How to better understand Crate in Rust? - rust

In this book- Rust By Example,Chapter 11:
A crate is a compilation unit in Rust. Whenever rustc is called, is treated as the crate file.
According to this book, what about the source file ?
The Rust Reference | Crates and source files
The compilation model centers on artifacts called crates. Each compilation processes a single crate in source form, and if successful, produces a single crate in binary form: either an executable or some sort of library.
The Rust compiler is always invoked with a single source file as input, and always produces a single output crate. The processing of that source file may result in other source files being loaded as modules. Source files have the extension .rs.
According to this statement, I think:
Source file(.rs file) --> corresponding crate
Just like : .java --> .class
Now I can't understand this problem; I'm all at sea.

This is the key part of the material you've quoted:
The processing of that source file may result in other source files being loaded as modules.
If you examine a typical library, you will find a file called src/ which contains several lines like mod foo;. Each of those identifies another file src/ which the compiler will interpret as another module making up part of the crate (or it can contain the module directly, in the same file).
It is not that one source file makes up a crate: it's that starting from that one source file, you can find all the files making up the crate, as opposed to other compilation models where the compiler might be given many file names to start from.


Is it possible to have example-specific file?

In my library I have few examples -- (normally) each one is represented by a single x<N>.rs file living in examples directory.
One example uses a .proto file -- this file needs to be compiled during build (of said example) and it's generated output is used by example itself.
I've tried this in my Cargo.toml:
name = "x1"
path = "examples/x1/"
build = "examples/x1/"
but build key gets ignored when I run cargo build --example x1
Is it possible to have example-specific file?
If not -- what is the correct way to deal with this situation?
Edit: I ended up processing that .proto file in crate's (even though it is not required to build that crate) and using artefacts in the example like this:
pub mod my_proto {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
This is not possible. This issue explains why, but in a nutshell build scripts are used for whole crate. So you could move your example into separate crate.

How can I include an arbitrary set of Protobuf-built files without knowing their names?

I'm planning on using the rust-protobuf library. I've written a bash script that builds everything (including my code) and builds the .proto files I have into .rs files. The way the documentation tells me to proceed is to specifically just do:
mod foo;
for each of the .rs files generated. I'm hoping that my users can just drop in new .proto files into a directory, run the build script, and my code will take care of including all of the Rust implementations of the compiled .proto files.
I know Rust doesn't really support reflection, so is there some way I can essentially "determine all the .rs generated files in a directory and use them in my code" (in a TLDR statement).
You could write a Cargo build script which would scan your directory and generate a Rust file that looks like:
mod file1;
mod file2;
You can then include this file in your library with the include! macro.

Figure out code from what module is "use"d in a large rust project (servo)

I'm trying to read the code of servo. As an example, I'm looking at this code in
use url::Url;
..and I want to know which code this refers to (the answer is rust-url).
Per the Rust reference § Use declarations,
the paths contained in use items are relative to the crate root [...]
It is also possible to use self and super at the beginning of a use item to refer to the current and direct parent modules respectively.
All rules regarding accessing declared modules in use declarations apply to both module declarations and extern crate declarations.
The reference (§5 Crates and source files) does not explicitly say what a "crate root" is, but it does share that:
A crate contains a tree of nested module scopes. The top level of this tree is a module that is anonymous [...] The Rust compiler is always invoked with a single source file as input, and always produces a single output crate. The processing of that source file may result in other source files being loaded as modules.
So it seems that to find the crate root that the current file ( belongs to, we need to figure out what source file rustc is invoked with when building the crate. With Cargo this is specified in Cargo.toml and defaults to src/
path = "src/"
In my case, here's Cargo.toml and the has:
extern crate url;
pub mod layout_task;
So far so good. To find out what the extern crate refers to, we need to look at Cargo.toml again:
version = "0.2"
The cargo docs claim that "Dependencies from are not declared with separate sections", but apparently they can be... So we look the package up on

Global feature gates in Cargo

I would like to enable a feature gate for my entire Cargo project. For example, I would like #![feature(non_ascii_idents)] added to every source file. Is there a place to list them in Cargo.toml?
No, though you don't add feature gates to every source file; they are crate attributes. That is, you set them on the crate, not on every module.
There are two types of attributes:
file attributes (starting with #). They apply to the whole file only.
crate attributes (starting with #!). They apply to the whole crate at once.
What you want (#![feature(non_ascii_idents)]) is a crate attribute, so you need to place it once at the top of the crate's main file. That main file is usually:
src/ for binaries
src/ for libraries

Multiple Rust source files for cargo

If I have multiple .rs files in the src directory of a Cargo package, what are the rules for visibility, importing, etc.?
Currently, any extra (i.e. not the file that is explicitly identified as the source for the executable in Cargo.toml) files are ignored.
What do I need to do to fix this?
There is nothing special about Cargo at all in this way. It’s all the perfectly normal Rust module system. If Cargo will be compiling src/, that’s more or less equivalent to having executed rustc --crate-type lib src/ (there are more command line arguments in practice, but that’s the basics of it).
Other files are then used with mod, use and so forth. Files are not automatically imported or anything like that. This part is not documented very clearly yet; a couple of things that show briefly how to achieve things are and, but any non-trivial code base will use them and so you can pick just about any code base to look at for examples.
It's hard to say what you're getting tripped up on from the info you shared. Here are three seemingly trivial things that I still had to refer to the documentaton to figure out:
First of all,
mod foo;
looks like a declaration, but it without arguments it is actually something like an include. So you use the same keyword both for declaring and including modules, i.e. there is no using:: keyword.
Second, modules themselves can be public or private. If you didn't add a pub keyword both on the function in question AND on the containing module, that may be tripping you up.
pub mod foo {pub fn bar();}
Third, there seems to be an implicit module added at the top of every file. This is confusing; the reference manual talks about a strict separation between file paths and names, and the module paths in your code, but that abstraction seems to be leaky here.
Note, Rust is still pre-1.0 (0.12) at the time of writing, at the module system and file paths are relatively high level, so don't be surprised if what I said may already wrong by the time you read this.
Files are implicitly included from your rust code.
For instance, if a file src/ pointed by path in a [lib] or [[bin]] section of your Cargo.toml contains:
mod bar;
It tells cargo to build src/ too, and include it.
