Why are the changes I am making within my code not writing to thew new file I have created? - python-3.x

I am currently working with several XML files that require the text of the element mods:namePart changed. I have created a script that should loop through all the XML files I have specified in a particular directory and make the intended changes. However, when I run the script the changes are not reflected in the new files. It executes as expected, and I even get the "namepart changed" output in my console, but the text I want to replace remains the same. PLEASE HELP!! I am extremely new to coding so any tips/comments are welcome. Here is the code I'm using:
list_of_files = glob.glob('/Users/#####/Documents/test_xml_files/*.xml')
for file in list_of_files: xmlObject = ET.parse(file)
root = xmlObject.getroot()
namespaces = {'mods':'http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3'}
for namePart in root.iterfind('mods:name/mods:namePart', namespaces):
if namePart.text == 'Tsukioka, Kōgyo, 1869-1927':
new_namePart = namePart.text.replace('Tsukioka, Kōgyo, 1869-1927', 'Tsukioka Kōgyo, 1869-1927', 1)
namePart.text == new_namePart
print('namepart changed')
nf = open(os.path.join('/Users/####/Documents/updated_test_directory', os.path.basename(file)), 'wb')
xmlString = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8", method="xml", xml_declaration=None)


python glob.glob not working any more, return an empty list

I am running in a very, strange case... Yesterday I wrote a little script. It's goal is to check one condition in a file based on another file. It worked as intended. But since this morning, it doesn't. I haven't changed anything to the best of my knowledge. the code doesn't throw any error. I think the culprit is glob.glob
for file in glob.glob('*private.vcf.gz'):
seen = False
vcf = VCF(file)
if not (file == "controlH.g.vcf.gz" or file == "output.g.vcf.gz"):
sample_name = file.split('.')[0]
out = "{}.FalsePositiveRefCallPurged.vcf".format(sample_name)
w = Writer(out, vcf)
for v in vcf:
seen = False
ref = VCF('output.g.vcf.gz')
for r in ref:
if seen :
if not seen:
if v.CHROM == r.CHROM:
if v.start == r.start or v.start > r.start and v.start < r.end:
if r.FILTER == "RefCall":
seen = True
Indeed, when simply running
I get an empty list.
Here is the output of bash
ls *.private.vcf.gz
D2A1.private.vcf.gz D3A1.private.vcf.gz D5B3.private.vcf.gz H2C3.private.vcf.gz H4C2.private.vcf.gz
D2B3.private.vcf.gz D4A3.private.vcf.gz H2A3.private.vcf.gz H4A4.private.vcf.gz H5A3.private.vcf.gz
So I am sure the files are there ... I really don't understand why suddenly glob.glob has troubles finding them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Ok, it appearst that a direactory
was created and my notebook using it as its default directory...

Flask file download: filename persists within the session

I have a flask site and a webform that generates excel files. The problem I'm having is, if I send the user back to the form to submit again, the previous file -- with same file name and data -- is downloaded even though new files are generated in the tmp directory. So, I think this has to do with my session variable.
I add a timestamp to the file name with this function to make sure the file names are unique:
def rightnow():
return dt.datetime.now().strftime("%m%d%y%h%m%S%f")
In routes.py, here is the call for the download:
#app.route('/download/', methods=['POST','GET'])
def download_file():
output_file = session.get('new_file', None)
r = send_file(output_file, attachment_filename=output_file, as_attachment=True)
return r
This is the code for the script that generates the excel files:
new_file = 'output_' + rightnow() + '.xlsx'
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('tmp/' + new_file, engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="data")
session['new_file'] = 'tmp/' + new_file
The download statement from the template page:
<a class="button" href="{{url_for('download_file')}}">Download new data</a>
I have a "Submit Again" button tied to simple javascript
<button onclick="goBack()">Submit Again</button>
<script>//for "revise search" button
function goBack() {
I have played around with session.clear() with no success.
How can I drop the session when the user click's the "Submit Again" button so the saved file name is dropped?
EDIT: I checked the variables for the filename and the session variable and they are identical, and different from the file name assigned on download. Forinstance, the file is named 'output_May0554733504.xlsx' by the script that I wrote -- I can see it in the tmp directory. But when I go to download the file, the filename is different: 'output_May0536794357.xlsx'
This other file name is not that of a different file in the tmp directory. Any file I download will be 'output_May0536794357.xlsx'.
If session.pop('new_file') doesn't work, you could try session.modified = True to force the change to the session.

Allow user to download ZIP from Django view

My main task is to have the user press a Download button and download file "A.zip" from the query directory.
The reason I have a elif request.POST..... is because I have another condition checking if the "Execute" button was pressed. This execute button runs a script. Both POST actions work, and the dir_file is C:\Data\Folder.
I followed and read many tutorials and responses as to how to download a file from Django, and I cannot figure out why my simple code does not download a file.
What am I missing? The code does not return any errors. Does anybody have any documentation that can explain what I am doing wrong?
I am expecting an automatic download of the file, but does not occur.
elif request.POST['action'] == 'Download':
query = request.POST['q']
dir_file = query + "A.zip"
zip_file = open(dir_file, 'rb')
response = HttpResponse(zip_file, content_type='application/zip')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % 'foo_zip'
I found out my answer.
After reading through many documentation about this, I left out the most important aspect of this feature which is the url.
Basically, the function download_zip is called by the POST and runs script where the zip is downloaded.
Here is what I ended up doing:
elif request.POST['action'] == 'Download':
Created a view:
def download_zip(request):
zip_path = root + "A.zip"
zip_file = open(zip_path, 'rb')
response = HttpResponse(zip_file, content_type='application/zip')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % 'A.zip'
response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(zip_path)
return response
Finally in urls.py:
url(r'^download/$', views.download_zip, name='download_zip'),

PyQt QFileEditor default suffix

I have looked out through bunch of code but this peace of code doesn't work as expected for me:
export_dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog()
export_dialog.setNameFilter('INI files (*.ini)')
export_file, _ = export_dialog.getSaveFileName()
I'm saving my file without extension, counting on that my above configurations will set it properly, but it doesn't work. There is no extension added.
Any suggestions?
export_dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog()
export_dialog.setNameFilter('INI files (*.ini)')
if export_dialog.exec_() == QtGui.QFileDialog.Accepted:
This code will return a full file path with selected filter also.

JAudioTagger Deleting First Few Seconds of Track

I've written a simple Groovy script (below) to set the values of four of the ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag fields in mp3 files using the JAudioTagger library. The script successfully makes the changes but it also deletes the first 5 to 10 seconds of some of the files, other files are unaffected. It's not a big problem, but if anyone knows a simple fix, I would be grateful. All the files are from the same source, all have v1 and v2 tags, I can find no obvious difference in the source files to explain it.
import org.jaudiotagger.*
Integer trackNum = 0
Integer totalFiles = 0
Integer invalidFiles = 0
validMP3File = true
def dir = new File(/D:\Users\Jeremy\Music\Speech Radio\Unlistened\Z Temp Files to MP3 Tagged/)
dir.eachFile({curFile ->
totalFiles ++
try {
mp3File = org.jaudiotagger.audio.AudioFileIO.read(curFile)
} catch (org.jaudiotagger.audio.exceptions.CannotReadException e) {
validMP3File = false
invalidFiles ++
// Get the file name excluding the extension
baseFilename = org.jaudiotagger.audio.AudioFile.getBaseFilename(curFile)
// Check that it is an MP3 file
if (validMP3File) {
if (mp3File.getAudioHeader().getEncodingType() != 'mp3') {
validMP3File = false
invalidFiles ++
if (validMP3File) {
trackNum ++
if (mp3File.hasID3v1Tag()) {
curTagv1 = mp3File.getID3v1Tag()
} else {
curTagv1 = new org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.ID3v1Tag()
if (mp3File.hasID3v2Tag()) {
curTagv2 = mp3File.getID3v2TagAsv24()
} else {
curTagv2 = new org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.ID3v23Tag()
curTagv1.setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.FieldKey.TITLE, baseFilename)
curTagv2.setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.FieldKey.TITLE, baseFilename)
curTagv1.setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.FieldKey.ARTIST, "BBC Radio")
curTagv2.setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.FieldKey.ARTIST, "BBC Radio")
curTagv1.setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.FieldKey.ALBUM, "BBC Radio - 20130205")
curTagv2.setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.FieldKey.ALBUM, "BBC Radio - 20130205")
curTagv1.setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.FieldKey.TRACK, trackNum.toString())
curTagv2.setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.FieldKey.TRACK, trackNum.toString())
println """$trackNum tracks created from $totalFiles files with $invalidFiles invalid files"""
I'm still investigating and it appears that there is no problem with JAudioTagger. Before setting the tags, I use Total Recorder to reduce the quality of the download from 128kbps, 44,100Hz to 56kbps, 22,050Hz. This reduces the file size to less than half and the quality is fine for speech radio.
If I run my script on the original files, none of the audio track is deleted. The deletion of the first part of the audio track only occurs with the files that have been processed by Total Recorder.
Looking at the JAudioTagger logging for these files, there does appear to be a problem with the header:
Checking further because the ID3 Tag ends at 0x23f9 but the mp3 audio doesnt start until 0x7a77
Confirmed audio starts at 0x7a77 whether searching from start or from end of ID3 tag
This check is not performed for files that have not been processed by Total Recorder.
The log of the header read operation also shows (for a 27 minute track):
It looks as though I shall have to find a new MP3 file editor!
Instead of
could you try:
No idea if it will help, but that seems to be the documented method?
