Architecting back-end and Front-end solution (nodeJS) - node.js

I have a single back-end running node/express providing API endpoints and 2 static (react) front-ends. The front-ends interact with the users and communicate with the back-end.
I need to use https through-out once enter production stage.
The front-ends will require their own domain names.
I’ve been thinking on the simplest way to have these configured and have come up with Option 1 (see diagram). Node.js API server running on one VPS and as the front-ends are static sites these can be loaded on separate servers (UPDATE- Mean't to say hosting providers) hence get their own domains. As an option, and I’m unsure if its needed, add cloudflare to the front-end to provide a layer of security.
This will allow front-ends to have separate domain names.
As this is a start-up project and doubt a large number of visitors, I’m wondering if the above is over-engineered and un-necessarily complicated.
So I’m considering Option 2 of hosting back-end api app and the two front-ends on the same linux vps. As the front-ends are static, I added the front-ends into the public folder of node.js. This allowed me to access the front-ends as http://serverIP:8080/siteA
As I want to access front-end as I’m assuming I require a reverse proxy (nginX)
The questions to help me decide between the two options are:
For a start-up operation and given he above scenario which option is best ?
I understand that node.js requires a port number regardless to work, for the API I don’t mind having a port number (as its not applicable for end users i.e., however the two front-ends require their own domain names (www.siteA.xom,, therefore will I need to employ a reverse proxy (nginX) regardless if they are static sites or not ?
I’m concerned that someone could attack API end-points ( In this case, is it true with Option 2 is safer than 1 - that I could potentially block malicious direct API calls as all sites are hosted on the same VPS and the API can be easily be secured, this is not exposed to the outside world?
My developer once upon a time told me that option 1 is best as nginX adds un-needed complication, but not sure what he meant – hence my confusion, to be honest I don’t think he wanted to add nginX to the server.
I’m looking at a high-level guidance to get me on the right track. Thank

This is - as you have also doubted - unnecessarily complex, and incorrect in some cases. Here's a better (and widely used across the industry) design. I'm strongly recommending to drop the whole VM approach and go for a shared computing unit, unless you are using that machine for some other computation and utilizing it that way is saving your company a lot of money. I strongly doubt this is the case. Otherwise, you're just creating problems for yourself.
One of the most common mistakes that you can make when using Node.js is to host the static content through the public folder (for serious projects) Don't. Use a CDN instead. You'll get better telemetry depending on the CDN, redundancy, faster delivery, etc. If you aren't expecting high volumes of traffic and performance of delivering that static content isn't outrageously important at the moment, you can even go for a regular hosting server. I've done this with namecheap and GoDaddy before.
Use a direct node-js shared - or dedicated depending on size - hosting for your app and use CI/CD to deploy it. You can use CNAMEs to map whatever domain name you want to have your app on (ex: to map to the domain name of the cloud-hosting provider url for your app. I've used multiple things, Azure, Heroku, Namecheap for the apps and primarily Azure DevOps to manage the CI/CD pipeline, although Jenkins is super popular as well. I'd recommend Heroku - since it provides a super easy setup.
When designing any API on HTTP, you should assume people will call your API directly. See this answer for more details: How to prevent non-browser clients from sending requests to my server I'm not suggesting to put something like CloudFlare, but you may be overthinking it, look into your traffic first. Get it when you need it. As long as you have the right authentication / authorization mechanism in place, security of the API shouldn't be a big problem on these platforms. If you deploy it on one of these platforms, you won't have to deal with ports either. Unless you reach absolutely massive scale, it will definitely be cheaper for you operate with high-reliability this way.
You won't need to deal with nginx anymore.


Assign different url to diferent users

Am trying to create a web app with nodejs and this app will have a different profile for different users.
when a user sign up from "", it should create a personal url for user e.g ""
What you are looking for is called a subdomain. Subdomains are not handled at the application level. You need to add an A record in your DNS for every subdomain. Usually this is done using the API provided by your domain provider (or wherever your nameservers are located). Then, you'll need to proxy each subdomain to your application using some other web server like Apache or nginx.
The solution depends on:
Who your domain provider is.
What web server you're using (if any). Apache, nginx, etc.
The OS of the server.
And probably a lot more depending on your specific use-case.
Essentially what you're looking for isn't quite straightforward, and will probably involve a ton of work to get right and stable. There's many ways you can do this and it really depends on the rest of your technology stack. Not much of this actually has anything to do with node.js.

Nodejs Database configuration based on accessed domain

I have two domains and pointing to the same NodeJS server. Based on the domain I want to load the configuration that will persist for that domain i.e. for I wanna connect to Database1 and for I wanna connect to Database2.
How do I go about doing this? Is it even possible or recommended to do so?
I started with loading the configuration on the first request by getting the hostname from req.hostname. Is there any better way to do this?
Multiple strategies -
1. Deploy the same code multiple times but on different ports.
Your reverse proxy sends the request to the correct server. I do this currently by hosting multiple ghost blogs on the same vps. One runs on port 3000, another on 3010.
Pros - Less fragile setup, easier scaling, application need not be aware of operational environment. If one domain comes under attack, the other is not automatically a casualty.
Cons - Might not be possible in resource constrained environments. Deployments can involve repetitive work.
2. Read the hostname
Great option if the feature set is pretty much the same but only the domain name changes. You read the configuration file as you stated depending on the hostname.
Pros - Easier deployment, great option for resource constrained environments.
Cons - Unnecessarily tight coupling, all domains will become unavailable in case of server errors, scaling could be an issue.
Personally, I prefer deploying on different ports unless and until the code requires depending on hostnames. If you are just building a product where some unique identifier needs to be present in the URL like then using subdomains in dns might be a better idea.

IIS performance query while hosting multiple applications

I have developed Web App and Web API in .Net Core 2.0 along with Xamarin Mobile App. I am looking for best hosting strategy so that I can have best cost effective performance. Basically I need to host two stuff
Web App
Web API.
Should I use different domain for both applications. i.e. & or
I should use subdomain or directory for webapi. i.e. or
I have windows dedicated server with average configuration. Per my understanding, In both case all traffic will route to the same server. No matter I start with question 1 or 2.
Please advice.
With a single server it makes little difference which option you use. However domains/subdomains make it easier to scale/replace 1 or both components in the future.
Ask yourself:
Do you expect your app/api to ever require more than 1 server?
Do customers/3rd parties integrate with your api url directly?
If you answer yes to either question different domains/ subdomains probably make more sense.
Ideally within IIS I would have 2 seperate websites. One for and a 2nd site
You should also think about a cdn (cloudflare ect) as this will help reduce load on you server and make static files load faster for end users.

node.js api gateway implementation and passport authentication

I am working on implementing a microservices-based application using node.js. While searching for examples on how to implement the api gateway, I came across the following article that seems to provide an example on implementing the api gateway: Though, finding example for implementing the api gateway pattern in node.js seems to be a little hard to come by so far, this article seemed to be a really good example.
There are a few items that are still unclear and I am still have issues finding doc. on.
1) Security is a major item for the app. I am developing, I am having trouble seeing where the authentication should take place (i.e. using passport, should I add the authentication items in the api gateway and pass the jwt token along with the request to the corresponding microservice as the user's logged in information is needed for certain activities? The only issue here seems to be that all of the microservices would need passport in order to decrypt the jwt token to get the user's profile information. Would the microservice be technically, inaccessible to the outside world except through the api gateway as this seems to be the aim?
2) How does this scenario change if I need to scale to multiple servers with docker images on each one? How would this affect load balancing, as it seems like something would have to sit at a higher level to deal with load balancing?
I can tell that much depends on your application requirements. Really.
I'm now past the 5 years of experience in production microservices using several languages going from medium to very large scale system.
None of them shared the same requirements, and without having a deep understanding of what you need and what are your business (product) requirements it would be hard to know what's the right answer, by the way I'll try to share some experience to help you get it right.
Ideally you want the security to be encapsulated in an external service, so that you can update and apply new policies faster. Also you'll be able to deprecate all existing tokens should you find a breach in your system or if someone in your team inadvertedly pushes some secret key (or cert) to an external service.
You could handle authentication on each single service or using an edge newtwork tool (such as the API Gateway). Becareful choosing how to handle it because each one has it's own privileges:
Choosing the API Gateway your services will remain lighter and do not need to know anything about the authentication steps, but surely at some point you'll need to know who the authenticated user is and you need some plain reference to it (a JSON record, a link or ID to a "user profile" service). How you do it it's up to your requirements and we can even go deeper talking about different pros and cons about each possible choice applicable for your case.
Choosing to handle it at the service level requires you (and your teams) to understand better about the security process taking place (you can hide it with a good library) and you'll need to give them support from your security team (it's may also be yourself btw you know the more service implementing security, the more things you'll have to think about to avoid adding unnecessary features). The big problem here is that you'll often end up stopping your tasks to think about what would help you out on this particular service and you'll be tempted to extend your authentication service (and God, unless you really know what you're doing, don't add a single call not needed for authentication purposes).
One thing is easy to be determined: you surely need to think about tokens (jwt, jwe or, again, whatever your requirements impose).
JWT has good benefits, but data is exposed to spoofing, so never put in there sensitive data or things you wouldn't publicly share about your user (e.g. an ID is probably fine, while security questions or resolution to 2FA would not). JWE is an encrypted form of the spec. A common token (with no meaning) would require a backend to get the data, but it works much like cookie-sessions and data is not leaving your servers.
You need to define yourself the boundaries of your services and do yourself a favor: make each service boundaries clean, defined and standard.
Try to define common policies and standardize interactions, I know it may be easier to add a queue here, a REST endpoint there, a RPC there, but you'll soon end up with a bunch of IPC you will not be able to handle anymore and it will soon catch your attention.
Also if your business solution is pretty heavy to do I don't think it's a good idea to do yourself the API Gateway, Security and so on. I'd go with open source, community supported (or even company-backed if you have some budget) and production-tested solutions.
By definition microservice architectures are very dynamic, you'll fight to keep it immutable between each deployment version, but unless you're a big firm you cannot effort keeping live thousands of servers. This means you'll discover bugs that only presents under certain circumstances you cannot spot in other environments (it happens often to not be able to reproduce them).
By choosing to develop the whole stack yourself you agree with having to deal with maintenance and bug-discovery in your whole stack. So when you try to load a page that has 25 services interacting you know it may be failing because of a bug in: your API Gateway, your Security implementation, your token parser, your user account service, your business service A to N, your database service (if any), your database load balance (if any), your database instance.
I know it's tempting to do everything, but try to keep it flat and do what you need to do. By following this path you'll think about your product, which I think is what's the most important think to do now.
To complete my answer, about the scaling issues:
it doesn't matter. Whatever choice you pick it will scale seamlessly:
API Gateway should be able to work on a pool of backends (so from that server you should be able to redirect to N backend machines you can put live when you need to, you can even have some API to support automatic registration of new instances, or even simples put the IP of an Elastic Load Balancer or HAproxy or equivalents, and as you add backends to them it will just work -you have moved the multiple IPs issue from the API Gateway to one layer down).
If you handle authentication at services level (and you have an API Gateway) see #1
If you handle authentication at services level (without an API Gateway) then you need to look at some other level in your stack: load balancing (layer 3 or layer 7), or the DNS level, you can use several features of DNS to put different IPs to answer from, using even advanced features like Anycast if you need latency distribution.
I know this answer introduced a lot of other questions, but I really tried to answer your question. The fact is that you need to understand and evaluate a lot of things when planning a microservice architecture and I'd not write a SLOC without a very-written-plan printed on every wall of my office.
You'll often need to go mental focus and exit from a single service to review the global vision and check everything is going fine.
I don't want to scare you, I'm rather trying to make you think to succeed.
I just want you to make sure you correctly evaluated all of the possibilities before to decide to do everything from scratch.
P.S. Should you choose to act using an API gateway be sure to limit services to only accept requests through it. On the same machine just start listening on localhost, on multiple machines you'll need some advanced networking rule depending on your operating system.
Good Luck!

Website with node.js, hosting architecture decision

I am planning to start my first website. The website is a little HTML5+CSS+JS website with a backend running node.js that serves the data stored on mongodb. I would like to know which one is the best solution regarding mostly the security:
Web hosting (SSL and cloudflare) + VPS serving on port 3000 (with SSL, cloudflare and node.js with sensible data;users and pass and a local mongodb)
Everything in the same VPS.
Any other approach you can give.
The thing is that in the first approach there are two elements in the architecture so if someone wants to hack it i suppose it's more difficult. On the other hand in the second approach if the VPS is hacked everything is hacked and they could access to passwords, mongodb database. I am quite obsessed with security as it is my first website and i don't know what meassures to make to protect my VPS (node.js and mongodb).
Furthermore, i would like to know in terms of efficiency which would be best solution imagine for a 10MB website with 1.000 visits a day.
Regardless of how many actual servers you decide to deploy on, I'd strongly suggest not serving your site directly from node.js. Instead, proxy it through a more robust http server such as Apache or Nginx or even lighttpd. For the very simple reason that the http module in node.js was never meant to protect against worms and hacking attempts and various other malware.
I've written web servers from scratch myself and have noticed that in general, you'll get your first hacking attempt within the first hour of putting your server online. You'll get around a dozen or so hacking attempt per day on the slowest days and it goes up from there. These attempts are so common that most server software no longer log them in access logs and simply block them.
From my own personal experience I estimate that around 5% to 10% of my bandwidth is consumed by failed hacking/infection attempts. That is when I'm not being actively attacked.
Security through obscurity is not good security. Especially since node's http module is not very obscure in the first place and someone is bound to find a hackable weakness one of these days.
Apart from security, you also waste fewer CPU cycles ignoring these hacking attempts in Apache or Nginx compared to node.js since you don't need to run any javascript code to handle them.
You can make the choice between the two architectures moot. Both architectures are hackable, and your data will be exposed.
If security is paramount, check out Mylar - it's a platform that protects data confidentiality even when an attacker gets full access to servers. Mylar stores only encrypted data on the server, and decrypts data only in users' browsers.
It runs on top of Meteor, which in turn runs on top of Node.js and uses MongoDB, so if your web app is small, it should be easy to port the code. Meteor also stores passwords using bcrpyt, the best
password hashing algorithm nowadays.
