How to setup Mac OS X terminal as VScode? - vim

I develop for D365 Business Central, I use VSCode which has an extension to develop apps for it.
Having installed the above VSCode extension, connecting to a SaaS sandbox, which is simply writing the config flags of in a Launch.json file which is part of the app's file structure, I develop for D365 Business Central.
Recently I have been wanting to write/edit, deploy and debug in Mac OS X terminal itself. Avoiding using VScode. I have no idea where to begin to eventually have a complete setup in the terminal itself of developing apps for D365 Business Central not touching VSCode.
I need guidance, please share how do I start this. I do know first I have to choose an editor, VIM maybe? and then figure out how to place files that get downloaded from somewhere accessible in Terminal? Because that is what will give me autosuggests of functions etc like it does in VScode?

you can only use VSCode, the compiler and the build tools are not standalone
(I feel your pain, I'm coming from vim)


how to enable or switch existing flutter project (mobile only) to MacOS or WEB or Linux or Windows?

I have made a flutter app only for mobile (Android and IOS). now client requested that make it for web/macOS/windows app.
so now how can I enable the existing projects for all other platforms or wise wars? here is all case I want to know
Existing on the web and adding other (mobile, windows, mac)
Existing on the web and adding only (mobile)
Existing on the Mobile and adding other (web, windows, mac)
Existing on Mobile and adding only (windows, mac)
Existing on the Mac and adding other (mobile, windows, web)
Existing on Windows and adding other (mobile, web)
many many thanks in advance. Questions and answers will be useful for many flutter developers in the future so if possible then a details answer will be appreciated!
flutter create --platforms=windows,macos,linux .
Is the one command that you need to run in terminal of your root project directory. You can specify platforms in the comma seperated list.
Like mentioned in the doc
List of platforms:
To enable disable platforms let say we want to disable ios altogether you can use and create a project later. Now you wont have ios as it is not available.
Well you can toggle the config and simply run the above mentioned command to go for ios
flutter config --no-enable-ios
You can follow this link for the config commands.
So lets say you have a case where you need to add only windows and mac you can disable other platforms and use the create command.
Now for the existing project if you want to enable or add a platform you can use the above create with platforms flag
There are many ways we can counter it. we can make use isolated development too complicated for simple usecase.
We can use FVM for the configs so that it doesnot affect our core sdk.

Is it possible to build a React-Native app for Windows in Linux?

Last Thursday I was asked to code fairly small app for an Android device and I went with React-Native. The app is now in the testing phase (it's really small) and I was asked again if we could also deploy the app on a Windows machine.
I code exclusively in Linux, but I also know about NW.js which does produce an output for both Linux, Mac and Windows regardless of the environment, so I said : "Sure! I'll see what I can do!"
But reading the react-native-windows' documentation, I'm not sure if that's possible. At least it is not clear to me.
So the question is not really "can it be done?" but rather "how can it be done?" I could request a Windows machine if I have to, but if I can avoid it I'd rather not go there because that would mean maintaining two computers where one'd be used only for that purpose, etc.
Edit : Basically, I am wondering if it is possible to generate an executable JAR archive of a React-Native project which then can be launched from any Java-supported desktop computer.

How to configure WebStorm to point to VM node interpreter

The JetBrains Vagrant plugin applied to WebStorm handles the starting and stopping of the VM just fine. My project node interpreter is configured on the VM. When configuring the project settings in WebStorm only local node interpreters are available.
I am able to ssh into the VM and work with the node project from the command line, like always, but I would really like to integrate the IDE, as otherwise it is just a test editor / terminal multiplexer, and I actually don't need it.
Is there something I am missing? On other Jetbrains products, ie PyCharm, the user is able to select the python interpreter from a vagrant vm, but it appears this is lacking on WebStorm.
Remote Node interpreters are not currently supported, please vote for WEB-1974 and linked tickets
It does not seem to be supported by WebStorm yet, but there is a workaround described a comment to the official documentation.
There is a way to do this now:
In your Run/Debug configuration, you can choose the Node interpreter, and more importantly, add one: press the ... button. Then you can add a remote interpreter, either
Then you can choose which you want to use:
However, I noticed a bug. This interpreter always uploads node_modules (could be gigabytes) to the remote interpreter. There is no way to turn it off, even if you do exclude it in the settings:

Can I develop online at Azure without installing anything locally?

I think I misunderstood the whole Azure development concept. I thought I could run the Visual Studio IDE within Internet Explorer or something along those lines.
You can, but you'll use an RDP client (like mstsc.exe) instead of internet explorer. You can create a Virtual Machine in Azure that has visual studio installed on it and develop on that VM. There are a number of images already in the platform that support this scenario if you're an MSDN subscriber, I believe.
Even if you're not an MSDN subscriber, you can create a VM and set it up for development yourself. Then you can use your remote desktop client to log into that machine from anywhere and develop on it instead of your local box. This isn't limited to a Window dev env't either, of course.
I use this in scenarios where I have a constrained laptop but good connectivity and a desire to get some work done. You could use this to develop with a full IDE from a Surface RT, e.g. :)
I think I misunderstanded the whole Azure development concept, I
thought I could run Visual Studio IDE within Internet Explorer or
Azure is a web hosting environment in a nutshell. I think you are talking about Visual Studio Online in which you can run VS IDE inside browser.
Once you finish writing code in Visual Studio Online, you can deploy it to Azure.
channel9 - Visual Studio Online Monaco

Eclipse CDT multiuser configuration

We are trying to setup Eclipse CDT (version Helios or Indigo) for our development environment. It is a multiuser environment, with about 100+ designers using a pool of 10 linux servers. The source code is in Clearcase.
Developers has Windows PCs and use vnc to login to development servers.
One option is using different Eclipse installation on each Windows desktop - but then not sure how complicated setup is to enable remote code browsing/compile/debug/test execution or cross compiling. Is this going to be a IT support/maintenance nightmare?
The other option is to have a single copy of Eclipse on the server and everyone uses the same one. Hoe feasible is this? How difficult is to manage different users' preferences in this setup? Is it possible to have that (different setups) at all? What about required hardware configuration to support this kind of working environment - when multiple sessions are active on the same server at the same time? Is this kind of configuration going to scale?
Which option is better/more suitable for our environment? Any other option that we should consider?
I checked this question and it is useful but not sure about specific of the development environment that they were trying to address.
I would like to hear some experiences from anyone who managed to successfully set it up in a similar development environment (or tried to do it) and would appreciate any guidelines/recommendations in this regard.
