Not able to install Eclipse Hono through Helm - error - failed to download "eclipse-iot/hono (hint: running `helm repo update may help) - eclipse-hono

I am trying to install Eclipse Hono using Helm and have the latest Helm version 3.3.0 installed in the system. I tried to follow the instructions from here -
I created the hono namespace with command -
minikube kubectl create namespace hono
And then tried to install hono with this command -
helm install --dependency-update -n hono eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono
but I got this error -
Error: failed to download "eclipse-iot/hono" (hint: running helm repo update may help)
I had searched for solutions related to this error and read that the chart repository should be added first. what is the name of the chart repository for eclipse hono?
Basically I want to know what I could be missing so that hono can be installed on my system or if there is an alternate method to install hono successfully on my local system. I have minikube version: v1.12.3 and windows version 10

You should follow the instructions provided on the IoT Packages project page.
After that you should do a helm repo update. The helm install command should then be able to download the chart successfully.


cloudflared installed on Compute Engine (Debian GNU/Linux) but cloudflared command is not found via Cloud Shell

I have to install Argo Tunnel on my server, VM on Compute Engine (Image Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, 10 (buster), amd64 built on 20200902, supports Shielded VM features), but cannot pass the cloudflared installation step.
I followed the instructions on the developers portal:
And downloaded amd64 / x86-64 package for Linux,
I also used this code and installed cloudflared on my VM
git clone
cd cloudflared/
go clean
go get
make cloudflared
I see the directory, but I cannot check the version to verify if I install everything properly (documentation).
changerz_critical#cloudshell:~/cloudflared (global-
road-289110)$ cloudflared --version
-bash: cloudflared: command not found
I honestly read through all available docs and could not find anything that could help to solve this issue.
Would be very thankful for any help.
To install cloudflared on your VM instance please follow steps below:
Create VM instance:
$ gcloud beta compute instances create instance-1 --zone=europe-west3-a --machine-type=e2-medium --image=debian-10-buster-v20200910 --image-project=debian-cloud
Connect to VM instance via SSH:
$ gcloud compute ssh instance-1
Download and install cloudflared by using .deb package:
instance-1:~$ wget
instance-1:~$ sudo dpkg --install cloudflared-stable-linux-amd64.deb
Check the version:
instance-1:~$ cloudflared --version
cloudflared version 2020.9.0 (built 2020-09-14-2204 UTC)
Follow the instructions:
instance-1:~$ Please open the following URL and log in with your Cloudflare account:
Leave cloudflared running to download the cert automatically.
Unfortunately, I don't have a domain to check the full setup. For further instructions I'd recommend you to post a new question at Cloudflare community.
Solved with
git clone cd cloudflared/ go clean go get make cloudflared

How to install the latest version of NuGet.exe CLI in Ubuntu 18.04 WSL?

I have WSL 18.04 (Ubuntu) and I want to use NuGet.exe to install a Nuget Package to a folder (not .csproj) using the code below:
nuget install Test.Nuget.Version -OutputDirectory packages
In WSL, I use sudo apt install nuget. However that will only install an old nuget version in Ubuntu. =(
In order to run nuget install command, I must use the latest version of NuGet version (5.x.x) installed in Ubuntu.
Is it possible to install latest NuGet version in Ubuntu?
If yes, how can I do so?
Normally you can get nuget to update itself:
nuget.exe update -self
However recently, because I assume they have updated the min TLS version, one can get the following error:
The authentication or decryption has failed.
Error while sending TLS Alert (Fatal:InternalError): System.IO.IOException:
So your nuget version has to be new enough to upgrade itself.
So you have to get a new nuget.exe by alternative means:
curl -o nuget.exe

How to publish azure function in python using docker from my machine to azure?

when I'm trying to publish my azure function in python to azure I get this following error.
pip version 10.0.1, however version 19.2.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
ERROR: cannot install cryptography-2.7 dependency: binary dependencies without wheels are not supported. Use the --build-native-deps option to automatically build and configure the dependencies using a Docker container. More information at
So, I have install docker and I have tried to push my function using the following command
func azure functionapp publish timertriggerforstreaming --build-native-deps
I didn't do anything I have just installed docker,
when I tried to publish I get the following error when I was using docker on windows container(My machine is windows 10).
Error running docker pull
output: 2.0.12493-python3.6-buildenv: Pulling from azure-functions/python
image operating system "Linux" cannot be used on this platform
Again I switch from Windows to Linux and again tried the same now it's taking a long time and I'm seeing the following output for a long time.
see the image
Is the way I'm doing it right or wrong, or I need to Dockerize azure function on my own and to publish it
Follow this doc for deployment :

TeamCity Azure Resource Manager Template: Missing MSBuild

I'm using the Azure Resource Manager Template to generate an Azure TeamCity server with an agent on the same Linux CoreOS Azure VM. All the tools are there for building .NET Core projects, but for Xamarin projects, I need the Visual Studio Build Tools enabled on the box.
Following the instructions on, I tried logging onto the agent by connecting to the VM via SSH, and then running:
docker exec -it [container id] bash
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF
apt install apt-transport-https
echo "deb vs-xenial main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-vs.list
apt update
apt install mono-devel #Also apt-install mono-complete
However, even after rebooting the TeamCity VM, there is still an unmet requirement, listed as "Mono4.5_x86 exists".
Installing Mono on the agent works; however, every time I restart the agent, the installation is removed.
How can I install Mono on the build agent so that it persists when I restart the agent?
This took ages to fix, but I managed to find the solution eventually.
By default, the Azure Resource Manager for TeamCity does not contain Mono in its Docker image. You can install Mono on the Docker image, but then as soon as you restart the agent, the changes are not persisted.
You have to customise it following the instructions in
Start off by creating a new image:
docker run -it -e SERVER_URL="http://<my-teamcity-server>" -v /mnt/data/teamcity-mono-agent:/data/teamcity_agent/conf --name="teamcity-mono-agent" jetbrains/teamcity-agent
Then start the agent using
docker start teamcity-mono-agent
Start a bash session in the agent with
docker exec -it teamcity-mono-agent bash
and in the bash terminal, install Mono using the sequence of instructions in the original question. (You may need to check the version of Linux that is running in the container, and modify these steps accordingly. There are detailed instructions on the Mono website.)
Once you have installed Mono, check the installation by typing mono, and then exit the bash session.
Commit the image using
docker commit teamcity-mono-agent mono-agent
And then restart the agent:
docker restart teamcity-mono-agent
In your TeamCity project, go to the build step and choose "MSBuild" from the dropdown. Choose "Mono xBuild 4.5" for the MSBuild version, "4.0" for the MSBuild Tools version, and x64 for the Platform.
Your new agent should now be able to pick up builds that require Mono.

How to install Kubernetes from release binary

I'm trying to run Kubernetes on a local Centos server and have had some issues (for example, with DNS). A version check shows that I'm running Kubernetes 1.2 Alpha 1. Since the full release is now available from the Releases Download page, I'd like to upgrade and see if that resolves my issue. The documentation for installing a prebuilt binary release states:
Download the latest release and unpack this tar file on Linux or OS X, cd to the created kubernetes/ directory, and then follow the getting started guide for your cloud.
However, the Getting Started Guide for Centos says nothing about using a prebuilt binary. Instead, it tells you to set up a yum repo and run a yum install command:
yum -y install --enablerepo=virt7-docker-common-release kubernetes
This command downloads and installs the Alpha1 release. In addition, it attempts to install Docker 1.8 (two releases down from the current 1.10), which fails if Docker is already installed.
How can I install from a prebuilt binary and use an existing Docker?
According to the Table of Solutions for installing Kubernetes, the maintainer of the CentOS getting started guide is #coolsvap. You should reach out to him to ask about getting the pre-built binary updated to the official release.
