I am trying to create a second clk counter using a 100 MHz clk input, but when I simulate the clk divider, it just shows the output as an X even though the clk input is correct. What could I be doing wrong?
1 second clk divider:
module clkdiv(
input clk,
input [25:0] terminalcount,
output reg clk_div
reg [25:0] count;
wire tc;
assign tc = (count == terminalcount);
always # (posedge(clk)) begin
if (tc) count <= 0;
else count <= count + 1;
always # (posedge(clk)) begin
if (tc) clk_div = !clk_div;
Test Bench:
module clockdivTB;
// inputs
reg clk; // make 100 MHz -- T = 10 ns
// outputs
wire newclk;
// second clock -- connect test signals to clkdiv
clkdiv slowclkCUT (
.terminalcount(50000000-1), // 1 Hz
// initialize inputs
initial begin
clk = 0;
// create input clock 100MHz
forever #5 clk = ~clk;
The output is X because reg types are initialized to X (unknown). You need to initialize the output to a known value. For simulation purposes, you can set clk_div and count to 0 as follows:
module clkdiv(
input clk,
input [25:0] terminalcount,
output reg clk_div = 0
reg [25:0] count = 0;
However, if you want to synthesize your logic, you likely need to add a reset input. You can drive the input from your testbench.
module clkdiv(
input reset,
input clk,
input [25:0] terminalcount,
output reg clk_div
reg [25:0] count;
wire tc;
assign tc = (count == terminalcount);
always # (posedge(clk)) begin
if (reset) count <= 0;
else if (tc) count <= 0;
else count <= count + 1;
always # (posedge(clk)) begin
if (reset) clk_div <= 0;
else if (tc) clk_div <= !clk_div;
I am making an average that resets every period on EDA Playground. No errors are displayed on the simulator, Icarus Verilog, but the outputs are continually unassigned (which, of course, is not what I intended).
Here is my design:
module shift
input [13:0] in,
input clock,
output [31:0] sum,
output [14:0] avg);
integer reset;
reg [31:0] sum_reg;
reg [14:0] avg_reg;
always #(posedge clock)
if (reset == 8) begin
avg_reg = sum_reg >> 3;
sum_reg = 0;
reset = 0;
end else begin
sum_reg = sum_reg + in;
reset = reset + 1;
assign sum = sum_reg;
assign avg = avg_reg;
Here is my testbench:
module shift_tb;
reg [13:0] in;
reg clock = 1'b0;
reg reset;
wire [31:0] sum;
wire [14:0] avg;
shift s
integer f;
initial begin
for (f = 9000; f < 10000; f = f + 10) begin
in = f;
$display("in = %d, sum = %d, avg = %d", in, sum, avg);
#1 clock = ~clock;
What is wrong with this code?
One problem is reset is an integer that is initially x and stays that way. You need a way of initializing it to 0.
Another problem is your testbench for-loop has no delay. You should add #(nedgedge clk)
EDIT: removed some redundancies, moved all assignments to non-blocking, inserted a reset mapped as one of the input buttons of my FPGA... but when I implement the code, it starts transmitting the same wrong character and gets stuck in a single state of my machine.
Post Synthesis and Post-Implementation simulations are identical,$time-wise
module UART (reset_button, sysclk_p, sysclk_n,TxD, Tx_busy, Tx_state_scope_external);
input reset_button, sysclk_p, sysclk_n;
output wire TxD, Tx_busy;
output wire [1:0]Tx_state_scope_external;
//internal communications signals
wire clk_internal;
//buffer unit control signals
wire [7:0]TxD_data_internal;
wire Tx_start_internal;
wire Tx_busy_internal;
wire reset_flag;
reset_buf RESET_BUFF (.reset_internal (reset_flag), .reset (reset_button));
differential_CK CK_GENERATION (.sysclk_p (sysclk_p), .sysclk_n(sysclk_n), .clk(clk_internal));
output_Dbuffer OB1 (.reset (reset_flag), .RTS_n (Tx_busy_internal), .clk(clk_internal), .TX_trigger (Tx_start_internal), .TX_data(TxD_data_internal));
async_transmitter TX1 (.reset (reset_flag), .clk (clk_internal), .TxD_data(TxD_data_internal), .Tx_start (Tx_start_internal), .TxD(TxD), .Tx_busy_flag(Tx_busy_internal), .Tx_state_scope(Tx_state_scope_external));
obuf_TX O_TX1( .Tx_busy(Tx_busy), .Tx_busy_flag(Tx_busy_internal));
module reset_buf (
output reset_internal,
input reset
// IBUF: Single-ended Input Buffer
// 7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide, version 14.7
.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), // Low power (TRUE) vs. performance (FALSE) setting for referenced I/O standards
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
) IBUF_inst (
.O(reset_internal), // Buffer output
.I(reset) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
// End of IBUF_inst instantiation
module differential_CK(
input sysclk_p,
input sysclk_n,
output clk
// IBUFGDS: Differential Global Clock Input Buffer
// 7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide, version 14.7
.DIFF_TERM("FALSE"), // Differential Termination
.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), // Low power="TRUE", Highest performance="FALSE"
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
) IBUFGDS_inst (
.O(clk), // Clock buffer output
.I(sysclk_p), // Diff_p clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IB(sysclk_n) // Diff_n clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
// End of IBUFGDS_inst instantiation
module output_Dbuffer (
input reset,
input RTS_n, //TX_BUSY flag of the transmitter is my ready to send flag
input clk, //ck needed for the FSM
output wire TX_trigger, //TX_START flag of the transmitter now comes from THIS unit instead of Receiver
output wire [7:0]TX_data //byte for transmission
//internal variables
reg [7:0] mem [0:9]; //memory init, 10 * 8 bit locations
integer m, n, i, j, k ; //M = row [a.k.a. bytes], N = column [a.k.a. single bits]
reg TX_trigger_int;
reg [7:0] TX_data_int, TX_complete;
//reg sum256_ok;
reg [7:0]checksum_buff ;
//buffer FSM required variables
localparam //state enumeration declaration
BUF_IDLE = 3'b000,
BUF_START = 3'b001,
BUF_BYTES = 3'b010,
BUF_BUSY = 3'b011,
reg [2:0] buf_state; //2 bits for 4 states
//static assignments of OUTPUTS : Transmission Flag and Transmission Data (content)
assign TX_trigger = TX_trigger_int;
assign TX_data = TX_data_int;
//Block for transmitting [here I manage the TX_Data and TX_Trigger functionality]
always #(posedge clk)
if (reset)
buf_state <= BUF_IDLE;
TX_trigger_int <= 0;
TX_data_int <= 8'b00000000;
else case (buf_state)
TX_trigger_int <= 0;
TX_data_int <= 8'b00000000;
m <=0;
n <=0;
i <=0;
j <=0;
mem[9] <= 8'b01010001; //81
mem[8] <= 8'b01000000; //64
mem[7] <= 8'b00110001; //49
mem[6] <= 8'b00100100; //36
mem[5] <= 8'b00011001; //25
mem[4] <= 8'b00010000; //16
mem[3] <= 8'b00001001; //9
mem[2] <= 8'b00000100; //4
mem[1] <= 8'b00000001; //1
mem[0] <= 8'b00000010;//2
checksum_buff <= 8'd31;
//check if the TX is not busy
if (RTS_n == 0) buf_state <= BUF_START;
TX_trigger_int <= 0;
if ((i == 0) || ( (j - i) > 1 )) buf_state <= BUF_BYTES;
else begin
$display ("BUFFER BUSY #time:", $time);
buf_state <= BUF_BUSY;
//check if the TX is busy
if (RTS_n==0)
// TX_trigger_int = 1; 21.09 MOVED THE TRIGGER INSIDE THE ELSE N LINE 498
if (j > 9)
TX_trigger_int <= 0;
buf_state <= BUF_TX_CHECKSUM;
else begin
TX_data_int <= mem[j];
TX_trigger_int <= 1;
j <= j+1;
//TX_trigger_int =0;
buf_state <= BUF_START;
else buf_state <= BUF_BYTES;
if (RTS_n == 0)
$display ("BUFFER AVAILABLE AGAIN #time:", $time);
buf_state <= BUF_START;
if (RTS_n==0) begin
TX_data_int <= checksum_buff;
// sum256_ok = 0;
TX_trigger_int <= 1;
buf_state <= BUF_IDLE;
//default: buf_state <= BUF_IDLE;
module async_transmitter(
input clk,
input reset,
//differential clock pair
input [7:0] TxD_data,
input Tx_start, // it is ==TX_TRIGGER
output wire TxD, //bit being sent to the USB
output reg Tx_busy_flag,
output wire [1:0]Tx_state_scope
localparam //state enumeration declaration
TX_IDLE = 2'b00,
TX_START_BIT = 2'b01,
TX_BITS = 2'b10,
TX_STOP_BIT = 2'b11;
parameter ClkFrequencyTx = 200000000; // 200MHz
parameter BaudTx = 9600;
reg [1:0] Tx_state; //2 bits for 4 states
integer bit_counter; //bit counter variable
reg [7:0]TxD_data_int, TxD_int;
integer i; //vector index for output data
wire TXSTART_Trigger;
StartDetectionUnitTX SDU_TX (.clk(clk), .state (Tx_state), .signal_in (Tx_start), . trigger (TXSTART_Trigger));
wire BitTick;
BaudTickGen #(ClkFrequencyTx, BaudTx) as (.clk(clk), .trigger (TXSTART_Trigger), .tick(BitTick));
//BitTick is 16times the frequency generated during the RX portion
assign TxD = TxD_int;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (reset)
Tx_state <= TX_IDLE;
TxD_int <= 1;
Tx_busy_flag <=0;
else case (Tx_state)
begin //reinitialization and check on the trigger condition
bit_counter <= 0;
TxD_data_int <= 8'b00000000;
i <= 0;
TxD_int <= 1; //idle state
Tx_busy_flag <= 0;
if (TXSTART_Trigger) begin
Tx_state <= TX_START_BIT;
TxD_data_int <= TxD_data;
Tx_busy_flag <= 1;
bit_counter <= 8;
if (BitTick)
TxD_int <= 0 ; //start bit is a ZERO logical value
Tx_state <= TX_BITS;
if (BitTick)
bit_counter <= bit_counter -1;
TxD_int <= TxD_data_int[i];
// $display ("ho trasmesso dalla UART un bit di valore %b al tempo: ", TxD, $time);
i <= i+1;
if (bit_counter < 1) Tx_state <= TX_STOP_BIT;
if (BitTick) begin
TxD_int <= 1; //STOP BIT is a logical '1'
Tx_busy_flag <= 0;
Tx_state <= TX_IDLE;
// default: Tx_state <= TX_IDLE;
assign Tx_state_scope = Tx_state;
module obuf_TX (
output Tx_busy,
input Tx_busy_flag
// OBUF: Single-ended Output Buffer
// 7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide, version 14.7
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the output I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) OBUF_inst (
.O(Tx_busy), // Buffer output (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(Tx_busy_flag) // Buffer input
// End of OBUF_inst instantiation
module StartDetectionUnitTX ( //detects a rising edge of the start bit == TRANSMISSION START, during the IDLE state = 0000
input clk, [1:0]state,
input signal_in,
output trigger
reg signal_d;
always #(posedge clk)
signal_d <= signal_in;
assign trigger = signal_in & (!signal_d) & (!state);
module BaudTickGen (
input clk, trigger,
output tick //generates a tick at a specified baud rate *oversampling
parameter ClkFrequency = 200000000; //sysclk at 200Mhz
parameter Baud = 9600;
parameter Oversampling = 1;
//20832 almost= ClkFrequency / Baud, to make it an integer number
integer counter = (20833/Oversampling)-1; //-1 so counter can get to 0
reg out;
always #(posedge clk)
if (trigger)
counter <= (20833/Oversampling)-1; //-1 so counter can get to 0
out <= 1;
if (counter == 0)
counter <= (20833/Oversampling)-1; //-1 so counter can get to 0
out <= 1;
else begin
counter <= counter-1;
out <= 0;
assign tick = out;
My FPGA is a Virtex-7 VC707 and I'm using Vivado for my design flow.
Here I am attaching an image of my looping error.
error image
What have you done? Have you just simulated the code? Are you saying that it fails on the board, but the post-implementation sim is Ok?
A difference between pre- and post-implementation sim could point to a race condition. Get rid of all your blocking assignments, replace with NBAs (why did you use blocking assignments?)
Don't go to Chipscope - it's just a red flag that you don't know what you're doing
The code is a mess - simplify it. The Xilinx-specific stuff is irrelevant - get rid of it if you want anyone to look at it, fix comments (2-bit state?!), fix your statement about getting stuck in '10', etc
Have you run this through Vivado? Seriously? You have multiple drivers on various signals. Get rid of the initial block, use a reset. Initialise the RAM in a way which is understood by the tools. Even if Vivado is capable of initialising stuff using a separate initial block, don't do it
Get rid of statements like 'else Tx_state = TX_IDLE' in the TX_IDLE branch - they're redundant, and just add verbosity
Write something which fails stand-alone, and post it again.
I have been using '/' operator to perform divison in verilog. I am able to get the simulation results right but the thing is that my code was unable to get synthesized due to '/' operator. It was displaying the error "second operand of / should be a power of 2". How should I perform divison in Verilog HDL ?
The operator for division is not synthesizable as pointed by the error message, it's supposed to be used for simulation only.
What you need to do depends on the conditions of the division.
You can use the repeated subtraction algorithm, which is the simplest solution.
The downside is that you get the result of your division in N clock cycles, where N in the integer part of the division, but you can set a flag bit for when the division is complete.
Here is the description of the algorithm, from Wikipedia:
while N ≥ D do
N := N − D
return N
Edit: For the sake of completeness to anyone reaching this question. Here is a synthetizable implementation of the algorithm. (This is not the best implementation, nor it has been fully tested )
module mod_div(
input clk,
input rst,
input start,
input [7:0] num,
input [7:0] den,
output [7:0] res,
output [7:0] rem,
output reg done
/* Registers to store the input arguments */
reg [7:0] num_r;
reg [7:0] den_r;
/* counts the number of times denominator fits in numerator */
reg [7:0] result_integer;
/* True if the algorithm is running */
reg working;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(rst == 1'b1)begin
/* setting the working registers to 0 */
num_r <= 8'b0;
den_r <= 8'b0;
working <= 1'b0;
result_integer <= 'b0;
done <= 'b0;
end else if(start == 1'b1) begin
/* Captures the parameters and starts the operation */
num_r <= num;
den_r <= den;
working <= 1'b1;
done <= 1'b0;
/* The actual algorithm */
if (working == 1'b1 && start == 1'b0)begin
if(num_r >= den_r) begin
/* The division will give a proper fraction */
num_r <= num_r - den_r;
result_integer <= result_integer + 8'b1;
end else begin
working <= 'b0;
done <= 1'b1;
/* The reminder of the division */
assign rem = num_r;
/*The integer part is the number of times the divisor was substracted from the
* numerator*/
assign res = result_integer;
And also here is the test bench for this module:
module division_tb();
reg clk;
reg rst;
reg [7:0] numerator;
reg [7:0] denominator;
reg start;
wire [7:0] integer_result;
wire [7:0] reminder_result;
wire done_flag;
mod_div DUT (
always begin
#10 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
clk = 1'b0;
rst = 1'b1;
#15 rst = 1'b0;
numerator = 17;
denominator = 5;
#1 start = 1;
#20 start = 0;
#200 $finish;
$dumpvars(0, division_tb);
This is the result of the simulation using GTK-Wave:
In the image the division of 17/5 is being performed, to start the operation
the start wire needs to be in 1 for at least 1 clock cycle, when the division is complete the flag done is set to 1 at that moment the result is in the output registers. For this example integer_part: 3 and the reminder is 2
I have written this code to get the frequency of the input on seven segment display. This is only at early stages that is why I have used only one digit for the display. I am taking input through signal generator and using Basys2 board for the output. The problem I am facing is that the frequency displayed on the board is fluctuating a lot even though I am applying constant frequency input through signal generator. Below is my code:
module frequencyCounter(clk, in, frequency, rst, C, AN, DP);
input clk, in, rst;
output reg [3:0] frequency;
output [6:0] C;
output [3:0] AN;
output DP;
reg [32:0] counter = 0;
reg [3:0] cur_dig_AN;
reg [3:0] current_digit;
reg [6:0] segments;
reg [3:0] frequency_reg;
assign AN = cur_dig_AN;
assign DP = 1;
assign C = ~segments;
always#(posedge clk) begin
if(rst) begin
frequency <= 0;
frequency_reg <= 0;
counter <=0;
cur_dig_AN <=0;
current_digit <=0;
else if (counter < 50000000) begin
counter <= counter +1;
frequency_reg <= frequency_reg + 1;
else begin
counter <= 0;
frequency_reg <= 0;
frequency <= frequency_reg;
if (frequency < 10) begin
cur_dig_AN <= 4'b1110;
current_digit <= frequency;
// the hex-to-7-segment decoder
always # (current_digit)
case (current_digit)
4'b0000: segments = 7'b111_1110; // 0
4'b0001: segments = 7'b011_0000; // 1
4'b0010: segments = 7'b110_1101; // 2
4'b0011: segments = 7'b111_1001; // 3
4'b0100: segments = 7'b011_0011; // 4
4'b0101: segments = 7'b101_1011; // 5
4'b0110: segments = 7'b101_1111; // 6
4'b0111: segments = 7'b111_0000; // 7
4'b1000: segments = 7'b111_1111; // 8
4'b1001: segments = 7'b111_0011; // 9
4'b1010: segments = 7'b111_0111; // A
4'b1011: segments = 7'b001_1111; // b
4'b1100: segments = 7'b000_1101; // c
4'b1101: segments = 7'b011_1101; // d
4'b1110: segments = 7'b100_1111; // E
4'b1111: segments = 7'b100_0111; // F
default: segments = 7'bxxx_xxxx;
The way it works is that it counts number of inputs in one second. I am using 50Mhz clock (thus 50000000). Some registers like cur_dig_AN might seem redundant but as I said I was just testing at this stage. Moreover, is there any effective way of eliminating noise if it is of any concern at all in my case?
I got the solution to my problem. The problem I was facing was that once there is an input I counted it as many times as there was clk signal and that input was there instead of just counting it once therefore I had to introduce another variable so that I don't count same input twice:
reg in_reg;
if(in && ~in_reg) begin
frequency_reg <= frequency_reg + 1; //increasing freq reg for each input with in one second
in_reg <= 1;
else if (~in) //makes sure it is not counting same input twice
in_reg <= 0;
This way I am getting my correct frequency!