Merging module output map - terraform

I'm trying out the new for_each function on a module, which itself outputs some values that I need to pass into another resource.
module "vnets" {
source = "../caf-virtual-network"
for_each = var.vnet_list
diagnostics_map = local.diagnostics_map
location = var.ARM_LOCATION
netwatcher = local.netwatcher
networking_object = each.value
tags = var.global_settings.tags
virtual_network_rg = "${module.names.standard["resource-group"]}-${each.value.vnet.resource_group_name}"
depends_on = [
I can grab the output of the module for one or more of those objects by specifying something like this
output "subnets" { value = module.vnets["vnet_shared_services_object"].vnet_subnets } , which in turn looks like this:
"vnet_shared_services_object" = {
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
Here I'm specifying the output of ONE object, but I want to dynamically specify the output of both objects in one hit.
So I want this;
"vnet_shared_services_object" = {
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
"vnet_transit_object" = {
"AzureFirewallSubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"GatewaySubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/GatewaySubnet"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns"
...output to look like this:
subnets = {
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
"AzureFirewallSubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"GatewaySubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/GatewaySubnet"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns"
So i know doing the following will work, but the point i'm trying to make is that i don't know how many vnet modules i'm going to produce, and thus i need to make this dynamic:
output merge{
value = merge({
for key, value in module.vnets["vnet_shared_services_object"].vnet_subnets:
key => value
for key, value in module.vnets["vnet_transit_object"].vnet_subnets:
key => value
Using the guide on Terraform to flatten ( the output object works, but it's not how i wish for it to be:
output stuff {
value = flatten([
for key, value in module.vnets: [
for subnet, id in value.vnet_subnets: {
"${subnet}" = id
...which equats to:
stuff = [
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/rg-dev-uks-asdf-vnet-shared-services/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/rg-dev-uks-asdf-vnet-shared-services/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
...and so on
an FYI, this does not help me :(
output {
value = merge(
for key, value in module.vnets:
key => value.vnets_subnets
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

I'm not sure if I correctly understand the input maps, but I tried to replicate the issue creating some mock variables.
For that I created the following variables:
variable "vnets" {
default = {
"vnet_shared_services_object" = {
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
variable "vnet_subnets" {
default = {
"vnet_transit_object" = {
"AzureFirewallSubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"GatewaySubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/GatewaySubnet"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns"
Then the output was defiend as:
output stuff {
value = {for k,v in flatten([
for key, value in merge(var.vnets, var.vnet_subnets):
[for subkey1, subval1 in value: {"${subkey1}" = subval1}]
]): keys(v)[0] => values(v)[0]}
which resulted in:
stuff = {
"AzureFirewallSubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"GatewaySubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/GatewaySubnet"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns"

A colleague was able to answer this question with the following code:
locals {
subnet_list = {
for key, value in module.vnets:
key => value.vnet_subnets
subnet_map = merge(values(local.subnet_list)...)
it is the ... operator which is the key takeaway from this. you can look it up here;
... will expand a list of items to function parameters, hence you can call merge to merge a list of map


Create a second loop in Terraform using a condition

I'm a true beginner with Terraform, and here is my problem:
I need to create multiple objects using the same resource of this type:
resource "jamf_smartComputerGroup" "test_smart_1" {
name = "Test Smart 1"
criteria {
priority = 0
name = "UDID"
search_type = "is"
criteria {
priority = 1
name = "UDID"
search_type = "is not"
IMPORTANT: this resource can have zero or more criterias!
I have created the and terraform.vartf files as follow:
variable "jamf_smartComputerGroup_list" {
type = list(object({
SMCG_NAME = string
SMCG_CRITERIA = list(object({
jamf_smartComputerGroup_list = [
SMCG_NAME = "smcg_1"
SMCG_NAME = "smcg_2"
SMCG_NAME = "smcg_3"
SMCG_CRITERIA_TYPE = "exact match"
In the file I was able to loop through the objects, without criterias, using this:
resource "jamf_smartComputerGroup" "default" {
for_each = { for idx, val in var.jamf_smartComputerGroup_list : idx => val }
name = each.value.SMCG_NAME
But and I can't find the appropriate way to determine if one or more criterias are present; and if there is one more criterias, how to loop through them.
A far as I understand, I can't use two for_each verbs at the same time, and I can't use count with for_each.
Any examples will be appreciated :-) !
Emmanuel Canault
You have to use dynamic blocks:
resource "jamf_smartComputerGroup" "test_smart_1" {
for_each = { for idx, val in var.jamf_smartComputerGroup_list : idx => val }
name = each.value.SMCG_NAME
dynamic "criteria" {
` for_each = each.value.SMCG_CRITERIA
content {
priority = criteria.SMCG_CRITERIA_PRIORITY
name = criteria.SMCG_CRITERIA_NAME
search_type = criteria.SMCG_CRITERIA_TYPE
search_value = criteria.SMCG_CRITERIA_VALUE
Thanks #Marcin!
It works with small adaptation : criteria.value.SMCG_... instead of criteria.SMCG_...

How can I get a map using flatten in Terraform?

I have this variable:
applications = {
"app-name" = {
more_stuff = "x"
environments = ["dev", "stg"]
"workload" = {
random_thing = "y"
environments = ["dev"]
I want to create this map from it:
application_envs = {
"app-name-dev" = { more_stuff = "x" }
"app-name-stg" = { more_stuff = "x" }
"workload-dev" = { random_thing = "y" }
I've tried using flatten but I didn't have any success:
application_envs = flatten([
for application_key, application in var.applications : [
for env in application.environments : [
{"${application_key}-${env}" = workspace}
The problem is that it creates a list of objects:
result = [
{ "app-name-dev" = { ... } },
{ "app-name-stg" = { ... } },
How can I achieve the desired result?
You are headed in the correct direction, but for this kind of data transformation the algorithm requires two steps. Your first step is completely correct, but now you need the second step:
result = { for app_env in application_envs : keys(app_env)[0] => values(app_env)[0] }
This transforms the list(object) by iteratively mapping the key of each object element to the value of each object element. Testing the output produces:
result = {
app-name-dev = {
more_stuff = "x"
app-name-stg = {
more_stuff = "x"
as desired. Since the namespaces of the variables have been omitted from the question, I have likewise omitted them from the answer, but you may need to re-add them yourself when converting between the question code and the actual code.

How can I split out an 'any' variable in terraform?

I'm trying to get multiple values out of an 'any' type variable. I'm new to terraform and open to recommendations. Specifically for this example, I'd like to know how I can output the 'bucket_name' value in my outputs.
variable "replica_config" {
type = any
default = {
role = "role_name"
rules = [
id = "full-s3-replication"
status = true
priority = 10
delete_marker_replication = false
destination = {
bucket = "bucket_name"
storage_class = "STANDARD"
replica_kms_key_id = "key_id"
account_id = "account_id"
replication_time = {
status = "Enabled"
minutes = 15
Current Output:
output "output4" {
value = flatten(var.replica_config["rules"])
Since you you have a list for rules, you can use a splat expression as such:
output "output4" {
value = var.replica_config.rules[*].destination.bucket
Keep in mind, the output of this expression will also be a list. If you want a single item instead of a list, you can use an index.
For example:
output "output4" {
value = var.replica_config.rules[0].destination.bucket

dynamic block in module parameters

I'm trying to create terraform that calls a module and I need to be able to include a dynamic block in the parameters of the module call
this is the sort of thing i'm trying to do
module "eks" {
source = "../../modules/eks"
node_groups = [
name = "gp1"
gp_instance_count = 4
name = "gp2"
gp_instance_count = 2
variable "node_groups" {
type = list(object({
name = string
gp_instance_count = number
module "eks" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
dynamic self_managed_node_groups {
for_each = var.node_groups
content {
self_managed_node_groups.value["name"] = {
capacity_rebalance = true
use_mixed_instances_policy = true
desired_size = self_managed_node_groups.value[".gp_instance_count"]
What I'm hoping for here is to iterate around var.node_groups and create a "self_managed_node_groups" section.
This would pass the following to the module
gp1 = {
capacity_rebalance = true
use_mixed_instances_policy = true
desired_size = 4
} ,
gp2 = {
capacity_rebalance = true
use_mixed_instances_policy = true
desired_size = 2
I'm getting the error
87: self_managed_node_groups.value["name"] = {
An argument or block definition is required here. To set an argument, use the
equals sign "=" to introduce the argument value.```
if I hardcode the self_managed_node_groups.value["name"] value then I get the error
Blocks of type "dynamic" are not expected here.
It feels like what I'm trying to do is quite straightforward and i'm just missing something simple.
I'd appreciate any help at all on this!

How to create a set by loop over a nested map

I have a map that I want to read in locals and generate a new map from. One field in the new map will be a set containing the values from the nested data structure. I can't figure out the syntax to do this.
//I want to generate a set of all zones from the nested zone fields
variable "my_var" {
type = object({
name = string
google_bigtable_clusters = any
default = {
app_name = "sdfsdfds"
instances = {
instance01 = [
zone = "asia-east1-a"
num_nodes = 1
zone = "asia-east1-b"
num_nodes = 1
zone = "asia-east1-c"
num_nodes = 1
zone = "asia-east2-a"
num_nodes = 1
instance02 = [
zone = "europe-west2-a"
num_nodes = 1
zone = "europe-west2-b"
num_nodes = 1
zone = "europe-west2-c"
num_nodes = 1
zone = "europe-west3-a"
num_nodes = 1
This throws The key expression produced an invalid result: string required.
// locals
new_map = {
some_field = "arbitrary string"
set_of_zones = {
for item in var.my_var.instances : item => {
for subitem in item : => {
zone =
I also tried to get the key name but that didn't work: for item in var.my_var.instances : item.key => {
I was able to do this but I don't understand why I don't have access to the key name here. I want to use the instance01, instance02, etc key name here: for item in var.my_var.instances : item[0].zone => {.
First, your type for your variable is all messed up. You have:
type = object({
name = string
google_bigtable_clusters = any
This means that Terraform will accept a value for the variable only if it has these two fields: name (a string) and google_bigtable_clusters (can be anything).
Your default value has neither of these fields. Instead, it only contains app_name and instances, so that's likely the cause of the first issue.
Regarding why you can't access the key name in your for loop, you need to specify both the key and value:
set_of_zones = {
for key, val in var.my_var.instances :
key => {
for subval in val: => {
zone =
This is a really odd thing to want to do though, because you're going to end up with a map that looks like:
set_of_zones = {
instance01 = {
"asia-east1-a" => {
zone = "asia-east1-a"
Which doesn't seem super helpful since there is only one attribute in each map, and that attribute's value is the same as the key for that map.
