How to interpret Random Effects Plot from mgcv - gam

I have a few questions regarding using a random effect in a GAM. First, how do you interpret and communicate the output graph?
I have fire modeled as a random effect in this GAM because it is largely a random occurrence at my different field sites and I only noted it as a binary. It wouldn't work as a normal variable since it has too few levels and there is also relatively few sites with fire. However, it greatly improved model variance capture when included so I don't want to simply exclude it. I don't know how to interpret the output and I am also not entirely confident that there wouldn't be another way to include it in the model other than as a random effect. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The effect has been modelled as a random slope if you didn't code it as a factor in the data. The value on the y axis is the estimated slope; it will be a little smaller in absolute value than if you use Fire as a linear fixed effect in the model formula because it is being penalised (shrunk) towards zero.
This likely should have been fitted as a binary fixed effect; code Fire as a factor with two levels (Yes/No, or Burned / Unburned say). Just because a variable represents something that is random over the data doesn't mean it is a suitable random effect; fire here has some average effect and the fixed effect describes that well. There's nothing stopping you from using Fire coded as a factor as a random effect via the smooth, but with only two levels it's not going the two intercepts aren't going to be estimate that precisely.
Now, if you had repeated observations on n sites and you thought the Fire effect varied across the n sites then you could do s(Site, Fire, bs = 're') where both Site and Fire are factors and you'll get different Fire effects for each Site. Then the plot you show would have many points on it as it is a QQ-plot of the estimated values for the effect of Fire in each Site, hence 1 point per Site. Given the way this model is estimated, these are somewhat assumed to be distributed Gaussian with some variance that is inversely proportional to the smoothness parameter selected by gam() when fitting this random effect smoother. That's why the default plot is as it is; it's a QQ-plot comparing the observed distribution of estimate values of the random effects against the theoretical expectation.


How do I analyze the change in the relationship between two variables?

I'm working on a simple project in which I'm trying to describe the relationship between two positively correlated variables and determine if that relationship is changing over time, and if so, to what degree. I feel like this is something people probably do pretty often, but maybe I'm just not using the correct terminology because google isn't helping me very much.
I've plotted the variables on a scatter plot and know how to determine the correlation coefficient and plot a linear regression. I thought this may be a good first step because the linear regression tells me what I can expect y to be for a given x value. This means I can quantify how "far away" each data point is from the regression line (I think this is called the squared error?). Now I'd like to see what the error looks like for each data point over time. For example, if I have 100 data points and the most recent 20 are much farther away from where the regression line/function says it should be, maybe I could say that the relationship between the variables is showing signs of changing? Does that make any sense at all or am I way off base?
I have a suspicion that there is a much simpler way to do this and/or that I'm going about it in the wrong way. I'd appreciate any guidance you can offer!
I can suggest two strands of literature that study changing relationships over time. Typing these names into google should provide you with a large number of references so I'll stick to more concise descriptions.
(1) Structural break modelling. As the name suggest, this assumes that there has been a sudden change in parameters (e.g. a correlation coefficient). This is applicable if there has been a policy change, change in measurement device, etc. The estimation approach is indeed very close to the procedure you suggest. Namely, you would estimate the squared error (or some other measure of fit) on the full sample and the two sub-samples (before and after break). If the gains in fit are large when dividing the sample, then you would favour the model with the break and use different coefficients before and after the structural change.
(2) Time-varying coefficient models. This approach is more subtle as coefficients will now evolve more slowly over time. These changes can originate from the time evolution of some observed variables or they can be modeled through some unobserved latent process. In the latter case the estimation typically involves the use of state-space models (and thus the Kalman filter or some more advanced filtering techniques).
I hope this helps!

Maximum log-likelihood from data histogram not data directly

I have a complicated theoretical Probability Density Function (PDF) that I define in mathematica and that depends on some parameters that I need to estimate from comparison with real data. From a big simulation done on a cluster and not my laptop I have acquired a lot of events (over 10^9).
The way I understand things, given that I know what the PDF is I 'just' need to sum the probability that those events appear for a given set of parameters and maximise this quantity by adjusting the parameters.
However, given the number of events I would rather work with something less computer-time consuming and work for example with something easily generated like an histogram of my data. But then how would my log-likelihood estimator work?
Thanks a lot for your answers!

Ideas on filtering out consistent time series data

So I have two subsets of data that represent two situations. The one that look more consistent needs to be filtered out (they are noise) while the one looks random are kept (they are motions). The method I was using was to define a moving window = 10 and whenever the standard deviation of the data within the window was smaller than some threshold, I suppressed them. However, this method could not filter out all "consistent" noise while also hurting the inconsistent one (real motion). I was hoping to use some kinds of statistical models and not machine learning to accomplish this. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
real motion
The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test is used to compare two samples to determine if they come from the same distribution. I realized that real world data would never be uniform. So instead of comparing my noise data against the uniform distribution, I used scipy.stats.ks_2samp function to compare any bursts against one real motion burst. I then muted the motion if the return p-value is significantly small, meaning I can reject the hypothesis that two samples are from the same distribution.

How to interpret some syntax (n.adapt, update..) in jags?

I feel very confused with the following syntax in jags, for example,
update(model,1000, = "none")
Currently I think
n.adapt=100 means you set the first 100 draws as burn-in,
n.iter=100,000 means the MCMC chain has 100,000 iterations including the burn-in,
I have checked the explanation for this question a lot of time but still not sure whether my interpretation about n.iter and n.adapt is correct and how to understand update() and thinning.
Could anyone explain to me?
This answer is based on the package rjags, which takes an n.adapt argument. First I will discuss the meanings of adaptation, burn-in, and thinning, and then I will discuss the syntax (I sense that you are well aware of the meaning of burn-in and thinning, but not of adaptation; a full explanation may make this answer more useful to future readers).
As you probably understand from introductions to MCMC sampling, some number of iterations from the MCMC chain must be discarded as burn-in. This is because prior to fitting the model, you don't know whether you have initialized the MCMC chain within the characteristic set, the region of reasonable posterior probability. Chains initialized outside this region take a finite (sometimes large) number of iterations to find the region and begin exploring it. MCMC samples from this period of exploration are not random draws from the posterior distribution. Therefore, it is standard to discard the first portion of each MCMC chain as "burn-in". There are several post-hoc techniques to determine how much of the chain must be discarded.
A separate problem arises because in all but the simplest models, MCMC sampling algorithms produce chains in which successive draws are substantially autocorrelated. Thus, summarizing the posterior based on all iterations of the MCMC chain (post burn-in) may be inadvisable, as the effective posterior sample size can be much smaller than the analyst realizes (note that STAN's implementation of Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo sampling dramatically reduces this problem in some situations). Therefore, it is standard to make inference on "thinned" chains where only a fraction of the MCMC iterations are used in inference (e.g. only every fifth, tenth, or hundredth iteration, depending on the severity of the autocorrelation).
The MCMC samplers that JAGS uses to sample the posterior are governed by tunable parameters that affect their precise behavior. Proper tuning of these parameters can produce gains in the speed or de-correlation of the sampling. JAGS contains machinery to tune these parameters automatically, and does so as it draws posterior samples. This process is called adaptation, but it is non-Markovian; the resulting samples do not constitute a Markov chain. Therefore, burn-in must be performed separately after adaptation. It is incorrect to substitute the adaptation period for the burn-in. However, sometimes only relatively short burn-in is necessary post-adaptation.
Let's look at a highly specific example (the code in the OP doesn't actually show where parameters like n.adapt or thin get used). We'll ask rjags to fit the model in such a way that each step will be clear.
n.chains = 3
n.adapt = 1000
n.burn = 10000
n.iter = 20000
thin = 50
my.model <- jags.model(mymodel.txt, data=X, inits=Y, n.adapt=n.adapt) # X is a list pointing JAGS to where the data are, Y is a vector or function giving initial values
update(my.model, n.burn)
my.samples <- coda.samples(my.model, params, n.iter=n.iter, thin=thin) # params is a list of parameters for which to set trace monitors (i.e. we want posterior inference on these parameters)
jags.model() builds the directed acyclic graph and then performs the adaptation phase for a number of iterations given by n.adapt.
update() performs the burn-in on each chain by running the MCMC for n.burn iterations without saving any of the posterior samples (skip this step if you want to examine the full chains and discard a burn-in period post-hoc).
coda.samples() (from the coda package) runs the each MCMC chain for the number of iterations specified by n.iter, but it does not save every iteration. Instead, it saves only ever nth iteration, where n is given by thin. Again, if you want to determine your thinning interval post-hoc, there is no need to thin at this stage. One advantage of thinning at this stage is that the coda syntax makes it simple to do so; you don't have to understand the structure of the MCMC object returned by coda.samples() and thin it yourself. The bigger advantage to thinning at this stage is realized if n.iter is very large. For example, if autocorrelation is really bad, you might run 2 million iterations and save only every thousandth (thin=1000). If you didn't thin at this stage, you (and your RAM) would need to manipulate an object with three chains of two million numbers each. But by thinning as you go, the final object only has 2 thousand numbers in each chain.

Quasi-Monte-Carlo vs. variable dimensionality?

I've been looking through the Matlab documention on using quasi-random sampling of N-dimensional unit cubes. This represents a problem with N stochastic parameters. Based on the fact that it is a unit cube, I presume that I need to use the inverse CDF of each parameter to map from the [0,1] domain to the value range of each parameter.
I would like to try this on a problem for which I now use Monte Carlo. Unfortunately, the problem I'm analyzing does not have a fixed number of dimensions. For each instantiation of the problem, I generate a variable number of widgets (say) using a Poisson distribution. Only after that do I randomly generate the parameters for each widget. That whole process yields one instance of the problem to be analyzed, so the number of parameters varies from one instance to the next.
Is this kind of problem still amenable to Quasi-Monte-Carlo?
What I used once was to get highest possible dimension of the problem d, generate Sobol sequence in d and use whatever number of points necessary for a particular sampling. I would say it helped somewhat...
From talking to a much smarter colleague, we need to consider the various combinations of widget counts for each widget type. For example, if we have 2 of widget type#1, 4 of widget type #2, 1 of widget type #3, etc., that constitutes one combination. QMC can be applied to that one combination. We are assuming that number of widget#i is independent of the number of widget#j for i<>j, so the probability of each combination is just the product of p(2 widgets of type#1), p(4 widgets of type#2), p(1 widget of type#3), etc. The individual probabilities are easy to get from their Poisson distributions (or their flat distributions, or whatever distribution is being used). If there are N widget types, this is just a joint PMF in N-space. This probability is then used to weight the QMC result for that particular combination. Note that even when the exactly combination is nailed down, QMC is still needed because there each widget is associated with 3 stochastic parameters.
