Text data massaging to conduct distance calculations in python - python-3.x

I am trying to get text data from dataframe "A" to be convereted to columns while text data from dataframe "B" to be in rows in a new dataframe "C" in order to calculate distance calculations.
Data in dataframe "A" looks like this
Unique -> header
Data in dataframe "B" looks like this
common_words -> header
i want the output in dataframe C as
Amy George Barbara
Can anyone help me on this

What should be the actual content of data frame C? Do you only want to initialise it to some value (i.e. 0) in the first step and then fill it with the distance calculations?
You could initialise C in the following way:
import pandas as pd
A = pd.DataFrame(['Amy', 'little', 'sheep', 'dead'])
B = pd.DataFrame(['Amy', 'George', 'Barbara'])
C = pd.DataFrame([[0] * len(B)] * len(A), index=A[0], columns=B[0])
C will then look like:
Amy George Barbara
Amy 0 0 0
little 0 0 0
sheep 0 0 0
dead 0 0 0

Please pd.DataFrame(index =[list],columns =[list])
Extract the relevant lists using list(df.columnname.values)
Dummy data
0 Amy
1 little
2 sheep
3 dead
0 Amy
1 George
2 Barbara
dfC=pd.DataFrame(index=list(dfA.Header.values), columns=list(dfB.Header.values))
Amy George Barbara
Amy NaN NaN NaN
little NaN NaN NaN
sheep NaN NaN NaN
dead NaN NaN NaN
If interested in dfC without NaNS. Please
dfC=pd.DataFrame(index=list(dfA.Header.values), columns=list(dfB.Header.values)).fillna(' ')
Amy George Barbara


pyspark - assign non-null columns to new columns

I have a dataframe of the following scheme in pyspark:
user_id datadate page_1.A page_1.B page_1.C page_2.A page_2.B \
0 111 20220203 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 222 20220203 5 5 5 5.0 5.0
2 333 20220203 3 3 3 3.0 3.0
page_2.C page_3.A page_3.B page_3.C
0 NaN 1.0 1.0 2.0
1 5.0 NaN NaN NaN
2 4.0 NaN NaN NaN
So it contains columns like user_id, datadate, and few columns for each page (got 3 pages), which are the result of 2 joins. In this example, i have page_1, page_2, page_3, and each has 3 columns: A,B,C. Additionally, for each page columns, for each row, they will either be all null or all full, like in my example.
I don't care about the values of each of the columns per page, I just want to get for each row, the [A,B,C] values that are not null.
example for a wanted result table:
user_id datadate A B C
0 111 20220203 1 1 2
1 222 20220203 5 5 5
2 333 20220203 3 3 3
so the logic will be something like:
df[A] = page_1.A or page_2.A or page_3.A, whichever is not null
df[B] = page_1.B or page_2.B or page_3.B, whichever is not null
df[C] = page_1.C or page_2.C or page_3.C, whichever is not null
for all of the rows..
and of course, I would like to do it in an efficient way.
Thanks a lot.
You can use the sql functions greatest to extract the greatest values in a list of columns.
You can find the documentation here: https://spark.apache.org/docs/3.1.1/api/python/reference/api/pyspark.sql.functions.greatest.html
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
(df.withColumn('A', F.greates(F.col('page_1.A'), F.col('page_2.A), F.col('page_3.A'))
.withColumn('B', F.greates(F.col('page_1.B'), F.col('page_2.B), F.col('page_3.B'))
.select('userid', 'datadate', 'A', 'B'))

Map Pandas Series Containing key/value pairs to a new columns with data

I have a dataframe containing a pandas series (column 2) as below:
column 1
column 2
column 3
Requested By = John Doe 1\n Requested On = 12 October 2021\n Comments = This is a generic request
Requested By = John Doe 2\n Requested On = 2 September 2021\n Comments = This is another generic request
I'm struggling to extract, split and map column 2 data to a series of new column names with the appropriate data for that record (where possible, that is where there is data available as I have NaNs).
The Desired output is something like (where Ive dropped the column 3 data for legibility):
column 1
column 3
Requested By
Requested On
John Doe 1
12 October 2021
This is a generic request
John Doe 2
2 September 2021
This is another generic request
I have spent quite some time, trying various approaches, from lambda functions to comprehensions to explode methods but havent quite found a solution that provides the desired output.
First I would convert column 2 values to dictionaries and then convert them to Dataframes and join them to your df:
df['column 2'] = df['column 2'].apply(lambda x:
{y.split(' = ',1)[0]:y.split(' = ',1)[1]
for y in x.split(r'\n ')}
if not pd.isna(x) else {})
df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(df['column 2'].values.tolist())).drop('column 2', axis=1)
column 1 column 3 Requested By Requested On Comments
0 1123 INC29192 John Doe 1 12 October 2021 This is a generic request
1 1251 INC18217 NaN NaN NaN
2 1918 INC19281 John Doe 2 2 September 2021 This is another generic request

Pandas Drop an Entire Column if All of the Values equal a Certain Value

Let's say I have dataframes that looks like this:
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 Ian Org Paid
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
The logic I am trying to implement is something like this:
If all of column C = "NaN" then drop the entire column
Else if all of column C = "Member" drop the entire column
else do nothing
Any suggestions?
Edit: Added Expected Output
Expected Output if using on both data frames:
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 Ian Org Paid
a b
0 dave blue
1 bill red
2 sally green
Edit #2: Why am I doing this in the first place?
I am ripping text from a PDF file into placing into CSV files using the Tabula library.
The data is not coming out in the way that I am hoping it would, so I am applying ETL concepts to move the data around.
The final outcome would be for management to be able to open the final result into a nicely formatted Excel file.
Some of the columns have part of the headers put into a separate row and things got shifted around for some reason while ripping the data out of the PDF.
The headers look something like this:
Team Type Member Contact
What I am doing is checking an entire column for certain header values. If the entire column has a header value, I'm dropping the entire column.
Idea is replace Member to missing values first, then test if at least one no missing value by notna with any and add all columns with Trues for mask by Series.reindex:
mask = (df[['c']].replace('Member',np.nan)
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1, fill_value=True))
print (mask)
Another idea id chain both mask by & for bitwise AND:
mask = ((df[['c']].notna() & df[['c']].ne('Member'))
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1, fill_value=True))
print (mask)
Last filter by columns in DataFrame.loc:
df = df.loc[:, mask]
Here's an alternate approach to do this.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
c = ['a','b','c']
d = [
['dave', 'blue', np.NaN],
['bill', 'red', np.NaN],
['sally', 'green', 'Member'],
['Ian', 'Org', 'Paid']]
df1 = pd.DataFrame(d,columns = c)
df2 = df1.loc[df1['a'] != 'Ian']
print (df1)
print (df2)
if df1.c.replace('Member',np.NaN).isnull().all():
df1 = df1[df1.columns.drop(['c'])]
print (df1)
if df2.c.replace('Member',np.NaN).isnull().all():
df2 = df2[df2.columns.drop(['c'])]
print (df2)
Output of this is:
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 Ian Org Paid
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
a b c
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 Ian Org Paid
a b
0 dave blue
1 bill red
2 sally green
my idea is simple, maybe it will help you. I wanna make sure that you want this one: drop the whole column if this column contains only NaN or 'Member' else do nothing.
So I need to check the column first (contain only NaN or 'Member'). We change 'Member' to NaN and use numpy for a test(or something else).
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['dave','bill','sally','ian'],'B':['blue','red','green','org'],'C':[np.nan,np.nan,'Member','Paid']})
df2 = df.drop(index=[3],axis=0)
# df 1
col = pd.Series([np.nan if x=='Member' else x for x in df['C'].tolist()])
if col.isnull().all():
df = df.drop(columns='C')
# df2
col = pd.Series([np.nan if x=='Member' else x for x in df2['C'].tolist()])
if col.isnull().all():
df2 = df2.drop(columns='C')
0 dave blue NaN
1 bill red NaN
2 sally green Member
3 ian org Paid
0 dave blue
1 bill red
2 sally green

How to move content of a column to a column next to it

The dataframe looks like this:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame ({
'Genre': ['NaN','NaN','NaN']
The current output is:
Name HomeAddr Age Genre
0 Brian 12 M NaN
1 John 32 M NaN
2 Adam 44 F NaN
I would like to shift somehow content of HomeAddr and Age columns to columns+1. Below is a sample of the expected output.
Name HomeAddr Age Genre
0 Brian NaN 12 M
1 John NaN 32 M
2 Adam NaN 44 F
I tried with .shift() but it doesn't work.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame ({
'Genre': ['NaN','NaN','NaN']
df['HomeAddr'] = df['HomeAddr'].shift(-1)
Name HomeAddr Age Genre
0 Brian 32.0 M NaN
1 John 44.0 M NaN
2 Adam NaN F NaN
Any ideas guys? Thank you!
Use DataFrame.shift, but is necessary convert columns to strings for avoid missing values, then convert numeric columns back:
df.loc[:, 'HomeAddr':] = df.loc[:, 'HomeAddr':].astype(str).shift(1, axis=1)
df['Age'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Age'])
print (df)
Name HomeAddr Age Genre
0 Brian NaN 12 M
1 John NaN 32 M
2 Adam NaN 44 F
Another out of box solution:
df = df.drop('Genre', axis=1).rename(columns={'HomeAddr':'Age', 'Age':'Genre'})
df.insert(1, 'HomeAddr', np.nan)
print (df)
Name HomeAddr Age Genre
0 Brian NaN 12 M
1 John NaN 32 M
2 Adam NaN 44 F

Dropping columns with high missing values

I have a situation where I need to drop a lot of my dataframe columns where there are high missing values. I have created a new dataframe that gives me the missing values and the ratio of missing values from my original data set.
My original data set - data_merge2 looks like this :
123 ABC X Y
123 ABC X Y
123 ABC NaN NaN
245 ABC NaN NaN
345 ABC NaN NaN
The count data set looks like this that gives me the missing count and ratio:
missing_count missing_ratio
C 4 0.10
D 4 0.66
The code that I used to create the count dataset looks like :
#Only check those columns where there are missing values as we have got a lot of columns
new_df = (data_merge2.isna()
.assign(missing_ratio = lambda x: x['missing_count']/len(data_merge2)*100)
.loc[data_merge2.isna().any()] )
Now I want to drop the columns from the original dataframe whose missing ratio is >50%
How should I achieve this?
or DataFrame.drop using new_df DataFrame
data_merge2.drop(columns = new_df.index[new_df['missing_ratio'].gt(50)])
0 123.0 ABC
1 123.0 ABC
3 123.0 ABC
4 245.0 ABC
5 345.0 ABC
Adding another way with query and XOR:
data_merge2[data_merge2.columns ^ new_df.query('missing_ratio>50').index]
Or pandas way using Index.difference
0 123.0 ABC
1 123.0 ABC
3 123.0 ABC
4 245.0 ABC
5 345.0 ABC
