Is there a Npgsql release that works with TLS 1.2 and Azure Data Catalog? - azure

could you please advise how I can use Npgsql to enable Azure Data Catalog (ADC) to access an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server using TLS >= 1.2?
I get the following error when I use the local application for ADC:
When I have no Npgsql version installed
When I have Npgsql version 4.1.4 installed
I get the following error when I use the local application for ADC, and have Npgsql version installed, and the Postgres server uses minimum TLS >= 1.1:
I am able to use the local application for ADC to connect to Postgres, when I set the minimum TLS version to 1.0. However my workplace requires TLS 1.2.
I am receiving a similar issue in Power BI, so I assume this issue is not specific to ADC.
Things I've tried:
Searching the web. I found no applicable info.
Raising the issue with Microsoft. They have not provided an answer.


Deploying a Node.js project which uses Oracle Cloud database to Azure App Service

I have an application in Node JS which uses Oracle cloud anonymous database which is currently working perfectly with my application at local.
I wanted to deploy this app on Azure App Service and so I followed this Microsoft Doc Link using this I was able to deploy my project and it is running on the server but unfortunately it is not able to connect to my oracle could database
while deploying I got some logs which says this
** Node-oracledb 4.2.0 installed for Node.js 14.17.4 (linux, x64)
oracledb **
oracledb ** To use node-oracledb:
oracledb ** - Oracle Client libraries (64-bit) must be configured with ldconfig or LD_LIBRARY_PATH
oracledb ** - To get libraries, install an Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from
oracledb **
oracledb **
oracledb ** Installation instructions:
so from this, I somehow understood that I need to configure the Oracle client on a Linux server so after spending hours I got a solution where I need to set up the path here is the Oracle Doc but even this settings did not worked for me still not able to connect it.
also, one more thing I noticed was as soon as I redeploy or restart my App Service the settings get vanished
for oracle, I have database name, password, connection string, and oracle has also provided me with which has tnsnames and cwaller.sso
have spent 3 days understanding the problem, if someone can help with it would be great, please comment if you need any more details to understand my problem
This is not a full answer (i.e. it's too big for a comment).
Start by upgrading to a recent version of node-oracledb, e.g. 5.2.
It sounds like you know what to do with the wallet files, but here is the node-oracledb doc on Connecting to Oracle Cloud Autonomous Databases. If you don't have the wallet files in a default location you can (with node-oracledb 5) use initOracleClient({configDir:'/your/path'}) to indicate their location.
The final piece is to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location of your Instant Client libraries. Search for Azure doc on how to do this - I don't have experience with this environment.

What TLS protocol does Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0") use?

I'm using classic asp on IIS on Windows server 2012, and Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0") to make soap requests against a payment processor, and "suddenly" it stopped working.
The payment processor has disabled TLS 1.0, we're supposed to do TLS 1.1 or 1.2; I think this is the cause of the problem...
How do I see and if needed change which protocol it uses?
Take a look here: - specifically at sections SystemDefaultTlsVersions and SchUseStrongCrypto. You should also go ahead and disable all insecure ciphers/protocols/key exchanges in SChannel - the windows component responsible for SSL/TLS.
There is a GUI tool called IISCrypto from a company called Nartac that has some common profiles that are (somewhat) safer than editing the registry directly for disabling various obsolete components. see
Word of warning - be careful with your SChannel settings (either editing the registry or using IIS Crypto) - the settings are used throughout windows and are required for services like RDP and WinRM among other things - backup first, then test carefully.
I had similar situation - I have used Msxml2.XMLHTTP for API endpoint call in VB script and suddenly it stopped working. I got error "The system cannot locate the resource specified" and http.status returned 12029. The problem was not in the URL, it worked when I tried to call the URL from the browser. But when I started VB script, it has failed on the line http.send.
How I solved it finally?
I hade to install recommended update to my Windows Server 2012:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows Server 2012 for x64 (KB4486081)
and I have installed one optional update too:
Internet Explorer 11 for Windows Server 2012 for x64
After this and server restart it started to work again. I can use both: "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0" or "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", it does not matter.

Error connecting logic app to sap hana server using sap .net connector

I want to connect sap to azure logic app ...
I have a sap server and via on-premise gateway and .NET connector 3.0 i am trying to create a SAP connection in Logic Apps using "SAP Application Server - Send to SAP" action but in vain !!
The error is like :--
Please check your account info and/or permissions and try again. Details: Unable to connect to SAP server. Failed to process request. Error details: 'Could not load file or assembly 'sapnco, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50436dca5c7f7d23' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.'.
Please help me to sort this out.
Here are some rules you need to compliance:
You need to install the 64 bit version and only the 64 bit of SAP Nco.
You need to install the latest version of SAP Nco as well.
You need to install the .Net 4.0 version of SAP Nco as the data gateway host service and Microsoft SAP Adapter are build with .Net 4.5.
For more details about with SAP Nco version to pick for Azure Logic App, you could refer to this article.
Also, someone gets the same error like you, he download Nco connnector from SAP website and install in server then everything goes well.
You could go to see the similar issue.
I been have the same error. In my case have SAP in a private network and I use another machine with Data Gatewat to acces to SAP throught Logciapp.
This steps are not in SAP machine are in Midelware machine that will have Data Gateway to communicate with SAP.
Install Data Gateway
Install the SAP NCo library and .NET
Then for Data Gateway can recognize the SAP NCo library you will need to copy .dll located on SAP NCo folder installations to Gateway
folder installation.
Here are some rules you need to compliance:
You need to install the 64 bit version and only the 64 bit of SAP Nco.
You need to install the latest version of SAP Nco as well.
You need to install the .Net 4.0 version of SAP Nco as the data gateway host service and Microsoft SAP Adapter are build with .Net 4.5.
For more details about with SAP Nco version to pick for Azure Logic App, you could refer to this article.
Also, someone gets the same error like you, he download Nco connnector from SAP website and install in server then everything goes well. You could go to see the similar issue.

Upgrade to Azure 1.7 now connecting to different dev storage

I have just upgraded to the Azure 1.7 sdk and have now lost the contents of my devstorage.
I can still see it in the local instance of sqlexpress (as DevelopmentStorage20110606), but when I use UseDevelopmentStorage=true, it longer connects to this.
Where has the new development storage db gone? I need to import my data from the previous version, as we use local storage for testing on the build server and have test data setup on it, or is there an upgrade script to be able to port this data accross.
SDK 1.7 now uses IIS Express (compute) and SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB (storage). You should be able to point your emulator to your existing database by running dsinit.
Michael Collier talks about the 1.6 vs. 1.7 differences in his post, here.
More information about LocalDB is here.
DSInit documentation is here.

How to disable verification of Authenticode signature for a .NET 1.1 assembly?

My question is this: How can I stop my .NET 1.1 application from trying to verify the digital signature in an environment where there is no access to the Internet?
Background to my question:
I have a product installed at a customer which is based on .NET 1.1 SP1. The customer site has no access to the Internet. This causes a delay in application startup which in some cases causes my Windows services to fail to start because they time out.
The delay when starting appears to be caused by the app attempting to verify the digital signature. This is well documented in other posts and the normal answer is to include generatePublisherEvidence=false in the app.config file, as documented here
It seems that using generatePublisherEvidence=false doesn't make any difference to .NET 1.1 apps, which seems to agree with MSDN ( does not mention the element) and with the hotfix I mentioned above, which was released for .NET 2.0 apps.
My next release to the customer will be built on .NET 3.5 SP1 and I have no problems with using generatePublisherEvidence on that version of the .NET framework, but I currently cannot simply change the customer to that release - I am stuck with .NET 1.1 SP1 - so I'm looking for an answer other than to simply use a later version of the .NET framework.
I just solved this for a vendor-supplied application today. I assume that their application was written in .net, but I did not confirm. Since the subnet did not have internet access, I removed the DNS server entry from the TCP/IP settings on the local computers that have static addresses. For addresses supplied by DHCP, I removed the DNS server option (006) from the DHCP scope.
