Find n smallest values in a list of tensors - pytorch

I am trying to find the indices of the n smallest values in a list of tensors in pytorch. Since these tensors might contain many non-unique values, I cannot simply compute percentiles to obtain the indices. The ordering of non-unique values does not matter however.
I came up with the following solution but am wondering if there is a more elegant way of doing it:
import torch
n = 10
tensor_list = [torch.randn(10, 10), torch.zeros(20, 20), torch.ones(30, 10)]
all_sorted, all_sorted_idx = torch.sort([t.view(-1) for t in tensor_list]))
cum_num_elements = torch.cumsum(torch.tensor([t.numel() for t in tensor_list]), dim=0)
cum_num_elements =[torch.tensor([0]), cum_num_elements])
split_indeces_lt = [all_sorted_idx[:n] < cum_num_elements[i + 1] for i, _ in enumerate(cum_num_elements[1:])]
split_indeces_ge = [all_sorted_idx[:n] >= cum_num_elements[i] for i, _ in enumerate(cum_num_elements[:-1])]
split_indeces = [all_sorted_idx[:n][torch.logical_and(lt, ge)] - c for lt, ge, c in zip(split_indeces_lt, split_indeces_ge, cum_num_elements[:-1])]
n_smallest = [t.view(-1)[idx] for t, idx in zip(tensor_list, split_indeces)]
Ideally a solution would pick a random subset of the non-unique values instead of picking the entries of the first tensor of the list.

Pytorch does provide a more elegant (I think) way to do it, with torch.unique_consecutive (see here)
I'm going to work on a tensor, not a list of tensors because as you did yourself, there's just a cat to do. Unraveling the indices afterward is not hard either.
# We want to find the n=3 min values and positions in t
n = 3
t = torch.tensor([1,2,3,2,0,1,4,3,2])
# To get a random occurrence, we create a random permutation
randomizer = torch.randperm(len(t))
# first, we sort t, and get the indices
sorted_t, idx_t = t[randomizer].sort()
# small util function to extract only the n smallest values and positions
head = lambda v,w : (v[:n], w[:n])
# use unique_consecutive to remove duplicates
uniques_t, counts_t = head(*torch.unique_consecutive(sorted_t, return_counts=True))
# counts_t.cumsum gives us the position of the unique values in sorted_t
uniq_idx_t =[torch.tensor([0]), counts_t.cumsum(0)[:-1]], 0)
# And now, we have the positions of uniques_t values in t :
final_idx_t = randomizer[idx_t[uniq_idx_t]]
print(uniques_t, final_idx_t)
#>>> tensor([0,1,2]), tensor([4,0,1])
#>>> tensor([0,1,2]), tensor([4,5,8])
#>>> tensor([0,1,2]), tensor([4,0,8])
EDIT : I think the added permutation solves your need-random-occurrence problem


subtracting every element of a list from a previous element in a dictionary

I have a dictionary which has a 2D list (list of a list). This 2D list contains x and y coordinates [x,y] of a particle. Whenever the particle moves, its new coordinates are appended to this 2D list in a dictionary. I want to calculate the distance between every location and append the result to another list (can just be a normal list without dictionary). What I want is something like the following:
dist1 = sqrt((x1-x0)^2 + (y1-y0)^2)
dist2 = sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
distN = sqrt((xN-xN-1)^2 + (yN-yN-1)^2)
but I am having issues in accessing elements of a list in a dictionary. I have a very long 2D list but you can use the below example to give me some suggestions.
c = {"coordinates":[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]]}
for k, dk in c.items():
for x in dk:
print(x[0], x[1])
I can access one element in the dk at a time in a loop but how to get the previous one? There should be a nice way of doing it but I just don't know.
Any help will be appreciated.
Using a for loop (probably not the most efficient solution):
import numpy as np
c = {"coordinates":[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]]}
coordinates = np.array(c['coordinates'])
distances = []
for i in range(1, len(coordinates)):
distances.append(np.linalg.norm(coordinates[i-1] - coordinates[i]))
# [2.8284271247461903, 2.8284271247461903, 2.8284271247461903]
I also used numpy and its linalg.norm function to calculate the distance (How can the Euclidean distance be calculated with NumPy?), but you could ofcourse use your own function or calculation in case you'd want that.
I tried this and it also works:
c = {"coordinates":[[1,2],[3,4],[15,6],[7,8]]}
l1 = []
for k, dk in c.items():
for x in dk:
dist = [math.sqrt((p1[0]-p0[0])**2 + (p1[1]-p0[1])**2) for p1,p0 in zip(l1,l1[1:]
as others suggested in this question, better way to get l1 is to use the following command:
l1 = c["coordinates"]
dist = [math.sqrt((p1[0]-p0[0])**2 + (p1[1]-p0[1])**2) for p1,p0 in zip(l1,l1[1:]

Hot to get the set difference of two 2d numpy arrays, or equivalent of np.setdiff1d in a 2d array?

Here Get intersecting rows across two 2D numpy arrays they got intersecting rows by using the function np.intersect1d. So i changed the function to use np.setdiff1d to get the set difference but it doesn't work properly. The following is the code.
def set_diff2d(A, B):
nrows, ncols = A.shape
dtype={'names':['f{}'.format(i) for i in range(ncols)],
'formats':ncols * [A.dtype]}
C = np.setdiff1d(A.view(dtype), B.view(dtype))
return C.view(A.dtype).reshape(-1, ncols)
The following data is used for checking the issue:
Xt = np.arange(50, 3950, min_dis)
Yt = np.arange(50, 3950, min_dis)
Xt, Yt = np.meshgrid(Xt, Yt)
Xt[::2] += min_dis/2
# This is the super set
turbs_possible_locs = np.vstack([Xt.flatten(), Yt.flatten()]).T
# This is the subset
subset = turbs_possible_locs[np.random.choice(turbs_possible_locs.shape[0],50, replace=False)]
diffs = set_diff2d(turbs_possible_locs, subset)
diffs is supposed to have a shape of 50x2, but it is not.
Ok, so to fix your issue try the following tweak:
def set_diff2d(A, B):
nrows, ncols = A.shape
dtype={'names':['f{}'.format(i) for i in range(ncols)], 'formats':ncols * [A.dtype]}
C = np.setdiff1d(A.copy().view(dtype), B.copy().view(dtype))
return C
The problem was - A after .view(...) was applied was broken in half - so it had 2 tuple columns, instead of 1, like B. I.e. as a consequence of applying dtype you essentially collapsed 2 columns into tuple - which is why you could do the intersection in 1d in the first place.
Quoting after documentation:
a.view(some_dtype) or a.view(dtype=some_dtype) constructs a view of the array’s memory with a different data-type. This can cause a reinterpretation of the bytes of memory.
I think the "reinterpretation" is exactly what happened - hence for the sake of simplicity I would just .copy() the array.
NB however I wouldn't square it - it's always A which gets 'broken' - whether it's an assignment, or inline B is always fine...

How to plot best fit line for values in a list less than an integer?

I'm trying to plot a best fit line for when values in my list x are less than x_c (in this case 20).
x_c = (20)
filter1 = [a < x_c for a in x]
m, b = np.polyfit(x[filter1], tr[filter1], 1)
plt.plot(x[filter1], m*x[filter1]+ b)
When I do that I get this error: TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not list
I also tried it with
filter = [x < x_c]
and that also did not work
Python lists do not support boolean indexing. (But numpy arrays do!) You must select the items from your list that match your condition, and then use the new list for plotting:
good_x = [a for a in x if a < x_c]
plt.plot(good_x, ...)

kth-value per row in pytorch?

import torch
A = torch.rand(9).view((3,3)) # tensor([[0.7455, 0.7736, 0.1772],\n[0.6646, 0.4191, 0.6602],\n[0.0818, 0.8079, 0.6424]])
k = torch.tensor([0,1,0])
A.kthvalue_vectoriezed(k) -> [0.1772,0.6602,0.0818]
Meaning I would like to operate on each column with a different k.
Not kthvalue nor topk offers such API.
Is there a vectorized way around that?
Remark - kth value is not the value in the kth index, but the kth smallest element. Pytorch docs
torch.kthvalue(input, k, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)
Returns a namedtuple (values, indices) where values is the k th smallest element of each row of the input tensor in the given dimension dim. And indices is the index location of each element found.
Assuming you don't need indices into original matrix (if you do, just use fancy indexing for the second return value as well) you could simply sort the values (by last index by default) and return appropriate values like so:
def kth_smallest(tensor, indices):
tensor_sorted, _ = torch.sort(tensor)
return tensor_sorted[torch.arange(len(indices)), indices]
And this test case gives you your desired values:
tensor = torch.tensor(
[[0.7455, 0.7736, 0.1772], [0.6646, 0.4191, 0.6602], [0.0818, 0.8079, 0.6424]]
print(kth_smallest(tensor, [0, 1, 0])) # -> [0.1772,0.6602,0.0818]

Rearranging a 3-D array using indices from sorting?

I have a 3-D array of random numbers of size [channels = 3, height = 10, width = 10].
Then I sorted it using sort command from pytorch along the columns and obtained the indices as well.
The corresponding index is shown below:
Now, I would like to return to the original matrix using these indices. I currently use for loops to do this (without considering the batches). The code is:
import torch
ch = 3
h = 10
w = 10
inp_unf = torch.randn(ch,h,w)
inp_sort, indices = torch.sort(inp_unf,1)
resort = torch.zeros(inp_sort.shape)
for i in range(ch):
for j in range(inp_sort.shape[1]):
for k in range (inp_sort.shape[2]):
temp = inp_sort[i,j,k]
resort[i,indices[i,j,k],k] = temp
I would like it to be vectorized considering batches as well i.e.input size is [batch, channel, height, width].
Using Tensor.scatter_()
You can directly scatter the sorted tensor back into its original state using the indices provided by sort():
torch.zeros(ch,h,w).scatter_(dim=1, index=indices, src=inp_sort)
The intuition is based on the previous answer below. As scatter() is basically the reverse of gather(), inp_reunf = inp_sort.gather(dim=1, index=reverse_indices) is the same as inp_reunf.scatter_(dim=1, index=indices, src=inp_sort):
Previous answer
Note: while correct, this is probably less performant, as calling the sort() operation a 2nd time.
You need to obtain the sorting "reverse indices", which can be done by "sorting the indices returned by sort()".
In other words, given x_sort, indices = x.sort(), you have x[indices] -> x_sort ; while what you want is reverse_indices such that x_sort[reverse_indices] -> x.
This can be obtained as follows: _, reverse_indices = indices.sort().
import torch
ch, h, w = 3, 10, 10
inp_unf = torch.randn(ch,h,w)
inp_sort, indices = inp_unf.sort(dim=1)
_, reverse_indices = indices.sort(dim=1)
inp_reunf = inp_sort.gather(dim=1, index=reverse_indices)
print(torch.equal(inp_unf, inp_reunf))
# True
