Paypal not charging the customer after the trail ends - paypal-rest-sdk

I am making paypal subscription plans. I am facing two problems. First, Is there a way to make a plan without trial period? Second, Paypal is not charging customer after trial period ends.
let body = {
"product_id": "PROD-81J67779NH423045A",
"name": obj.pname,
"description": obj.description,
"billing_cycles": [
"frequency": {
"interval_unit": "DAY",
"interval_count": 1
"tenure_type": "TRIAL",
"sequence": 1,
"total_cycles": 1
"frequency": {
"interval_unit": obj.duration,
"interval_count": 1
"tenure_type": "REGULAR",
"sequence": 2,
"total_cycles": 12,
"pricing_scheme": {
"fixed_price": {
"value": obj.price,
"currency_code": "USD"
"payment_preferences": {
"service_type": "PREPAID",
"auto_bill_outstanding": true,
"setup_fee": {
"value": obj.price,
"currency_code": "USD"
"setup_fee_failure_action": "CONTINUE",
"payment_failure_threshold": 3
"quantity_supported": true,
"taxes": {
"inclusive": false

You can have a plan without a TRIAL period.
Remove that whole block, and have the REGULAR one be sequence: 1.
As for it 'not charging', you probably haven't waited enough 24 hour cycles for it to kick in. Subscriptions bill in a batch, and so it can take some portion of the day for the initial non-billing trial period to even start, and then a day for that to run.


Microsoft.Azure.Search (sdk v3.0.3) don't return all the facets correctly

When I use Microsoft.Azure.Search (v3.0.3)'s "SearchAsync" and "Search" methods to return the indexed items, the sdk doesn't return all the facets.
However; when I try the same thing using Postman, it returns all the facets correctly.
Could this be a bug of the sdk (I believe it is as a direct call to an sdk method doesn't return the all the facets correctly - but couldn't find any records about this possible bug)? If yes, is there a fix for this for the sdk? Any help is appreciated.
After spending some more time, I have found out that the bug is not .NET SDK Specific.
Both .NET SDK and REST API appear to have this problem and none of them returns all the facets. Can you please tell me is there a known bug for this and what is the fix for it?
Please see the following example;
There must be 2 Coaching facets but only 1 is returning from the Azure Search Service.
The new search query(facet specialisms added)$count=true&facet=specialisms&$filter=listingType eq 'Therapist'
"Coaching:Development coaching", --> This doesn't return as a facet.
"Coaching:Executive coaching", -->This returns fine.
"#search.facets": {
"specialisms#odata.type": "#Collection(Microsoft.Azure.Search.V2016_09_01.QueryResultFacet)",
"specialisms": [
"count": 5,
"value": "Anxiety, depression and trauma:Depression"
"count": 4,
"value": "Addiction, self-harm and eating disorders:Obsessions"
"count": 4,
"value": "Anxiety, depression and trauma:Post-traumatic stress"
"count": 4,
"value": "Coaching:Executive coaching"
"count": 4,
"value": "Identity, culture and spirituality:Self esteem"
"count": 4,
"value": "Relationships, family and children:Pregnancy related issues"
"count": 4,
"value": "Stress and work:Redundancy"
"count": 3,
"value": "Addiction, self-harm and eating disorders:Eating disorders"
"count": 3,
"value": "Anxiety, depression and trauma:Bereavement"
"count": 3,
"value": "Anxiety, depression and trauma:Loss"
"#search.score": 1,
"contactId": "df394997-6e94-e711-80ed-3863bb34db00",
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"crs": {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "EPSG:4326"
"profileImageUrl": "",
"locationText": "Bristol",
"listingType": "Therapist",
"disabledAccess": true,
"flexibleHours": true,
"offersConcessionaryRates": false,
"homeVisits": true,
"howIWillWork": "<p>Some test data</p>",
"specialisms": [
"Health related issues:Asperger syndrome",
"Health related issues:Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME",
"Addiction, self-harm and eating disorders:Addictions",
"Addiction, self-harm and eating disorders:Eating disorders",
"Addiction, self-harm and eating disorders:Obsessions",
"Anxiety, depression and trauma:Bereavement",
"Anxiety, depression and trauma:Depression",
"Anxiety, depression and trauma:Loss",
"Coaching:Development coaching",
"Coaching:Executive coaching",
"Identity, culture and spirituality:Self esteem",
"Identity, culture and spirituality:Sexuality",
"Relationships, family and children:Infertility",
"Relationships, family and children:Relationships",
"Stress and work:Redundancy"
"clientele": [
"approaches": [
"sessionTypes": [
"Home visits",
"Long-term face to face work"
"hourlyRate": 50,
"fullName": "Test Name",
"id": "ZWUwNGIyNjYtYjQ5Ny1lNzExLTgwZTktMzg2M2JiMzY0MGI4"
Please see details below;
For my case I have found out that by default the Azure Search Service returns 10 of the facets. That is why I couldn't see all my facets.
After updating my search query as follows, I have fixed my problem and now I can see all my facets in the search results - please see the facet bit updated to this; facet=specialisms, count:9999.$count=true&facet=specialisms, count:9999&facet=clientele, count:9999&$filter=listingType eq 'Therapist'
For the Microsoft documentation, please see the following link.
"max # of facet terms; default is 10"

Azure Data Factory - runs all the time?

I've implemented a Azure DF Job which executes a SQL Stored Proc:
"name": "spLoggingProc",
"properties": {
"activities": [
"type": "SqlServerStoredProcedure",
"typeProperties": {
"storedProcedureName": "logging"
"outputs": [
"name": "spEmptyOutput15-4"
"scheduler": {
"frequency": "Hour",
"interval": 1
"name": "spLogging"
"start": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"end": "2099-01-01T00:10:00Z",
"isPaused": false,
"hubName": "dwh_hub",
"pipelineMode": "Scheduled"
The dataset:
"name": "spEmptyOutput15-4",
"properties": {
"published": false,
"type": "AzureSqlTable",
"linkedServiceName": "DWH",
"typeProperties": {
"tableName": "spEmptyOutput15-4"
"availability": {
"frequency": "Hour",
"interval": 1
The problem is now, the Proc runs every 2-3 seconds. But frequency is set to every hour. My goal is, to run every hour and every day the proc.
Can anyone please help me?
Thanks a lot!
Please change the start time to today's date and you will not see the issue. Because you have set the start time to start of year, it will run for each day and each hour so it keep on running for 24x166 times before coming to normal routine. Its still running on hourly basis but it has to complete the past runs for each hour, you will see that its running every few seconds. I am sure that your proc is just taking 1-2 seconds to complete.
There is another way to run 10 slices (10 is Maximum value) parallelly to increase the rate. If you want the past data also. Then this will be helpful.
Change the Concurrency value 3 under Policy to run the slices in parallel.
"policy": {
"concurrency": 3,
"executionPriorityOrder": "OldestFirst",
"retry": 3,
"timeout": "00:10:00"

Stripe testing subscription Lumen 5.1

Im running Stripe in test mode.
I've created a Yearly billing plan for 100GBP amount, with a 7 days trial ( directly onto Stripe dashboard. )
However, to test the webhooks i've hardcoded the trial_end:
$trialEnd = new DateTime();
$user = Users::find($this->user()['user_id']);
$user->subscription($stripe_plan['stripe_plan'])->trialFor($trialEnd)->create($data['stripeToken'], [
'email' => $this->user()['email']
Basically all goes well, but into stripe dashboard the first invoice for 0 GBP is shown, and after one minute i get the Subscription will end in a minute event. After all, the subscription become Active ( from Trialing ) state.
All the webhooks and even the first subscription add reponse i get the trial ends period instead subscription ends.
How can i get the subscription_ends_at timestamp ?
All webhook requests are having the following timestamps:
"id": "evt_18baRrIzJLF7fe6PMDPYD0NM",
"object": "event",
"api_version": "2016-07-06",
"created": 1469558315,
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "sub_8tNBbqy0AmSk8p",
"object": "subscription",
"application_fee_percent": null,
"cancel_at_period_end": false,
"canceled_at": null,
"created": 1469558268,
"current_period_end": 1469558384,
"current_period_start": 1469558268,
"customer": "cus_8tNB1tWYw3Jw7L",
"discount": null,
"ended_at": null,
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {
"plan": {
"id": "yearly_200",
"object": "plan",
"amount": 20000,
"created": 1469545724,
"currency": "gbp",
"interval": "year",
"interval_count": 1,
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "Full Club Membership - Pay Anually",
"statement_descriptor": "FULL MEMBERSHIP",
"trial_period_days": 7
"quantity": 1,
"start": 1469558268,
"status": "trialing",
"tax_percent": null,
"trial_end": 1469558384,
"trial_start": 1469558268
"livemode": false,
"pending_webhooks": 1,
"request": null,
"type": "customer.subscription.trial_will_end"
So if you look at trial_start and trial_end is same with current_period_start and current_period_end.
I've though initially that if this is the current period.. fine, but after trial expires the current period shouldn't be trials one.
There is any method to take the subscription_ends_at field from Stripe api ? And also, after the trial period ends, shouldn't send a invoice with the real amount ?
Also, i created a subscription plan with no trial period. That plan after a client subscribed, i get the correct timestamps.
Thanks in advance!
It looks like you figured it out. Basically, the delay comes from the fact that when the timestamp passes for your trial expiration, your request to create a new Invoice on that billing cycle gets added to a queue. Typically the queue will create the new invoice ~immediately, but it can sometimes go several minutes before triggering.
The first Invoice will always have timestamps for the current_period_* that map to the trial_period_* ones. Whereas, the second Invoice (that shows up with the invoice.created-event) will have the accurate timestamps for the billing period.
Oh, now i understand .. i will explain maybe will help someone :D.
Basically if a subscription got a trial period when you subscribe you will get a invoice for 0. Then, even if you set the trial to expire in 2 minutes with the request , the first payment will occur in about 10 minutes :D ( with that payment (if you set a webhook url) you will get a "type": "customer.subscription.updated" event who will contain all desired informations. At that time you can update your subscription_ends_at .
I didn't wait 10 minutes to see if the new invoice will be triggered.. and created -> removed -> recreated -> removed and so on for 4 hours with different tests.

Get session using start time and end time in google fit

When I tried to get the sessions based on start and end time, I can get only the named sessions(like Morning walking in the image) but not other sessions. Can any one tell me why this kind of data's not fetched.
Not only this date but also for all the date, I have gets only the named sessions.
"session": [
"id": "b514327692edd309:activemode:walking:1457414580406",
"name": "Morning walking",
"startTimeMillis": "1457414580406",
"endTimeMillis": "1457414781711",
"modifiedTimeMillis": "1457415751927",
"application": {
"packageName": ""
"activityType": 7

Google Wallet Subscription Free Trial with Initial Payment of 0.00 still Charging

I've set up my JWT to submit a subscription with a free trial, however it still charges the account the recurring fee.
"aud": "Google",
"iss": "11481745815237711699",
"request": {
"initialPayment": {
"paymentType": "free_trial",
"price": "0.00",
"currencyCode": "JPY"
"name": "Automaton Scheduler Subscription (BASIC)",
"currencyCode": "JPY",
"sellerData": "user_id:9,subscription_id:4",
"recurrence": {
"price": "3000.00",
"frequency": "monthly",
"currencyCode": "JPY"
"description": "Monthly subscription with up to 20 users."
"exp": 1402563800,
"iat": 1402560200,
"typ": "google/payments/inapp/subscription/v1"
Should this not skip the first payment, wait a month, then make a charge?
Am I missing something? Do I have to set the startTime manually? Thanks for any insight!
You do have to manually set the startTime field for the JWT even though it is optional and free_trial is set. It uses a time stamp, so time() + 2600000 will push it back one month. If it's not set, it will charge when the order is made.
