Code works well when I hardcode the nodes (e.g. node1), but not when I use user input - it always returns 0 instead of counting the numbers which are "node3". Here is the page I am using - node1 = comments, node2 = comment, node3= count. Any suggestions?
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import ssl
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
url = input ("Which url?\n")
node1 = input ("Enter node1- ")
node2 = input ("Enter node2- ")
node3 = input ("Enter node3- ")
count = 0
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ctx).read()
tree = ET.fromstring(html)
x = tree.findall(node1/node2)
for item in x:
c = int(item.find(node3).text)
count = count + c
print("Please only input complete urls")
Putting aside the user input angle, if you want "to sum up all numbers under "count"", change your xpath expression to
x = tree.findall('.//comment/count')
and then either do it the long way (which I personally prefer):
total = 0
for count in x:
total += int(count.text)
or use list comprehensions:
sum([int(count.text) for count in x])
In either case, the output is
Found out what the mistake was - needed to concatenate strings:
x = tree.findall(node1 + "/" + node2)
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import ssl
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
url = input("Which url?\n")
node1 = input("Enter node1- ")
node2 = input("Enter node2- ")
node3 = input("Enter node3- ")
count = 0
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ctx).read()
tree = ET.fromstring(html)
x = tree.findall(node1 + "/" + node2)
for item in x:
count += int(item.find(node3).text)
print("Please only input complete urls")
I downloaded instaloader from here.
I found the codes here, and I slightly modified it like below:
import os.path
import instaloader
directory = 'c:\\Users\\_Instagram'
i = 0
filename = "username_%s.txt"
while os.path.exists(filename % i):
i += 1
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
L = instaloader.Instaloader()
# Login or load session
username = "username"
password = "password"
L.login(username, password) # (login)
# Obtain profile metadata
profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, username)
# Print list of followees
follow_list = []
count = 0
for followee in profile.get_followers():
file = open(filename % i, "a+")
count = count + 1
It only writes & counts less than 300 followers when the actual followers count is 4000+.
Can someone help me figure out why? I'm using python 3.7.
I am using below python code:
n = int(input('enter the number:'))
student_marks = {}
for i in range(n):
name, *line = input().split()
scores = list(map(float, line))
student_marks[name] = scores
query_name = input('enter the name:')
list_1 = list(student_marks[query_name])
no = len(l)
s = sum(l)
ss = s/no
But, i am getting an error while input the query_name during the run of code.
you can try to do
n = int(input('enter the number:'))
student_marks = {}
for i in range(n):
name, *line = input("enter name and scroe (spared by space): ").split()
scores = list(map(float, line))
student_marks[name] = scores
query_name = input('enter the name:')
list_1 = list(student_marks[query_name])
no = len(list_1)
print("the numer of scores {}".format(no))
s = sum(list_1)
print("The sum of all scores {}".format(s))
ss = s/no
print("The average score {}".format(ss))
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = int(input())
student_marks = {}
count = 0
for _ in range(n):
name, *line = input().split()
scores = list(map(float, line))
student_marks[name] = scores
query_name = input()
for i in student_marks[query_name]:
count += i
average = count / len(student_marks[query_name])
print("%.2f" %average)
You can try this solution:
from decimal import Decimal
# Main function (like Java main() method)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Taking number of times input will be taken from console and converting it into int type
n = int(input())
# creating an empty dictionary
student_marks = {}
# Iterate from: 0 to n-1 times
for _ in range(n):
# Taking the first argument as name and all other numbers inside line var
name, *line = input().split()
# Converting the numbers contained in line variable to a map then, converting into list
scores = list(map(float, line))
# Inserting into dictionary as key - value pair
student_marks[name] = scores
# Taking the student name from console and store into query_name
query_name = input()
# Fetch student marks using student name
query_scores = student_marks[query_name]
# Sum all the marks
total_scores = sum(query_scores)
# Find average of the marks
avg = Decimal(total_scores/3)
# print the average upto two decimal point
print(round(avg, 2))
I'm currently applying some machine learning code to analyze emails from the enron dataset using the following code in python:
import os
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB, GaussianNB, BernoulliNB
from sklearn.svm import SVC, NuSVC, LinearSVC
def make_dictionary(train_dir):
emails = [os.path.join(train_dir,f) for f in os.listdir(train_dir)]
all_words = []
for mail in emails:
with open(mail) as m:
for i,line in enumerate(m):
if i == 2:
words = line.split()
all_words += words
dictionary = Counter(all_words)
return dictionary
list_to_remove = dictionary.keys()
for item in list_to_remove:
if item.isalpha() == False:
del dictionary[item]
elif len(item) == 1:
del dictionary[item]
dictionary = dictionary.most_common(3000)
train_dir = 'train-mails'
dictionary = make_Dictionary(train_dir)
def extract_features(mail_dir):
files = [os.path.join(mail_dir,fi) for fi in os.listdir(mail_dir)]
features_matrix = np.zeros((len(files),3000))
docID = 0;
for fil in files:
with open(fil) as fi:
for i,line in enumerate(fi):
if i == 2:
words = line.split()
for word in words:
wordID = 0
for i,d in enumerate(dictionary):
if d[0] == word:
wordID = i
features_matrix[docID,wordID] = words.count(word)
docID = docID + 1
return features_matrix
train_labels = np.zeros(702)
train_labels[351:701] = 1
train_matrix = extract_features(train_dir)
model1 = MultinomialNB()
model2 = LinearSVC(),train_labels),train_labels)
test_dir = 'test-mails'
test_matrix = extract_features(test_dir)
test_labels = np.zeros(260)
test_labels[130:260] = 1
result1 = model1.predict(test_matrix)
result2 = model2.predict(test_matrix)
print confusion_matrix(test_labels,result1)
print confusion_matrix(test_labels,result2)
However, every time I run it, it says that dictionary is not defined and I can not figure out why it doesn't want to work. I've indented the areas which need it and I have the correct modules imported but it still doesn't work. Any ideas on how to fix this would be helpful.
dictionary = make_Dictionary(train_dir)
should be dictionary = make_dictionary(train_dir)
python is case sensitive. D should be d.
So I'm creating a program that allows you to set each letter in the alphabet to another one using a dictionary. It then lets you input a sentence, which it then codes using the code you previously set. So far, I've completed (or I think I've completed) everything but the function that replaces the letters, because I have no idea what to do there. Any suggestions?
Here's the code:
import sys
def defineAlphabet():
alphabet = dict()
alphabet['a'] = input('a = ')
alphabet['b'] = input('b = ')
alphabet['c'] = input('c = ')
alphabet['d'] = input('d = ')
alphabet['e'] = input('e = ')
alphabet['f'] = input('f = ')
alphabet['g'] = input('g = ')
alphabet['h'] = input('h = ')
alphabet['i'] = input('i = ')
alphabet['j'] = input('j = ')
alphabet['k'] = input('k = ')
alphabet['l'] = input('l = ')
alphabet['m'] = input('m = ')
alphabet['n'] = input('n = ')
alphabet['o'] = input('o = ')
alphabet['p'] = input('p = ')
alphabet['q'] = input('q = ')
alphabet['r'] = input('r = ')
alphabet['s'] = input('s = ')
alphabet['t'] = input('t = ')
alphabet['u'] = input('u = ')
alphabet['v'] = input('v = ')
alphabet['w'] = input('w = ')
alphabet['x'] = input('x = ')
alphabet['y'] = input('y = ')
alphabet['z'] = input('z = ')
return alphabet
def codeSentence(sentence):
global translation
translation = 'WIP'
return translation
def menu():
print('''Would you like to:
a. Code a sentence
b. Set the code
c. Quit''')
userInput = input('//> ')
if userInput == 'a':
codeSentence(input('Enter Sentence: '))
if userInput == 'b':
if userInput == 'c':
print('That is not an option.')
result = "some sentence".translate({ord(k): v for k, v in alphabet.items()})
See str.translate().
So i have this code here in python 3.3, it cyphers text with the ceaser cypher.
What i need to know is how do i make a script that will convert it back from the original so that the person i send it too can read it.
message = input("Input: ")
key = 11
coded_message = ""
for ch in message:
code_val = ord(ch) + key
if ch.isalpha():
if code_val > ord('z'):
code_val -= ord('z') - ord('a')
coded_message = coded_message + chr(code_val)
coded_message = coded_message + ch
# print ("Input: " + message)
print ("Output: " + coded_message)
One more thing, I plan to be putting this is a tkinter message box, with the two entry fields used for the input and output. one field should be used to type what i want to convert and the other should be used to show what the text looks like after it has been crypted. The button should start the encryption. here is the code:
import sys
from tkinter import *
def mHello():
mLabel = Label(mGui,text = input("Hello World"))
mLabel.grid(row=3, column=0,)
mGui = Tk()
ment = StringVar()
mGui.title("My TKinter")
# input label
mLabel = Label(mGui,text = "Input",)
# output label
mLabeltwo = Label(mGui,text = "Input",)
# convert button
mButton = Button(text = "Convert",command = mHello)
# input entry
mEntry = Entry(mGui,textvariable=ment)
# output entry
mEntryTwo = Entry(mGui,textvariable=ment)
By the way i am only 15 and this is my 2nd day learning python.
Some credit goes to sources on this forum that have provided me with some code snippets
Thank-you in advance guys!
Before i say anything else you should be aware that minds much greater the mine have advised against writing your own cypher script for anything other then learning
If you want them to be able to decode your code then provide them with a key. so in your case:
s maps to h
t maps to i
f maps to t
I hope this code illustrates my suggestion:
In [1]: from cyro import your_cyrptic_function
In [2]: key = {'s':'h', 't':'i', 'f':'t'}
In [3]: secret_word = your_cyrptic_function('hit')
In [4]: decyrpted_secret_word = ''
In [5]: for letter in secret_word:
decyrpted_secret_word += key[letter]
In [6]: print(decyrpted_secret_word)
For the code above i turned your original code into a function:
def your_cyrptic_function(secret):
message = secret
key = 11
coded_message = ""
for ch in message:
code_val = ord(ch) + key
if ch.isalpha():
if code_val > ord('z'):
code_val -= ord('z') - ord('a')
coded_message = coded_message + chr(code_val)
coded_message = coded_message + ch
# print ("Input: " + message)
return coded_message
there are several great ways to do this in python. If your interested in cyptopgraphy then check out Udacities class cs387 applied cryptography