites, both of which URLs are in the manifest.
When I go to one of the sites, the page icon is enabled and when I click it, it runs fine.
When I go to the other site, the extension icon is also enabled but when I click on the extension, instead of running the action, the extension menu appears (as if I had right-clicked the icon instead of clicked it).
When I hover the page action icon, in both sites I get the text "Has access to this site".
Which are possible causes for this behavior?
Something definitely changed with the manifest.json handling of the most recent Chrome update. (In my case, "Version 72.0.3626.96 (Official Build) (64-bit)" on Windows.) My extension stopped working in a way similar to what you describe.
The solution to my problem was to remove the specific url permissions I had specified in the "permissions" section, and replace them with <all_urls>. I tried tightening them back up again, but the only other thing that worked for me was https://*/*.
I tested this on several machines that had the previous version of Chrome and they had the same behavior... successful operation before the Chrome update, no response after. The icon displayed properly and showed "Has access to this site", but my background page refused to run.
Good luck! Hopefully this helps!

Disable a specific Chrome extension for a specific page?

Can I add code to a page that will disable an extension running on that specific page?
Yes, there are extensions and settings that will prevent an extension from running.
I'm trying to avoid those approaches and control it within the page itself where I don't want it to run.
Yes, I can add code to the page(s) where I want to disable.
Want to do this with Javasript or JQuery.
