wgpu-native performance vs Vulkan [closed] - rust

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've been reading about wgpu-rs and that it uses Vulkan, Dx12, Metal etc if used to build native desktop applications. Given this could one expect comparable performance between wgpu-rs and using vulkan directly? I'm an amateur in the graphics programming space but have been working on a game in rust and the idea of being able to build to wasm once that is supported in wgpu-rs is very appealing.


What would be the best code comparison tool in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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When I worked for my previous company, I used BeyondCompare to compare directories containing codes. After switching to a new company, I became to use Linux. For the same code comparison purpose, I started using tkdiff. But, the GUI of tkdiff is not as good as BeyondCompare, and it seems that tkdiff cannot compare directories with multiple files. Could anyone suggest what would be the best free source comparison tool I can use in Linux environment?
in my work , I use Meld (http://meldmerge.org/)
best Regards!

Make a Linux OS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am making a smart home device and I need to make my own linux os from the ground up including the GUI and some assembly code I know will be necessary. What programming languages will I need to learn? What software will I need? Where do I start? Will I have to make my own kernel?
If you are not programmer and have not any such skills so run and dont look behind and save yourself but if not look at this: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/

About Computer Architecture [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There are three artictures in jdk8 source code : 'linux_sparc' 'linux_x86' 'linux_zero'.
I know 'linux_sparc' 'linux_x86' but I don't understand what does the 'linux_zero' mean?.
"Zero" is not an architecture. It is a mode of operation of JDK that uses no assembler and no architecture-specific knowledge, and therefore should (in theory at least) work on any architecture.

How important is Haskell in 2013? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm learning Haskell in order to gain knowledge of Functional programming to apply to Java 8. Is Haskell a marketable skill?
Haskell is used "in the real world," but in terms of "Am I likely to get a job using this?" it's on the very low end. Almost any other language you can likely name has more jobs that require it.
But in terms of learning, Haskell is a great language. It really helps you think about your programs differently. And having a good mind for application architecture is a very marketable skill.

Which is language is best for MCU to PC Communication applications? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking forward to learn a language mainly for my electronic projects. My projects may include PC to MCU communications, TCP/IP (like catching new facebook comments and sending it to MCU) etc. I have seen a lot of similar projects using python and perl. So which one will be better and easier to learn as well as to implement?
At the risk of suggesting something "weird" -- you might want to take a look at Processing and its microcontroller counterpart Wiring. They are designed for exactly this sort of use case.
