Is there any alternative service like in Amazon Appstream2.0 and Amazon Workspace in Azure - azure

I am trying to search for an alternative of Amazon Appstream2.0 and Amazon Workspace(DAAS) in Azure. Those services in Amazon really provide the solution for remote purpose but I am really handy with azure. If I can get the solution in azure I can move to azure for the solution.

I believe there is no native service similar to Amazon Appstream2.0 in Azure.
Cloud compare also doesn't show any alternatives:
As #Pradyumna mentioned substitute of Amazon Workspace in Azure Cloud could be Window Virtual Desktop(WVD).
Here's what you can do when you run Windows Virtual Desktop on Azure:
Set up a multi-session Windows 10 deployment that delivers a full Windows 10 with scalability
Virtualize Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and optimize it to run in multi-user virtual scenarios
Provide Windows 7 virtual desktops with free Extended Security Updates
Bring your existing Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and Windows Server desktops and apps to any computer
Virtualize both desktops and apps Manage
Windows 10, Windows Server, and Windows 7 desktops and apps with a unified management experience


How to Create cloud service with Ubuntu OS on Microsoft azure

I have a PHP application which runs on Ubuntu.
I am looking for Cloud service on Azure which has Ubuntu OS so I can deploy my application over there.
I am able to find WAMP (Windows + Apache + My SQL + PHP) Cloud service on Azure but I am looking for LAMP (Linux + Apache + My SQL + PHP).
Appreciate for Any help.
I assume you're talking about Azure Virtual Machines rather than Azure Cloud Services, which are two different compute options. You can check this article to get the details about the different compute options on Azure. Cloud Services are a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) concept and only run on Windows Server. Azure Virtual Machines are basically hosting of VMs and these come in both Linux and Windows Server.
You can find ready-made Ubuntu-based VM images containing the LAMP stack in the Azure Marketplace or you can check the VM Depot, which contains community-provided VM images.
Alternatively, you can prep your own Virtual Machine and save it as a VM image, which you can then use to create new VMs off of it.
Azure Cloud Services (worker and web roles) are Windows only. Virtual Machines can be Windows or Linux.
However, if you are just looking to host your web front end you could use an Azure Web App (previously named Azure Websites) which has first class support for PHP, but the underling OS is still Windows.
In addition to the answer from Nick Trough you might want to try an ARM Template, e.g.
This allows you to deploy a simple LAMP server (like marketplace or VM Depot) but has the added benefit of providing the configuration as an ARM Template (i.e. code) so you can easily modify it.

Window Azure vs Citrix Xenapp vs Citrix XenDesktop over Windows Azure

Current my company delivers our software to our customers through a Citrix Xenapp Server. As administrators we are able to launch instances of the servers and our customers are only able to launch their specific application
My Question is does Windows Azure also offer this type of environment. I am looking to deploy a new version of our application and I am leaning towards Azure, but if that is the direction we go in I would like to migrate all of our existing system to Azure and not maintain both Azure and Citrix ?
Or If directly not possible, then can we have alternative like
Windows Azure with Citrix XenDesktop ?
I mean Citrix has released XenDesktop 6.5 & 7. Same time Microsoft allows Guest OS which now combined will resolved the purpose ?
Will it be Virtual Desktop as a Service over Windows Azure ? Will it possible & solve the purpose ?
Yes, Citrix XenDesktop 7 can be deployed on Windows Azure, with support for features such as live session roaming, multiple device types and formats, and rich user-interface media experiences.
For the announcement refer to Citrix Enables High-Performance App and Desktop Delivery from Windows Azure.
For an explanation refer to Hosting Citrix Desktops from Windows Azure.
This ability is supported by Microsoft's RDS (Remote Desktop Services) Subscriber Access Licensing (SAL) available for Azure. For more information about licensing refer to this blog article: Remote Desktop Services are now allowed on Windows Azure and also to the latest Microsoft Product Use Rights docs.

How can an IBM Worklight project be deployed on Windows Azure?

How do I deploy an IBM worklight project on Windows Azure?
Worklight works on Windows.More details available at the link below.
To my knowledge IBM worklight only works on Linux. This means you'll need to exclude Windows Azure Web Sites and Windows Azure Cloud Services (Web Roles, Worker Roles, VM Roles).
The only way to run Linux in Windows Azure is by using Windows Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS). The deployment of IBM worklight on Windows Azure Virtual Machines will be similar to a deployment on Amazon EC2. Follow this guide, but instead of creating the VM in Amazon EC2, create it in Windows Azure (by using the gallery for example).

Which azure service, i should choose for my node.js app?

I am new to Microsoft windows azure cloud and want to run my node.js app in azure cloud. I read the windows azure Node.js Developer Center site ( ) and it seems my app can run in azure cloud multiple ways.
Which azure option is good for my node.js app if i want to deploy quick with less azure knowledge?
If you are new to Windows Azure but knowledgeable a Node.js developer, you sure can use Windows Azure to write your Node.js application.
You have following choices:
Windows Azure Websites (Preview) –
FREE only if shared and if RESERVED there is some cost associated with it
Great if you are a Linux or Mac User
Your node.js application will run on Windows Server Farm
You can use git to deploy your Node.js Application
Windows Azure Cloud Services
Ideal for applications that separate logic into multiple tiers using both Web and Worker Roles
It is a PAID service
You can use PowerShell to deploy directly from a Windows Machine
Your Node.js application will runs on Windows Server 2008 OS
You will have capability to RDP your Windows Azure VM.
Windows Azure Virtual Machines (Preview)–
This way you can create run your node.js application on a Microsoft Windows or Linux (Suse, CentOS, Ubuntu) machines or upload your own Linux VM already fully installed with Node.js application
With Windows machine, you can RDP to your machine and install your Node.js application
With Linux machine you can use Putty to connect your Linux Machine on command like and then install your application and other packages
Currently even with Preview mode, there is some price associated with it
As you are new to Windows Azure, I would suggest you to give a try using FREE Windows Azure Websites Shared because this way you really don’t need to learn a lot about Windows Azure and you can start running your application instantly. This could be the easiest method among above 3 options and then you can jump to other by just migrating your application If needed.
IF you decide to use Cloud Service, you can use Cloud9 IDE to publish your Node.js application directly to Windows Azure Cloud Services in your subscription.
You can find a decision tree here:
What are the options you're considering? I can think of two: "cloud services" or "web sites." The latter is probably the easier and cheaper option, assuming you're building a web app. The former gives you full-blown VMs backing your app, on which you can run anything (including "workers" that process data in the background or apps that communicate via web sockets or even raw TCP). It's more powerful, but it's also more difficult to use, slower to deploy, and costs more money than a shared "web site."
Sign up for the Windows Azure 90-day free trial
Login into the Portal at:
Click the Virtual Machines tab then click Create a Virtual Machine to create a Windows VM.
On the slide-out panel, select Quick Create then specify your DNS Name, Image [Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1], Administrator Password, Size [Small (1 core, 1.75GB Memory)], Location (West US). Finish by clicking the Create Virtual Machine button.
Once provisioning is complete, you can connect to your VM via Remote Desktop Protocol by clicking the Connect button on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
Be sure to install a modern browser like Firefox to avoid the annoying default security settings of IE then proceed to download and install the node-js msi like you would on your desktop.
Happy hacking!
The fastest way to get started is to use Windows Azure Web Sites. You get a web site that is already configured to run node.js. You merely use ftp or git commands to push your code to the drop folder for your site.
You can use a Mac, PC, or Linux as your development machine. This tutorial (using a mac) shows the fastest way to get started:

If I deploy my web application to Windows Azure, do I need a traditional host?

I just started to read about this new technology...
Does someone have some knowledge about it?
Windows Azure is a cloud services
operating system that serves as the
development, service hosting, and
service management environment for the
Azure Services Platform. Windows Azure
provides developers with on-demand
compute and storage to host and manage
web applications on the internet
through Microsoft data centers.
So in summary, no you do not need a traditional web host if you used Microsoft's Azure. Note also that it is still only in Community Technology Preview and it isn't something you should be thinking about right now, IMHO.
