How to remove opencv libraries from Ubuntu? - linux

I installed opencv with sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
I want to uninstall now, as I already have opencv. So, I now have 2 versions of opencv

You can remove packages if you installed the package using apt-get, by typing apt-get remove "packagename"(remove quotes).
Additionally you can use whereis command(if memory serves me correctly on ubuntu) by using "whereis packagename" and it should point you to where the conflicting package is, sometimes it is installed within the /usr/bin or the /opt directory , so you can remove that directory manually.
Food for thought if your after a particular file you can use the find command to find the library as well "find packagenameoranyfile"


python3: can't install psycopg2 [duplicate]

I cannot figure this out for the life of me.
When I pip install django-tenant-schemas it tries to install the dependency psycopg2 which requires the Python headers and gcc. I have all this installed and still keep getting this error!
./psycopg/psycopg.h:35:10: fatal error: libpq-fe.h: No such file or directory
So to install libpq-fe-h I need to sudo apt-get install libpq-dev..
..which returns..
libpq-dev is already the newest version (10.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1).
Then when I sudo find / libpq-fe.h it doesn't seem to be in my OS.
I am lost at this point. If anyone can help I would highly appreciate it.
For some reason, the file is missing on the system.
As you're using apt-get, the system is dpkg based, presumably Debian or it's derivative. You can try the Ubuntu's package search to get which package contains a file with name ending in libpq-fe.h.
I found the package is libpq-dev and file's absolute path is /usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h.
FWIW, on a dpkg based system, you can check which package gives a file if you know the file's absolute path:
% dpkg -S /usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h
libpq-dev: /usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h
Also, unlike find, locate keeps a cache of found files (mlocate.db) that is created everyday via cron; so if the file happens to be removed after the last run, you can run locate libfq-fe.h to get the absolute path to the file without needing to check the Ubuntu package search online.
So the package is libpq-dev. Now, reinstalling it will get everything to the default state i.e. all relevant files will be copied to the right places. As it is only a library package, no user/system level configurations will be overridden (and dpkg will prompt you for action for any package that does that).
To reinstall the package:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpq-dev
For me, I realized it was trying to use the deprecated so I installed wheel (pip install wheel) and that sorted it all out.
Well after installing these libraries
sudo dnf install python-virtualenv openssl-devel gcc libffi-devel libxslt-devel issue was not gone.
I used mlocate to find where libpq-fe.h file is located. On my system (Fedora 32) it was located at /usr/pgsql-10/include/libpq-fe.h
yum install mlocate
sudo updateb
locate libpq-fe.h
After all added this line to ~/.bash_profile
nano ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=/usr/pgsql-10/bin/:$PATH
Works fine, I can easily install psycopg2 without any trouble.
You need to create a LD_LIBRARY_PATH that indicates the path of your library /user/pgsql-11/lib
Source: The 3rd point of build prerequisites at

How do I uninstall Erlang R16B-03.18.el7 so I can install Erlang 25.0.3?

The R16B version isn't working with the latest version of RabbitMQ I'm trying to install on my VM (needs 23.3 or later) and I already tried to install 25.0.3 but it won't install because it's conflicting with the R16B files that exist.
file /usr/bin/typer from install of esl-erlang-25.0.3-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package erlang-typer-R16B-03.18.el7.x86_64
That's the error I get. I tried rm -r erlang*.rpm and it asks for a reboot after completing but still gives the same errors.
With this command you just delete the rpm. What you want is to deinstall the rpm. You could use
dnf uninstall PACKAGENAME
where, in your case, PACKAGENAME whould be something like erlang-typer-R16B-03.18.el7.

How to resolve conflict when use yum install

I built and installed some libraries into my CentOs 7.9. I guess I used --prefix=/usr when I configured. However, I found the version of the source code was inappropriate. So I decided to install the package by yum install. But I saw conflicts when I run this command. Seemed the libraries in the package are older than what was installed. I couldn't use yum remove to remove what had installed. Because they were not installed from the package. How to resolve the conflicts or force yum to install the package?
1. when u install it from source code
If u want to uninstall the package which was installed from source, actually it's hard to delete all the files u have installed when u put them in /user directory. But there is method: when the installation is finished, usually there is a 'install_mainfest.txt' file in your installation directory which logs all the files the installation generates.
so read this file, and delete all the files using:
xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
2. when u install it using yum install
Find all the rpm package then delete them using:
rpm -qa|grep "your software name u wanna delete"|xargs yum -y remove

System crash after oracle installation with yum

recently i tried to install oracle on my linux with apt (I never used yum before) using fast manual:
And after command:
sudo yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
I got error:
Failed: ca-certificates.noarch 0:2010.63-3.el6_1.5 chkconfig.x86_64 0: file-libs.x86_64 0:5.04-15.el6 filesystem.x86_64 0:2.4.30-3.el6
initscripts.x86_64 0:9.03.38-1.0.1.el6_4.2
And something gone wrong because command like: ps, top are crashing
login#Ass-K55VJ:/etc/yum/repos.d$ ps -e
ps: relocation error: ps: symbol procps_number_version, version _3_2_5 not defined in file with link time reference
login#Ass-K55VJ:/etc/yum/repos.d$ top
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
then I tryied to uninstall oracle and dependencies but after command:
sudo yum remove oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:
No module named yum
Please install a package which provides this module, or
verify that the module is installed correctly.
It's possible that the above module doesn't match the
current version of Python, which is:
2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jul 10 2013, 06:42:56) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)]
If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to the yum faq at:
So it seems like yum install in my system new libraries but didn't link it correctly? I dont know what do in this moment because it seems like armagedon on my ubuntu...
Does this mean you're on ubuntu and tried to install rpm packages using yum? The manual you used is for Oracle Linux 6, why would you try that on ubuntu?
rpm packages are not compatible with debian based systems like ubuntu, which use deb packages. So you've probably screwed your system big time, overwriting important system libraries with incompatible ones.
If apt-get is still working, then you can try to reinstall (apt-get --reinstall install) the equivalent libraries to the ones mentioned in the install manual you linked to - naming isn't always the same for rpm and deb packages. dpkg -l should help you see which the correct installed libraries are. I'd start with the C libraries (libc) etc.
But if apt-get is screwed also, then you'd need to download the packages manually from an ubuntu mirror and install them using dpkg, but I think a reinstall (or restore from backup if you have one) would be the best option.

Installing Qt on linux, cannot find -lGL

I'm having a hard time trying to install Qt on linux. I downloaded the .run file on the website and installed Qt. However, when I try to compile the default Hello World project using Qtcreator, I get the following :
error cannot find -lGL
I was able to solve the problem by issuing the command :
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
But, I'm not satisfied with the solution as I want to use Qt5 and the name of the lib I downloaded implies version 4. Can someone explain what is going on and tell me if my solution is correct? If not, what should I do to get a working Qt on Linux.
Additional question
The correct answer, as provided by LtWorf, was to install libgl-dev. For future problems of this sort, can someone tell me how I should have guessed that I had to download this particular library? And why are there some libs with -dev at the end? What do they provide?
Well it is trying to link with libgl and doesn't find it. You should install libgl-dev.
-l is a linker option, it tells the linker to use a certain library.
For example you can have -lmagic meaning that you want to use libmagic.
Normally all libraries are called libsomething, and on debian you will find 3 packages called:
The 1st one is the library, the second one is the library compiled with the debug symbols, so you can make sense of stacktraces more easily, and the final one is the development package, it contains the .h files so you can link to the library.
sudo apt-get install libgl-dev
On Fedora 17, I did:
sudo yum install mesa-libGL-devel
Do you have libgl-dev installed? If not install it and it should work.
Those other posters are correct, but on some systems, the lib to install is named differently. I just dealt with a 32bit Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS system, and libgl-dev was not available.
Instead, I needed to install the libgl1-mesa-dev package via:
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
