Keyvault Authentication using username and password - azure

The customer has created a key vault and store the credentials . To authenticate key vault , I have created the application in the node and using client id and client secret , I am able to read the secrets. But now the customer wants not to use the client id and client secret , instead use the username and password of the AZURE to access the keyvault in the program. Its one dedicated user for the keyvault access with no MFA.
I am not sure if we can access the keyvault with username and password from the node js. Kindly suggest.

For this requirement, I also think that use username-password flow is unnecessary and client credential flow should be better (as juunas mentioned in comments). But if the customer still want to use username-password flow to implement, I can provide a sample as below for your reference:
1. You should register an app in AD with native platform but not web platform.
And please check if "Treat application as a public client" is enabled.
If your app is web platform, when you run the node js code it will show error message to ask you provide "client secret" even if you use username-password flow.
2. You need to add the azure key vault permission to your app.
And do not forget grant admin consent for it.
3. Then you can refer to the code below to get the secret value.
const KeyVault = require('azure-keyvault');
const { AuthenticationContext } = require('adal-node');
const clientId = '<clientId>';
const username = '<username>';
const password = '<password>';
var secretAuthenticator = function (challenge, callback) {
var context = new AuthenticationContext(challenge.authorization);
return context.acquireTokenWithUsernamePassword(challenge.resource, username, password, clientId, function(
) {
if (err) throw err;
var authorizationValue = tokenResponse.tokenType + ' ' + tokenResponse.accessToken;
return callback(null, authorizationValue);
var credentials = new KeyVault.KeyVaultCredentials(secretAuthenticator);
var client = new KeyVault.KeyVaultClient(credentials);
client.getSecret("https://<keyvaultname>", "<secret name>", "<secret version>", function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("secret value is: " + result.value);


Azure App Service Authentication / Authorization and Custom JWT Token

In my web project i want to enable the user to login with username / password and Microsoft Account.
Tech - Stack:
Asp.Net Core WebApi
Azure App Service
First i created the username / password login. Like this:
services.AddAuthentication(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme).AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.TokenValidationParameters = new Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.TokenValidationParameters
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Configuration["JWTKey"].ToString())),
ValidateIssuer = false,
ValidateAudience = false,
ValidateLifetime = true
Login Method:
public async Task<IActionResult> ClassicAuth(AuthRequest authRequest)
tbl_Person person = await _standardRepository.Login(authRequest.Username, authRequest.Password);
if (person != null)
var claims = new[]
new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, person.PER_T_Firstname),
var key = new SymmetricSecurityKey(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_config["JWTKey"].ToString()));
var creds = new SigningCredentials(key, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha512Signature);
var tokenDescriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor
Subject = new ClaimsIdentity(claims),
Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(24),
SigningCredentials = creds
var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
var token = tokenHandler.CreateToken(tokenDescriptor);
return Ok(tokenHandler.WriteToken(token));
return Unauthorized("Invalid login data");
And secured my api enpoints with [Authorize].So far so good...that works.
Now i want to add a login method with Microsoft Account. I use Azure App Service Authentication / Authorization for that (
I configured the auth provider and i'm able to start the auth flow with a custom link in my angular app:
Login with Microsoft - Account
This works and i can retrieve the access token from my angular app with this:
this.httpClient.get("").subscribe(res => {
Now the problem:
access_token seems not a valid JWT Token. If i copy the token and go to it is invalid.
When i pass the token to my API i get a 401 - Response. With seems logical because my API checks if the JWT Token is signed with my custom JWT Key and not the Key from Microsoft.
How can I make both login methods work together? I may have some basic understanding problems at the moment.
It seems you want your Angular app calling an ASP.NET Core Web API secured with Azure Active Directory, here is a sample works well for that.
The most important step is register the app in AAD.
By the way, if you want to enable users to login one project with multiple ways in azure, you can use multiple sign-in providers.

Is it possible to create a secret_id to use it in an approle automatically without the help of an administrator or kubernetes when using vault?

Recently searching the internet I found a good alternative to manage the secrets of my application created in node js with the help of hashicorp vault. I have investigated how it works and among the possible ways that this tool has to enter I found approle, which I consider an adequate form of authentication through my application. This form of authentication requires a role_id and a secret_id. The latter, as I see in the examples of the official vault page, needs an entity for its creation and then passes it to the application and in this way the application can receive the token to enter the vault. Currently I have this code in node js that receives a token wrapped with the secret_id to achieve access to the secrets with the role of the application:
//get the wrap token from passed in parameter
var wrap_token = process.argv[2];
console.error("No wrap token, enter token as argument");
var options = {
apiVersion: 'v1', // default
endpoint: '',
token: wrap_token //wrap token
console.log("Token being used " + process.argv[2]);
// get new instance of the client
var vault = require("node-vault")(options);
//role that the app is using
const roleId = '27f8905d-ec50-26ec-b2da-69dacf44b5b8';
//using the wrap token to unwrap and get the secret
vault.unwrap().then((result) => {
var secretId =;
console.log("Your secret id is " +;
//login with approleLogin
vault.approleLogin({ role_id: roleId, secret_id: secretId }).then((login_result) => {
var client_token = login_result.auth.client_token;
console.log("Using client token to login " + client_token);
var client_options = {
apiVersion: 'v1', // default
endpoint: '',
token: client_token //client token
var client_vault = require("node-vault")(client_options);'secret/weatherapp/config').then((read_result) => {
The problem is that I plan to upload the application in the cloud using docker and the idea is that the process of obtaining the secrets is automatic so I would like to know if when creating a token that lasts long enough that you only have the possibility of obtaining the secret_id of a role and saving it as environment variable is appropriate in this case or if there is any other alternative that can help me in automating this case.
Note: I don't plan to deploy in aws in this case.

Azure ADAL - How to get refresh token / how to refresh access token for nodejs backend server to server connection?

I'm using adal-node module for my Node JS backend to write file to Azure Storage. The authentication works fine, but the access token I got only valid for 1 hour. And so far I couldn't find anyway to refresh my access token. Can someone advise?
I've tried to get refresh token. But the auth function I'm using below don't send refresh token back. I've also try to just create a new token after a while using the same auth function, but it turns out the token is always the same.
Here's the code I use to get the access token.
var AuthenticationContext = require('adal-node').AuthenticationContext;
var authorityHostUrl = '';
var tenant = ''; // AAD Tenant name.
var authorityUrl = authorityHostUrl + '/' + tenant;
var applicationId = 'yourApplicationIdHere'; // Application Id of app registered under AAD.
var clientSecret = 'yourAADIssuedClientSecretHere'; // Secret generated for app. Read this environment variable.
var resource = '00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'; // URI that identifies the resource for which the token is valid.
var context = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUrl);
context.acquireTokenWithClientCredentials(resource, applicationId, clientSecret, function(err, tokenResponse) {
if (err) {
console.log('well that didn\'t work: ' + err.stack);
} else {
Need some way to refresh my access token so that my long running job wouldn't stop.
Just get a new access token.
In the Client Credentials flow, a refresh token is not returned. (See Section 4.4.3 of the OAuth 2.0 spec.)

Authenticate to multiple Azure services using Service Principle (.net Core)

I need to get access to Key Vault and Service Bus from code, using a Service Principle for authentication.
I can use the following code to access Service Bus, which works as expected - when I enable to Service Principle in the Access Policies I can pull the list of topics:
var credentials = SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromServicePrincipal(APPID, APPSECRET, TENANTID, AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
var serviceBusManager = ServiceBusManager.Authenticate(credentials, SUBSCRIPTIONID);
var serviceBusNamespace = serviceBusManager.Namespaces.List().SingleOrDefault(n => n.Name == "SERVICEBUSNAMESPACE");
var topics = serviceBusNamespace.Topics.ListAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
However, I also need to get some information from Key Vault and I was trying to establish a common way to authenticate.
Similar to the above, I tried this code to access KeyVault:
var credentials = SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromServicePrincipal(APPID, APPSECRET, TENANTID, AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
var kvManager = new KeyVaultClient(credentials);
var secret = kvManager.GetSecretAsync("", "SECRETNAME").GetAwaiter().GetResult().Value;
I get the the following error:
Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Models.KeyVaultErrorException: 'Operation
returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized''
This code does work for Key Vault however (showing I have correct permissions):
string GetSecret()
var client = new KeyVaultClient(GetAccessToken);
var secret = client.GetSecretAsync("", "SECRETNAME").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
return secret;
private static async Task<string> GetAccessToken(string authority, string resource, string scope)
var context = new AuthenticationContext("" + tenantId);
var credential = new ClientCredential(appId, appSecret);
var tokenResult = await context.AcquireTokenAsync("", credential);
return tokenResult.AccessToken;
But, again, it's a very KeyVault specific way to Authenticate and I was hoping to establish a common mechanism using SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory. Any reason why I'd be getting an Unauthorized exception with the code above connecting to Key Vault? (all is set up correctly in Azure).
Thanks for any tips!
When you use SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromServicePrincipal to authenticate, it will use as its Resource Uri.
While Azure Key Vault has its own authorization system and its Resource Uri is, so you may get the Unauthorized error message.
So, you could use Method2 to get access to Azure Key Vault with right Resource Uri.
For more details, you could refer to this article.

How to access Key Vault with Azure Managed Service Identity in node?

I follow the instruction here to create an Managed Service Identity. So now in my environment variable, I have MSI_ENDPOINT and MSI_SECRET.
In my typescript (node.js) project, I imported the following project:
import {KeyVaultCredentials, KeyVaultClient} from "azure-keyvault";
import {AuthenticationContext, ErrorResponse, TokenResponse} from "adal-node";
If I wasn't using MSI, I could access my key vault using the following code:
let keyVaultCredentials = new KeyVaultCredentials(KeyVault.createAuthenticator(this.clientID, this.clientKey));
let keyVaultClient = new KeyVaultClient(keyVaultCredentials);
private static createAuthenticator(clientID: string, clientKey: string){
return (challenge, callback) => {
let context = new AuthenticationContext(challenge.authorization);
return context.acquireTokenWithClientCredentials(
function (err, tokenResponse:TokenResponse | ErrorResponse) {
if (err) {
CLogger.log("error", "Error occurred while acquiring token with key vault credentials: " + JSON.stringify(err));
throw new Error("Error occurred while acquiring token with key vault credentials. Check log files");
let authorizationValue = (<TokenResponse>tokenResponse).tokenType + " " + (<TokenResponse>tokenResponse).accessToken;
return callback(null, authorizationValue);
I have no idea how to get access token with MSI enabled, please help.
With the new Azure SDK for js, you can authenticate your application with managed service by implementing class DefaultAzureCredential from package #azure/identity.
const {DefaultAzureCredential} = require('#azure/identity');
const {SecretClient} = require('#azure/keyvault-secrets');
const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
const vaultName = "<key-vault-name>";
const url = `https://${vaultName}`;
const client = new SecretClient(url, credential);
client.setSecret(secretName, "MySecretValue");
It supports both service principal and managed identity authentication.
To run it on a local environment you must set three environment variables: AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID and AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET to be able to connect with a service principal.
On Azure, if those variables are not defined, it will try to authenticate with managed identity.
There is a quickstart guide here.
Using the loginWithAppServiceMSI() method from ms-rest-azure will autodetect if you're on a WebApp and get the token from the MSI endpoint. Then, the code is simply:
function getKeyVaultCredentials(){
return msRestAzure.loginWithAppServiceMSI({resource: ''});
function getKeyVaultSecret(credentials) {
let keyVaultClient = new KeyVault.KeyVaultClient(credentials);
return keyVaultClient.getSecret(KEY_VAULT_URI, 'secret', "");
).then(function (secret){
console.log(`Your secret value is: ${secret.value}.`);
}).catch(function (err) {
throw (err);
I'd recommend checking the full documentation here
