How to share DB schema when there are two backend servers? - node.js

I am developing some server. This server consists of one front-end and two back-ends. So far, I have completed the development of one back-end, and I want to develop the other one. Both are express servers and db is using mongodb. At this time, I am developing using the mongoose module, and I want to share a collection (ie schema). But I have already created a model file on one server. If so, I am wondering if I need to generate the same model file on the server I am developing now. Because if I modify the model file later, I have to modify both.
If there is a good way, please let me know with an example.
Thank you.

I have two answers for you one is direct and the other will to introduce the concept of microservice.
Answer 1 - Shared module (NPM or GIT)
You can create an additional project that will be an NPM lib (It can be installed via NPM or git submodules).
This lib will expose a factory method that will accept the mongoose option and return the mongoose connection.
Using a single Shared module will make it easier to update each backend after updating the DB (A bit cumbersome if you have many backends).
Answer 2 - The microservice approach
In the microservice approach, each service (backend) manages its own DB and only it. This means that each service needs to expose an internal API for other services to use.
So instead of sharing lib, each service has a well-defined internal API that other services can use.
I would recommend looking into NestJS (NodeJS microservice framework) to get a better feel of how to approach microservice
It goes without saying that I prefer Answer 2 but it's more complex and you may need to learn more before giving it a go. But I highlight recommend it because microservice (If implemented right) will make your code more future proof.


Migrating from LAMP+AngularJS to something more mixed

We have a web app (CRM type) working on Linux (Debian) with Apache, MariaDb and PHP for the backend, and AngularJS (1.x) for the frontend.
Thinking about a redesign, I need advices on a solution I have in mind, but I'm not sure it would be relevant...
A new website (e-commerce) will come along the CRM and use directly or not (API) the same database.
So my first take would be to put the MariaDb on a dedicated VM. It uses much ressource right now, so much more with another app using it.
Then the CRM and website could connect directly in remote (too risky?) or call an API. I guess the second solution would be better and means I could put my backend PHP part (already working as an API for AngularJS) along with the database, on that new VM.
I guess Debian + Nginx would be a good choice to go with them.
I prefere PHP to handle databases 'cause I'm used to it.
On the other hand I would still have AngularJS alone, a deprecated JS framework.
One thing that was hard to work with, about AngularJS/PHP, was that sometimes I needed to format data for Angular from PHP, and vice versa. It wasn't very clear where to put that formating, 'cause the backend was more about the database and not the frontend, and the frontend more about layout than PHP ORM ans design.
Furthermore, we'd like to keep the CRM as a SPA (Single Page Application).
My take on that would be to go on a MEAN stack, without de M (MongoDB), starting from scratch, just keeping Debian and installing NodeJS, ExpressJS and Angular or another JS framework (Vue, React...).
A hole JS stack to have the same language and gain speed and performance with many little transactions with the server (assets, calls and promises to retrieve data from database). Also to learn more on JS and NodeJS particularly.
NodeJS to create the environnement and a web server, in place of Apache.
Angular (or another) to put data into HTML, and have the less treatments possible.
ExpressJS to be that intermediate part I was talking to, the place where formating can be performed: retrieving data from the views, formating them, sending them to the API, handling the response, formating it if necessary and returning it to the view.
It means I would go from one VM with:
AngularJS (frontend) -> PHP framework (backend) -> Database
To two VM with:
Angular (app frontend) -> Express (app backend) -> PHP API (database backend) -> Database.
What do you think of my use-case and the solution?
There are several benefits to splitting up your services, but almost equally many different solutions, so you need to ask yourself what your goal is. Performance? High availability/failover? You might need a lot of VMs, geo-redundancy, load-balanced VIPs, etc.
You can also look into making containerized services with Docker.
You talk about moving the database onto a separate VM, but that it might be risky. Why? If they are both on an isolated network, it should not be an issue.
If you're looking for stack advice, since you're talking about a full remake, I would recommend something both stable and modern like Laravel + VueJS for the web/API part. You're already comfortable with PHP, and a setup with Nginx will probably be much faster. But of course, there are almost infinite combinations to choose from these days.
As for the "direct or not" DB access: Having a versioned API is always a benefit.
Serving the SPA frontend will require very few resources, so your bottleneck will be between the API backend and DB. You can make it scalable by putting the API behind a VIP and load balance with something like HAProxy/Nginx.

Best Project Approach in Node JS

I'm new to Node JS development. As an ASP.NET MVC developer, I normally use Repository Design Pattern where I have separate projects for Front-End and Database access in one solution. In addition, when creating a REST api, this can be added to the existing solution. So when publish, it api and front-end is separated by a different route.
I've just created a REST Service in Node JS and it's really simple and I like it. However, when it comes to Front-end I was looking at ReactJS, I've seen a blog (unfortunately, I can't find the link) where it separates the process between the REST service and react front end. I'm just wondering if this is a common design pattern in nodeJS using ReactJS. And if there's a benefit on doing this. Specially nowadays, Full Stack developers are a common thing. I can see the benefit of it from a maintenance stand point but I'm just wondering if there's a benefit in terms of server resources i.e. memory, cpu. Should the OS handle 1 vs 2 nodejs process? Will this differ from using linux vs windows?
I see a huge benefit of separating the frontend from the backend so I would propose you to have your Node backend running in its own project and let's say a React solution running on its own. The React client can then consume that API together with other APIs later. By separating you have the benefit of scaling later.
If you've already built the REST service in node, you can access it via proxy in the React project's package.json by adding
"proxy": ""
It helps manage CORS issues.

Hyperledger-Composer: Why use Node.js instead of Angular?

When developing Hyperledger Composer applications, there is a typical solution architecture that looks as follows:
According to the docs there is an alternative solution architecture that uses Node.js (see
Why would one choose the second architecture (with node.js), given that this involves one step more: not only do you have to write a node.js application but you then also have to develop a front-end for this node.js application (so 2 steps).
In the case of the first architecture, one only has to create an Angular application (because the REST server just needs to be started but the REST API is generated automatically by the framework) and is done (so there is only 1 step).
Are there any arguments in favour of using Node.js I'm not seeing?
The case for node.js is only if you don't want to create a user interface, or, if you wish to create wrappers around the existing hyperledger endpoints that reformat the consumption. A case could be that every day at 5pm you want to post an update to an asset based on what has changed in a different database somewhere... in this case you couldn't use Angular directly.
It's also important to note Angular is exclusively client side, Node.js is exclusively server side, and you cannot serve an API with Angular.
Separation of front end and back end is common practice now and is suggested for applications that contain both. Here's an article on it:

Meteor - Can I develop the back-end first, and after backend is done, develop front-end?

My team has developed an iOS and Android App for our project while we use node and for back-end. We want to move to meteor so we can have a front-end with Angular 2 easily connected with the back-end.
But we want to rewrite the back-end with Meteor so our Apps can use it. And after this create the front-end.
My question is easy, in Meteor front-end and back-end are done at the same time? Or can we first build the back-end and after this the front-end?
Yes, this is possible although it would feel a bit awkward to an experienced Meteor developer.
The Meteor "back-end" exposes the following:
managed collections: these are the definitions of the mongodb collections that will be used by your app to persist data. Note that some of these can be private to the back end, i.e. not exposed to the front end at all.
publications: these are the filtered/projected "views" of the collection data that the back-end will share with the front end on request (the form of the request is a subscription). Published data is synchronized bidirectionally with the front end asynchronously over WebSocket. This is the magic of Meteor's DDP which IMO is Meteor's core innovation.
methods: these follow a more traditional request-response pattern. You can have as many of these as you want and each can accept any number of parameters including objects. Meteor can also do latency compensation for methods which means that the method is first simulated on the client and the UI updated while waiting for the server to come back with an authoritative result. If the server result differs then the UI is patched up with the authoritative result. This makes database updates appear instantaneous to the user while providing eventual consistency.
If you like you can even build traditional REST endpoints with Meteor but then you would be missing out on the reactive sugar. These can of course be useful for other integrations however.
Like nodejs, Meteor encourages developers to tackle the full-stack. You're less likely to segregate developers into back-end and front-end functions which gives you a lot more flexibility.

sharing code between microservices

I have a suite i'm working on that has a few micro-services working togther.
I'm using Docker to setup the environment and it works great.
My project components are as follows:
Node.js worker that does some processing on the DB
Node.js Rest API that serves the user
As you can probably guess the 2 Node.js servers are suppose to work with the same DB.
Now I've defined my models in one of the projects but I'm wondering what is the best practice when it comes to handling the second.
I would really love to avoid copy pasting my code because that means I have to keep both of them up to date when I do changes to the Schema.
is there a good way to share the code between them?
my project looks like this:
rest-api // My first Node.js application
MyFirstModel.js // This is identical to the one in the worker/models folder
worker // My second Node.js application
Any input will be helpful.
Of course you can.
What you have to do is to put your common files in an volume, and share this volume with both Node containers.
You should setup a data volume in which you put all the files you want to share. More about this here or anywhere else by googling it.
The common opinion is the following: two microservices should not share same data model. There are several article about it and some question related to this topic.
How to deal with shared models in micro service architectures
However I think there are some cases when you need it and acceptable. Trust is a luxury even if everything is internal, thus security and conformity must be considered. Any incoming object must be normalised, validated and checked before initiate any process with it. The two service should handle the data with the same way.
My solution that I used for an API and an Admin services which shared the models:
I created 3 repositories, one for the API and one for the Admin and a 3th one for the models directory. Models should be present in both repositories so and I added it as a git submodule. Whenever you change something on a schema, you should commit it separately, but I think it is the best solution to manage the changes without duplicating the code.
