Cassandra 3.7 CDC / incremental data load - apache-spark

I'm very new to the ETL world and I wish to implement Incremental Data Loading with Cassandra 3.7 and Spark. I'm aware that later versions of Cassandra do support CDC, but I can only use Cassandra 3.7. Is there a method through which I can track the changed records only and use spark to load them, thereby performing incremental data loading?
If it can't be done on the cassandra end, any other suggestions are also welcome on the Spark side :)

It's quite a broad topic, and efficient solution will depend on the amount of data in your tables, table structure, how data is inserted/updated, etc. Also, specific solution may depend on the version of Spark available. One downside of Spark-only method is you can't easily detect deletes of the data, without having a complete copy of previous state, so you can generate a diff between 2 states.
In all cases you'll need to perform full table scan to find changed entries, but if your table is organized specifically for this task, you can avoid reading of all data. For example, if you have a table with following structure:
create table test.tbl (
pk int,
ts timestamp,
v1 ...,
v2 ...,
primary key(pk, ts));
then if you do following query:
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra._
val data ="tbl", "test").load()
val filtered = data.filter("""ts >= cast('2019-03-10T14:41:34.373+0000' as timestamp)
AND ts <= cast('2019-03-10T19:01:56.316+0000' as timestamp)""")
then Spark Cassandra Connector will push this query down to the Cassandra, and will read only data where ts is in the given time range - you can check this by executing filtered.explain and checking that both time filters are marked with * symbol.
Another way to detect changes is to retrieve the write time from Cassandra, and filter out the changes based on that information. Fetching of writetime is supported in RDD API for all recent versions of SCC, and is supported in the Dataframe API since release of SCC 2.5.0 (requires at least Spark 2.4, although may work with 2.3 as well). After fetching this information, you can apply filters on the data & extract changes. But you need to keep in mind several things:
there is no way to detect deletes using this method
write time information exists only for regular & static columns, but not for columns of primary key
each column may have its own write time value, in case if there was a partial update of the row after insertion
in most versions of Cassandra, call of writetime function will generate error when it's done for collection column (list/map/set), and will/may return null for column with user-defined type
P.S. Even if you had CDC enabled, it's not a trivial task to use it correctly:
you need to de-duplicate changes - you have RF copies of the changes
some changes could be lost, for example, when node was down, and then propagated later, via hints or repairs
TTL isn't easy to handle
For CDC you may look for presentations from 2019th DataStax Accelerate conference - there were several talks on that topic.


How to persist data to Hive from PySpark - Avoiding duplicates

I am working with graphframes, pyspark, and hive to work with graph data. As I process data I will be building a graph and eventually will be persisting this data into a Hive table, where I will not update it ever again.
Subsequent runs may have relationships to nodes from previous runs, so I will want to ensure I don't duplicate data.
For example, run #1 might find nodes: A, B, C. Run #2 might re-find node A, and also find new nodes X, Y, Z. I do not want A to appear twice in my table.
I am looking for the best way to handle this and would like to address the following issues:
I will need to track the status of the node as I process metadata associated with it. I will only want to persist the node's data to Hive after I have finished this processing.
I want to ensure that I don't create duplicate data when I encounter the same node (e.g. when I re-find A node above, I don't want to insert another row into Hive)
I am currently tinkering with the best way to do this. I know hive supports ACID transactions now, but it does not appear as though pyspark currently supports CRUD type operations. So here is what I'm planning on:
On each run, create a dataframe to store the nodes I have found.
When a new node is found: Check if the node already exists in Hive (e.g. sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM existingTable WHERE name="<NAME>"). If it does not exist update the dataframe with x = vertices.withColumn("name", F.when(F.col("id")=="a", "<THE-NEW-NAME>").otherwise(F.col("name"))) to add it to our Dataframe.
Once all the nodes have finished processing, create a temporary view: x.createOrReplaceTempView("myTmpView")
Finally, insert data from my temporary view into an existing table with sqlContext.sql("INSERT INTO TABLE existingTable SELECT * FROM myTmpView")
I think this will work, but it seems extremely hacky. I'm not sure if this is a function of my lack of understanding of Hive/Spark, or if this is just the nature of the tech stack. Is there a better way to do this? Is there a performance cost to handling it in this way?
In deltalake api, upserts(Merge) are supported using scala and also python. Which is exactly you are trying to implement.
Here is an alternate solution
Have a column updated_time timestamp in your table
union prev_run_results and current_run_results
group by 'node', select the latest timestamp
save the results

Incremental and parallelism read from RDBMS in Spark using JDBC

I'm working on a project that involves reading data from RDBMS using JDBC and I succeeded reading the data. This is something I will be doing fairly constantly, weekly. So I've been trying to come up with a way to ensure that after the initial read, subsequent ones should only pull updated records instead of pulling the entire data from the table.
I can do this with sqoop incremental import by specifying the three parameters (--check-column, --incremental last-modified/append and --last-value). However, I dont want to use sqoop for this. Is there a way I can replicate same in Spark with Scala?
Secondly, some of the tables do not have unique column which can be used as partitionColumn, so I thought of using a row-number function to add a unique column to these table and then get the MIN and MAX of the unique column as lowerBound and upperBound respectively. My challenge now is how to dynamically parse these values into the read statement like below:
val queryNum = "select a1.*, row_number() over (order by sales) as row_nums from (select * from schema.table) a1"
val df ="jdbc").
option("driver", driver).
option("url",url ).
option("lowerBound", min(row_nums)).
option("upperBound", max(row_nums)).
option("numPartitions", some value).
option("fetchsize",some value).
option("dbtable", queryNum).
option("user", user).
I know the above code is not right and might be missing a whole lot of processes but I guess it'll give a general overview of what I'm trying to achieve here.
It's surprisingly complicated to handle incremental JDBC reads in Spark. IMHO, it severely limits the ease of building many applications and may not be worth your trouble if Sqoop is doing the job.
However, it is doable. See this thread for an example using the dbtable option:
Apache Spark selects all rows
To keep this job idempotent, you'll need to read in the max row of your prior output either directly from loading all data files or via a log file that you write out each time. If your data files are massive you may need to use the log file, if smaller you could potentially load.

Spark: Continuously reading data from Cassandra

I have gone through Reading from Cassandra using Spark Streaming and through tutorial-1 and tutorial-2 links.
Is it fair to say that Cassandra-Spark integration currently does not provide anything out of the box to continuously get the updates from Cassandra and stream them to other systems like HDFS?
By continuously, I mean getting only those rows in a table which have changed (inserted or updated) since the last fetch by Spark. If there are too many such rows, there should be an option to limit the number of rows and the subsequent spark fetch should begin from where it left off. At-least once guarantee is ok but exactly-once would be a huge welcome.
If its not supported, one way to support it could be to have an auxiliary column updated_time in each cassandra-table that needs to be queried by storm and then use that column for queries. Or an auxiliary table per table that contains ID, timestamp of the rows being changed. Has anyone tried this before?
I don't think Apache Cassandra has this functionality out of the box. Internally [for some period of time] it stores all operations on data in sequential manner, but it's per node and it gets compacted eventually (to save space). Frankly, Cassandra's (as most other DB's) promise is to provide latest view of data (which by itself can be quite tricky in distributed environment), but not full history of how data was changing.
So if you still want to have such info in Cassandra (and process it in Spark), you'll have to do some additional work yourself: design dedicated table(s) (or add synthetic columns), take care of partitioning, save offset to keep track of progress, etc.
Cassandra is ok for time series data, but in your case I would consider just using streaming solution (like Kafka) instead of inventing it.
I agree with what Ralkie stated but wanted to propose one more solution if you're tied to C* with this use case. This solution assumes you have full control over the schema and ingest as well. This is not a streaming solution though it could awkwardly be shoehorned into one.
Have you considered using composite key composed of the timebucket along with a murmur_hash_of_one_or_more_clustering_columns % some_int_designed_limit_row_width? In this way, you could set your timebuckets to 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, etc depending on how "real-time" you need to analyze/archive your data. The murmur hash based off of one or more of the clustering columns is needed to help located data in the C* cluster (and is a terrible solution if you're often looking up specific clustering columns).
For example, take an IoT use case where sensors report in every minute and have some sensor reading that can be represented as an integer.
create table if not exists iottable {
timebucket bigint,
sensorbucket int,
sensorid varchar,
sensorvalue int,
primary key ((timebucket, sensorbucket), sensorid)
} with caching = 'none'
and compaction = { 'class': 'com.jeffjirsa.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowedCompaction' };
Note the use of TimeWindowedCompaction. I'm not sure what version of C* you're using; but with the 2.x series, I'd stay away from DateTieredCompaction. I cannot speak to how well it performs in 3.x. Any any rate, you should test and benchmark extensively before settling on your schema and compaction strategy.
Also note that this schema could result in hotspotting as it is vulnerable to sensors that report more often than others. Again, not knowing the use case it's hard to provide a perfect solution -- it's just an example. If you don't care about ever reading C* for a specific sensor (or column), you don't have to use a clustering column at all and you can simply use a timeUUID or something random for the murmur hash bucketing.
Regardless of how you decide to partition the data, a schema like this would then allow you to use repartitionByCassandraReplica and joinWithCassandraTable to extract the data written during a given timebucket.

Spark Cassandra connector - Range query on partition key

I'm evaluating spark-cassandra-connector and i'm struggling trying to get a range query on partition key to work.
According to the connector's documentation it seems that's possible to make server-side filtering on partition key using equality or IN operator, but unfortunately, my partition key is a timestamp, so I can not use it.
So I tried using Spark SQL with the following query ('timestamp' is the partition key):
select * from where timestamp >= '2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' and timestamp < '2013-12-31T00:00:00.000Z'
Although the job spawns 200 tasks, the query is not returning any data.
Also I can assure that there is data to be returned since running the query on cqlsh (doing the appropriate conversion using 'token' function) DOES return data.
I'm using spark 1.1.0 with standalone mode. Cassandra is 2.1.2 and connector version is 'b1.1' branch. Cassandra driver is DataStax 'master' branch.
Cassandra cluster is overlaid on spark cluster with 3 servers with replication factor of 1.
Here is the job's full log
Any clue anyone?
Update: When trying to do server-side filtering based on the partition key (using CassandraRDD.where method) I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Range predicates on partition key columns (here: timestamp) are not supported in where. Use filter instead.
But unfortunately I don't know what "filter" is...
i think the CassandraRDD error is telling that the query that you are trying to do is not allowed in Cassandra and you have to load all the table in a CassandraRDD and then make a spark filter operation over this CassandraRDD.
So your code (in scala) should something like this:
val cassRDD= sc.cassandraTable("keyspace name", "table name").filter(row=> row.getDate("timestamp")>=DateFormat('2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')&&row.getDate("timestamp") < DateFormat('2013-12-31T00:00:00.000Z'))
If you are interested in making this type of queries you might have to take a look to others Cassandra connectors, like the one developed by Stratio
You have several options to get the solution you are looking for.
The most powerful one would be to use Lucene indexes integrated with Cassandra by Stratio, which allows you to search by any indexed field in the server side. Your writing time will be increased but, on the other hand, you will be able to query any time range. You can find further information about Lucene indexes in Cassandra here. This extended version of Cassandra is fully integrated into the deep-spark project so you can take all the advantages of the Lucene indexes in Cassandra through it. I would recommend you to use Lucene indexes when you are executing a restricted query that retrieves a small-medium result set, if you are going to retrieve a big piece of your data set, you should use the third option underneath.
Another approach, depending on how your application works, might be to truncate your timestamp field so you can look for it using an IN operator. The problem is, as far as I know, you can't use the spark-cassandra-connector for that, you should use the direct Cassandra driver which is not integrated with Spark, or you can have a look at the deep-spark project where a new feature allowing this is about to be released very soon. Your query would look something like this:
select * from where timestamp IN ('2013-01-01', '2013-01-02', '2013-01-03', '2013-01-04', ... , '2013-12-31')
, but, as I said before, I don't know if it fits to your needs since you might not be able to truncate your data and group it by date/time.
The last option you have, but the less efficient, is to bring the full data set to your spark cluster and apply a filter on the RDD.
Disclaimer: I work for Stratio :-) Don't hesitate on contacting us if you need any help.
I hope it helps!

how to archive or delete cassandra data after receiving event in wso2bam

I use WSO2BAM in version 2.3.0 where I defined a stream holding much amount of data in Cassandra datasource. Currently my Hive script processes all events from keyspace where 99% of data is unneccesary. And it takes disk space too.
My idea is to clear this data after it becomes unnecessary.
The format of stream is:
{"streamId":"kroki_i_kolejki_zlecen:1.0.0","name":"kroki_i_kolejki_zlecen","version":"1.0.0","nickName":"Kroki i kolejki zlecen","description":"Wyniki i daty zamkniecia zlecen","payloadData":[{"name":"casenum","type":"STRING"},{"name":"type_id","type":"STRING"},{"name":"id_zlecenie","type":"STRING"},{"name":"sid","type":"STRING"},{"name":"step_name","type":"STRING"},{"name":"proc_name","type":"STRING"},{"name":"step_desc","type":"STRING"},{"name":"audit_date","type":"STRING"},{"name":"audit_usecs","type":"STRING"},{"name":"user_name","type":"STRING"}]}
My intention is to delete data with the same column payload_id_zlecenie after I receive event with specific payload_type_id.
In relational database it would be equal to query:
delete from kroki_i_kolejki_zlecen where payload_id_zlecenie = [argument];
Is it possible to do?
In Hive you cannot delete Cassandra data according to my knowledge. The [1] link given by Inosh describes how to archive Cassandra records older than a specific time duration. (e.g. records older than 3 months) All the archived data will be stored in a column family with the postfix, "_arch". In that feature a custom analyzer is used inside the generated Hive script to delete Cassandra rows. And also note that deleted records will take about 10 days to completely delete entire rows with it's row key. Until that happens you will see some empty fields associated with the Cassandra row ID.
Inosh's [2] is the real solution for your problem. Once incremental processing is enabled, hive script will process only the Cassandra rows unprocessed in the previous hive script execution. That means, the Hive will aggregate the values processed in each execution and will keep them for future. The next time hive will use that value, and previously processed last timestamp and process all the records came after that timestamp. The new aggregated value and older aggregated value will be used to get the overall value.
[1] -
[2] -
You can use Cassandra data archival feature [1] to archive cassandra data.
Also refer to Incremental Analysis [2] which is a new feature released with BAM 2.4.0. Using that feature, received data can be analyzed incrementally, without processing all events in CFs.
[1] -
[2] -
