Sorting dates using vba - excel

I have a list of data displayed on a listbox, after clicking on a button the list appears on my userform.
I have dates on column 2 of my list, I want to do a descending sorting.
I have the code bellow but it's not working, am I wrong ?
fin_col_Form_Init = Ws.Cells(6, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.ColumnCount = 2
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.ColumnWidths = "300;100"
fin_col_Form_Init = Ws.Cells(6, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.ColumnCount = 2
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.ColumnWidths = "300;100"
For i = 2 To fin_col_Form_Init
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.AddItem Ws.Cells(6, i)
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.List(UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.ListCount - 1, 1) = Ws.Cells(7, i)
Next i
Dim y, x As Integer
Dim MyList As Variant
With UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init
For y = 0 To .ListCount - 1
For x = y To .ListCount - 1
If CDate(.List(x, 1)) > CDate(.List(y, 1)) Then
For c = 0 To 2
MyList = .List(x, c)
.List(x, c) = .List(y, c)
.List(y, c) = MyList
Next c
End If
Next x
.List(y, 2) = Format(.List(y, 2), "####.00")
Next y
End With

Try the next code, please:
Sub testSortListBox()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, sTemp As Date, sTemp2 As String, SortList As Variant
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.ColumnCount = 2
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.ColumnWidths = "300;100"
'Store the list in an array to be sorted:
SortList = UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.List
'Sort the array on the second column
For i = LBound(SortList, 1) To UBound(SortList, 1) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(SortList, 1)
If CDate(SortList(i, 1)) < CDate(SortList(j, 1)) Then
'Swap the second value
sTemp = SortList(i, 1)
SortList(i, 1) = SortList(j, 1)
SortList(j, 1) = sTemp
'Swap the first value
sTemp2 = SortList(i, 0)
SortList(i, 0) = SortList(j, 0)
SortList(j, 0) = sTemp2
End If
Next j
Next i
'Remove the contents of the listbox:
'Load the sorted array in the list box:
UF_Profil_Edit1.ListBox_Form_Init.List = SortList
End Sub
But, please note: The list box in discussion must not be linked to a range (not being load by its RowSource property...


Highlight similar character sequences between two Strings in two different cells

I have two Strings in different cells for example
Also character sequences can have gaps for similar sequences like RGX in following example
What I want to do is Highlight both the sequences as shown in above example in Bold And Italic but in color using VBA code.
Edit :
As per the first answer of #milo5m
Sequence is highlighted as follows
But desired result should be like this:
Edit 2 :
Currently answer of #milo5m highlights single characters as shown in below examples
In above examples no sequence should have been highlighted...
In other words, It should only highlight the Single characters when there is space before the Character, otherwise it should not highlight single characters between sequences.
It's really nice that we have these two as a reference
Here is the main function which is returning all subsequences forming the LCS (if you join all the keys you get the LCS in reverse subsequence form).
Function returns a dictionary where keys are subsequences, and values are arrays with 2 elements (position of subsequence in seqA and position of subsequence in seqB).
Function GetLCSSubSequenceDict(seqA As String, seqB As String) As Object
Set GetLCSSubSequenceDict = Nothing
Dim i As Long, n As Long
n = Len(seqA)
If n = 0 Then: Exit Function
Dim j As Long, m As Long
m = Len(seqB)
If m = 0 Then: Exit Function
Dim T() As Long
ReDim T(0 To n, 0 To m)
'Building up table
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To m
If Mid$(seqA, i, 1) <> Mid$(seqB, j, 1) Then
'bitwise max
T(i, j) = T(i - 1, j) Xor ((T(i - 1, j) Xor T(i, j - 1)) And --(T(i - 1, j) < T(i, j - 1)))
T(i, j) = T(i - 1, j - 1) + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
Dim subseqKey As String
Dim subseqABDict As Object
Set subseqABDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Backtracking and building up dict of subsequences
'key = subsequence
'value = array(starting pos of the key in seqA,starting pos of the key in seqB)
i = n
j = m
Do While (i > 0 And j > 0)
If Not Mid$(seqA, i, 1) <> Mid$(seqB, j, 1) Then
subseqKey = Mid$(seqA, i, 1) & subseqKey
i = i - 1
j = j - 1
ElseIf T(i - 1, j) > T(i, j - 1) Then
If subseqKey <> vbNullString Then
subseqABDict(subseqKey) = Array(i + 1, j + 1)
subseqKey = vbNullString
End If
i = i - 1
If subseqKey <> vbNullString Then
subseqABDict(subseqKey) = Array(i + 1, j + 1)
subseqKey = vbNullString
End If
j = j - 1
End If
If subseqKey <> vbNullString Then
subseqABDict(subseqKey) = Array(i + 1, j + 1)
End If
Set GetLCSSubSequenceDict = subseqABDict
Set subseqABDict = Nothing
End Function
Time complexity of the function is O ( Len(seqA) * Len(seqB) ), for those who are interested.
Following is a show case of setting font properties on 2 ranges seqA and seqB.
Sub test()
Dim seqA As Range
Dim seqB As Range
Set seqA = Range("A4")
Set seqB = Range("B4")
Dim fontColor As Long
fontColor = RGB(84, 84, 84)
Dim subseqKey As Variant
Dim lcsSubSequenceDict As Object
Set lcsSubSequenceDict = GetLCSSubSequenceDict(seqA.Value2, seqB.Value2)
'gives subsequences in reversed order, since we used backtracking
'MsgBox Join(lcsSubSequenceDict.keys())
If lcsSubSequenceDict Is Nothing Then: Exit Sub
For Each subseqKey In lcsSubSequenceDict
With seqA.Characters(lcsSubSequenceDict(subseqKey)(0), Len(subseqKey)).Font
.color = fontColor
.Bold = True
.Italic = True
End With
With seqB.Characters(lcsSubSequenceDict(subseqKey)(1), Len(subseqKey)).Font
.color = fontColor
.Bold = True
.Italic = True
End With
Next subseqKey
Set lcsSubSequenceDict = Nothing
Set seqA = Nothing
Set seqB = Nothing
End Sub
(1) Fixed - Backtracking showing positions in sequences further to the right for multiple candidates
(2) Main Function returns Collection now (was returning Dictionary)
Function GetLCSSubSequenceCollection(seqA As String, seqB As String) As Collection
Set GetLCSSubSequenceCollection = Nothing
Dim i As Long, n As Long
n = Len(seqA)
If n = 0 Then: Exit Function
Dim j As Long, m As Long
m = Len(seqB)
If m = 0 Then: Exit Function
Dim T() As Long
ReDim T(0 To n, 0 To m)
'Building up table
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To m
If Mid$(seqA, i, 1) <> Mid$(seqB, j, 1) Then
'bitwise max
T(i, j) = T(i - 1, j) Xor ((T(i - 1, j) Xor T(i, j - 1)) And --(T(i - 1, j) < T(i, j - 1)))
T(i, j) = T(i - 1, j - 1) + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
Dim subseqKey As String
Dim subseqABCollection As Collection
Set subseqABCollection = New Collection
'Backtracking and building up collection of subsequences
'value = array(subsequence, starting pos of the key in seqA,starting pos of the key in seqB)
i = n
j = m
Do While (i > 0 And j > 0)
If Not Mid$(seqA, i, 1) <> Mid$(seqB, j, 1) Then
subseqKey = Mid$(seqA, i, 1) & subseqKey
i = i - 1
j = j - 1
ElseIf T(i - 1, j) > T(i, j - 1) Then
If subseqKey <> vbNullString Then
subseqABCollection.Add Array(subseqKey, i + 1, j + 1)
subseqKey = vbNullString
End If
i = i - 1
If subseqKey <> vbNullString Then
subseqABCollection.Add Array(subseqKey, i + 1, j + 1)
subseqKey = vbNullString
End If
j = j - 1
End If
If subseqKey <> vbNullString Then
subseqABCollection.Add Array(subseqKey, i + 1, j + 1)
End If
If subseqABCollection.Count = 0 Then: Exit Function
'fix backtracking showing positions in arrays further to the right for multiple candidates
'using inStr to chack starting from prev position etc
Dim prevSubseqPosA As Long, prevSubseqPosB As Long
prevSubseqPosA = 1
prevSubseqPosB = 1
Set GetLCSSubSequenceCollection = New Collection
For i = subseqABCollection.Count To 1 Step -1
subseqKey = subseqABCollection.Item(i)(0)
prevSubseqPosA = InStr(prevSubseqPosA, seqA, subseqKey)
prevSubseqPosB = InStr(prevSubseqPosB, seqB, subseqKey)
GetLCSSubSequenceCollection.Add Array(subseqKey, prevSubseqPosA, prevSubseqPosB)
prevSubseqPosA = prevSubseqPosA + Len(subseqKey)
prevSubseqPosB = prevSubseqPosB + Len(subseqKey)
Set subseqABCollection = Nothing
End Function
Sub testCollection()
Dim lcs As String
Dim seqA As Range
Dim seqB As Range
Set seqA = Range("A4")
Set seqB = Range("B4")
Dim fontColor As Long
fontColor = RGB(84, 84, 84)
Dim lcsSubSequenceItem As Variant
Dim lcsSubSequenceCollection As Collection
Set lcsSubSequenceCollection = GetLCSSubSequenceCollection(seqA.Value2, seqB.Value2)
If lcsSubSequenceCollection Is Nothing Then: Exit Sub
For Each lcsSubSequenceItem In lcsSubSequenceCollection
With seqA.Characters(lcsSubSequenceItem(1), Len(lcsSubSequenceItem(0))).Font
.color = fontColor
.Bold = True
.Italic = True
End With
With seqB.Characters(lcsSubSequenceItem(2), Len(lcsSubSequenceItem(0))).Font
.color = fontColor
.Bold = True
.Italic = True
End With
lcs = lcs & lcsSubSequenceItem(0)
Next lcsSubSequenceItem
MsgBox lcs & " [ LEN = " & Len(lcs) & " ]"
Set lcsSubSequenceCollection = Nothing
Set seqA = Nothing
Set seqB = Nothing
End Sub
Tough challenge, and I'm not sure if it's that feasible with Excel alone. Assuming that:
You will not allow the 1st entry to have gaps;
You allow for 0+ gaps in between in the 2nd entry;
You are looking for the longest match between both entries;
You have ms365;
You may try the below answer that I based of on a formula first, see the below screenshot:
Formula in C1:
The above will identify the longest substring that has a match with 0+ gaps in between. This is going to be the input to the below macro:
Sub Test()
Dim ws As Worksheet, lr As Long, x As Long, y As Long, z As Long, a As Long, arr As Variant, s As String
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
lr = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
arr = ws.Range("A1:C" & lr)
For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
s = arr(x, 3)
'Format column A:A
ws.Cells(x, 1).Characters(InStr(1, ws.Cells(x, 1).Value, s), Len(s)).Font.Bold = True
ws.Cells(x, 1).Characters(InStr(1, ws.Cells(x, 1).Value, s), Len(s)).Font.Italic = True
'Format column B:B
z = 0
For y = 1 To Len(s)
z = InStr(z + 1, ws.Cells(x, 2).Value, Mid(s, y, 1))
ws.Cells(x, 2).Characters(z, 1).Font.Bold = True
ws.Cells(x, 2).Characters(z, 1).Font.Italic = True
End Sub
The results look like:

VBA - Finding all order combinations and count

I have a worksheet with over 60,000 rows and two columns. One column is transaction id, the other is item. I want to find the combinations of items in the orders. I found this vba code from someone with a similar problem
Sub basket()
On Error Resume Next
Dim ps(2, 20)
r = 3
tr = Cells(2, 1)
Item = Cells(2, 2) + "."
ps(1, 1) = 1
ps(2, 1) = Len(Item)
r2 = 2
r3 = 3
ic = 2
While Cells(r, 1) <> ""
If Cells(r, 1) <> tr Then
o = 1
k = 1
If ic > 1 Then
ic = ic - 1
While o = 1
For i = 1 To ic
entry = Mid(Item, ps(1, i), ps(2, i))
For j = i + k To ic
entry = entry & Mid(Item, ps(1, j), ps(2, j))
Cells(r2, 10) = tr
Cells(r2, 11) = entry
r2 = r2 + 1
x = 0
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(entry, Range("e:e"), 0)
If x = 0 Then
x = r3
Cells(x, 5) = entry
r3 = r3 + 1
End If
Cells(x, 6) = Cells(x, 6) + 1
Next j
Next i
If k > Len(Item) - 1 Then o = 0
k = k + 1
End If
Item = ""
ic = 1
tr = Cells(r, 1)
End If
ps(1, ic) = Len(Item) + 1
ps(2, ic) = Len(Cells(r, 2)) + 1
Item = Item + Cells(r, 2) + "."
r = r + 1
ic = ic + 1
o = 1
k = 1
If ic > 1 Then
ic = ic - 1
While o = 1
For i = 1 To ic
entry = Mid(Item, ps(1, i), ps(2, i))
For j = i + k To ic
entry = entry & Mid(Item, ps(1, j), ps(2, j))
Cells(r2, 10) = tr
Cells(r2, 11) = entry
r2 = r2 + 1
x = 0
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(entry, Range("e:e"), 0)
If x = 0 Then
x = r3
Cells(x, 5) = entry
r3 = r3 + 1
End If
Cells(x, 6) = Cells(x, 6) + 1
Next j
Next i
If k > Len(Item) - 1 Then o = 0
k = k + 1
End If
End Sub
Which worked when I ran the exact same code but with item categories. The problem is I'm running it with the item names and it's always crashing my Excel. Is there anyone that can guide me in the right direction?
this is the worksheet that doesn't work
this is what I get when I run it with the item category which works. They're the exact same data, one just has it as item category, and the other is item name.
Your code sample didn't do anything for me. It ran, but it didn't actually produce any kind of results at all. I did a quick Google search and found this.
Sub ListCombinations()
Dim col As New Collection
Dim c As Range, sht As Worksheet, res
Dim i As Long, arr, numCols As Long
Set sht = ActiveSheet
'lists begin in A1, B1, C1, D1
For Each c In sht.Range("A2:B2").Cells
col.Add Application.Transpose(sht.Range(c, c.End(xlDown)))
numCols = numCols + 1
Next c
res = Combine(col, "~~")
For i = 0 To UBound(res)
arr = Split(res(i), "~~")
sht.Range("H1").Offset(i, 0).Resize(1, numCols) = arr
Next i
End Sub
'create combinations from a collection of string arrays
Function Combine(col As Collection, SEP As String) As String()
Dim rv() As String
Dim pos() As Long, lengths() As Long, lbs() As Long, ubs() As Long
Dim t As Long, i As Long, n As Long, ub As Long
Dim numIn As Long, s As String, r As Long
numIn = col.Count
ReDim pos(1 To numIn)
ReDim lbs(1 To numIn)
ReDim ubs(1 To numIn)
ReDim lengths(1 To numIn)
t = 0
For i = 1 To numIn 'calculate # of combinations, and cache bounds/lengths
lbs(i) = LBound(col(i))
ubs(i) = UBound(col(i))
lengths(i) = (ubs(i) - lbs(i)) + 1
pos(i) = lbs(i)
t = IIf(t = 0, lengths(i), t * lengths(i))
Next i
ReDim rv(0 To t - 1) 'resize destination array
For n = 0 To (t - 1)
s = ""
For i = 1 To numIn
s = s & IIf(Len(s) > 0, SEP, "") & col(i)(pos(i)) 'build the string
Next i
rv(n) = s
For i = numIn To 1 Step -1
If pos(i) <> ubs(i) Then 'Not done all of this array yet...
pos(i) = pos(i) + 1 'Increment array index
For r = i + 1 To numIn 'Reset all the indexes
pos(r) = lbs(r) ' of the later arrays
Next r
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next n
Combine = rv
End Function
I found that from this link.
VBA - Write all possible combinations of 4 columns of data
I'm pretty sure if you do some more Googling, you can find other concepts that do pretty much the same thing.

Building an array by skipping blank values

I'm new to VBA and was surprised that there isn't a function to insert elements in an array (my previous question). So I rethought my approach a bit.
On screen I have the following example table 'allActualWeights'. There are a lot of blanks (no weight value) that I want to get rid of (the table is different everytime). So the end result should be 'actualWeights'.
In my code I tried the following:
Option Base 1
Dim allActualWeights
allActualWeights = Range("A6:E29").Value
Dim actualWeights
actualWeights = allActualWeights
For Index = 1 To 24
If allActualWeights(Index, 2) <> 0 Then
ReDim actualWeights(Index, 5)
actualWeights(Index, 1) = allActualWeights(Index, 1)
actualWeights(Index, 2) = allActualWeights(Index, 2)
actualWeights(Index, 3) = allActualWeights(Index, 3)
actualWeights(Index, 4) = allActualWeights(Index, 4)
actualWeights(Index, 5) = allActualWeights(Index, 5)
End If
Next Index
Range("G6:K29") = actualWeights
But I'm not getting the results I hoped for.
What am I doing wrong, or is there a better approach?
Here's one approach:
Sub Tester()
Dim allActualWeights, actualweights(), i As Long, n As Long, c As Long
Dim rngSource As Range
Set rngSource = ActiveSheet.Range("A6:E29")
With rngSource
allActualWeights = .Value
'size the output array # of rows to count of values in ColB
ReDim actualweights(1 To Application.CountA(.Columns(1)), _
1 To .Columns.Count)
End With
n = 1
For i = LBound(allActualWeights, 1) To UBound(allActualWeights, 1)
If Len(allActualWeights(i, 2)) > 0 Then
For c = LBound(allActualWeights, 2) To UBound(allActualWeights, 2)
actualweights(n, c) = allActualWeights(i, c)
Next c
n = n + 1 'next output row
End If
Next i
'put the array on the sheet
Range("G6").Resize(UBound(actualweights, 1), UBound(actualweights, 2)) = actualweights
End Sub
This should do it and is easily maintainable...
Sub ActualWeights()
Dim c&, i&, j&, n&, a, b
With [a6:e29] '<-- allActualWeights
a = .Value2
n = UBound(a) - Application.CountBlank(.Offset(, 1).Resize(, 1))
ReDim b(1 To n, 1 To UBound(a, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(a)
If a(i, 2) Then
c = c + 1
For j = 1 To UBound(a, 2)
b(c, j) = a(i, j)
End If
.Offset(, 6).Resize(n) = b
End With
End Sub

Compare two lists and paste into new list

I have two lists of Data. List A and B both contain letter grades. I want to compare the data and if both lists have the same letter, I want to move that letter to list C that is blank to start with. If the two lists do not have the same letter, keep the letter where it is. I want to use 2 arrays to store the data and then create three new arrays for new list a,b, and c. Here is what I have so far.
Sub example1()
Dim ListA As Range, ListB As Range, ListC As Range
Range("H4:H10").Name = "ListA"
Range("I4:I6").Name = "ListB"
Range("J4", Range("J4").End(xlDown)).Name = "ListC"
Dim A(1 To 7), B(1 To 3), i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = 1 To 7 'stores data in listA in array A
A(i) = Range("ListA").Cells(i)
For j = 1 To 3 'stores data in listB in array B
B(j) = Range("ListB").Cells(j)
'select first from ListA and then compare data to listB
' if it is not found, stop and go to next item
'if it IS found, put in list C
Dim isfound As Boolean, letter As Variant, C(1 To 7), k As Integer
For i = 1 To 7
isfound = False
For j = 1 To 3
If A(i) = B(j) Then
isfound = True
letter = A(i)
Exit For
End If
For k = 1 To 7
C(k) = Range("ListC").Cells(k) 'this is the part I am stuck on. How
do I get data to paste over to List C?
If isfound = True Then
C(k) = A(i) 'this says it will be equal to A(i) value if it is
End If
End Sub
Something like this would work:
Sub example1()
Dim ListA, ListB, ListC(), i As Long, n As Long, m
ListA = Range("H4:H10").Value
ListB = Range("I4:I8").Value
ReDim ListC(1 To UBound(ListA, 1), 1 To 1) 'size the "dups" array
n = 1
For i = 1 To UBound(ListA, 1)
m = Application.Match(ListA(i, 1), ListB, 0) '<< check for match
If Not IsError(m) Then '<< have a duplicate
ListC(n, 1) = ListA(i, 1) 'add to ListC
ListA(i, 1) = "" '(optional) remove from original lists...
ListB(m, 1) = ""
n = n + 1
End If
Next i
'print to sheet...
Range("K4").Resize(UBound(ListA, 1)).Value = Compact(ListA)
Range("L4").Resize(UBound(ListB, 1)).Value = Compact(ListB)
Range("M4").Resize(UBound(ListC, 1)).Value = Compact(ListC)
End Sub
'remove empty array locations...
Function Compact(arr)
Dim rv(), p As Long, i As Long
ReDim rv(1 To UBound(arr, 1), 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
If Len(arr(i, 1)) > 0 Then
p = p + 1
rv(p, 1) = arr(i, 1)
End If
Next i
Compact = rv
End Function
This assumes listA/B each contains unique values (no repeats within one list)

IF duplicate cell value found in column then return value

I need to track a person in a data sheet to determine from which location to which location the person moved.
If a person appears more then one time in Column J that means the person has changed the location and the location value is in Column L. For this I have the following code:
=IF(J18=J19;IF(COUNTIF(J:J;J18)>1; "From "&L18 &" to "& IF(J18=J19;L19;"");"");"")
The problem is if the person changes the location more than two times. In Column O to Column AA I have the months of the year which determines the location of the person.
How can I modify this code to do the above:
=IF(J18=J19;IF(COUNTIF(J:J;J18)>1; "From "&L18 &" to "& IF(J18=J19;L19;"");"");"")
Here is a User Defined Function (aka UDF) to accomplish the task.
Function my_Travels(nm As Range, loc As Range, cal As Range)
Dim n As Long, cnt As Long, v As Long, vLOCs As Variant, vTMPs As Variant
Dim iLOC As Long, sTMP As String
my_Travels = vbNullString '"no travels"
cnt = Application.CountIf(nm.EntireColumn, nm(1))
If Application.CountIf(nm, nm(1)) = cnt And cnt > 1 Then
Set loc = loc.Rows(1).Resize(nm.Rows.Count, loc.Columns.Count)
Set cal = cal.Rows(1).Resize(nm.Rows.Count, cal.Columns.Count)
'seed the array
ReDim vLOCs(1 To cnt, 1 To cnt)
For v = LBound(vLOCs, 1) To UBound(vLOCs, 1)
vLOCs(v, 1) = cal.Columns.Count + 1
vLOCs(v, 2) = cal.Columns.Count + 1
Next v
'collect the values into the array
For n = 1 To nm.Rows.Count
If nm.Cells(n, 1).Value2 = nm.Cells(1, 1).Value2 Then
iLOC = Application.Match(1, Application.Index(cal, n, 0), 0)
For v = LBound(vLOCs, 1) To UBound(vLOCs, 1)
If vLOCs(v, 1) = cal.Columns.Count + 1 Then
vLOCs(v, 1) = iLOC
vLOCs(v, 2) = n
Exit For
End If
Next v
End If
Next n
'sort the values in the array
For v = LBound(vLOCs, 1) To (UBound(vLOCs, 1) - 1)
For n = (v + 1) To UBound(vLOCs, 1)
If vLOCs(v, 1) > vLOCs(n, 1) Then
vTMPs = Array(vLOCs(v, 1), vLOCs(v, 2))
vLOCs(v, 1) = vLOCs(n, 1)
vLOCs(v, 2) = vLOCs(n, 2)
vLOCs(n, 1) = vTMPs(0)
vLOCs(n, 2) = vTMPs(1)
Exit For
End If
Next n
Next v
'concatenate the locations from the array
For v = LBound(vLOCs) To (UBound(vLOCs) - 1)
sTMP = sTMP & "From " & loc.Cells(vLOCs(v, 2), 1) & " to " & loc.Cells(vLOCs(v + 1, 2), 1) & "; "
Next v
'truncate the string and return it
sTMP = Left(sTMP, Len(sTMP) - 2)
my_Travels = sTMP
End If
End Function
The Locations and the Calendar cells only need to be defined by the first row. Each has its height (i.e. rows) redefined to maintain consistency with the list of names.
In AB2 (as above) the formula is,
=my_Travels(J2:J$8, L2, O2:AA2)
Fill down as necessary.
