How to add coefficients, p-values and relevant variable name in mlflow? - databricks

I am running a linear regression model and I would like to add the coefficients and P-values of each variable and the variable name in to the metrics of the mlflow output. I am new to using mlflow and not very familiar in doing this. Below is an example of part of my code
with mlflow.start_run(run_name=p_key + '_' + str(o_key)):
lr = LinearRegression(
featuresCol = 'features',
labelCol = target_var,
maxIter = 10,
regParam = 0.0,
elasticNetParam = 0.0,
lr_model_item =
lr_coefficients_item = lr_model_item.coefficients
lr_coefficients_intercept = lr_model_item.intercept
lr_predictions_item = lr_model_item.transform(train_model_data)
lr_predictions_item_oos = lr_model_item.transform(test_model_data)
rsquared = lr_model_item.summary.r2
# Log mlflow attributes for mlflow UI
mlflow.log_metric("rsquared", rsquared)
mlflow.log_metric("intercept", lr_coefficients_intercept)
for i in lr_coefficients_item:
mlflow.log_metric('coefficients', lr_coefficients_item[i])
Would like to know whether this is possible? In the final output I should have the intercept, coefficients, p-values and the relevant variable name.

If I understand you correctly, you want to register the p-value and coefficient per variable name separately in MLFlow. The difficult thing in with Spark ML is that all columns are generally merged into a single "features" column before passing it on to a given estimator (e.g. LinearRegression). Therefore, one looses the oversight of which name belongs to which column.
We can get the names of every feature in the "features" column from your linear model by defining the following function [1]:
from itertools import chain
def feature_names(model, df):
features_dict = df.schema[model.summary.featuresCol].metadata["ml_attr"]["attrs"].values()
return sorted([(attr["idx"], attr["name"]) for attr in chain(*features_dict)])
The above function returns a sorted list that contains a list of tuples, in which the first entry corresponds to the index of the feature in the "features" column, and the second entry to the name of the actual feature.
By using the above function in your code, we can now easily match the feature names with the column in the "features" column, and therefore register the coefficient and p-value per feature.
def has_pvalue(model):
''' Check if the given model supports pValues associated '''
return True
return False
with mlflow.start_run():
lr = LinearRegression(
maxIter = 10,
regParam = 1.0,
elasticNetParam = 0.0,
solver = "normal"
lr_model =
mlflow.log_metric("rsquared", lr_model.summary.r2)
mlflow.log_metric("intercept", lr_model.intercept)
for index, name in feature_names(lr_model, train_data):
mlflow.log_metric(f"Coef. {name}", lr_model.coefficients[index])
if has_pvalue(lr_model):
# P-values are not always available. This depends on the model configuration.
mlflow.log_metric(f"P-val. {name}", lr_model.summary.pValues[index])
[1]: Related Stackoverflow question


Getting a Scoring Function by Name in scikit-learn

In scikit-learn , there is the notion of a scoring function. If we have some predicted labels and the true labels, we can get to the score by calling scoring(y_true, y_predict). An example of such scoring function is sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score.
A scoring function is not to be confused of the scorer, which is an object that can be called as scorer(estimator, X, y_true).
There are many builtin scorers in scikit-learn. It is possible to get to these scorers by their string names. For example, we can get the scorer corresponding to the name 'accuracy' by calling sklearn.metrics.get_scorer("accuracy")/
But it turns out that there is no obvious mechanism to access the built-in scoring functions by their names at run-time, through passing in the name as a string. For example, there is no way to access sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score by its name accuracy.
For example, if at run time, the program knows the name of the scoring function is contained in variable name, I am looking for a mechanism get_scoring_function(), such that, get_scoring_function(name) will return the scoring function handle. Note that this name, name, is not known at scripting time.
Is there any way to access the built-in scoring functions by their names at run time through passing in the names as strings?
You can use the get_scorer() function, which accepts a string as an argument, and then get the _score_func attribute of the returned object.
So for example
from sklearn.metrics import get_scorer
get_scorer('accuracy')._score_func(y_true, y_pred)
is equivalent to
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)
I myself faced this task, and I haven't found a better way to access metrics by names than with sklearn.metrics.get_scorer function, but the drawback of it is that you have to pass an estimator there, not predictions. I tried to use the #collinb9 recommendation, but you see, you have to access a protected method there, and in my case, it led to unpleasant consequences, namely incorrectly calculated metrics.
This is a short example showing this problem.
from sklearn import datasets, model_selection, linear_model, metrics
features, labels = datasets.make_regression(1000, random_state=123)
train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels = model_selection.train_test_split(features, labels, test_size=0.1, random_state=567)
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), train_labels)
print(f'variant 1 neg_mse = {metrics.get_scorer("neg_mean_squared_error")(model, test_features, test_labels)}')
print(f'variant 1 neg_rmse = {metrics.get_scorer("neg_root_mean_squared_error")(model, test_features, test_labels)}\n')
preds = model.predict(test_features)
print(f'variant 2 mse = {metrics.mean_squared_error(test_labels, preds)}')
print(f'variant 2 rmse = {metrics.mean_squared_error(test_labels, preds, squared=False)}\n')
print(f'protected neg_mse = {metrics.get_scorer("neg_mean_squared_error")._score_func(test_labels, preds)}')
print(f'protected neg_rmse = {metrics.get_scorer("neg_root_mean_squared_error")._score_func(test_labels, preds)}')
The output of this program will be:
variant 1 neg_mse = -2.142587870436064e-25
variant 1 neg_rmse = -4.628809642268803e-13
variant 2 mse = 2.142587870436064e-25
variant 2 rmse = 4.628809642268803e-13
protected neg_mse = 2.142587870436064e-25
protected neg_rmse = 2.142587870436064e-25
You see, metrics calculated with the use of the protected method differ. First, we ordered to get negative values, but got positive ones (it should be mentioned, that for variant 2 metrics we didn't imply negative values). Second, the neg_mse and neg_rmse values are equal but should be different.
If we go to the source code of sklearn metrics, we will see:
This is how _score_func is called: it is multiplied by sign, so that's where we lose our negative values.
This is how scorers are made: you see, neg_root_mean_squared_error_scorer has extra parameter squared=False. This parameter is stated explicitly as an optional one in metrics.mean_squared_error, so you won't make a mistake. We can pass this parameter as a keyword argument to _score_fun and at least we will get a correct absolute value then:
print(f'protected neg_rmse = {metrics.get_scorer("neg_root_mean_squared_error")._score_func(test_labels, preds, squared=False)}')
protected neg_rmse = 4.628809642268803e-13
To make things short, I've shown, to my knowledge, the only way to get sklearn metrics by name (btw, you can find the full list of names here), and that it's not safe to use protected methods that you're not supposed to use. BTW, I was using sklearn version=0.24.2.
Since the documentation is incomplete, you'll have to go directly to the source code here for the complete list of metric names:
Metric Names
Search for __all__.
Answer of #collinb9 should not be accepted as it would lead to incorrect calculations.
You need other arguments (such as squared:False for rmse) to compute the correct thing. They can be accessed via the _kwargs attribute of _BaseScorer class. If you combine _score_func and _kwargs then we can get the corresponding scorer function.
The full answer to the question should be:
import functools
import sklearn
def score(scoring_name, y_true, y_pred):
sklearn_scorer = sklearn.metrics.get_scorer(scoring_name)
return sklearn_scorer._sign * sklearn_scorer._score_func(
y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, **sklearn_scorer._kwargs
score("neg_root_mean_squared_error", y_true, y_pred)

efficient way of calculating Monte Carlo results for different impact assessment methods in Brightway

I am trying to do a comparative monte carlo calculation with brightway2 using different impact assessment methods. I thought about using the switch_method method to be more efficient, since the technosphere matrix is the same for a given iteration. However, I am getting an assertion error. A code to reproduce it could be something like this
import brighway as bw
bw.projects.set_current('ei35') # project with ecoinvent 3.5
db = bw.Database("ei_35cutoff")
# select two different transport activities to compare
activity_name = 'transport, freight, lorry >32 metric ton, EURO4'
for activity in bw.Database("ei_35cutoff"):
if activity['name'] == activity_name:
truckE4 = bw.Database("ei_35cutoff").get(activity['code'])
activity_name = 'transport, freight, lorry >32 metric ton, EURO6'
for activity in bw.Database("ei_35cutoff"):
if activity['name'] == activity_name:
truckE6 = bw.Database("ei_35cutoff").get(activity['code'])
demands = [{truckE4: 1}, {truckE6: 1}]
# impact assessment method:
recipe_midpoint=[method for method in bw.methods.keys()
if method[0]=="ReCiPe Midpoint (H)"]
mc_mm = bw.MonteCarloLCA(demands[0], recipe_midpoint[0])
If I try switch method I get the assertion error.
assert mc_mm.method==recipe_midpoint[1]
Am I doing something wrong here?
I usually store characterization factor matrices in a temporary dict and multiply these cfs with the LCI resulting from MonteCarloLCA directly.
import brightway2 as bw
import numpy as np
# Generate objects for analysis
my_db = bw.Database('db')
my_act = my_db.random()
my_demand = {my_act:1}
my_methods = [bw.methods.random() for _ in range(2)]
I wrote this simple function to get characterization factor matrices for the product system I will generate in the MonteCarloLCA. It uses a temporara "sacrificial LCA" object that will have the same A and B matrices as the MonteCarloLCA.
This may seem like a waste of time, but it is only done once, and will make MonteCarlo quicker and simpler.
def get_C_matrices(demand, list_of_methods):
""" Return a dict with {method tuple:cf_matrix} for a list of methods
Uses a "sacrificial LCA" with exactly the same demand as will be used
in the MonteCarloLCA
C_matrices = {}
sacrificial_LCA = bw.LCA(demand)
for method in list_of_methods:
C_matrices[method] = sacrificial_LCA.characterization_matrix
return C_matrices
# Create array that will store mc results.
# Shape is (number of methods, number of iteration)
my_iterations = 10
mc_scores = np.empty(shape=[len(my_methods), my_iterations])
# Instantiate MonteCarloLCA object
my_mc = bw.MonteCarloLCA(my_demand)
# Get characterization factor matrices
my_C_matrices = get_C_matrices(my_demand, my_methods)
# Generate results
for iteration in range(my_iterations):
lci = next(my_mc)
for i, m in enumerate(my_methods):
mc_scores[i, iteration] = (my_C_matrices[m]*my_mc.inventory).sum()
All your results are in mc_scores. Each row corresponds to a method, each column to an MC iteration.
Not very elegant, but try this:
iterations = 10
simulations = []
for _ in range(iterations):
mc_mm = MonteCarloLCA(demands[0], recipe_midpoint[0])
mcresults = []
for i in demands:
for m in recipe_midpoint[0:3]:
CC_truckE4 = [i[1] for i in simulations] # Climate Change, truck E4
CC_truckE6 = [i[1+3] for i in simulations] # Climate Change, truck E6
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.plot(CC_truckE4 , CC_truckE6, 'o')
If you then make a test and do twice the simulation for the same demand vector, by setting demands = [{truckE4: 1}, {truckE4: 1}] and plot the result you should get a straight line. This means that you are doing dependent sampling and re-using the same tech matrix for each demand vector and for each LCIA. I am not 100% sure of this but I hope it answers your question.

Multi Class Classification using XGBClassifier

I am using XGBClassifier for multiclass classification(5 classes - [1,2,3,4,5]). I have set objective parameter as 'multi:softmax' but still when I predict using my model I am getting continuous values instead of integers.
I tried with specifying num_class parameter too, but still it predicts continuous values.
model = XGBClassifier(learning_rate = 0.1,n_estimators = 200, objective='multi:softmax'), y1, eval_set=[(x1,y1),(x2, y2)], eval_metric='mlogloss')
Expected output = [1,2,3,3,2,3,4,4,5,5,1.... etc] #integers values
Actual Output = [2.334, 1.455, 2.122, 1.76 .... etc] #continuous values

scikit-learn: Is there a way to provide an object as an input to predict function of a classifier?

I am planning to use an SGDClassifier in production. The idea is to train the classifier on some training data, use cPickle to dump it to a .pkl file and reuse it later in a script. However, there are certain high cardinality fields which are categorical in nature and translated to one hot matrix representation which creates around 5000 features. Now the input that I get for the predict will only have one of these features and rest all will be zeroes. It will also include ofcourse the other numerical features apart from this. From the docs, it appears that the predict function expects an array of array as input. Is there any way I can transform my input to the format expected by the predict function without having to store the fields everytime I train the model ?
So, let us say my input contains 3 fields:
rate: 10, // numeric
flagged: 0, //binary
host: '' // keeping this categorical
host can have around 5000 different values. Now I loaded the file to a pandas dataframe, used the get_dummies function to transform the host field to around 5000 new fields which are binary fields.
Then I trained by model and stored it using cPickle.
Now, when I need to use the predict function, for the input, I only have 3 fields (shown above). However, as per my understanding the predict endpoint will expect an array of vectors and each vector is supposed to have those 5000 fields.
For the entry that I need to predict, I know only one field for that entry which will be the value of host itself.
For example, if my input is
rate: 5,
flagged: 1
host: ''
I know that the fields expected by the predict should be:
rate: 5,
flagged: 1
new_host: 1
But if I translate it to vector format, I don't know which index to place the new_host field. Also, I don't know in advance what other hosts are (unless I store it somewhere during the training phase)
I hope I am making some sense. Let me know if I am doing it the wrong way.
I don't know which index to place the new_host field
A good approach that has worked for me is to build a pipeline which you then use for training and prediction. This way you do not have to concern yourself with the column index of whatever output is produced by your transformation:
# in training
pipl = Pipeline(steps=[('binarizer', LabelBinarizer(),
('clf', SGDClassifier())])
model = pipl.train(X, Y)
pickle.dump(mf, model)
# in production
model = pickle.load(mf)
y = model.predict(X)
As X, Y inputs you need to pass an array-like object. Make sure the input is the same structure for both training and test, e.g.
X = [[data.get('rate'), data.get('flagged'), data.get('host')]]
Y = [[y-cols]] # your example doesn't specify what is Y in your data
More flexible: Pandas DataFrame + Pipeline
What also works nicely is to use a Pandas DataFrame in combination with sklearn-pandas as it allows you to use different transformations on different column names. E.g.
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
mapper = DataFrameMapper([
('host', sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer()),
('rate', sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler())
pipl = Pipeline(steps=[('mapper', mapper),
('clf', SGDClassifier())])
X = df[x-cols]
y = df[y-col(s)]
Note that x-cols and y-col(s) are the list of the feature and target columns respectively.
You should use a scikit-learn transformer instead of get_dummies. In this case, LabelBinarizer makes sense. Seeing as LabelBinarizer doesn't work in a pipeline, this is one way to do what you want:
binarizer = LabelBinarizer()
# fitting LabelBinarizer means it remembers all the columns it's seen
one_hot_data = binarizer.fit_transform(X_train[:, categorical_col])
# replace string column with one-hot representation
X_train = np.concatenate([np.delete(X_train, categorical_col, axis=1),
one_hot_data], axis=1)
model = SGDClassifier(), y)
pickle.dump(f, {'clf': clf, 'binarizer': binarizer})
then at prediction time:
estimators = pickle.load(f)
clf = estimators['clf']
binarizer = estimators['binarizer']
one_hot_data = binarizer.transform(X_test[:, categorical_col])
X_test = np.concatenate([np.delete(X_test, categorical_col, axis=1),
one_hot_data], axis=1)

How to merger NaiveBayesClassifier object in NLTK

I am working on a project using the NLTK toolkit. With the hardware I have, I am able to run the classifier object on a small data set. So, I divided the data into smaller chunks and running the classifier object in them while storing all these individual object in a pickle file.
Now for testing I need to have the whole object as one to get better result. So my question is how can I combine these objects into one.
objs = []
while True:
f = open(picklename,"rb")
except EOFError:
Doing this does not work. And it gives the error TypeError: 'NaiveBayesClassifier' object is not iterable.
NaiveBayesClassifier code :
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_set)
I am not sure about the exact format of your data, but you can not simply merge different classifiers. The Naive Bayes classifier stores a probability distribution based on the data it was trained on, and you can not merge probability distributions without access to the original data.
If you look at the source code here:
an instance of the classifier stores:
self._label_probdist = label_probdist
self._feature_probdist = feature_probdist
these are calculated in the train method using relative frequency counts. (e.g P(L_1) = (# of L1 in training set) / (# labels in training set). To combine the two, you would want to get (# of L1 in Train 1 + Train 2)/(# of labels in T1 + T2).
However, the naive bayes procedure isn't too hard to implement from scratch, especially if you follow the 'train' source code in the link above. Here is an outline, using the NaiveBayes source code
Store 'FreqDist' objects for each subset of the data for the labels and features.
label_freqdist = FreqDist()
feature_freqdist = defaultdict(FreqDist)
feature_values = defaultdict(set)
fnames = set()
# Count up how many times each feature value occurred, given
# the label and featurename.
for featureset, label in labeled_featuresets:
label_freqdist[label] += 1
for fname, fval in featureset.items():
# Increment freq(fval|label, fname)
feature_freqdist[label, fname][fval] += 1
# Record that fname can take the value fval.
# Keep a list of all feature names.
# If a feature didn't have a value given for an instance, then
# we assume that it gets the implicit value 'None.' This loop
# counts up the number of 'missing' feature values for each
# (label,fname) pair, and increments the count of the fval
# 'None' by that amount.
for label in label_freqdist:
num_samples = label_freqdist[label]
for fname in fnames:
count = feature_freqdist[label, fname].N()
# Only add a None key when necessary, i.e. if there are
# any samples with feature 'fname' missing.
if num_samples - count > 0:
feature_freqdist[label, fname][None] += num_samples - count
# Use pickle to store label_freqdist, feature_freqdist,feature_values
Combine those using their built-in 'add' method. This will allow you to get the relative frequency across all the data.
all_label_freqdist = FreqDist()
all_feature_freqdist = defaultdict(FreqDist)
all_feature_values = defaultdict(set)
for file in train_labels:
f = open(file,"rb")
all_label_freqdist += pickle.load(f)
# Combine the default dicts for features similarly
Use the 'estimator' to create a probability distribution.
estimator = ELEProbDist()
label_probdist = estimator(all_label_freqdist)
# Create the P(fval|label, fname) distribution
feature_probdist = {}
for ((label, fname), freqdist) in all_feature_freqdist.items():
probdist = estimator(freqdist, bins=len(all_feature_values[fname]))
feature_probdist[label, fname] = probdist
classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(label_probdist, feature_probdist)
The classifier will not combine the counts across all the data and produce what you need.
