Spark structured streaming job stuck for hours without getting killed - apache-spark

I have a structured streaming job which reads from kafka, perform aggregations and write to hdfs. The job is running in cluster mode in yarn. I am using spark2.4.
Every 2-3 days this job gets stuck. It doesn't fail but gets stuck at some microbatch microbatch. The microbatch doesn't even tend to start. The driver keeps printing following log multiple times for hours.
Got an error when resolving hostNames. Falling back to /default-rack for all.
When I kill the streaming job and start again, the job again starts running fine.
How to fix this ?

See this issue
This is fixed in spark 3.0. It seems that this happens because there are no active executers.


structured streaming idle after a time running

There is structured streaming running on aws EMR, apparently everything ok, but after sometime, approximately 24 hours, the streaming stop to processing message comming from kafka, so I restarted the streaming and it processes again.
There are some config for this issue ?

Using airflow to run spark streaming jobs?

We have in our hadoop cluster Spark Batch jobs and and Spark streaming jobs.
We would like to schedule and manage them both on the same platform.
We came across airflow, Which fits our need for a
"platform to author, schedule, and monitor workflows".
I just want to be able to stop and start spark streaming job. Using airflow graphs and profiling is less of an issue.
My question is,
Beside losing some functionality(graphs, profiling) , Why shouldn't I use Airflow to run spark streaming jobs?
I came across this question :
Can airflow be used to run a never ending task?
which says it's possible and not why you shouldn't.
#mMorozonv's Looks good. You could have one DAG start the stream if it does not exist. Then a second DAG as a health checker to track it's progress. If the health check fails you could trigger the first DAG again.
Alternatively you can run the stream with a trigger interval of once[1].
# Load your Streaming DataFrame
sdf = spark.readStream.load(path="data/", format="json", schema=my_schema)
# Perform transformations and then write…
sdf.writeStream.trigger(once=True).start(path="/out/path", format="parquet")
This gives you all the same benefits of spark streaming, with the flexibility of batch processing.
You can simply point the stream at your data and this job will detect all the new files since the last iteration (using checkpointing), run a streaming batch, then terminate. You could trigger your airflow DAG's schedule to suit whatever lag you'd like to process data at (every minute, hour, etc.).
I wouldn't recommend this for low latency requirements, but its very suitable to be run every minute.
Using Airflow branching functionality we can have one dag which will do both scheduling and monitoring of our streaming job. Dag will do a status check of the application and in case application is not running dag will submit a streaming job. In another case dag execution can be finished or you can add a sensor which will check streaming job status after some time with alerts and other stuff you need.
There are two main problems:
Submit streaming application without waiting until it will be
finished. Otherwise our operator will run until it will reach execution_timeout;
That problem can be solved by scheduling out streaming job under cluster mode with spark.yarn.submit.waitAppCompletion configuration parameter set tofalse
Check the status of our streaming operator;
We can check streaming application status using Yarn. For example we can use command yarn application -list -appStates RUNNING . In case our application will be among the list of running applications we should no trigger our streaming job. The only thing is to make streaming job name unique.
There are no strict reasons why you shouldn't use Airflow to run Spark Streaming job. In fact you can monitor your process by periodically logging some metrics with
and see them in task log

Spark Streaming active jobs stuck/piled up in Web UI

I'm experiencing a strange behavior while streaming from Kafka using spark 2.1.0/2.0.2 on AWS EMR.
"spark.streaming.concurrentJobs" was set to 1 explicitly to the streaming job but after running for a while, the job tab showed more than 1 active jobs running and such "active" jobs keep increasing.
Inside such jobs, some stages remaining not executed for ever (status is --). However all the tasks are shown as SUCCEED under those jobs.
What could be wrong here? A more strange thing is that, such behavior seems not occurring unless I open the Spark UI page to check the current status frequently.
Jobs tab -
Stages -
It was only Job 12109 at the beginning. Things got piled up when I switched tabs a couple of times.

Spark Job Processing Time increases to 4s without explanation

We are running a 1 namenode and 3 datanode cluster on top of Azure. On top of this I am running my spark job on Yarn-Cluster mode.
Also, We are using HDP 2.5 which have spark 1.6.2 integrated into its setup. Now I have this very weird issue where the Processing time of my job suddenly increases to 4s.
This has happened quite some times but does not follow a pattern, sometimes the 4s waiting time is from the start of the job or may be at the middle of the job as shown below.
One thing to notice is that I have no events coming in which is processed so technically the processing time should stay almost the same. Also, my spark streaming job has a batch duration of 1s so it can't be that.
I dont have any error in the logs or anywhere and I am being lost to process this issue.
Minor details about the job:
I am reading messages over kafka topic and then storing them within Hbase tables using Phoenix JDBC Connector.
EDIT: More Information
In the InsertTransactionsPerRDDPartitions, I am performing connection open and write operation to HBase using Phoenix JDBC connectivity.
updatedEventLinks.foreachRDD(rdd -> {
if(!rdd.isEmpty()) {
rdd.foreachPartition(new InsertTransactionsPerRDDPartitions(this.prop));
rdd.foreachPartition(new DoSomethingElse(this.kafkaPublishingProps, this.prop));

Spark task deserialization time

I'm running a Spark SQL job, and when looking at the master UI, task deserialization time can take 12 seconds and the compute time 2 seconds.
Let me give some background:
1- The task is simple: run a query in a PostgreSQL DB and count the results in Spark.
2- The deserialization problem comes when running on a cluster with 2+ workers (one of them the driver) and shipping tasks to the other worker.
3- I have to use the JDBC driver for Postgres, and I run each job with Spark submit.
My questions:
Am I submitting the packaged jars as part of the job every time and that is the reason for the huge task deserialization time? If so, how can I ship everything to the workers once and then in subsequent jobs already have everything needed there?
Is there a way to keep the SparkContext alive between jobs (spark-submit) so that the deserialization times reduces?
Anyways, anything that can help not paying des. time every time I run a job in a cluster.
Thanks for your time,
As I know, YARN supports cache application jars so that they are accessible each time application runs: pls refer to property spark.yarn.jar.
To support shared SparkContext between jobs and avoid the overhead of initializing it, there is a project spark-jobserver for this purpose.
