Python: How to use one dictionary to use to decode the other? - python-3.x

Say if I had two dictionaries:
d1 = {'a':1, 'b':2}
d2 = {'a':'b', 'b':'b', 'a':'a'}
How can I use dictionary d1 as the rules to decode d2, such as:
def decode(dict_rules, dict_script):
//do something
return dict_result
>> {1:2, 2:2, 1:1}

of course it can be written much shorter, but here a version to see the principle:
result_list = list()
result_dict = dict()
for d2_key in d2.keys():
d2_key_decoded = d1[d2_key]
d2_value = d2[d2_key]
d2_value_decoded = d1[d2_value]
result_dict[d2_key_decoded] = d2_value_decoded
# add a tuple to the result list
result_list.append((d2_key_decoded, d2_value_decoded))
the result might be unexpected - because the resulting dict would have entries with the same key, what is not possible, so the key 1 is overwritten:
>>> # equals to :
>>> result_dict[1] = 2
>>> result_dict[2] = 2
>>> result_dict[1] = 1
>>> # Result : {1:1, 2:2}
>>> # therefore I added a list of Tuples as result :
>>> # [(1, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1)]
but as #Patrik Artner pointed out, that is not possible, because already the input dictionary can not have duplicate keys !


Find the index location of an element in a Numpy array

If I have:
x = np.array(([1,4], [2,5], [2,6], [3,4], [3,6], [3,7], [4,3], [4,5], [5,2]))
for item in range(3):
choice = random.choice(x)
How can I get the index number of the random choice taken from the array?
I tried:
indexNum = np.where(x == choice)
But it didn't work.
I want the output, for example, to be something like:
chosenIndices = [1 5 8]
Another possibility is using np.where and np.intersect1d. Here random choice without repetition.
x = np.array(([1,4], [2,5], [2,6], [3,4], [3,6], [3,7], [4,3], [4,5], [5,2]))
cont = 0
while cont<3:
choice = random.choice(x)
ind = np.intersect1d(np.where(choice[0]==x[:,0]),np.where(choice[1]==x[:,1]))[0]
if ind not in res:
print (res)
# Output [8, 1, 5]
You can achieve this by converting the numpy array to list of tuples and then apply the index function.
This would work:
import random
import numpy as np
chosenIndices = []
x = np.array(([1,4], [2,5], [2,6], [3,4], [3,6], [3,7], [4,3], [4,5], [5,2]))
x = x.T
x = list(zip(x[0],x[1]))
item = 0
while len(chosenIndices)!=3:
choice = random.choice(x)
indexNum = x.index(choice)
if indexNum in chosenIndices: # if index already exist, then it will rerun that particular iteration again.
print(chosenIndices) # Thus all different results.
[1, 3, 2]

How to reassign multiple variables (if possible) with an iterator in Python 3

update Adding a usage example to better explain why I'm trying to elicit this behavior. See update at end of post. Added better syntax for links and added a link to article suggested as an answer.
I am trying to use an iterator to alter the value of a list of variables.
>>> a = 1
>>> b = 2
>>> c = 3
>>> for i in [a,b,c]:
i += 1
>>> a,b,c #Expecting (2, 3, 4)
(1, 2, 3)
This doesn't appear to work, I've tried some other ways (see below) without success.
1. Will someone please tell me a better way to approach this problem?
2. Will someone explain why the example above doesn't work as I expected?
3. Will someone tell me how/where I could have found #2 in python help documentation?
Places I've previously looked for answers...
StackOverflow question "reassign variable to original value defined prior to the loop at start of each"
StackOverflow question on reassigning variables (but not a list of variables)
Python docs: Objects and Value Types
Python docs section 3.1.3
I feel like the last reference to the python docs might have the answer, but I was overwhelmed with the amount of info, my brain is tired, and I'm hoping someone on s.o. can help.
also tried...
>>> help(__name__)
Help on module __main__:
__annotations__ = {}
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
i = 4
but if anything, this only confused me further.
Lastly I tried...
>>> a = 1
>>> b = 2
>>> c = 3
>>> R = [a, b, c]
>>> for i in range(3):
R[i] += 1
>>> a, b, c #Hoping for (2, 3, 4)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> R #Kind of expected (1, 2, 3) based on the above behavior
[2, 3, 4]
I used the list for convenience, since I could iterate through its members. The part I'm not understanding is that when I say...
>>> x = [a, b, c]
I am creating a list such that
x = [the value assigned to a,
the value assigned to b,
the value assigned to c]
rather than
x = [the variable a, the variable b, the variable c]
so when I am trying to use the syntax
>>> x[0] += 1 #take the current ITEM in place 0 and increment its value by 1.
instead of
>>> a += 1
it is instead interpreted as...
take the current VALUE of the ITEM in place 0,
increment that VALUE by 1,
this is the new VALUE of ITEM in place 0 ...
and I lose the reference to the original ITEM... the variable a.
Here is a usage example of why I am trying to elicit this behavior...
>>> class breakfast():
>>> def __init__(self, eggs=None, bacon=None, spam=None):
>>> self.eggs = eggs
>>> self.bacon = bacon
>>> self.spam = spam
>>> updateOrder = False
>>> updateItems = []
>>> for i in [self.eggs, self.bacon, self.spam]:
>>> if i == None:
>>> updateOrder = True
>>> updateItems.append(i)
>>> else:
>>> pass
>>> if updateOrder:
>>> self.updateOrder(itemsToUpdate = updateItems)
>>> def updateOrder(self, itemsToUpdate):
>>> for i in itemsToUpdate: ###also tried...
>>> ###for i in range(len(itemsToUpdate)):
>>> print('You can\'t order None, so I am updating your order to 0 for some of your items.')
>>> i = 0
>>> ###itemsToUpdate[i] = 0
>>> #Finally, the good part, behavior I'm after...
>>> myBreakfast = breakfast(eggs=2,bacon=3)
You can't order None, so I am updating your order to 0 for some of your items.
>>> myBreakfast.spam == 0 #hoping for True....
The only way I know would work to get this behavior is to instead say...
>>> ...
>>> def updateOrder(self):
>>> orderUpdated=False
>>> if self.eggs == None:
>>> self.eggs = 0
>>> orderUpdated = True
>>> if self.bacon == None:
>>> self.bacon = 0
>>> orderUpdated = True
>>> if self.spam == None:
>>> self.spam = 0
>>> orderUpdated = True
>>> if orderUpdated:
>>> print('You can\'t order None, so I am updating your order')
However, if there are (lots) more than just 3 items on the menu the code for updateOrder would become very long and worse repetitive.
You have to use a loop and change the each value of the list during the loop
a=[1, 2, 3]
for i in range(len(a)):
a[i] += 1
Output will be
[2, 3, 4]
To access and change values in a list, you need to select items based on their location (you can also use slices). So, a[0] = 1, a[1] = 2 and so on. To change the value of a[0], you need to assign a new value to it (as done in the for loop).
Your example does not work because you are just changing the value of i (which is 1, then 2, then 3), instead of actually changing the list. You are not selecting any item from the list itself.
The documentation is given here (see section 3.1.3)
Based on your clarification: Creating a list of variables that have been defined elsewhere:
a, b, c = 5, 6, 7
letters = [a, b, c]
# See id of variable a
# 94619952681856
# See id of letters[0]
# 94619952681856
# Add 1 to letters[0]
letters[0] += 1
# See id of letters[0]
# 94619952681888
As you can see, when the list is first created, the item in the list points to the same variable However, as soon as the value in the list is changed, python creates a new item, so that the original value is unchanged.
This works the other way around also. Any change in the variable a will not affect the list, as once the variable is modified, its id will change, while the id of the item in the list will not.
And in the breakfast example, why don't you just assign 0 as the default value of each dish, instead of None? It would be a lot easier, unless there is some other reason for it.
If you need to update your attributes in the way that you have given, you would need to use the setattr method
class breakfast():
def __init__(self, eggs=None, bacon=None, spam=None):
self.eggs = eggs
self.bacon = bacon
self.spam = spam
# Create a list of attributes. This will return [self, eggs,bacon,spam]
attributes = list(locals().keys())
attributes.remove('self') # Remove self from the list
updateItems = []
for i in attributes:
# Check if the attribute is None or not
if getattr(self, i) == None:
for i in updateItems:
setattr(self, i, 0) # Set the attributes that are None to 0

How to find the second most repetitive character​ ​in string using python

Here in the program how can you find the second repetitive character in the string. for ex:abcdaabdefaggcbd"​
Output : d (because 'd' occurred 3 times where 'a' occurred 4 times)​
how can I get the output, please help me.
Given below is my code:
for i in s:
d[i] = d.get(i,0)+1
max2 = 0
for k,v in d.items():
if(v>max2 and v<max(d.values())):
if max2 in d.values():
print k,"kkk"
The magnificent Python Counter and its most_common() method are very handy here.
import collections
my_string = "abcdaabdefaggcbd"
result = collections.Counter(my_string).most_common()
('b', 3)
In case you need to capture all the second values (if you have more than one entry) you can use the following:
import collections
my_string = "abcdaabdefaggcbd"
result = collections.Counter(my_string).most_common()
second_value = result[1][1]
seconds = []
for item in result:
if item[1] == second_value:
[('b', 3), ('d', 3)]
I also wanted to add an example of solving the problem using a methodology more similar to the one that you showed in your question:
for character in my_string:
if character in result:
result[character] = result.get(character) + 1
result[character] = 1
sorted_data = sorted([(value,key) for (key,value) in result.items()])
second_value = sorted_data[-2][0]
result = []
for item in sorted_data:
if item[0] == second_value:
[(3, 'b'), (3, 'd')]
Please forgive me if I took the freedom to change variable names but I think that in this way my answer will be more readable for a broader audience.
Sort the dict's items on their values (descending) and get the second item:
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> c = Counter("abcdaabdefaggcbd")
>>> vals = sorted(c.items(), key=lambda item:item[1], reverse=True)
>>> vals
[('a', 4), ('b', 3), ('d', 3), ('c', 2), ('g', 2), ('e', 1), ('f', 1)]
>>> print(vals[1])
('b', 3)
or just use Counter.most_common():
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> c = Counter("abcdaabdefaggcbd")
>>> print(c.most_common()[1])
Both b and d are second most repetitive. I would think that both should be displayed. This is how I would do it:
for i in s:
fir = max(d.values())
sec = 0
for j in d.values():
if(j>sec and j<fir):
sec = j
for k,v in d.items():
if v == sec:
b 3
d 3
in order to find the second most repetitive character​ ​in string you can very well use collections.Counter()
Here's an example:
import collections
Output: ('b', 3)
You can do a lot with Counter(). Here's a link for a further read:
More about Counter()
I hope this answers your question. Cheers!

return dictionary of file names as keys and word lists with words unique to file as values

I am trying to write a function to extract only words unique to each key and list them in a dictionary output like {"key1": "unique words", "key2": "unique words", ... }. I start out with a dictionary. To test with I created a simple dictionary:
d = {1:["one", "two", "three"], 2:["two", "four",
"five"], 3:["one","four", "six"]}
My output should be:
I am thinking maybe split in to separate lists
def return_unique(dct):
Klist = list(dct.keys())
Vlist = list(dct.values())
aList = []
for i in range(len(Vlist)):
for j in Vlist[i]:
What I'm stuck on is how do I tell Python to do this: if Vlist[i][j] is not in the rest of Vlist then aList.append(Vlist[i][j]).
Thank you.
You can try something like this:
def return_unique(data):
all_values = []
for i in data.values(): # Get all values
all_values = all_values + i
unique_values = set([x for x in all_values if all_values.count(x) == 1]) # Values which are not duplicated
for key, value in data.items(): # For Python 3.x ( For Python 2.x -> data.iteritems())
for item in value: # Comparing values of two lists
for item1 in unique_values:
if item == item1:
data[key] = item
return data
d = {1:["one", "two", "three"], 2:["two", "four", "five"], 3:["one","four", "six"]}
print (return_unique(d))
result >> {1: 'three', 2: 'five', 3: 'six'}
Since a key may have more than one unique word associated with it, it makes sense for the values in the new dictionary to be a container type object to hold the unique words.
The set difference operator returns the difference between 2 sets:
>>> a = set([1, 2, 3])
>>> b = set([2, 4, 6])
>>> a - b
{1, 3}
We can use this to get the values unique to each key. Packaging these into a simple function yields:
def unique_words_dict(data):
res = {}
values = []
for k in data:
for g in data:
if g != k:
values += data[g]
res[k] = set(data[k]) - set(values)
values = []
return res
>>> d = {1:["one", "two", "three"],
2:["two", "four", "five"],
3:["one","four", "six"]}
>>> unique_words_dict(d)
{1: {'three'}, 2: {'five'}, 3: {'six'}}
If you only had to do this once, then you might be interested in the less efficeint but more consice dictionary comprehension:
>>> from functools import reduce
>>> {k: set(d[k]) - set(reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, [d[g] for g in d if g!=k], [])) for k in d}
{1: {'three'}, 2: {'five'}, 3: {'six'}}

how to print only duplicate numbers in a list?

I need to print only duplicate numbers in a list and need to multiply by count. the code is as follows , the output should be ,
{1:3, 2:2, 3:2} need to multiply each numbers by count and print as separate answers:
answer1 = 1*3, answer2 = 2*2 , answer3 = 3*2
Current attempt:
from collections import Counter
alist = [1,2,3,5,1,2,1,3,1,2]
a = dict(Counter(a_list))
Counter already does the heavy lifting. So for the rest, what about generating a list of the values occuring more than once, formatting the output as you wish ? (sorting the keys seems necessary so indexes match the keys order):
from collections import Counter
a_list = [1,2,3,5,1,2,1,3,1,2]
a = ["{}*{}".format(k,v) for k,v in sorted(Counter(a_list).items()) if v > 1]
['1*4', '2*3', '3*2']
If you want the numerical result instead:
a = [k*v for k,v in sorted(Counter(a_list).items()) if v > 1]
result (probably more useful):
[4, 6, 6]
Assigning to separate variables (answer1,answer2,answer3 = a) is not a very good idea. Keep a indexed list
