when i execute pandas-profiling package it won't return min, max and mean values - python-3.x

When i profiling the following data using pandas-profiling==2.8.0 it won't return min, max and mean values.
CSV data
python code
import json
import pandas as pd
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
def profile_report(data):
dataset = data.select_dtypes(include=['int64', 'float64'])
profile=ProfileReport(dataset, minimal=True)
results = json.loads(json_data)
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
if __name__ == "__main__":
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv',index_col=None)
in some case it work properly and return min, max and mean values. but when i execute above csv data it won't return that values

For a dataset with less elements than a given number (say 5), pandas-profiling assumes that your variable is categorical instead of interval.
Use the vars.num.low_categorical_threshold parameter to change this (docs)
profile = ProfileReport(dataset, minimal=True, vars=dict(num={"low_categorical_threshold": 0}))


Python function to iterate each unique column and transform using pyspark

I'm building the following global function in Pyspark to go through each column in my CSV that is in different formats and convert them all to one unique format separated by "-."
I am new to the python world, I am getting
TypeError: Column is not iterable
employeesDF =is reading csv file from local sys
I tried the below code:
def colrename(df):
for col in employeesDF.columns:
F.col(col).alias(col.replace('/s,#', '_'))
return employeesDF
ndf = colrename (employeesDF.columns)
This will work
import re
def colrename(column):
reg = re.sub(r'\s|#', '_',column)
return reg
df2 = df2.toDF(*(colrename(c) for c in df2.columns))
In case any one interested, I used the code below to do it. I hope this information is useful. Thanks
from pyspark.sql import *
import re
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("test").getOrCreate()
def colrename(df):
for names in df.schema.names:
df = df.withColumnRenamed(names, re.sub(r'([^A-Za-z0-9])','_',names))
return df
colrename (df).show()

Using langdetect output to be imported into a new column in my dataframe

Being rather new to programming with python I tried to language detect segments of text in pandas data frame.
So first I made a function for the 'langdetect' package
import pandas as pd
from langdetect import detect
def language_detect(x):
lang = detect(x)
My second step would be to feed in the data frame for processing. All the segments that need detecting are in separate rows in the dataframe under the same column header.
result = [language_detect(x) for x in df['column_name']]
df['l_detect'] = pd.append(result)
In the output I see the texts being recognized properly.
But when I try to print result.
it returns me with only the value for every entry 'none'
So my questions are:
why do I get 'none' when the the print output from the function has the right values
How can I attach this to my current data frame, since when I try to append it I get 'none' on
every field as well.
Thanks in advance.
The problem is that result is empty because your function language_detect() doesn't return anything (it is only printing the results).
import pandas as pd
from langdetect import detect
lst = [('this is a test', 1), ('what language is this?', 4), ('stackoverflow is a website', 23)]
df = pd.DataFrame(lst, columns = ['text', 'something'])
def language_detect(x):
lang = detect(x)
result = [language_detect(x) for x in df['text']]
#Output:[None, None, None]
Just give it a return value:
def language_detect(x):
lang = detect(x)
return lang
df['l_detect'] = df['text'].apply(language_detect)
# text something l_detect
#0 this is a test 1 en
#1 what language is this? 4 en
#2 stackoverflow is a website 23 en
and it will work as expected.

Python pandas read_csv for specfic records in columns

I am trying to import data from a large csv file 15GB+. I have to select few columns with specific values (there are over 50 columns) but as an example. I have used
df=pd.read_csv('filename.csv', nrows=10000, usecols=['ID', State'])
Is there a way where I can specify something like that:
df=pd.read_csv('filename.csv', nrows=10000, usecols=['ID', 'State'='abc'])
Can't find any option to do that
There's no option to filter rows like that while reading csv files.
What you can do is create an iterator then apply your filter to each chunk then concat the chunks. It would look something like:
iterable = pd.read_csv('filename.csv', usecols=['ID', 'State'], iterator=True, chunksize=10000)
df = pd.concat([chunk[chunk['State'] == 'abc'] for chunk in iterable])
Assuming that the resulting DataFrame for a selection where 'State' == 'abc' is small enough to be accommodated in RAM, you could extract those from the csv as follows. df is the resultant DataFrame.
import pandas as pd
inPath = 'filename.csv'
chunkSize = 10000 #size of chunks relies on your available memory
tmpDf = pd.read_csv(inPath,chunksize=chunkSize,
usecols=['ID', 'State'])
for chunk in tmpDf:
except NameError:
df = tmpDf[tmpDf['State'] == 'abc']
df = pd.concat([df, tmpDf[tmpDf['State'] == 'abc']])

Submit looping calculation to dask and get back the result

My co-worker and I have been setting up, configuring, and testing Dask for a week or so now, and everything is working great (can't speak highly enough about how easy, straightforward, and powerful it is), but now we are trying to leverage it for more than just testing and are running into an issue. We believe it's a fairly simple one related to syntax and an understanding gap. Any help to get it running is greatly appreciated. Any support in evolving our understanding of more optimal paths is also greatly appreciated.
We got fairly close with these two posts:
Dask: How would I parallelize my code with dask delayed?
Unpacking result of delayed function
High level flow:
Open data in pandas & clean it (we plan on moving this to a pipeline)
From there, convert the cleaned data set for regression into a dask data frame
Set the x & y variables and create all unique x combination sets
Create all unique formulas (y ~ x1 + x2 +0)
Run each individual formula set with the data through a linear lasso lars model to get the AIC for each formula for ranking
Current Issue:
Run each individual formula set (~1700 formulas) with the data (1 single data set which doesn’t vary with each run) on the dask cluster and get the results back
Optimize the calculation & return the final data
# In[]
# Imports:
import logging as log
import datetime as dat
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from patsy import dmatrices
import sklearn as sk
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, SGDClassifier, LinearRegression
import dask as dask
import dask.dataframe as dk
from dask.distributed import Client
# In[]
# logging, set the dask client, open & clean the data, pass into a dask dataframe
format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
datefmt="%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
c = Client('ip:port')
ST = dat.datetime.now()
data_pd = pd.read_csv('some.txt', sep="\t")
#fill some na/clean up the data a bit
data_pd['V9'] = data_pd.V9.fillna("Declined")
data_pd['y'] = data_pd.y.fillna(0)
data_pd['x1'] = data_pd.x1.fillna(0)
#output the clean data and re-import into dask, we could alse use from_pandas to get to dask dataframes
data = dk.read_csv(r'C:\path\*.csv', sep=",")
# set x & y variables - the below is truncated
y_var = "y"
x_var = ['x1',
#list of all variables
all_var = list(y_var) + x_var
#all unique combinations
x_var_combos = [combos for combos in combinations(x_var,2)]
#add single variables for testing as well
for i in x_var:
# create formulas from our y, x variables
def formula(y_var, combo):
combo_len = len(combo)
if combo_len == 2:
formula = y_var +"~"+combo[0] +"+"+ combo[1]+"+0"
formula = y_var +"~"+combo[0]+"+0"
return formula
def model_aic(dt, formula):
k = 2
y_df, x_df = dmatrices(formula, dt, return_type = 'dataframe')
y_df = np.ravel(y_df)
log.info('dmatrices successful')
LL_model = sk.linear_model.LassoLarsIC(max_iter = 100)
AIC_Value = min(LL_model.fit(x_df, y_df).criterion_) + ( (2*(k**2)+2*(k)) / (len(x_df)-k-1) )
log.info('AIC_Value: %s', AIC_Value)
oup = [formula ,AIC_Value, len(dt)-AIC_Value]
return oup
# ----------------- here's where we're stuck ---------------------
# ----------------- we think this is correct ----------------------
# ----------------- create a list of all formula to execute -------
# In[]
out = []
for i in x_var_combos:
var = model_aic(data, formula(y_var, i))
# ----------------- but we're stuck figuring out how to -----------
# ------------------make it compute & return the result -----------
ans = c.compute(*out)
ans2 = c.compute(out[1])
print (ans2)

Fuzzy logic for excel data -Pandas

I have two dataframes DF(~100k rows)which is a raw data file and DF1(15k rows), mapping file. I'm trying to match the DF.address and DF.Name columns to DF1.Address and DF1.Name. Once the match is found DF1.ID should be populated in DF.ID(if DF1.ID is not None) else DF1.top_ID should be populated in DF.ID.
I'm able to match the address and name with the help of fuzzy logic but i'm stuck how to connect the result obtained to populate the ID.
DF1-Mapping file
DF Raw Data file
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from fuzzywuzzy import process
from operator import itemgetter
df=pd.read_excel("Test1", index=False)
df1=pd.read_excel("Test2", index=False)
def fuzzy_match(x, choice, scorer, cutoff):
return (process.extractOne(x,
for pin,city,Add,Name in zip(zip_code,Facility_city,Address,Name_list):
#====Address Matching=====#
choice=df1.loc[(df1['Zip']==pin) &(df1['City']==city),'Address1']
#====Name Matching========#
if (result is not None):
if (result[3]>70):
choice_1=(df1.loc[(df1['Zip']==pin) &(df1['City']==city),'Name'])
if (result_1 is not None):
#Here populating the matching ID
IIUC: Here is a solution:
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import pandas as pd
#Read raw data from clipboard
raw = pd.read_clipboard()
#Read map data from clipboard
mp = pd.read_clipboard()
#Merge raw data and mp data as following
dfr = mp.merge(raw, on=['Hospital Name', 'City', 'Pincode'], how='outer')
#dfr will have many duplicate rows - eliminate duplicate
#To eliminate duplicate using toke_sort_ratio, compare address x and y
dfr['SCORE'] = dfr.apply(lambda x: fuzz.token_sort_ratio(x['Address_x'], x['Address_y']), axis=1)
#Filter only max ratio rows grouped by Address_x
dfr1 = dfr.iloc[dfr.groupby('Address_x').apply(lambda x: x['SCORE'].idxmax())]
#dfr1 shall have the desired result
This link has sample data to test the solution provided.
