DocuSign InPerson signature via NodeJS - docusignapi

I have combed through the DocuSign documentation but am unable to find a real world example.
I am looking for sample code that shows the InPerson signing flow via the docusign node client.
I am able to successfully create a new Signer and it works. I am unsure how to set that signer to InPerson.

let inPersonSigner1 = docusign.InPersonSigner.constructFromObject({
email: "",
name: "end user name",
hostEmail: "",
hostName: "host name",
recipientId: '1',
routingOrder: '1'});
// Add the recipients to the envelope object
let recipients = docusign.Recipients.constructFromObject({
inPersonSigners: [inPersonSigner1]});
env.recipients = recipients;
The rest is the same as any other envelope, you can find the remote signing example here.
Note that the host must have a DocuSign account and they need to log-in to host the signer.


DocuSign Does not Send Decline Notification to Sender But Account Admin and Recipient

I have experienced very weird behaviour from DocuSign account.
There are Two roles for my Template:
A. Contractor : Signer, Routing Order 1
B. Employer : CC (Receives a Copy), Routing Order 2
When Employer sends sign request to contractor, contractor declines it.
Person in CC is the actual employer, who is using my DocuSign account to send contract for signature.
Person in CC receives Signed documents, but not the declined ones.
Once it is declined, contractor and DocuSign account owner(Docusign Admin) gets declined email notification but not employer person in (CC).
Employer status still shows "Awaiting", while all parties must have received declined email notification
This was working previously but not today as 15th Feb 2022
I tested this via manually creation of templates and sent for sign
I have tested it on demo and production account,
NOTE: There are no changed in settings under :
[![Please find the attached screenshot]
I faced the same issue today as CC email only getting signing completed notification.
After searching in DocuSign documentation, I noticed the Routing Order feature.
This answer has a better explanation of Routing Order.
After reading about Routing Order, I just set a "1" routing order in the CC email object (The same "1" routing order was set for the signer) and it starts sending all communication notifications to the CC email including decline.
Because you have the same issue, so you just need to set the routing order against CC.
Using DocuSign C# Sdk code example:
EnvelopeDefinition env = new EnvelopeDefinition
EmailSubject = "Test",
Status = "sent",
Documents = new List<DocuSign.eSign.Model.Document>(),
Recipients = new Recipients
Signers = new List<Signer>
env.Recipients.CarbonCopies = new List<CarbonCopy>
new CarbonCopy (
Email: "",
Name: "Sender",
RecipientId: "2",
RoutingOrder: "1")
API JSON request example:
"recipients": {
"carbonCopies": [
"email": "",
"name": "Sender",
"recipientId": "2",
"routingOrder": "1"
"signers": [...]
When Employer sends sign request to contractor, contractor declines
Once it is declined, contractor and DocuSign account owner(person who
owns this account) gets declined email notification but not employer.
Here is the issue, you said the "employer sends" but later you said someone else is the account owner. What you meant is someone else actually sends, not the employer, right?
In this scenario:
Person A sends an envelope to Person B and Person C is CC in routing order 2. If person B declines, Person C will receive no email. Nothing. It never reached routing order 2. Person A will get the email, because they are the sender.
The reason the employer got the emails was because he was the sender, not because of the CC. If the sender is still the employer (or whoever else it is) they will get the email. The CC in this case will never get an email.
Hope this clarifies this. You need to check who your sender is, it's not who you think it should be.

Docusign use replyEmailAddressOverride to send signed docs to a different recipient

My company is trying to avoid having many Docusign logins for the group (group X) using Docusign. We were wondering about using one login to do the create, but override the email settings to have it go to members of group X without them having to have Docusign credentials. I was wondering if that would be possible with the replyEmailAddressOverride.
You can do so by using the "Send On Behalf Of" feature where you specify an email address in the authentication header in order to "assign" each transaction to a specific person with the same and unique credentials.
"Username": "",//Email of Group X credentials
"Password": "", // Password of Group X credentials
"IntegratorKey": "",// Integrator Key of Group X credentials
"SendOnBehalfOf": "" // Email of the specific person to be assigned the DocuSign transaction
If I understand your question correctly, I am not sure that using the replyEmailAddressOverride feature will accommodate what you need.
From the official documentation, this email will be used when the user decided to "reply" to the email sent from DocuSign.
Example in C# below :
EmailSettings settings = new EmailSettings
ReplyEmailAddressOverride = "",
ReplyEmailNameOverride = "Other User"
envelope.EmailSettings = settings;
If you configure the above email settings, when the signer receives the DocuSign email inviting him to initiate the signing ceremony, if he/she decides to reply to this email, the original DocuSign sender email will not be used but instead the email you have configured will be used.
Example, my "Frederic "account was used to create a transaction so the sender appears as "Frederic" in the DocuSign email. However, when I decide to reply, it doesn't go back to "Frederic" but instead to the user I have configured in the envelope :
But if I understand correctly, you want to send a transaction from a specific sender and this email override setting doesn't affect the transaction sender but the transaction reply.
If you want to use replyEmailAddressOverride and replyEmailNameOverride as present in DS Docs then when an email goes to the signer from DocuSign and if they want to revert to that email then it will go the email which is mentioned in replyEmailAddressOverride property

Confused on how to use accesscode

I'm trying to figure out how to use the access code for a signer. In the api there is the accesscode field and a addaccesscodetoemail field. If I want the signer to see the accesscode in the email, do I just set that value to the accesscode and then set addaccesscodetoemail = true?
Yes, If you want the signer to see the accesscode in the email, then you just set that value to the accesscode and then set addaccesscodetoemail = true and signer will see the accesscode in the email itself. But it is not a good practice as it defeats the purpose of using the accesscode. Ideally, you should set accesscode via API and then communicate accesscode to the signer via another channel (not by sending the accesscode in an envelope notification email).
DocuSign's Access code authentication is similar to sms authentication except that for access code it's up to the sender to determine how to actually get the code over to the recipient.
They can send their own SMS outside of DocuSign platform with the code, they can send their own custom email, call the person, etc - but the bottom line is that DocuSign will not include the code in the system generated email.
To configure an access code for a recipient you have to set it on the specific type of recipient, in this case signer for example:
"signers": [
"email": "",
"name": "Name 1",
"accessCode": "1234",

C# Docusign API - Getting Remote Signing View URL

After running the console app, our users get an email with the signing link to Docusign making them remote signers.
What I want to be able to do is get those links from their emails.
I did some research and this is what each url is made of
a=65d11cf7-d3b7-49a1-8000-6192b6227d71& <<< Unique Activity ID? Always different in all URLs
acct=a0e816ac-3919-475e-a826-34c2c33f90e7& <<< Some kind of role ID (stays same between envelopes and users of the same role, I have it
for my roles..just don't know how to get it programmatically
er=62378ec0-39ce-495e-84e4-e0e598fab3cc& <<<< envelopesApi.ListRecipients(.....) .Signers[n].RecipientIdGuid, able to get it
espei=30cec285-39cd-45a3-bb8e-7bd0560dcd80 <<<< ENVELOPE ID, able to get it
The first parameter is the main focus of my question - it is a total mistery what is it and how to get it
The second parameter looks like a role_id, but I don't know how to get it other than hard-coding values for each of my roles
The other two parameters aren't a concern.
Does anybody know how to get ahold of the first two parameters using the C# Docusign API?
Or even better, is there a way to get the recipients signing url links using the same API?
To obtain the signing URL you will have to set the recipient as an embedded recipient.
After the envelope is created, use the createRecipient:EnvelopeViews api to retrieve the Signing URL.
You have to set the recipient clientUserId parameter to mark a recipient as an embedded recipient.
"userName": "name",
"email": "",
"clientUserId": "clientUserId",
"authenticationMethod": "email",
"returnUrl": "your app url"

Not received email using dialog "Save your Copy" in "In Person" signing

Not received email that was typed in textbox "Email Address" using dialog "Save your Copy" in "In Person" signing.
While signing the envelope in In-Person mode there is an window (popup) to send a copy of the document in an email. We have entered the email (many times and different email services) but no email received. Checked settings in the DocuSign portal account but not able to find any setting for this. Please let us know how to enable the save a copy email in DocuSign.
We using DocuSign SOAP API under C#.
For InPererson Recipient we add :
new Recipient
Email = "email of host recipient",
UserName = "name of host recipient",
SignerName = "name of current recipient",
ID = "id current recipient",
Type = RecipientTypeCode.InPersonSigner,
RoutingOrder = 2,
RequireIDLookup = false,
CaptiveInfo =
new RecipientCaptiveInfo {ClientUserId = "special id of current recipient"}
And we open docusign token url (RequestRecipientToken method) in new browser window without iframe we open it in IE 8-11 and Google Chrome
What we have to specify in addition to this , when creating and sending envelope or in account preferences of main account in
First, keep in mind that the email you're describing will only be sent upon Completion of the Envelope -- so if there are other recipients after the In-Person signer in the routing order for the Envelope, the In-Person signer wouldn't receive the email until all recipients have completed their required actions and the Envelope is complete.
Second, you might want to verify (in Preferences >> Features within the DocuSign web console) that these two settings are set as shown here:
These settings control whether or not emails are sent to "embedded/captive" recipients. Even though you're using "In-Person" signing -- it sounds like you're launching the host's signing session using "Embedded Signing" (i.e., RequestRecipientToken), so these settings might be affecting whether or not the email actually gets sent to the signer.
