NG command is displaying incorrect node version - node.js

I am getting below error when I tried to use ng command
Node.js version v11.13.0 detected.
The Angular CLI requires a minimum Node.js version of either v10.13 or v12.0.
Please update your Node.js version or visit for additional instructions.
When I try to see the node version using node -v, I see node version on my machine is v12.18.3
So from where ng is getting v11.13.0? How do I resolve this issue?

I tried below steps
Clear the NPM cache
Uninstall both node versions from the NVM
Uninstall anything that starts with node in Control Panel\Programs and Features
Install required node versions in NVM
Install Angular CLI
and things started working for me.

Had the same issue. It turns out installed Angular CLI was not compatible with the installed node and npm version. I used the to check the compatibility. Then performed following steps:
Uninstall Angular cli
Uninstall Node and NVM
Installed Node version I wanted (10.x).
Installed specific Angular version corresponding to Node v10 which was Angular Cli v11 at this time.

I was also facing the same issue in my Windows machine where the node -v version and the version picked up by ng command were different. This was because my node.js command prompt was picking the version from AppData\Roaming\npm folder. Cleaning up this folder fixed the issue for me.
Uninstall node
Empty the contents from C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm
Install the required node version


Angular Node Problems

Trying to learn angular recently, but I am stuck in an error of angular. So here it is.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04, installed node latest version via nvm.
But I have "two" nodes in Ubuntu,[default] nodejs which is v8 now, and the node v13.
When I try to create angular project with ng new my-first-project it runs good, but it keeps warning of some deprecated dependencies for example core-js. I upgraded core-js to the latest(forced using sudo). But the deprecation warning did not disappear, I thought to use sudo ng new my-first-project but this time it brings me error
You are running version v8.10.0 of Node.js, which is not supported by Angular CLI 8.0+.
The official Node.js version that is supported is 10.9 or greater.
Please visit to find instructions on how to update Node.js.
How can I change angular's using nodejs -> node?
You have two Node.js versions installed with nvm, v8 and v13. It seems that Node.js v8 is active, you can check this with node --version command line command. If the version is really v8 you have to change it with nvm to v13 using nvm use 13.{x.x} command. The {x.x} should be the concrete installed version. If you don't know the installed versions by heart you can check them with nvm list command line command.
If you change the active Node.js version to v13 with nvm it will be used by Angular CLI and you won't get the above mentioned error.

Ionic framework installing issue

I install node js then i put the command on prompt 'npm install -g ionic'
but i am facing issue ionic is not install properly in my system can you please help me?
You are using old version of NodeJS (4.4.6), Ionic needs for proper functioning at least node >= 6.4.0. As stated in log information.
Try installing newer version.
you are using a old node version. Please update Your node version. also make sure you install a LTS version. you can check your node version with this command
node --version

nodejs 4.2.6 not getting updated to latest version

I installed Node and npm as they are required to install angular cli.
Now, if I type this command:
npm install -g angular-cli
I get this message in terminal:
ERROR: npm is known not to run on Node.js v4.2.6 Node.js 4 is supported but the specific version you're running has a bug known to break npm. Please update to at least 4.7.0 to use this version of npm. You can find the latest release of Node.js at
I also followed this link, but still the issue is not resolved.
I tried removing node, npm and then reinstalling, updating node according to all the ways I found on internet, but still the version(4.2.6) is same.
I don't understand what I am doing wrong as I am new to Linux.
Surprisingly, npm is quite complicated in Linux, until you discover Node Version Manager which allows you to easily install new versions and swap between them.
After installing nvm, you can install any node version with nvm install <VERSION_NUMBER> and you can set it as default with nvm alias default <VERSION_NUMBER>
You can swap between versions using nvm use <VERSION_NUMBER>

How to update the Node.js in windows

After I upgraded the ionic CLI, I have error when I do a ionic serve.
The error is
ERR: Your Node.js version is v5.11.1. Please update to the latest Node 6 LTS version (or latest Node).
What is the command that I can upgrade to Node 6 LTS without redownload the Node.js installer?
Use NVM Windows Version (Node Version Manager) - be aware its a separate version from Mac / Linux
More info you can check out this one :
How do I update Node.js?
nvm install node
There is no need to update your node in case some impacts might occur to your projects, the most effective way to tackle this is to reinstall your ionic CLI in command prompt by operating: "npm uninstall -g ionic" and npm install -g ionic#.... You might need to switch earlier version of ionic so as to match with your cordova or some other App package.enter image description here
Just download and install Node.js from It will detect your current installation version and upgrade it if necessary.

React Native Node install Error

I am trying to install the environment for react native.
I followed the instruction of the site until the point to enter into the cmd
create-react-native-app AwesomeProject
after several moments I get a big green message:
You are currently running Node v0.12.2.
React Native runs on Node 4.0 or newer. There are several ways to
upgrade Node.js depending on your preference.
nvm: nvm install node && nvm alias default node
Homebrew: brew unlink iojs; brew install node
Installer: download the Mac .pkg from
About Node.js:
Follow along at:
I try to upgrade my nodejs but I have the newest version form the site.
why does it still throws me this error ?
Hi user24136 i build react native apps myself and i have latest Node version running. Error states your Node.js installed is old and React Native does run on Node 4.0+. Seems like your on a Mac, visit this link Node.js and use installer to upgrade your NPM and Node to latest versions. After successful installations run commands node -v and npm -v and you should see newer version v6.10.3 and 3.10.10 respectively. Then run command react-native init AwesomeProject and check if it works.
This problem interested in from your only node version
you can use sudo n stable command your terminal. This command increase your node version.
