adding limit to my sequelize query is throwing an error - node.js

this works properly
let data=await{
but as soon as i add limit below, it throws an error
let data=await{
here's the error when i execute the one with limit.
name: "SequelizeDatabaseError",
parent: {
message: "The multi-part identifier "" could not be bound.",
code: "EREQUEST",
number: 4104,
state: 1,
class: 16,
serverName: "LAPTOP-5ED24571",
procName: "",
lineNumber: 1,
sql: "SELECT [company].*, [users].[id] AS [], [users].[username] AS [users.username], [users].[name] AS [], [users].[address] AS [users.address], [users].[active] AS [], [users].[email] AS [], [users].[phone] AS [], [users].[job_role] AS [users.job_role], [users].[time_zone] AS [users.time_zone], [users].[country] AS [], [users].[currency] AS [users.currency], [users].[induction] AS [users.induction], [users].[createdAt] AS [users.createdAt], [users].[updatedAt] AS [users.updatedAt], [users].[userRoleId] AS [users.userRoleId], [users->user_company_mm].[id] AS [], [users->user_company_mm].[userId] AS [users.user_company_mm.userId], [users->user_company_mm].[companyId] AS [users.user_company_mm.companyId], [users->user_company_mm].[createdAt] AS [users.user_company_mm.createdAt], [users->user_company_mm].[updatedAt] AS [users.user_company_mm.updatedAt] FROM (SELECT [company].[id], [company].[name], [company].[address], [company].[city], [company].[country], [company].[state_region], [company].[logo], [company].[numberOfLocations], [company].[numberOfEmployees], [company].[audience_builder], [company].[creator_user_id], [company].[tags], [company].[createdAt], [company].[updatedAt] FROM [company] AS [company] WHERE [users].[id] = 7 ORDER BY [company].[id] OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY) AS [company] LEFT OUTER JOIN ( [user_company_mm] AS [users->user_company_mm] INNER JOIN [user] AS [users] ON [users].[id] = [users->user_company_mm].[userId]) ON [company].[id] = [users->user_company_mm].[companyId];"
Any idea why this is happening? thank you

I'm not necessarily familiar with sequelize.js. But looking at your query statement, you have a WHERE condition in your sub query limiting it to [Users].[Id] = 7. But this doesn't exist in this part of your query context.
(SELECT [company].[id],
[company].[updatedAt] FROM [company] AS [company]
/* HERE --> */ WHERE [users].[id] = 7 ORDER BY [company].[id] OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY
( [user_company_mm] AS [users->user_company_mm] INNER JOIN [user]
AS [users] ON [users].[id] = [users->user_company_mm].[userId]) ON [company].[id] = [users->user_company_mm].[companyId]
But why the query is structured as so, I can't tell. That would be something for how you've configured it/how sequalized works.


Node js,Sequelize findAndCountAll with offset and limit doesn't work when contains "include" and "where: array[]" options

I'm trying to fetch paginated messages from a database given the ids of different chats. It works if I do not provide limit and offset, but when I provide the limit and offset parameters, it stops working. I use mariadb sql.
where: {chat_id: ids},//ids=> array of ints
offset: limit * page,
limit: limit,
include: {
model: UnreadMessage, as: 'unreadMessages',
where: {participant_id: userId}
The error I see is this
"(conn=12896, no: 1064, SQLState: 42000) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ''20') AS `messages` INNER JOIN `unread_message` AS `unreadMessages` ON `messa...' at line 1\nsql: SELECT `messages`.*, `unreadMessages`.`message_id` AS `unreadMessages.message_id`, `unreadMessages`.`participant_id` AS `unreadMessages.participant_id` FROM (SELECT `messages`.`id`, `messages`.`chat_id`, `messages`.`content`, `messages`.`sender_id`, `messages`.`created_at` FROM `messages` AS `messages` WHERE `messages`.`chat_id` IN (3, 5) AND ( SELECT `message_id` FROM `unread_message` AS `unreadMessages` WHERE (`unreadMessages`.`participant_id` = 10 AND `unreadMessages`.`message_id` = `messages`.`id`) LIMIT 1 ) IS NOT NULL LIMIT 0, '20') AS `messages` INNER JOIN `unread_message` AS `unreadMessages` ON `messages`.`id` = `unreadMessages`.`message_id` AND `unreadMessages`.`participant_id` = 10; - parameters:[]"
My speculation was right all along when I first saw it. The error says it all.
...right syntax to use near ''20') AS `mess....
limit is string. Cast it using +limit.
If I'm right, you're passing it from the request directly without casting it to integer.

Sequelize adds order by id when using limit and offset with 'group and order by' and 'include' breaking sql

Sequelize query without limit or offset produces this SQL:
SELECT [abc].[abcid],
sum([qty]) AS [abcQty]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [AS_AS_ABC] AS [abc] ON [xyz].[abcRef] = [abc].[id]
WHERE [xyz].[aRef] = N'1'
AND [xyz].[bRef] = N'1'
GROUP BY [abc].[abcid]
However, when limit or offset is added to the sequelize query, the query get added with another order by clause on
SELECT [abc].[abcid],
sum([qty]) AS [abcQty]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [AS_AS_ABC] AS [abc] ON [xyz].[abcRef] = [abc].[id]
WHERE [xyz].[aRef] = N'1'
AND [xyz].[bRef] = N'1'
GROUP BY [abc].[abcid]
ORDER BY abcQty DESC, [xyz].[id]
causing error:
column is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause
whereas the expected result was
SELECT [abc].[abcid],
sum([qty]) AS [abcQty]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [AS_AS_ABC] AS [abc] ON [xyz].[abcRef] = [abc].[id]
WHERE [xyz].[aRef] = N'1'
AND [xyz].[bRef] = N'1'
GROUP BY [abc].[abcid]
which will produce paginated result on the grouped resultset on the abc.abcid.
Is there a way to hint Sequelize not to include the order by clause on when adding offset and limit?
Here is the code: (Extracted from larger code, so pardon me if there are typos here or there, but it is pretty much what is there and produces the SQL stated earlier)
let query = {};
query.attributes = [
[sequelize.fn('sum', sequelize.col('qty')), 'abcQty'],
]; = ['abc.abcid'];
query.raw = true;
query.where.aRef = 1;
query.where.bRef = 1;
query.order = sequelize.literal('abcQty DESC');
query.include = [{ model: sequelize.models['abc'], attributes: [] }];
query.limit = 10;
query.offset = 10;
let data= await sequelize.models['xyz'].findAndCountAll(query);

Why is this subquery NULL in sequelize?

for (var i=0; i<req.files.length; i++) {
await sequelize.query(
`INSERT INTO images (path, priority, saleId) VALUES (
(SELECT max FROM (SELECT MAX(priority)+1 AS max FROM images WHERE saleID = ${req.query.saleId}) AS temp),
I wanna get max value in subquery.
But, this subquery contains the query statement itself, not the value.
and sqlMessage is "Column 'priority' cannot be null".
How can i get max value?
This query working well in MySQL. but, not working in Sequelize.
This is "select * from images" result.
This is error message.

AutoQuery/OrmLite incorrect total value when using joins

I have this autoquery implementation
var q = AutoQuery.CreateQuery(request, base.Request).SelectDistinct();
var results = Db.Select<ProductDto>(q);
return new QueryResponse<ProductDto>
Offset = q.Offset.GetValueOrDefault(0),
Total = (int)Db.Count(q),
Results = results
The request has some joins:
public class ProductSearchRequest : QueryDb<GardnerRecord, ProductDto>
, ILeftJoin<GardnerRecord, RecordToBicCode>, ILeftJoin<RecordToBicCode, GardnerBicCode>
The records gets returned correctly but the total is wrong. I can see 40,000 records in database but it tells me there is 90,000. There is multiple RecordToBicCode for each GardnerRecord so it's giving me the number of records multiplied by the number of RecordToBicCode.
How do I match the total to the number of GardnerRecord matching the query?
I am using PostgreSQL so need the count statement to be like
select count(distinct from gardner_record r etc...
Dores OrmLite have a way to do this?
I tried:
var q2 = q;
q2.SelectExpression = "select count(distinct \"gardner_record\".\"id\")";
q2.OrderByExpression = null;
var count = Db.Select<int>(q2);
But I get object reference not set error.
AutoQuery is returning the correct total count for your query of which has left joins so will naturally return more results then the original source table.
You can perform a Distinct count with:
Total = Db.Scalar<long>(q.Select(x => Sql.CountDistinct(x.Id));

Query Parameter Format for SELECT ... IN with Cassandra using Node.js Driver

I have a Cassandra SELECT query with an IN parameter that I want to run via the Node driver, but can't figure out the syntax.
On the cqlsh console, I can run this select and get a correct result:
SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = 4 AND item_id in (ac943b6f-0143-0e1f-5282-2d39209f3a7a,bff421a0-c465-0434-8806-f128612b6850,877ddb6d-a164-1152-da77-1ec4c4468258);
However, trying to run this query using an array of IDs using the Cassandra Node driver, I get various errors depending on the format. Here's what I've tried:
client.execute("SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = ? AND item_id in (?)", [id, item_ids], function(err, rs) { ...
The error is:
ResponseError: Invalid list literal for item_id of type uuid
With this:
client.execute("SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = ? AND item_id in (?)", [id, item_ids], function(err, rs) { ...
The error is:
ResponseError: line 1:72 no viable alternative at input '[' (...WHERE company_id = 4 AND [item_id] in...)
item_ids is an array of string objects, and they were acquired via a select on another Cassandra table.
This is a working app, and other queries that don't use "SELECT .. IN" work fine.
I can also do make it work the "ugly" way, but would prefer not to:
client.execute("SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = ? AND item_id in (" + item_ids.toString() + ")", [id,], function(err, rs) { ...
You should use IN ? without parenthesis, to provide a list:
const query = 'SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = ? AND item_id in ?';
client.execute(query, [ id, item_ids ], { prepare: true }, callback);
