Trouble importing packages in python - python-3.x

I had to reinstall Anaconda and Python in my computer. After that I have started getting troubles. Let me describe what are happening.
I installed Anaconda in Program Files. When I try accessing anaconda from start menu, I am getting the error.
Navigator Error
An unexpected error occurred on Navigator start-up
After that tried accessing Jupyter from Anaconda Prompt. Got the following error.
'jupyter' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Installed some packages from Anaconda Prompt and checked that they can be imported inside python from the shell.
After that from start menu I launched jupyter notebook. Inside Jupyter I again failed to import packages that I was able to access from Python prompt.
I am confused and lost. Would appreciate any help. I have done multiple install/uninstall.

Did you just update anything?
Try to import the same thing in Spyder or other python console. Check if it is giving detailed traceback for the issue.
Try updating conda, anaconda , anaconda-navigator from anaconda prompt.


Not able to import pandas on command line in Anaconda

command line prompt Powershell command prompt I am trying to import pandas lib from command line and Powershell prompt in Anaconda (version 2.1.4 under Windows 10 Home) but it is giving error, though it is working fine in Spyder, Jupyter and PyCharm in Anaconda. It is not working on normal windows command prompt also.
When I tried to re-install pandas using command "pip install pandas", it gives the message that the same has already been installed. I tried adding environmental variables but that also didn't work. A screenshots of the same are enclosed. The python version I am using is 3.10.4
I will be grateful if someone can help to sort out this problem.
According to the screenshot you provided, I think your input command caused you to enter the python environment on your local computer, not the virtual environment created by Anaconda.
Try typing "python" as the command to enter the interpreter instead of "python3".

ModuleNotFoundError when accessing python Flask within jupyter notebook in a virtual env

I have created an virtual env gcloudenv on my nividia nano running ubuntu. I was able to successfully install flask and required libraries and able to deploy my appengine into GCP from this virtual env. All my work is in python and I was using nano as my editor to get my code up and running. No issues so far.
my virtual env gcloudenv already has all the required packages for flask, jinga etc and I can see them when I run pip freeze.
Then I tried to work on Jupyter notebook as my code was getting little complicated and I didn't want to write full code and then run.
I already had jupyter notebook installed before creating the virtual env. I also installed jupyter within in virtual env as well.
So I followed the instruction to create a new kernel by running the following command:-
(gcloudenv) sunny#my-nano:~gcloudenv/MyApp/mainfolder$ pip install ipykernel
(gcloudenv) sunny#my-nano:~gcloudenv/MyApp/mainfolder$ ipython kernel install --user --
Now, I ran the notebook as:
(gcloudenv) sunny#my-nano:~gcloudenv/MyApp/mainfolder$
/home/gcloudenv/bin/jupyter notebook
When trying to import the flask I get the following error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask'
Note sure what is going on as I getting blanked out.
!pip install flask
in the beginning of your Jupyter notebook.
Finally I managed to solve my problem. Thanks to a wonderful post
In essence, I had 2 problems:-
1. I did not have a jupyter-notebook within my virtual env. Originally I thought I had it installed but that was incorrect. so whenever I tried to launch one, it was picking the first jupyter notebook it could find in the path.
The good way to find out which one is it pointing to , is to run which command
(gcloudenv) sunny#my-nano:~/gcloudenv$ which jupyter-notebook
For me, that was at:
I had in fact 3 copies of jupyter-notebook on my system. One was probably installed using sudo pip and therefore went into the root folder. Probably not a good thing to do.
So I installed a fresh jupyter-notebook with the following command:-
(gcloudenv) $ pip install jupyter notebook
2.Next is to check list of Jupyter kernels available by running the following from the jupyter notebook ( or from command line):
!jupyter kernelspec list (OR (gcloudenv) $jupyter kernelspec list
My jupyter notebook was not able to import flask libraries because it was pointing to a wrong kernel config outside of my virtualenv gcloudenv.
Available kernels:
gcloudenv /home/sunny/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/gcloudenv ( correct one)
python3 /home/sunny/gcloudenv/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
You can determine which python version it is picking by doing a 'more' on the file:-
(gcloudenv) $
Once I changed my kernel to point to python3 from within the notebook, it picked the correct path and all the relevant libraries I needed.
In summary when you hit the problem as mentioned above, do the following:-
check the path of the python ( whereis python or which python)
check if you are running the 'right' notebook. This is determined by the path and if you have sourced your virtualenv.
Install jupyter notebook using pip from within your virtualenv( do not use sudo)
Check the Jupyter kernel. This may be particularly relevant if you have a common jupyter notebook and you want to work with multiple virtualenv.

How to fix an error while using command 'import cv2' in Python

Actually I have installed and downloaded Anaconda in my laptop. I am supposed to do a project on Face Recognition using OpenCV. I have downloaded and installed OpenCV in my laptop, but whenever I give 'import cv2' command in Jupyter Notebook or in Spyder, it throws a "ValueError: source code string cannot contain null bytes" error. What shall I do?
How can I fix this?

PyCharm 2017.1, No module named 'kivy'

I could use (troubleshooting)help with getting Kivy imported in PyCharm. I am using:
Anaconda with Python 3 on 64-bit Windows 10 Pro
PyCharm 2017.1
Packages: NumPy, SciPy, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, Scrapy, Pattern, NetworkX, NLTK, scikit-learn, Selenium
I have installed Kivy following the instructions at
As evident from the screen shot, no errors occurred.
Still, when I run "import kivy" from PyCharm I get "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivy'".
I ran through the installation with someone on the #kivy channel and was assured that kivy is successfully installed.
When I pass import kivy; print(kivy.file) to the interpreter (opened from the CMD command line), I get returned among others:
Someone on #kivy suggested I check where PyCharm looks for kivy. How do I figure that out?
I'd appreciate any suggestions to identify the problem / resolve my issue.
Indeed, the installation of Kivy went fine. The problem turned out to be that I had to select the correct (updated) interpreter in the PyCharm settings.

Anaconda3 cannot open shared object file [works fine on py2.7 but not on py3.4]

I just tried to use pd.HDFStore in IPython Notebook with a Python 3 kernel (Anaconda 2&3 on Ubuntu 14.04)
import pandas as pd
store = pd.HDFStore('/home/Jian/Downloads/test.h5')
but it throws the following error
ImportError: HDFStore requires PyTables, " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" problem importing
I initially thought it's because pytables is somehow missing, but when I check $source activate py34 and $conda list, pytables 3.2.0 is already installed under anaconda python3 environment.
Also, if I switch to Python 2, for example, $source activate py27 and start ipython notebook, it works properly and no import error is thrown.
I guess that I must miss something for configuring pytables under anaconda python 3 env, but I cannot figure it out. Any help is highly appreciated.
I just tried on a fresh install of Anaconda3-2.3.0-Linux-x86_64 from official website and it ends up with the same error. When I try $locate in command line, nothing shows up.
This is a known issue that we are working on. When it is fixed, conda update --all will update the libraries and fix the issue.
