Preview not loading in crafter studio because of HTTP and HTTPS mixed content - crafter-cms

where should I add settings to change the scheme to HTTPS from HTTP in crafter authoring configurations.
Error in Chrome console
Mixed Content: The page at ''
was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame
''. This request has been blocked; the
content must be served over HTTPS.
# Content root folder. The {siteName} variable will be automatically replaced. This is a file URL, even in Windows forward
# slashes (/) should be used, e.g. file:/C:/crafter/data/repos/sites/{siteName}/sandbox${}/repos/sites/{siteName}/sandbox/
# The URL of Crafter Search
# The URL of Crafter Profile
# If the Security Provider is enabled
# The timespan of a single "tick". 60 000 == 1 minute
## Studio Core Configuration File ##
## Location of Override Config File ##
# Load override configuration files (to override what's defined here)
studio.config.overrideConfig: crafter/studio/extension/studio-config-override.yaml
## Content Repository ##
# Absolute path to repository base (all actual repositories will be under this)
studio.repo.basePath: ${}/repos
# Global repository path (automatically goes under repo-base-path)
studio.repo.globalRepoPath: global
# Sites repositories base path (automatically goes under repo-base-path)
studio.repo.sitesRepoBasePath: sites
# Sandbox git repository name under every site
studio.repo.siteSandboxPath: sandbox
# Sandbox git repository branch for every site
studio.repo.siteSandboxBranch: master
# Published git repository name under every site
studio.repo.sitePublishedPath: published
# If not using environment-config.xml, environments are configured here
# Git repository branch for the `live` environment, default "live" live
# Git repository branch for the `staging` environment, default "staging"
studio.repo.published.staging: staging
# Blueprints folder name under global
studio.repo.blueprintsPath: blueprints
# Bootstrap the repository with fresh content if no repository is detected in the paths specified. Default is true.
studio.repo.bootstrapRepo: true
# Defines size of a batch when rebuilding crafter repository metadata stored in database.
studio.repo.rebuildMetadata.batchSize: 100
# Sandbox repository write commit message
studio.repo.sandbox.write.commitMessage: "User {username} wrote content {path}"
# Published repository commit message
studio.repo.published.commitMessage: "Publish event triggered by {username} on {datetime} via {source}.\n\nPublish note from user: \"{message}\"\n\nCommit ID: {commit_id}\n\nPackage ID: {package_id}"
# Create new repository commit message
studio.repo.createRepository.commitMessage: "Create new repository."
# Create sandbox branch commit message
studio.repo.createSandboxBranch.commitMessage: "Create {sandbox} branch."
# Initial commit message
studio.repo.initialCommit.commitMessage: "Initial commit."
# Blueprints updated commit message
studio.repo.blueprintsUpdated.commitMessage: "Blueprints updated."
# Create folder commit message
studio.repo.createFolder.commitMessage: "Created folder site: {site} path: {path}"
# Delete content commit message
studio.repo.deleteContent.commitMessage: "Delete file {path}"
# Move content commit message
studio.repo.moveContent.commitMessage: "Moving {fromPath} to {toPath}"
# Copy content commit message
studio.repo.copyContent.commitMessage: "Copying {fromPath} to {toPath}"
# The cron expression used on scheduled cleanup of repositories
studio.repo.cleanup.cron: '0 0 3 ? * SUN'
## Site Configuration ##
# Location where global configuration files are stored. /configuration
# File name where global configuration of user role mappings is stored. global-role-mappings-config.xml
# File name where global configuration of user permissions mappings is stored. global-permission-mappings-config.xml
# UI Resource override path crafter/studio/ui
# Studio system site name studio_root
# Root location where configuration for all sites is stored inside repository. /config/studio
# Location pattern where environment specific configuration for a site is stored /config/studio/environment
# Location where content types are stored for a site. /config/studio/content-types
# Location where content types configuration files are stored for a site. /config/studio/content-types/{content-type}
# File name where site configuration is stored. site-config.xml
# File name where configuration of user permissions mappings is stored for a site. permission-mappings-config.xml
# File name where configuration of user role mappings is stored for a site. role-mappings-config.xml
# Defines name used for environment specific configuration. It is used for environment overrides in studio. Default value is local. local
# File name where environment specific configuration is stored environment-config.xml
# File name where configuration of content type is stored. config.xml
# Default user groups when site is created Author,Publisher,Developer,Reviewer,Admin
# Default admin group when site is created to add creator as admin Admin
# Location where data sources configuration is stored for a site. /config/studio/data-sources
# File name where data sources configuration is stored. cmis-config.xml
# Destroy site context url for preview engine /api/1/site/context/destroy.json?crafterSite={siteName}
# Location pattern where dependency resolver specific configuration for a site is stored /config/studio/dependency
# File name where dependency specific configuration is stored resolver-config.xml
# Repo path to look for the AWS configuration file /config/studio/aws
# Name of the AWS configuration file aws.xml
# Repo path to read the Box configuration /config/studio/box/box.xml
# Repo path to read the WebDAV configuration /config/studio/webdav/webdav.xml
# Regex pattern for item specific dependencies
studio.configuration.dependency.itemSpecificPatterns: /site/components/page/.*,/static-assets/page/.*,/site/components/item/.*,/static-assets/item/.*
# Repo path to the asset processing config /config/studio/asset-processing/asset-processing-config.xml
# Default preview URL ^https?://localhost(:\d*)?/?
# Default authoring URL ^https?://localhost(:\d*)?/studio/?
## Import Service ##
# Defines content processor workflow assignee for import process.
studio.import.assignee: admin
# Defines content processor chain name used for processing xml content.
studio.import.xmlChainName: importContent
# Defines content processor chain name used for processing assets.
studio.import.assetChainName: assetContent
## Notification Service ##
# Path where the notification configuration is located
studio.notification.configurationFile: /config/studio/workflow/notification-config.xml
# Timezone for the email template engine (which determines how FreeMarker interprets `now` etc.)
studio.notification.timezone: UTC
## Workflow Service ##
# Turn on/off (value true/false) publishing without dependencies.
# When turned on workflow service does not perform check if deployment package includes all necessary dependencies for content that is being published.
studio.workflow.publishingWithoutDependencies.enabled: false
## Activity Service ##
########################################################## false
## Dependencies Service ##
# Defines paths that will be excluded from dependency rules. Common usage is for files that are not site content themselves, but are system or files packaged with engine.
# Valid values are regular expressions and for multiple regular expressions, they are separated by comma (,).
studio.dependencies.ignoreDependenciesRules: /templates/system/common/cstudio-support.*\\.ftl,/templates/web/navigation/.*\\.ftl
# Turn on (value true) or off (value false) manual approving for dependencies when publishing content.
# When turned on, dependencies service does not perform check if deployment package includes all necessary dependencies for content that is being published.
studio.dependencies.manualDependencyApproving.enabled: false
## Object State Service ##
# Defines size of a batch when executing object state operation on big path packages (bulk operations). Limitation on bulk operations is imposed by jdbc drivers and limits on number of parameters for sql statements.
studio.objectState.bulkOperationsBatchSize: 500
## Security Service ##
# HTTP Session timeout for studio (value is in minutes). 60
# Urls to be treated as exception to the rules. /api/1/services/api/1/security/validate-session.json,/api/1/services/api/1/publish/status.json
# Public URLs /api/1/services/api/1/server/get-available-languages.json, /api/1/services/api/1/server/get-ui-resource-override.json, /api/1/services/api/1/monitor/status.json
# Defines security provider for accessing repository. Possible values:
# db (users are stored in database)
# ldap (users are imported from LDAP into the database) headers
studio.authentication.headers.logout.enabled: true
studio.authentication.headers.logout.url: /saml/logout?ReturnTo={baseUrl}
# Salt for encrypting {{ craftercms_authoring_cipher_salt }}
# Key for encrypting {{ craftercms_authoring_cipher_key }}
# Cipher type AES
# Cipher algorithm AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
# Forgot password email subject Forgot Password
# Forgot password email template /templates/system/email/forgotPassword.ftl
# Forgot password token time-out period in minutes 60
# Reset password service url "#/reset-password"
# LDAP Server url ldap://localhost:389
# LDAP bind DN (user) cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com
# LDAP bind password secret
# LDAP base context (directory root) dc=my-domain,dc=com
# LDAP username attribute uid
# LDAP first name attribute cn
# LDAP last name attribute sn
# LDAP email attribute mail
# LDAP site ID attribute crafterSite
# LDAP site ID attribute name regex .*
# LDAP site ID attribute match index 0
# LDAP group name match index for the site ID attribute 1
# LDAP groups attribute crafterGroup
# LDAP groups attribute name regex .*
# LDAP groups attribute match index 0
# LDAP default site if site ID attribute not found default
# Global admin group crafter-admin
# Studio authentication chain configuration
# Authentication provider type
- provider: HEADERS
# Authentication via headers enabled
enabled: true
# Authentication header for secure key
secureKeyHeader: secure_key
# Authentication headers secure key that is expected to match secure key value from headers
# Typically this is placed in the header by the authentication agent, e.g. Apache mod_mellon
secureKeyHeaderValue: secure
# Authentication header for username
usernameHeader: username
# Authentication header for first name
firstNameHeader: firstname
# Authentication header for last name
lastNameHeader: lastname
# Authentication header for email
emailHeader: email
# Authentication header for groups: comma separated list of sites and groups
# Example:
# site_author,site_xyz_developer
groupsHeader: groups
# Enable/disable logout for headers authenticated users (SSO)
logoutEnabled: true
# If logout is enabled for headers authenticated users (SSO), set the endpoint of the SP or IdP logout, which should
# be called after local logout. The {baseUrl} macro is provided so that the browser is redirected back to Studio
# after logout (https://STUDIO_SERVER:STUDIO_PORT/studio)
logoutUrl: /saml/logout?ReturnTo={baseUrl}
## Page Navigation Order Service ##
# Defines base increment for page navigation order when new content is created.
studio.pageNavigationOrder.increment: 1000
## Content Processors ##
# Location where groovy script for content lifecycle processor is stored.
studio.contentProcessor.contentLifeCycle.scriptLocation: /config/studio/content-types/{content-type}/controller.groovy
# Path pattern where system assets are stored.
studio.contentProcessor.assetsSystemPath: /static-assets/system
## Email Service ##
# Default value for from header when sending emails.
studio.mail.from.default: {{ craftercms_authoring_email_from_header }}
# SMTP server name to send emails. {{ craftercms_authoring_email_host }}
# SMTP port number to send emails.
studio.mail.port: 25
# SMTP username for authenticated access when sending emails.
studio.mail.username: {{ craftercms_authoring_email_username }}
# SMTP password for authenticated access when sending emails.
studio.mail.password: {{ craftercms_authoring_email_password }}
# Turn on/off (value true/false) SMTP authenaticated access protocol.
studio.mail.smtp.auth: true
# Enable/disable (value true/false) SMTP TLS protocol when sending emails.
studio.mail.smtp.starttls.enable: true
# Enable/disable (value true/false) SMTP EHLO protocol when sending emails.
studio.mail.smtp.ehlo: false
# Enable/disable (value true/false) debug mode for email service. Enabling debug mode allows tracking/debugging communication between email service and SMTP server.
studio.mail.debug: false
## Studio Jobs ##
# Defines chunk size for big deployment packages. Deployment package is divide and processed in chunks of specified size.
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.processingChunkSize: 1000
# Turn on/off (value true/false) check if mandatory dependencies of deployed content are included in deployment package.
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.mandatoryDependenciesCheckEnabled: true
# Publishing default status message
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.status.message.default: "idle|Idle"
# Publishing idle status message
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.status.message.idle: "idle|Last successful publish was for package:
{package_id} on {datetime} with {package_size} items"
# Publishing busy status message
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.status.message.busy: "busy|Currently publishing item: {item_path} on {datetime}"
# Publishing publishing status message
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.status.message.publishing: "publishing|Currently publishing package: {package_id} on {datetime}"
# Publishing queued status message
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.status.message.queued: "queued|Items queued for publishing"
# Publishing stopped by error status message
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.status.message.stopped.error: "stopped|Stopped while trying to publish item: {item_path} on {datetime}"
# Publishing stopped by user status message
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.status.message.stopped.user: "stopped|User {username} disabled publishing for
site on {datetime}"
# Publishing stopped by user status message
studio.job.deployContentToEnvironment.status.message.started.user: "started|User {username} enabled publishing for
site on {datetime}"
# Defines master publishing node in clustered environment. Value false disables publishing (even in non-clustered environment).
studio.job.deployment.masterPublishingNode: true
## Content Type Filter Patterns ##
# Define dashboard filter pattern for pages. Value is regular expression executed against content path.
studio.contentTypes.filter.pages.includePattern: ^/page/.*
# Define dashboard filter pattern for components. Value is regular expression executed against content path.
studio.contentTypes.filter.components.includePattern: ^/component/.*
# Define dashboard filter pattern for documents. Value is regular expression executed against content path.
studio.contentTypes.filter.documents.includePattern: ^/document/.*
## Preview Deployer ##
# Default preview deployer URL (can be overridden per site)
studio.preview.defaultPreviewDeployerUrl: http://localhost:9191/api/1/target/deploy/preview/{siteName}
# Default preview create target URL (can be overridden per site)
studio.preview.createTargetUrl: http://localhost:9191/api/1/target/create
# Default preview create target URL (can be overridden per site)
studio.preview.deleteTargetUrl: http://localhost:9191/api/1/target/delete/{siteEnv}/{siteName}
# URL to the preview repository (aka Sandbox) where authors save work-in-progress
studio.preview.repoUrl: ${}/repos/sites/{siteName}/sandbox
# URL to the preview Crafter Engine
studio.preview.engineUrl: http://localhost:8080
# Name of template to use with the deployer for preview
studio.preview.templateName: local
# Replace existing configuration if one exists?
studio.preview.replace: true
# Disable deploy cron job for preview target
studio.preview.disableDeployCron: true
## Preview Search ##
############################################################ http://localhost:8080/crafter-search/api/2/admin/index/create http://localhost:8080/crafter-search/api/2/admin/index/delete/{siteName}
## Publishing Manager ##
# Defines file name for index files (page containers). Default value is index.xml
studio.publishingManager.indexFile: index.xml
# Turn on/off (value true/false) publishing without dependencies.
# When turned on, deployment engine does not check for missing mandatory dependencies of published content.
studio.publishingManager.publishingWithoutDependencies.enabled: false
## Database ##
# Embedded database configuration
# JDBC driver and Java class used for accessing crafter database
studio.db.driver: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
# Username used for authentication to access crafter database.
studio.db.username: crafter
# Password used for authentication to access crafter database.
studio.db.password: crafter
# Connection string used when connecting database with JDBC driver
# Format:
# Note that a relative path is not suitable for a production deployment
studio.db.url: jdbc:mariadb://
# Defines initial number of database connections in database connection pool
studio.db.pool.initialConnections: 10
# Defines maximum number of active database connections in database connection pool
studio.db.pool.maxActiveConnections: 100
# Defines maximum number of idle database connections to retain in database connection pool.
studio.db.pool.maxIdleConnections: 30
# Defines minimum number of idle database connections to retain in database connection pool.
studio.db.pool.minIdleConnections: 10
# Defines maximum waiting time for a database connection to become available (value is in milliseconds).
studio.db.pool.maxWaitTime: 10000
# Turn database initializer on (value true) or off (value false).
# When initializer is turned off, system will not try to initialize database on startup.
# When system is starting for the first time initializer must be turned on.
# When database already exists, initializer can be turned off for faster startup. If database is deleted or dropped
# for any reason, initializer needs to be turned on.
studio.db.initializer.enabled: true
# Connection string used to initialize database
studio.db.initializer.url: jdbc:mariadb://
# Configure database SQL script location
studio.db.initializer.configureDbscriptLocation: crafter/studio/database/configureDB.sql
# Create database SQL script location
studio.db.initializer.createDbscriptLocation: crafter/studio/database/createDDL.sql
# Upgrade database SQL script location
studio.db.initializer.upgradeDbScriptLocation: crafter/studio/database/upgrade-{version}.sql
# Enable random admin password generation
studio.db.initializer.randomAdminPassword.enabled: false
# Random admin password length
studio.db.initializer.randomAdminPassword.length: 16
# Random admin password allowed chars
studio.db.initializer.randomAdminPassword.chars: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!##$%^&*_=+-/
# Test database connections retrieved from the pool before being used (value true).
# If value is set to false database connection will not be tested before being used.
studio.db.testOnBorrow: true
# The SQL query to validate the connection for database
studio.db.validationQuery: SELECT 1
# Defines the amount of time, in seconds, that connection validation will wait for a response from the database when executing a validation query.
# Use a value less than or equal to 0 for no timeout.
studio.db.validationInterval: 34000
# Base folder for the embedded database
studio.db.basePath: ${sys:crafter.bin.dir}/dbms
# Data folder for the embedded database
studio.db.dataPath: ${}/db
# Port number for the embedded database (note this must match what's in the connection URLs in this config file)
studio.db.port: 33306
# Socket path for the embedded database
studio.db.socket: ${}/MariaDB4j.33306.sock
## Asset Processing ##
# The global Tinify API key used for image processing (empty by default)
## CORS ##
# This is configured as permissive by default for ease of deployment
# Remember to tighten this up for production
# Disable CORS headers completely
studio.cors.disable: false
# Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header '*'
# Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header
studio.cors.headers: '*'
# Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header
studio.cors.methods: '*'
# Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header
studio.cors.credentials: true
# Value for the Access-Control-Max-Age header
studio.cors.maxage: -1
I tried changing these to https, but that did not help.
Crafter CMS version is 3.1.0

Check your environment-config.xml and make sure you're not mixing http and https in the same authoring environment.
One thing to consider is to upgrade to Crafter CMS 3.1.9 which has a built-in proxy that replaces the environment-config mechanics with something better.
You can read more about the proxy here:
Crafter CMS 3.1.9 is due to be released 2020.08.24, and you can get a version to test with immediately by building the support/3.1.x branch from GitHub:


Python : Implementing Feature Flags based on Environment (dev, prod)

I would like the features to be based on the environment. For example a feature is being worked or tested so I could have it on in DEV , but it's not ready for the public, so it's turned off in PROD.
Do I need to implement a custom strategy or can I use one of the existing strategies in a creative way?
If there any concise example that would be most helpful.
The easiest way I’ve found to implement feature flags at the environment level is to use a third-party hosted management system. Many feature flag services allow you to control which environment a flag will be enabled in. In the example below, I used DevCycle’s Python SDK, referencing feature flags and environments I had created in the DevCycle dashboard.
First, I installed the SDK from the command line:
$ pip install devcycle-python-server-sdk
Then I initialized the SDK it with the SDK key that corresponded to my desired environment. In this case, I used the key for my Dev environment. DevCycle provides SDK keys for each environment you set up.
from __future__ import print_function
from devcycle_python_sdk import Configuration, DVCClient
from import ApiException
configuration = Configuration()
# Set up authorization
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'SDK_KEY_FOR_DEV_ENV'
# Create an instance of the API class
dvc = DVCClient(configuration)
# Create user object. All functions require user data to be an instance of the UserData class
user = UserData(
key = 'enable-feature-flag' # feature flag key created in the DevCycle Dashboard
# Fetch variable values using the identifier key, with a default value and user object
# The default value can be of type string, boolean, number, or JSON
flag = dvc.variable(user, key, False)
# Use received value of feature flag.
if flag.value:
# Put feature code here, or launch feature from here
# Put existing functionality here
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DVCClient->variable: %s" %e)
By passing in the SDK key for my Dev environment, 'SDK_KEY_FOR_DEV_ENV', it gives my program access to only the features enabled in Dev. You can choose which environment(s) a feature is enabled in directly from the DevCycle dashboard. So if 'enable-feature-flag' was set to true for your Dev environment, you would see your feature. Likewise, you could set 'enable-feature-flag' to false in your Prod environment, and replace 'SDK_KEY_FOR_DEV_ENV' with the key for your Prod environment. This would disable the new functionality from Prod.
Full disclosure: My name is Sandrine and I am a Developer Advocate for DevCycle. I hope this answer helps you get started on environment-specific feature flags.

No URLMap entries found in application configuration

I am trying to deploy a node.js application to Google App Engine Standard as per the instructions available on the following link
When I deploy I get the following error
C:\Code\NodeJS\nodejs-docs-samples\appengine\hello-world\standard (master)
λ gcloud app deploy
ERROR: ( An error occurred while parsing file: [C:\Code\NodeJS\nodejs-docs-samples\appengine\hello-world\standard\app.yaml]
No URLMap entries found in application configuration
in "C:\Code\NodeJS\nodejs-docs-samples\appengine\hello-world\standard\app.yaml", line 17, column 1
The app.yaml file contents are as follows:
# Copyright 2017, Google, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# [START app_yaml]
runtime: nodejs8
# [END app_yaml]
Unlike the flexible environment in which your app itself is responsible for mapping request URLs to handlers, in the standard environment this is something that needs to be configured in the app.yaml file, so that GAE is aware of such mapping. From Handlers element (go through the entire table in that section, new in the standard environment):
The handlers element provides a list of URL patterns and
descriptions of how they should be handled. App Engine can handle URLs
by executing application code, or by serving static files uploaded
with the code, such as images, CSS, or JavaScript.
Patterns are evaluated in the order they appear in the app.yaml
file, from top to bottom. The first mapping whose pattern matches the
URL is the one used to handle the request.
All you need to do is provide at least one such URL handler mapping for your app.
Dan's answer got me on the right track.
For posterity's sake, here's an example app.yaml file to resolve that error message:
runtime: nodejs8
- url: /.*
secure: always
redirect_http_response_code: 301
script: auto

export liferay user group to OpenLDAP

I configured liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga4 with OpenLDAP. Users are imported into OpenLDAP from liferay. But User group of liferay are not exported into OpenLDAP. Here is my
ldap.user.default.object.classes.0=inetOrgPerson, top, top, groupOfUniqueNames,organizationalUnit
I have checked by clicking on 'Test LDAP Groups' button I can see around 5 groups which are created in OpenLDAP using OpenLDAP GUI but can't see any group which i create in liferay. Its not exporting User Groups its only exporting users. Please give some solution for this.
I think the keys you use on your file are wrong.
In the documentation we can read:
# Settings for exporting users from the portal to LDAP. This allows a user
# to modify his first name, last name, etc. in the portal and have that
# change pushed to the LDAP server. This setting is not used unless the
# property "ldap.auth.enabled" is set to true.
# Set this to true if groups and their associations should be exported from
# the portal to LDAP. This setting is not used unless the property
# "ldap.auth.enabled" is set to true.
So you should use:

Cannot open URL in UIWebView in ios 9.0

I get the following message when i try to open a URL in UIWebView-
App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file.
I already tried the method given here but I get the same error report at the console
NSAppTransportSecurity add to info.plist , data type is Dictionary, then add an item NSAllowsArbitraryLoads , which is boolean value and set it to YES, then restart the Xcode project and run.
NSAppTransportSecurity: -
A dictionary containing the settings for overriding default App Transport Security behaviors. The top level key for the app’s Info.plist file.

New user roles typo3 neos

I need to add new user roles, such as "TYPO3.Neos:Creator"
Typo3-neos Currently supported roles:"TYPO3.Neos:Editor", "TYPO3.Neos:Administrator". How can I do it?
Not sure, but it seems available roles are not stored in database, but rather are gathered from yaml configuration files (and stored in cache??).
So, add a role in any Policy.yaml file, like:
privileges: []
After that you can use the flow CLI command ./flow user:addrole <username> <role> to add a new role to a user (the roles are stored as comma-separated list in table typo3_flow_security_account, field roleidentifiers).
(Some more info about how yaml is cached: "The yaml files are cached, in development context that cache should be purged on every request (and on master that's a bit optimized so they will only be flushed in development context if there was really a change to the yaml). Stored in file: Data/Temporary/Production/Configuration/ProductionConfigurations.php")
