How to update 10 users as winners in backend? - node.js

I have a usecase where I have to generate 10 winners out of 100 participants and update them in janusgraph. I have generated winners using math.ceil(math.random()) method and maintained their Id's in an array(say winners[10]).This winners[10] array is sent as a body and game I'd as a query parameter from front end. It is a post end point. I just need to add 500 points to the winners and retrieve their data.
So what I have tried is
g.V().hasLabel('Game').has('active', true).
has('userdId', id).as('winner').
addE('won').property('points', 500).
The above query executes for only one user. I want to make my query work for all the users. I have done some research on repeat(),loop(),iterate() steps but strucked with no option.And the result should be an array with 10 winners data.
Thanks in advance!

You can filter the vertices by multiple ids by using within:
g.V().hasLabel('Game').has('active', true).
has('userdId', within(1, 2, 3)).as('winner').
addE('won').property('points', 500).


Let Alexa ask the user a follow up question (NodeJS)

I have an Intent that fetches some Data from an API. This data contains an array and I am iterating over the first 10 entries of said array and read the results back to the user. However the Array is almost always bigger than 10 entries. I am using Lambda for my backend and NodeJS as my language.
Note that I am just starting out on Alexa and this is my first skill.
What I want to archive is the following
When the user triggers the intent and the first 10 entries have been read to the user Alexa should ask "Do you want to hear the next 10 entries?" or something similar. The user should be able to reply with either yes or no. Then it should read the next entries aka. access the array again.
I am struggling with the Alexa implementation of this dialog.
What I have tried so far: I've stumbled across this post here, however I couldn't get it to work and I didn't find any other examples.
Any help or further pointers are appreciated.
That tutorial gets the concept right, but glosses over a few things.
1: Add the yes and no intents to your model. They're "built in" intents, but you have to add them to the model (and rebuild it).
2: Add your new intent handlers to the list in the .addRequestHandlers(...) function call near the bottom of the base skill template. This is often forgotten and is not mentioned in the tutorial.
3: Use const sessionAttributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); to get your stored session attributes object and assign it to a variable. Make changes to that object's properties, then save it with handlerInput.attributesManager.setSessionAttributes(sessionAttributes);
You can add any valid property name and the values can be a string, number, boolean, or object literal.
So assume your launch handler greets the customer and immediately reads the first 10 items, then asks if they'd like to hear 10 more. You might store sessionAttributes.num_heard = 10.
Both the YesIntent and LaunchIntent handlers should simply pass a num_heard value to a function that retrieves the next 10 items and feeds it back as a string for Alexa to speak.
You just increment sessionAttributes.num_heard by 10 each time that yes intent runs and then save it with handlerInput.attributesManager.setSessionAttributes(sessionAttributes).
What you need to do is something called "Paging".
Let's imagine that you have a stock of data. each page contains 10 entries.
page 1: 1-10, page 2: 11-20, page 3: 21-30 and so on.
When you fetching your data from DB you can set your limitations, In SQL it's implemented with LIMIT ,. But how you get those values based on the page index?
Well, a simple calculation can help you:
let page = 1 //Your identifier or page index. Managed by your client frontend.
let chunk = 10
let _start = page * chunk - (chunk - 1)
let _end = start + (chunk - 1)
Hope this helped you :)

How to get Salesforce REST API to paginate?

I'm using the simple_salesforce python wrapper for the Salesforce REST API. We have hundreds of thousands of records, and I'd like to split up the pull of the salesforce data so all records are not pulled at the same time.
I've tried passing a query like:
results = salesforce_connection.query_all("SELECT my_field FROM my_model limit 2000 offset 50000")
to see records 50K through 52K but receive an error that offset can only be used for the first 2000 records. How can I use pagination so I don't need to pull all records at once?
Your looking to use salesforce_connection.query(query=SOQL) and then .query_more(nextRecordsUrl, True)
Since .query() only returns 2000 records you need to use .query_more to get the next page of results
From the simple-salesforce docs
SOQL queries are done via:
sf.query("SELECT Id, Email FROM Contact WHERE LastName = 'Jones'")
If, due to an especially large result, Salesforce adds a nextRecordsUrl to your query result, such as "nextRecordsUrl" : "/services/data/v26.0/query/01gD0000002HU6KIAW-2000", you can pull the additional results with either the ID or the full URL (if using the full URL, you must pass ‘True’ as your second argument)
sf.query_more("/services/data/v26.0/query/01gD0000002HU6KIAW-2000", True)
Here is an example of using this
data = [] # list to hold all the records
SOQL = "SELECT my_field FROM my_model"
results = sf.query(query=SOQL) # api call
## loop through the results and add the records
for rec in results['records']:
rec.pop('attributes', None) # remove extra data
data.append(rec) # add the record to the list
## check the 'done' attrubite in the response to see if there are more records
## While 'done' == False (more records to fetch) get the next page of records
while(results['done'] == False):
## attribute 'nextRecordsUrl' holds the url to the next page of records
results = sf.query_more(results['nextRecordsUrl', True])
## repeat the loop of adding the records
for rec in results['records']:
rec.pop('attributes', None)
Looping through the records and using the data
## loop through the records and get their attribute values
for rec in data:
# the attribute name will always be the same as the salesforce api name for that value
Like the other answer says though, this can start to use up a lot of resources. But it what you're looking for if want to achieve page nation.
Maybe create a more focused SOQL statement to get only the records needed for your use case at that specific moment.
LIMIT and OFFSET aren't really meant to be used like that, what if somebody inserts or deletes a record on earlier position (not to mention you don't have ORDER BY in there). SF will open a proper cursor for you, use it. docs for "Queries" say that you can either call query and then query_more or you can go query_all. query_all will loop and keep calling query_more until you exhaust the cursor - but this can easily eat your RAM.
Alternatively look into the bulk query stuff, there's some magic in the API but I don't know if it fits your use case. It'd be asynchronous calls and might not be implemented in the library. It's called PK Chunking. I wouldn't bother unless you have millions of records.

How to request all chats/groups of the user through Telegram Database Library(TDLib) for Node.js

The official example from telegram explains that in order to use getChats() command, one needs to set two parameters 'offset_order' and 'offset_chat_id'.
I'm using this node.js wrapper for the TDLib.
So when I use getChats() with the following params:
'offset_order': '9223372036854775807',
'offset_chat_id': 0,
'limit': 100
just like it is explained in the official docs:
For example, to get a list of chats from the beginning, the
offset_order should be equal to 2^63 - 1
as a result I get 100 chats from the top of the user's list.
What I can't understand is how do I iterate through that list? How do I use the API pagination?
When I try to enter a legitimate chat_id from the middle of the first 100, I still get the same first 100, so it seems like it makes no difference.
If I change that offset_order to ANY other number, I get an empty list of chats in return...
Completely lost here, as every single example I found says the same thing as the official docs, ie how to get the first 100.
Had the same problem, have tried different approaches and re-read documentation for a long time, and here is a decision:
do getChats as you do with '9223372036854775807' offset_order parameter
do getChat request with id of the last chat you have got. It's an offline request, just to tdlib.
here you get a chat object with positions property - get a position from here, looks like this:
positions: [
_: 'chatPosition',
list: [Object],
order: '6910658003385450706',
is_pinned: false
next request - getChats - use the positions[0].order from (3) as offset_order
goto (2) if there are more chats
It wasn't easy to come to this, so would be glad if it helps anybody who came from google like me :)

NodeJS - azure-storage-node- , how to retrieve addition of two columns, and apply filtering condition

Sorry for being newbie for NodeJs and table query, my question's,
How I could create a query using Nodejs pakcage "azure-storage-node", which selects the sum/addition of two coloumns 'start' and 'period' , if the addition is greater than a threshold it will take the whole raw, my tries which didn't work is something like this,
var query = new azure.TableQuery();
total =['start']) +['period']);
query.where('total > ?' , 50000);
or may be something like this,
var query = new azure.TableQuery()
.where('start + period gt 50000');
but it throws an error of '+'.
What you're trying to accomplish is not possible with Azure Tables at least as of today as Azure Tables has limited querying support and support for computed columns (if I may say so) is not there.
There are two possible solutions:
Have an attribute called total in your entities that will contain the value i.e. start + period. You calculate this value when you're inserting or updating the entity and store it at that time.
Do this filtering on the client side. For this you will need to download all related entities and then apply this filtering on the client side on the data that you fetched.

node.js mongodb cursor looping on client request

I know how to query a collection. But I have a collection with 100,000 records and I want to show only 100 items per page. The user can then select next 100 records and so on...
Since this request is coming from the user, how do I keep the cursor open on node.js for looping the next 100 items when client requests for it?
What is the standard practice?
The standard practice for what you are referring to is something like pagination.
You don't need to keep the cursor open all the time. All you need to make sure is that you continue from the same place you left off.
The client would retain the number of records that has already been displayed and use that number inside the skip() function of the cursor.
For example:
Client is provided with 10 records. record_count = 10.
Client requests more records and includes record_count in the request.
Server uses supplied record_count in another query in the skip parameter.
Server returns another 10 records to client.
Client updates the record_count variable to now be 20.
Rinse, Repeat...
Keep in mind that you'd want your results to be sorted somehow so that your query will always return different results (the next 10 records).
I'm not too familiar with the node drivers for mongo, but in the mongo shell, you would execute the query as follows:
db.collection.find().sort( { "time": 1 } ).skip( record_count ).limit( 10 )
