Cannot Write File in Electron App After Build - node.js

I know this is a repetitious question but i can't find any answer
I want to store my electron app data in a local json file
This works very good but after packaging and building it doesn't work
I tried to run app in administrator but that doesn't work again!
i don't know how to solve this problem
There is a way to store data in electron app No Matter How

Where are you saving this file? Unless you have admin access, you can't save to certain directories because that would expose a lot of potential security holes of written apps.
There was a package written that allows you to save data in a file for your app, making use of the path of app.getPath("userData"). This is the magic path you need to be using, app.getPath("userData"). If you aren't saving your data to this path, you will require admin access.
That package although makes use of outdated security practices, so if you want to still save your electron data to a file with better practices (ie. using IPC instead of the remote module), I'd recommend this template that I am an author of.


How do I run my node.js application on a client's server without sharing the codebase with them?

We are using Angular for front end and Node.js for backend. We are in conversation with a client to run our application on their local server, hence if we could use a package executable of the application, it would not give them access to our source code. We want to know if there are any robust tools that can help us do this or if there is any other way in which we can allow them to use all our application's offerings without giving them any idea of how the application works technically.
I think you have next options
compiles your backend part into a single executable file nexe
encode your critical parts to weird format weird
run your backend part in docker after minifier/compressor tool minifier
compiles modules to binary format binary
mix all options

Single executable for React App and Express API

I have a React App and a Express API. I want to package those two components into one single executable. Is there a way to do this? I don’t want a solution to my problem I want a hint into the right direction if this is possible.
I believe what you mean is not to keep the bundler running as well as the express server, unfortunately that's not possible if you're in developer mode (and) you're expecting realtime updates in your browser, but if you were in production, then it's not even the case that you need to run your bundler, cause your main.bundle.js is already built and ready.
I think this is what you are looking for.
Electron or similar libraries help you to create an executable application which can be installed an run like a desktop application.
The only point you have to keep in mind is for accessing the database you will have to create a REST API and communicate via that.
Link for a simple tutorial.

Running multiple node applications using same configuration file that is outside of each project

I am using pm2 to run several node applications. Problem is that I am using config files for every node application and so what I want to do is easily have say a json file outside of all the node application folders in which they can ALL point all for common database connections etc...
Prefer to not use linux environment variables unless there is an easy and great way of setting it up
pm2 does have the ecosystem, but it doesn't seem to be very well documented to me
what other solutions?
pm2 ecosystem // this generates .config.js not a .json
Create json or yml file. Put it in your root projects folder. And write "configProvider" which will read the file and populate configuration. It works really well for us. Especially this file can also been shared between different languages, not only javascript.

Hide Node js application source code

I'm developing a private web application for a company and they ask me to use their server to host it. I would like to prevent them the access to the source code. How can i do that? Their server is running debian and they have the root access..
I found some solution like packaging the application in one executable file but the application have lot's of dependency and I'm using framework; this make packaging very difficult..
Any different solution?
The answer is no, you cannot prevent them from seeing the source-code. If they own the source-code, then it is even unethic to want something like this. If you own the source-code, then minify it. But before you do that, think about it. Will it raise the trust of your client in you? Even binary source-codes can be reverse-engineered. With interpreted languages, like Javascript, you cannot even do that. If you are afraid they will not pay you unless you protect the source-code, then implement the project on a local server and create a video to back up your claim that the project is completed. Although, everything depends on the actual agreement, which, you understandably will not share with us.
You can't prevent them from seeing the source code, but you can make it harder to read with browserify and uglifyjs:
browserify index.js --no-bundle-external --node | uglifyjs -c > bundle.js
This unfortunately won't preserve the original stack trace of errors and will make it harder to debug.

securing the source code in a node-webkit desktop application

first things first , i have seen nwsnapshot. and its not helping.
i am building an inventory management system as a desktop app using node-webkit . the project being built is using compoundjs (mvc javascript library). which have a definite folder structure (you know mvc) and multiple javascript files inside them.
the problem is nwsnapshot allows the app to have only a single snapshot file but the logic of application is spread over all the folders in different javascript files.
so how do i secure my source code before shipping it to client? Or any other work-around Or smarter way (yes, i know about obfuscating).
You can use nodewebkit command called nwsnapshot to compile the javascript code into binary which will be loaded into the app without specifying any js file
nwsnapshot --extra-code application.js application.bin
in your package.json add this:
snapshot: 'application.bin'
It really depends on what you mean by "secure".
You can obfuscate your javascript code fairly well (as well as potentially improve performance) by using the Google Closure Compiler.
I'm not aware of any off-the-shelf solutions to encrypt/decrypt your javascript, and honestly I would question the need for that.
Some people think they need to make it impossible to view their source code, because they're used to dealing with compiled languages where you only ship binaries to users. The fact is, reverse-engineering that binary code was never as difficult as some people think it is, so if there's any financial incentive, there is practically no difference between shipping source code and the traditional shipping of binaries.
Some languages have offered genuine encryption of deployed assets, such as Microsoft's SLPS. It seems to me that the market for this was so small that Microsoft gave it to a partner (just my view). The truth is that most customers are not interested in taking your source code; they're far more interested in your ability to service and support that code in an efficient manner, while they get on with their job.
You may consider to merge the JS files into one in the build process and compile it.
