Can we set the frequency of pull to get better instant updates from config server using Jhipster Registry central-config approach with file-system - jhipster

Currently I am using in one of my project JHipster micro-service centralization approach using central-config folder, using JHipster Registry app using native file system .
I have two questions to ask---
If we can set the frequency of the pull so we can get better instant updates from the config server?
How the config server treat the data pulling the information from a source (git or binary repository) like it copy the files to a local directory, keep the information in memory ?

this is not how it works, applications do not poll config server on a regular basis. The configuration gets loaded at startup time. If you make a change in config server and want the applications to reload their application context (see also #RefreshScope bean annotation), it's up to you to either call /management/refresh on each client or you will Spring Bus (if you use it) to send refresh events, see
For git backend, the server clones remote repositories when configuration is first requested or at startup and then refreshes according to value, see


How to develop foxx services using arangodb web interface

I am creating foxx services, right now I am doing it in VS Code and uploading the zip file in the services section with a mount point in DEVELOPMENT mode. Now I want to quick edit the foxx service in web interface itself. I was reading this possible but for some reason I do not get an option to edit it using web interface. Am I missing some configuration/setting or something.
One way to do rapid development with Foxx is to use an IDE that automatically uploads modified files to a local 'deployment' location.
For example, if you use WebStorm IDE, and edit the files in a directory that is integrated with GIT, then you can checkout and check in your code.
WebStorm (or other IDE's as well) have a feature where they monitor edited files, and then automatically copy those files to a destination location.
You can set it up so that it notices when you save a file, then rather than zip it and deploy it via the web UI, it just copies the files to the directory that Foxx is using as the source of your web service.
If you have the Foxx service running in 'Development' mode, then it recompiles every invocation, so it will pick up the newly edited changes that just got copied in.
You need to find the target directory that you have your Foxx Service running out of, when you enable Development mode it will tell you the path in the Web UI.
Not sure if you can do that with VSCode, but if you can then that's the easiest way to do it.

Upgrade Service Fabric Application

Is there a way to copy only modified files to Service Fabric.
I have a Service Fabric application containing an ASP. Net 5 application as service. Whenever am doing a change to a JavaScript file inside my ASP. Net 5 service, every time I need to copy the entire service fabric application package. Is there a command which allows to copy only the modified file?
The best way to accomplish this is to use diff packaging and app upgrade. See this link for more info: Diff packaging allows you to define an application package that only contains the package parts that you wish to upgrade. However, it only applies to a component of an application package, such as a Service or Code package for example. You can't create a diff package at the file level. So if you've only changed a single file in your code package, you must include that file along with every other file that belongs to the code package. You can't just include the single file that changed. But the benefit of diff packaging is that you'd only need to include that single code package. You wouldn't need to provide other Service's code packages, for example, assuming they haven't been changed.
Service Fabric SDK 2.5 brings in a preview feature called "Refresh Application".
Using this feature you can get quicker feedback of your code changes.
To enable that, set the following from project properties
Application Debug mode = Refresh Application.
More details and limitations can be found here:
In Fabric Explorer you need to find the node where you Web Application is running. I my case that is _Node_0
By SF SDK design, local SF published file is under C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App\ . In my environment, the website file path is C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App_Node_0\Application1Type_App1\Web1Pkg.Code.1.0.0\wwwroot\
So you can also find your HTML, CSS, JS and other static resources under below path: C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App[node_id][application_type_and_instance_name][service_type_and_version]\
You can just modify the files in this folder, then the change will immediately apply to your local test web browser. Please notice if your service is hosted by micro-service running in several nodes, you may need to modify all nodes files because load balancer may access any folder files randomly.

AWS to host assets and client side static code at central repository which should be accessible from node to upload files to central location

I am using AWS to run my application based on MEAN stack. I am using load balancer with three instances of Node application servers and three instances of mongo database server on cluster. My application has feature to upload file contents to server, mainly images, audios, vidoes etc. I want following
I want to create one central content repository which should be accessible from all of my three node application servers so that my node code should be able to upload files to central content repository.
I want to one URL to access this central content repository which can be used on user interface to load assets and display it
I also want to re-purpose this same central repository to host all of my client side javascript, css, images and would like my index.html to refer client side assets from central repository URL
I was looking into options in AWS however go confused. Not able to understand what is best and easy approach. Following is server architecture for reference.
Please advice
I couldn't figure out to use EC2 to solve this problem, so I changed my implementation approach, rather than hosting files on file system, I am using the MongoDB GridFS to store files. It helped to make it available for each nodejs hosts.

Is it possible to easily modify the log4net section in the config file of several running applications remotely?

Our product consists of client, server and agents. Each deployed on different machines. The QA is having a hard time to manipulate the log4net sections in the respective config files. Right now, they have to have remote desktops to all the relevant machines and open notepad in each of them and then edit the files one at a time switching between different machines as they proceed. A real pain in the ass.
Can anyone suggest a better solution to this problem?
You could store the log4net configuration in a database (you could then even consider to create a web interface that allows your QA team to modify the configuration). You have to figure out how your applications pick up the new configuration (e.g. you have some remote Admin interface that allows you to tell your applications to use the new configuration).
On start-up you load the configuration from there. Maybe it is advisable to have some backup configuration in a file that is loaded first in case loading from the database fails. The default configuration would be for instance so that the QA team gets an email if loading the configuration from the database fails.
Another option would be to store all log4net configuration files on a network share... create an application setting that tells your application where to find the log4net configuration and call the Configure() method accordingly. Again the question is how your applications pick up the new configuration.
Not sure if ConfigureAndWatch() would behave as expected if the configuration files is on a network share. If so that would be quite an easy option to implement.

How to properly create an SVN repository that is accessible via http? (inside public_html)?

Here's the situation:
subversion is already installed in the server and I have access to one of the shared accounts in the server (not the root), and this shared hosting account has SSH access.
I want to create a repository where I can commit the PHP files i'm working on, and when I commit it should be viewable in a browser that is why I was thinking of creating the repository folders inside public_html is this a correct way to do this? How about the security of the server? If not what is the correct and proper way to do this?
I would also need help in creating the repository via SSH with Putty. Is there a step-by-step guide online for this?
Server information is as follows:
cat /proc/version - output this:
Linux version 2.6.9-89.0.3.ELsmp ( (gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-11))
svn --version - output this:
svn, version 1.1.4 (r13838)
compiled Aug 10 2009, 23:17:10
ra_dav : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV (DeltaV) protocol.
handles 'http' schema
handles 'https' schema
ra_local : Module for accessing a repository on local disk.
handles 'file' schema
ra_svn : Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol.
handles 'svn' schema
The correct way to do this is to use a web bridge to SVN, such as websvn or viewsvn (there are several). You can set these up to expose any repository as a website.
As to creating a new repository, see the SVN "Red-Bean" reference at
I want to create a repository where I can commit the PHP files i'm working on, and when I commit it should be viewable in a browser.
I'm not sure I understand your question. Do you mean that the repository should execute your PHP, i.e. that your Subversion repository should also be your PHP server? I strongly recommend against it.
A source control repository and an application server are completely different things. They serve different roles; should be accessed by different people (developers vs. end-users); should have different monitoring and SLA policies; different hardware, and whatnot. You also probably don't want every committed change to be automatically deployed to your production environment.
The Red Bean book also has a number of sections on integrating SVN with apache, etc. But before you start working on a solution, you need to define what you're trying to do more thoroughly. What is your usage model?
For example, will you commit to SVN repository via svn+ssh, or via svnserve, etc?
Do you want to see full revisions, history, changesets from the web interface? Or just the head?
