How to write this simple Monad? - haskell

I try to write this:
data A=A Int deriving Show
instance Monad A where
return x=A x
A x>>=f=f x
main=print a where a=A 1
I learn it from the book 《Learn You a Haskell for Great Good》:
instance Monad Maybe where
return x = Just x
Nothing >>= f = Nothing
Just x >>= f = f x
fail _ = Nothing
but got error:
a.hs:3:16: error:
? Expected kind ‘* -> *’, but ‘A’ has kind ‘*’
? In the first argument of ‘Monad’, namely ‘A’
In the instance declaration for ‘Monad A’
so how to write it? When finish, I can write
A 1>>\x->x+1
and get A 2

You can't make A an instance of Monad given its current definition.
The error message tells you that the compiler expects something of the kind * -> *. This means a type that takes a type as input, like Maybe a, IO a, or [] a. In other words, the type must be parametrically polymorphic.
In oder to get an intuitive sense of this, consider return, which has the type:
return :: a -> m a
The type argument a is unconstrained. This means that you should be able to take any value of type a and turn it into a value of the polymorphic type.
If I give you the Boolean value False, which A value will you construct from it? If I give you the string "foo", which A value will you construct from it? If I give you the function id, which A value will you construct from it?
If you want to make your type a Monad instance, you must give it a type parameter, at least like this:
data A a = A Int deriving Show
Here, the a type parameter is in the phantom role; it's not used, but now you're at least able to make it a Functor. This version of A is isomorphic to the Const functor. You can make it a Functor and Applicative instance, but can you make it a Monad?


Why is it said that typeclasses are existential?

According to this link describing existential types:
A value of an existential type like ∃x. F(x) is a pair containing some type x and a value of the type F(x). Whereas a value of a polymorphic type like ∀x. F(x) is a function that takes some type x and produces a value of type F(x). In both cases, the type closes over some type constructor F.
But a function definition with type class constraints doesn't pair with the type class instance.
It's not forall f, exists Functor f, ... (because it's obvious not every type f has instance of Functor f, hence exists Functor f ... not true).
It's not exists f and Functor f, ... (because it's applicable to all instances of satisfied f, not only the chosen one).
To me, it's forall f and instances of Functor f, ..., more like to scala's implicit arguments rather than existential types.
And according to this link describing type classes:
[The class declaration for Eq] means, logically, there is a type a for which the type a -> a -> Bool is inhabited, or, from a it can be proved that a -> a -> Bool (the class promises two different proofs for this, having names == and /=). This proposition is of existential nature (not to be confused with existential type)
What's the difference between type classes and existential types, and why are they both considered "existential"?
The wiki you quote is wrong, or at least being imprecise. A class declaration is not an existential proposition; it is not a proposition of any kind, it is merely a definition of a shorthand. One could then move on to making a proposition using that definition if you wanted, but on its own it's nothing like that. For example,
class Eq a where (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
makes a new definition. One could then write a non-existential, non-universal proposition using it, say,
Eq ()
which we could "prove" by writing:
instance Eq () where () == () = True
Or one could write
prop_ExistsFoo :: exists a. Eq a *> a
as an existential proposition. (Haskell doesn't actually have the exists proposition former, nor (*>). Think of (*>) as dual to (=>) -- just like exists is dual to forall. So where (=>) is a function which takes evidence of a constraint, (*>) is a tuple that contains evidence of a constraint, just like forall is for a function that takes a type while exists is for a tuple that contains a type.) We could "prove" this proposition by, e.g.
prop_ExistsFoo = ()
Note here that the type contained in the exists tuple is (); the evidence contained in the (*>) tuple is the Eq () instance we wrote above. I have honored Haskell's tendency to make types and instances silent and implicit here, so they don't appear in the visible proof text.
Similarly, we could make a different, universal proposition out of Eq by writing something like
prop_ForallEq :: forall a. Eq a => a
which is not nontrivially provable, or
prop_ForallEq2 :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
which we could "prove", for example, by writing
prop_ForallEq2 x y = not (x == y)
or in many other ways.
But the class declaration in itself is definitely not an existential proposition, and it doesn't have "existential nature", whatever that is supposed to mean. Instead of getting hung up and confused on that, please congratulate yourself for correctly labeling this incorrect claim as confusing!
The second quote is imprecise. The existential claim comes with the instances, not with the class itself. Consider the following class:
class Chaos a where
to :: a -> y
from :: x -> a
While this is a perfectly valid declaration, there can't possibly be any instances of Chaos (it there were, to . from would exist, which would be quite amusing). The type of, say, to...
GHCi> :t to
to :: Chaos a => a -> y
... tells us that, given any type a, if a is an instance of Chaos, there is a function which can turn an a into a value of any type whatsoever. If Chaos has no instances, that statement is vacuously true, so we can't infer the existence of any such function from it.
Putting classes aside for a moment, this situation is rather similar to what we have with the absurd function:
absurd :: Void -> a
This type says that, given a Void value, we can produce a value of any type whatsoever. That sounds, well, absurd -- but then we remember that Void is the empty type, which means there are no Void values, and it's all good.
For the sake of contrast, we might note that instances become possible once we break Chaos apart in two classes:
class Primordial a where
conjure :: a -> y
class Doom a where
destroy :: x -> a
instance Primordial Void where
conjure = absurd
instance Doom () where
destroy = const ()
When we, for example, write instance Primordial Void, we are claiming that Void is an instance of Primordial. That implies there must exist a function conjure :: Void -> y, at which point we must back up the claim by supplying an implementation.

Abstract data types in a type class definition

I'm trying to understand what's happening with the type s below:
class A a where
f :: a -> s
data X = X
instance A X where
f x = "anything"
I expected this to work, thinking that since type s isn't bound to anything, it could be anything. But the compiler says that it "Couldn't match expected type ‘s’ with actual type ‘[Char]’", as if type s was a fixed type like Int, Char…
So my second interpretation was to say that, since we don't know anything about s in the type class declaration, we cannot tell when making X an instance of A if the return value of the function f we give matches type s or not. But there are type classes that use abstract data types that are not bound to anything without problems, like Functor:
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Why is the type s above a problem when types a and b here aren't?
You're trying to express this:
f :: a -> ∃s . s
...but what the signature you've written says is actually
f :: a -> ∀s . s
What does all of that mean?
The existential type ∃s . s means, the functions may return a value of some type, i.e. “there exists a type s such that the function returns an s value”.This is not supported by the Haskell language, because it turns out to be pretty useless.
The universal type ∀s . s means, the function is able to produce a value of any type, i.e. “for all types s, the function can return an s value”.
The latter is very useful; fmap is actually a good example: that function works, no matter what types a and b are, and the user is always guaranteed that the result will actually have the desired type, namely f b.
But that means you can't just pick some particular type in the implementation, like you did with String. ...Well, actually you can do that, but only by wrapping the existential in a data type:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, UnicodeSyntax #-}
data Anything = ∀ s . Anything s
class A a where
f :: a -> Anything
instance A X where
f x = Anything "anything"
...but as I said, this is almost completely useless, because when somebody wants to use that instance they'll have no way to know what particular type the wrapped result value has. And there is nothing you can do with a value of completely unknown type.

How do I understand the set of valid inputs to a Haskell type constructor?

Warning: very beginner question.
I'm currently mired in the section on algebraic types in the Haskell book I'm reading, and I've come across the following example:
data Id a =
MkId a deriving (Eq, Show)
idInt :: Id Integer
idInt = MkId 10
idIdentity :: Id (a -> a)
idIdentity = MkId $ \x -> x
OK, hold on. I don't fully understand the idIdentity example. The explanation in the book is that:
This is a little odd. The type Id takes an argument and the data
constructor MkId takes an argument of the corresponding polymorphic
type. So, in order to have a value of type Id Integer, we need to
apply a -> Id a to an Integer value. This binds the a type variable to
Integer and applies away the (->) in the type constructor, giving us
Id Integer. We can also construct a MkId value that is an identity
function by binding the a to a polymorphic function in both the type
and the term level.
But wait. Why only fully polymorphic functions? My previous understanding was that a can be any type. But apparently constrained polymorphic type doesn't work: (Num a) => a -> a won't work here, and the GHC error suggests that only completely polymorphic types or "qualified types" (not sure what those are) are valid:
f :: (Num a) => a -> a
f = undefined
idConsPoly :: Id (Num a) => a -> a
idConsPoly = MkId undefined
Illegal polymorphic or qualified type: Num a => a -> a
Perhaps you intended to use ImpredicativeTypes
In the type signature for ‘idIdentity’:
idIdentity :: Id (Num a => a -> a)
EDIT: I'm a bonehead. I wrote the type signature below incorrectly, as pointed out by #chepner in his answer below. This also resolves my confusion in the next sentence below...
In retrospect, this behavior makes sense because I haven't defined a Num instance for Id. But then what explains me being able to apply a type like Integer in idInt :: Id Integer?
So in generality, I guess my question is: What specifically is the set of valid inputs to type constructors? Only fully polymorphic types? What are "qualified types" then? Etc...
You just have the type constructor in the wrong place. The following is fine:
idConsPoly :: Num a => Id (a -> a)
idConsPoly = MkId undefined
The type constructor Id here has kind * -> *, which means you can give it any value that has kind * (which includes all "ordinary" types) and returns a new value of kind *. In general, you are more concerned with arrow-kinded functions(?), of which type constructors are just one example.
TypeProd is a ternary type constructor whose first two arguments have kind * -> *:
-- Based on :*: from Control.Compose
newtype TypeProd f g a = Prod { unProd :: (f a, g a) }
Either Int is an expression whose value has kind * -> * but is not a type constructor, being the partial application of the type constructor Either to the nullary type constructor Int.
Also contributing to your confusion is that you've misinterpreted the error message from GHC. It means "Num a => a -> a is a polymorphic or qualified type, and therefore illegal (in this context)".
The last sentence that you quoted from the book is not very well worded, and maybe contributed to that misunderstanding. It's important to realize that in Id (a -> a) the argument a -> a is not a polymorphic type, but just an ordinary type that happens to mention a type variable. The thing which is polymorphic is idIdentity, which can have the type Id (a -> a) for any type a.
In standard Haskell polymorphism and qualification can only appear at the outermost level of the type in a type signature.
The type signature is almost correct
idConsPoly :: (Num a) => Id (a -> a)
Should be right, though i have no ghc on my phone to test this.
Also i think your question is quite broad, thus i deliberately answer only the concrete problem here.

Difference between type constructor and return function of a monad (in Haskell)

I'm trying to figure out monads in Haskell but didn't get too far yet.
I found
and several other tutorials/explanations, but none seems to be explaining the difference between the type constructor and the return function.
As I understood the
type constructor constructs a monad from a given value of the basic data type. So it's sort of a normal constructor like in Java, which builds from the given parameter a new instance.
return function applies the type constructor on the given value of the basic data type and returns the constructed monad.
So what's the point of having two functions doing basically the same?
So using the example of a Maybe-monad, the
country = Just "China": (constructor) creates the monad for the value "China".
return "China": returns the monad which is corresponding to the value of China, so it's basically the monad containing the "China" value.
Generally speaking I understand a monad as a container for values.
One usage of monads is to combine simple/existing computations to more complex computations.
Type constructors are type-level functions which return a type. Maybe is a type constructor which takes a single type parameter and returns a type e.g. Maybe String, Maybe Int etc.
data constructors are used to create values of a particular type. For some type Maybe a these constructors are Just and Nothing i.e.
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
The return function constructs a monadic value from a 'plain' value e.g.
return 1 :: Maybe Int
return "s" :: [String]
So in the definition of the Monad class
class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
m is a type constructor e.g. (IO, Maybe, []) which is used to construct types, while return is a function which constructs a monadic value of type m a from a value of type a.
For the monad instance of Maybe, return constructs a value of Maybe a with just i.e.
instance Monad Maybe where
return x = Just x
so if you know you are dealing with Maybe it doesn't matter which you use. However, return has a more general type since it can be used to construct an arbitrary value m a for some monad m.
A type constructor constructs a type out of other types. It is not a function and has nothing to do with values.
In Haskell, [] is a type constructor. When applied to a type, say Int, it makes another type [Int].
Incidentally, in Java [] is a type constructor too. It can make a new type Int[] out of existing type Int.
Perhaps you wanted to ask about data constructors. Indeed, [] is also a data constructor (different from the type constructor spelled []) and in certain contexts it is equivalent to return. Why do we need return then? return works for any monad and can be used to write generic monadic code that works for any monad. It is a generalization of [] and Just and Left and...
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
m is a constructor of a type that is instance of the Monad class
m a is NOT a constructor application but a pattern matching to extract m and a
a->m b is a pattern against a function of m b. Let's call it k.
>>= needs to map to what k maps to ('returns'), i.e. apply k a
The implementation from Maybe
(Just x) >>= k = k x
In a do
>>= binds someMonad <- mConstructorSmartOrNot someParam to the next line
>> binds mConstructorSmartOrNot someParam to the next line
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
return is basically the same as m,
but since m can be any
constructor (of a value of a variable of an m-constructed type),
we can refer to it generally with this one name.
A monad constructs and forwards context.

Confused about Haskell polymorphic types

I have defined a function :
gen :: a -> b
So just trying to provide a simple implementation :
gen 2 = "test"
But throws error :
Couldn't match expected type ‘b’ with actual type ‘[Char]’
‘b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for gen :: a -> b at gen.hs:50:8
Relevant bindings include gen :: a -> b (bound at gen.hs:51:1)
In the expression: "test"
In an equation for ‘gen’: gen 2 = "test"
Failed, modules loaded: none.
So my function is not correct. Why is a not typed as Int and b not typed as String ?
This is a very common misunderstanding.
The key thing to understand is that if you have a variable in your type signature, then the caller gets to decide what type that is, not you!
So you cannot say "this function returns type x" and then just return a String; your function actually has to be able to return any possible type that the caller may ask for. If I ask your function to return an Int, it has to return an Int. If I ask it to return a Bool, it has to return a Bool.
Your function claims to be able to return any possible type, but actually it only ever returns String. So it doesn't do what the type signature claims it does. Hence, a compile-time error.
A lot of people apparently misunderstand this. In (say) Java, you can say "this function returns Object", and then your function can return anything it wants. So the function decides what type it returns. In Haskell, the caller gets to decide what type is returned, not the function.
Edit: Note that the type you're written, a -> b, is impossible. No function can ever have this type. There's no way a function can construct a value of type b out of thin air. The only way this can work is if some of the inputs also involve type b, or if b belongs to some kind of typeclass which allows value construction.
For example:
head :: [x] -> x
The return type here is x ("any possible type"), but the input type also mentions x, so this function is possible; you just have to return one of the values that was in the original list.
Similarly, gen :: a -> a is a perfectly valid function. But the only thing it can do is return it's input unchanged (i.e., what the id function does).
This property of type signatures telling you what a function does is a very useful and powerful property of Haskell.
gen :: a -> b does not mean "for some type a and some type b, foo must be of type a -> b", it means "for any type a and any type b, foo must be of type a -> b".
to motivate this: If the type checker sees something like let x :: Int = gen "hello", it sees that gen is used as String -> Int here and then looks at gen's type to see whether it can be used that way. The type is a -> b, which can be specialized to String -> Int, so the type checker decides that this is fine and allows this call. That is since the function is declared to have type a -> b, the type checker allows you to call the function with any type you want and allows you to use the result as any type you want.
However that clearly does not match the definition you gave the function. The function knows how to handle numbers as arguments - nothing else. And likewise it knows how to produce strings as its result - nothing else. So clearly it should not be possible to call the function with a string as its argument or to use the function's result as an Int. So since the type a -> b would allow that, it's clearly the wrong type for that function.
Your type signature gen :: a -> b is stating, that your function can work for any type a (and provide any type b the caller of the function demands).
Besides the fact that such a function is hard to come by, the line gen 2 = "test" tries to return a String which very well may not be what the caller demands.
Excellent answers. Given your profile, however, you seem to know Java, so I think it's valuable to connect this to Java as well.
Java offers two kinds of polymorphism:
Subtype polymorphism: e.g., every type is a subtype of java.lang.Object
Generic polymorphism: e.g., in the List<T> interface.
Haskell's type variables are a version of (2). Haskell doesn't really have a version of (1).
One way to think of generic polymorphism is in terms of templates (which is what C++ people call them): a type that has a type variable parameter is a template that can be specialized into a variety of monomorphic types. So for example, the interface List<T> is a template for constructing monomorphic interfaces like List<String>, List<List<String>> and so on, all of which have the same structure but differ only because the type variable T gets replaced uniformly throughout the signatures with the instantiation type.
The concept that "the caller chooses" that several responders have mentioned here is basically a friendly way of referring to instantiation. In Java, for example, the most common point where the type variable gets "chosen" is when an object is instantiated:
List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
Second common point is that a subtype of a generic type may instantiate the supertype's variables:
class MyFunction implements Function<Integer, String> {
public String apply(Integer i) { ... }
Third one is methods that allow the caller to instantiate a variable that's not a parameter of its enclosing type:
* Visitor-pattern style interface for a simple arithmetical language
* abstract syntax tree.
interface Expression {
// The caller of `accept` implicitly chooses which type `R` is,
// by supplying a `Visitor<R>` with `R` instantiated to something
// of its choice.
<R> accept(Expression.Visitor<R> visitor);
static interface Visitor<R> {
R constant(int i);
R add(Expression a, Expression b);
R multiply(Expression a, Expression b);
In Haskell, instantiation is carried out implicitly by the type inference algorithm. In any expression where you use gen :: a -> b, type inference will infer what types need to be instantiated for a and b, given the context in which gen is used. So basically, "caller chooses" means that any code that uses gen controls the types to which a and b will be instantiated; if I write gen [()], then I'm implicitly instantiating a to [()]. The error here means that your type declaration says that gen [()] is allowed, but your equation gen 2 = "test" implies that it's not.
In Haskell, type variables are implicitly quantified, but we can make this explicit:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
gen :: forall a b . a -> b
gen x = ????
The "forall" is really just a type level version of a lambda, often written Λ. So gen is a function taking three arguments: a type, bound to the name a, another type, bound to the name b, and a value of type a, bound to the name x. When your function is called, it is called with those three arguments. Consider a saner case:
fst :: (a,b) -> a
fst (x1,x2) = x1
This gets translated to
fst :: forall (a::*) (b::*) . (a,b) -> a
fst = /\ (a::*) -> /\ (b::*) -> \ (x::(a,b)) ->
case x of
(x1, x2) -> x1
where * is the type (often called a kind) of normal concrete types. If I call fst (3::Int, 'x'), that gets translated into
fst Int Char (3Int, 'x')
where I use 3Int to represent specifically the Int version of 3. We could then calculate it as follows:
fst Int Char (3Int, 'x')
(/\ (a::*) -> /\ (b::*) -> \(x::(a,b)) -> case x of (x1,x2) -> x1) Int Char (3Int, 'x')
(/\ (b::*) -> \(x::(Int,b)) -> case x of (x1,x2) -> x1) Char (3Int, 'x')
(\(x::(Int,Char)) -> case x of (x1,x2) -> x1) (3Int, x)
case (3Int,x) of (x1,x2) -> x1
Whatever types I pass in, as long as the value I pass in matches, the fst function will be able to produce something of the required type. If you try to do this for a->b, you will get stuck.
