Why does my databases folder show loading...? - android-studio

I put a database in my databases folder (in assets) earlier and I could see it.
After updating Android Studio, when I click on the databases folder, it just shows "loading..." and it never goes away. I cannot see any file names.
I would not care except I updated my database and tried to copy it in again and it does not do anything.
(I copy the database and paste it in the folder. The pop-up to name the file comes up. I hit OK and the database does not change. Also, it still says "loading...")

Just fixed it. I had to disable SQLite plugin 1.4.1


Source Control on Domino Designer: Files not getting deleted on on-disk project

A weird one here. I've noticed that the 'Team Development - Sync with On-Disk Project' is not deleting files on my ODP. I'm not using automatic updating.
I've looked at the permissions on the odp/nsf folder, and I've noticed a little grey out checkbox which I can remove, but it pops back up immediately.
I've also tried opening up the security on the folder (right-click/properties/Security) and giving most groups superpowers, but no bananas.
Any help or hint would be appreciated.
Update: the deletions happen, but not immediately. I'm confused.
We have had issues not just with deletion but newly added files received via git, the only solution is to refresh both projects a few times and sync them both.
Another issue: I often lose some project settings, i.e. an additional source folder and a .jar file. It probably has something to do with replication, but it's impossible for me to find out exactly why this is happening.

"This file is currently not available for use on this computer"

I am hoping someone has had this issue before and can help me resolve. I was working on a company project. I had just finished up and needed to publish my project to the server. When trying to publish, I got the error "This file is currently not available for use on this computer."
So then I tried to open one of the .cs files of the solution, and the error occurred again from trying to open the file. So I tried to grab the latest version from TFS thinking it would give me whichever file is missing, but when I click "Get Latest Version" on the project, the error message pops up there too.
I thought surely I will be able to delete the project locally and then remap it, but I can't even delete the project off my computer, as the error message pops up halfway through deletion. When it occurs there, however, I do get "Error 0x800710FE: This file is currently not available for use on this computer."
Also have tried deleting offline cached files through Control Panel > Sync Center > Manage Offline Files > Disk Usage > Delete temp files
I got this error for a small, test solution that was not using TFS. The default file location is the documents folder, which in my environment is synced using the Sync Center. I moved all of the solution files to a new local folder that was not included in Sync operations and the error went away.
Conclusion: storing VS files in a folder managed by Sync Center is likely a bad idea.
I got this error when trying to save an excel file served from a webpage.
The solution for me was to save it under a different filename. Possibly because I previously had a file with the same name open in excel.

Can't get workspace project to reflect latest changes tfs visual studio

After using a "GetLatestVersion" to retreive my coworker's new project added to Source Control, we realized that the folder structure was incorrect. He deleted the issues on Source Control and everything looked great there. It runs on his end.
Unfortunately for me, even after running the "GetSpecificVersion" and checking all the overwrite boxes, I cannot get the new version of his project on my local workspace.
How now do I delete the project on my end without TFS knowing (so I don't have toCheckInanything and TFS doesn't think it needs to bring anything onto the server from my local workspace).
It makes most sense to me to:
- log out of Source Control, close the project and Visual Studio,
- go into my workspace folder and delete the coworker's broken project
- log back into Source Control, bring up the workspace project in Solution Explorer, and re- "GetLatestVersion" and overwrite files.
Has anyone had this problem before? I'm working in VisualStudio 2012
Are you 100% positive that your co-worker did in fact check in all of his changes that "fixed" it? I would start by double checking that. In team explorer, make certain that they do not have any files that need to be checked in under "Excluded Files".
If you have a TFS Build Server, make certain that the CI build (or you can manually run it) was successful. This will at least prove whether TFS has the project buildng correctly.
If you don't have a TFS build server, have another co-worker pull it down to verify that everything got checked in correctly.
If you are sure that they checked in everything ok and it is still not working for you, try pulling it down to a different directory. Also, you can manually delete your copy of the solution through file explorer and then pull it down again (with the overwrite checked).

Get last version not working Visual Studio 2012 in TFS

I have Visual Studio 2012 and when I'm trying to get last version it doesn't work and it says that it's says that "All files are up to date". It is because I deleted file locally after I got it from TFS and I guess in Visual Studios memory it's written that there were no changes from that time I got it and now it doesn't let me download it although I don't have it.
How to "tell" VS that my local folder is changed?
P.S. I guess it can be also done with "Get specific version" but that option doesn't appear to me when i right-click on file I want to get from server.
I found that my workspace changed automatically (or rather with me not being concentrated while making new project), so VS was actually checking other directory all the time. For all those who might have the same problem - check your local path and if you see that it's not good, change it.
Here is how you can change it:
You are right, TFS saves what version he gaves you and changing/deleting it without to notify TFS, you won't get anything. The "Get Specific Version ..." is what you need. Therefore rightclick on the item you want, in context menu choose "Advanced --> Get Specific Version". Check the second option to "Overwrite all files even if the local version matches the specified version".
Not saying this is a solution, but I had similar issues after remapping one of my projects. Ultimately what I did was delete my local Solution File (.sln) and re-opened the project via the Project File (.vbproj). After that I was able to see all of my latest file versions that appeared to not be down loading. Once you click save on anything it will re-prompt you to save a new solution file.
i don't know if this is specifically what the OP was trying to accomplish, but here's my story: my machine crashed, had to get it reimaged; once VS2015 was installed, i went to source control explorer, right clicked the branch i needed >> Advanced >> Get Specific Version, checked the "Overwrite..." boxes, clicked "Get" and got the "All files up to date..." message. buster. obviously the code was NOT up to date.
fast forward: i fixed this issue by deleting my workspace's pertinent mapping to code base i needed, saved it, and re-added it.
hope this saves some headaches.
You'll want to Get Specific Version and to check the box to enable overwriting of existing files. That will ensure you're actually up to date.
You can also switch from a server worspace to the new local workspace which should also help solve issues like this.

Using local TFS workspace for non-VisualStudio source code

I am trying to use TFS storing non-VisualStudio source code. Working with Visual Studio 2012 and Microsoft's online Team Foundation Service.
I've setup a TeamProject and mapped its root to a local folder. All it contains at the moment is a BuildProcessTemplates folder in it. (which was created as part of the TeamProject)
I copied my source code externally (using windows explorer) into the TeamProject root folder on my hard drive and since my TFS workspace is NOT a server workspace but rather a local workspace, I was expecting VS to detect the folders/files and show them in Pending Changes window .... yet it doesn't.
Interestingly, new files in the root folder are detected as "Excluded Changes" but new folders are not detected.
What am I missing?
First make sure the newly added folders contains files.
Are there any Detected changes shown in the Excluded Changes section?
Pending Changes > Detected changes link > The Promote Candidate Changes dialog box appears > check the files you want and click Promote.
I can't say I have ever noticed nor expected TFS to automatically pick up files or folders added to a mapped directory as pending changes.
I always just add them manually using the 'Add existing items' option from the source control view.
It may actually do (or at least be meant to do) the auto-detection, but I can't say I've ever relied on it. I don't think it's something to fret too much about - adding them manually is easy enough, and the 'Add existing items' option is usually smart enough to show you which files are not already under source control, so even if you need to add even more files later, it shouldn't be too much extra effort.
