Error find: paths must precede expression with Linux command - linux

I am getting below error:
"find: paths must precede expression: zip"
I am trying to execute below:
cd /ohi/oraBase/Extract_Files; BACKUPFILE=OIG_EXTRACT_FILES-$(date); ERR_LOG_FILE=`echo "ODI_Readable_File.log" | cut -f 1 -d '.'`; mkdir "$BACKUPFILE"; find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name "ERR_LOG_FILE".* -exec mv {} "/ohi/oraBase/Extract_Files/$BACKUPFILE" \; zip -r "$BACKUPFILE".zip "$BACKUPFILE";
Below is working fine:
cd /ohi/oraBase/Extract_Files; BACKUPFILE=OIG_EXTRACT_FILES-$(date); ERR_LOG_FILE=`echo "ODI_Readable_File.log" | cut -f 1 -d '.'`; mkdir "$BACKUPFILE"; find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name "ERR_LOG_FILE".* -exec mv {} "/ohi/oraBase/Extract_Files/$BACKUPFILE" \;
Looks like below is culprit:
If I execute each command one time, even zip is working.
why error in single line execution?

This is solved. I needed second ; after zip command zip -r "$BACKUPFILE".zip "$BACKUPFILE";
some how it was not seprating zip command with find.


Shell cp: cannot stat no such file or directory

I was trying to use cp to copy files from one directory to another by globing
for files in index/*
file=$(echo $files|cut -d'/' -f2)
cp -r "$files" ".target/file"
However, cp will give this warning if the directory is empty. I tried 2>/dev/null to mute this message but it did not work. I wonder how I could fix it.
What about this: (not tested)
find /index -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec cp {} .target/ \;
-maxdepth 1 : only look in this directory
-type f : only take the files
-exec cp {} .target/ \; : execute a "file copy" action

How to find all files in subdirectories that match pattern and replace pattern

I am attempting to move some video files of mine into new subdirectories while also renaming them on my Unraid system. The files all follow a similar naming convention:
featurette name-featurette.mkv
I would like to move these files from their current directory to a subdirectory and rename them like this:
featurettes/featurette name.mkv
I am able to create the directories and relocate the files using find and execdir:
find . -type f -name *-featurette.mkv -maxdepth 2 -execdir mkdir ./featurettes/ \;
find . -type f -name *-featurette.mkv -maxdepth 2 -execdir mv {} ./featurettes/ \;
I am struggling with the renaming piece. I've tried the rename command but am unable to get it to work within the featurettes directory, let alone from two directories above, which is where I'd like to execute the command. I've tried the following command within the featurettes directory:
rename \-featurette.mkv .mkv *
However I get the error:
invalid option -- 'f'
I thought by escaping the dash I could avoid that issue, but it doesn't appear to work. Any advice on how to remove this pattern from all files within subdirectories matching it would be very much appreciated.
From man rename you see this command gets options and 3 positional parameters:
rename [options] expression replacement file...
So in your case the first parameter is being interpreted as an option. You may use this syntax:
rename -- '-featurette' '' *-featurette.mkv
to rename the files. -- indicates that any options are over and what follows are only positional parameters.
Totally, to copy the files with one mv process and rename them:
mkdir -p target/dir
find . -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "*-featurette.mkv" -exec mv -t target/dir {} +
cd target/dir && rename -- '-featurette' '' *-featurette.mkv
If you want to rename many files located into different subdirectories, you can use this syntax:
find . -name "*-featurette.mkv" -print0 | xargs -r0 rename -- '-featurette' ''
find . \
-maxdepth 2 \
-type f \
-name '*-featurette.mkv' \
-execdir sh -c '
echo mkdir -p ./featurettes/
echo mv -- "$#" ./featurettes/
' _ {} \+
Issue with your implementations I fixed or improved:
-maxdepth 2 must precede -type f
-name '*-featurette.mkv' must have the pattern quoted to prevent the shell to expand globb it.
-execdir is best used with an inline shell, so it can also process multiple arguments from the same directory
Also keep in mind that while running a command with -execdir, find will cd to that directory. It means that mv -- "$#" ./featurettes/' will move files into the ./featurettes/' directory relative to were -execdir has just cd.
Version which also rename files while moving:
( has no echo dry-run protection, so use only if you are sure it does what you want )
#!/usr/bin/env sh
find . \
-maxdepth 2 \
-depth \
-name '*-featurette.mkv' \
-type f \
-execdir sh -c '
mkdir -p featurettes
for arg
mv -- "$basename" "./featurettes/${basename%-featurette.mkv}.mkv"
' _ {} +
You can use Bash's shell parameter expansion feature to get the part of the file name, for example:
$> filename=name-featurette.mkv
$> echo ${filename%-*} #To print first part before '-'
$> echo ${filename##*.} #To get the extension
$> echo ${filename#*-} #To print the part after '-' with extension
With this and slightly modifying your find command, you should be able to move+rename your files:
find . -type f -name '*-featurette.mkv' -maxdepth 2 -execdir sh -c 'f="{}"; mv -- "$f" ./featurettes/"${f%-*}.mkv"' \;
In fact you should be able to combine both the find command into one to create_dir, move and rename file.
find . -type f -name '*-featurette.mkv' -maxdepth 2 -execdir sh -c 'f="{}"; mkdir ./featurettes; mv -- "$f" ./featurettes/"${f%-*}.mkv"' \;

find and copy so files while removing all but major version number

Trying to use "find" to copy a bunch of shared objects. Almost there, but would like to remove all version numbers except the major version.
example would be copied to
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so.*' -exec cp '{}' test/'{}' \;
I'm guessing I'm going to have to pipe to xargs and sed but just hitting a mental block.
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so.*'|xargs -I '{}' cp '{}' test/'{}'
Think I'm just going to go with something like this
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so.*' -exec cp '{}' test/'{}' \;
for f in test/*.so.* ; do mv "$f" "${f%.*.*}" ; done
seems to work ok from my tests
I would write a function + script to make the job easy
# extract the version part alone in the above step
cp "$1" "test/${*}.so.${version%%.*}"
#cut the major version part from the version and use it for copy
#note folder test should be relative to where the script is saved
export -f specialised_copy
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so.*' -exec bash -c 'specialised_copy "$1"' _ {} \;

how to find and copy files in a sub directory from parent directory linux

I have several parent folders like GJ1, GJ2 etc. Each of these folders contain three images like GJ11_F.jpg, GJ11_P.jpg. I need to only display all the GJ11_F.jpg files including their respective parent directories.
find . -type f -name "*_F.jpg" | xargs cp -t ~/home/ubuntu/
but the above command will only copy the *_F.jpg files and not their respective parent directories GJ1.
Is xargs not the one im supposed to try?
I have also tried -
find . -name "*_F.jpg" -exec sh -c 'rsync -a "${0%/*}" ~/home/ubuntu/' {} \;
One easy way is to use tar which will deal with the directories automatically:
find . -type f -name "*_F.jpg" -print0 | tar c --null -T - | tar xC ~/home/ubuntu/
And here's a solution with a while loop:
find . -type f -name "*_F.jpg" -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
mkdir -p ~/home/ubuntu/"$(dirname -- "$file")"
cp -ai -- "$file" ~/home/ubuntu/"$file"

How can I move many files without having Argument list too long?

I am trying to move about 700,000 .jpg files from one directory to another in my Ubuntu server. I tried the following:
xargs mv * -t /var/www/html/
echo (*.jpg|*.png|*.bmp) | xargs mv -t /var/www/html/
echo (*.jpg) | xargs mv -t /var/www/html/
find . -name "*.jpg" -print0 | xargs mv * ../
and they all give me the same error: /usr/bin/xargs: Argument list too long
what should I do? Please help me out. Thanks :)
If you use find I would recommend you to use the -exec attribute. So your result should be find . -name "*.jpg" -exec mv {} /home/new/location \;.
However I would recommend to check what the find command returns you, replacing the exec part with: -exec ls -lrt {} \;
find /path/to/old-directory -type f | xargs -i mv "{}" /path/to/new-directory
You could have tried:
for f in *.jpg do;
mv -tv $f /var/www/html/
for f in *.png do;
mv -tv $f /var/www/html/
for f in *.bmp do;
mv -tv $f /var/www/html/
also, you should carefully read xargs(1); I strongly suspect that
find . -name "*.jpg" -print0 | xargs -n 1000 -I '{}' mv '{}' ../
should work for you
At last, learn more about rename(1). It is probably enough for the job.
