I am trying to get an svg path to be 'clickable' when put into an file rather than put in-line in the document.
Basically I just want to be able to click on the filled elements of an image, not any empty areas.
I have converted my PNG image to svg and got this working, so that when I click on the filled areas the code executes as I need to, but not when clicking on any empty areas.
To do this, I have only had to put in a 'class' to the 'path' tag to make the filled areas interactive via the code.
However, if I now put this svg code into a file and load it into an element, as seems to be the way to do it from what I've read, then it won't working.
I have already added the jquery add on files below, and while these have allowed other svg functions to work it hasn't allowed for this one.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/js/jquery.svg.css">
I am unable to interact with the internal svg path within the file even with some simple css. if I put the css into the file directly in a 'style' tag then the css is applied.
I am not sure where to go with this. I have several thousand images that need to have this functionality and each one has a lot of coding to create the path for the svg image so I really don't want to have to put all of these into the html document as it will be a nightmare to deal with.
I've seen people acheieving similar interactions but as yet I've not found one applying jquery or java or even a solution that will get the ability to vary css working.
here is the code for the svg, which is just using a test image rather than one of my own but works the same.
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0
300.000000 300.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<g transform="translate(0.000000,300.000000) scale(0.050000,-0.050000)" fill="#00000" stroke="none">
<!-- The <a> tag we've added -->
<path class="imageSelector" style="cursor: pointer;" d="M4390 5952 c-113 -53 -289 -221 -427
-409 -84 -114 -98 -125 -153
-117 -171 27 -523 -80 -714 -217 l-98 -71 -97 71 c-186 137 -427 215 -661 215
l-115 0 -91 123 c-228 310 -551 543 -524 378 5 -30 19 -167 31 -305 12 -137
30 -281 40 -318 17 -66 13 -74 -119 -213 -336 -354 -415 -830 -210 -1265 l50
-106 -38 -104 c-235 -632 -120 -1587 226 -1874 64 -53 11 -59 -607 -64 l-636
-6 -79 -55 c-242 -167 -208 -515 61 -637 75 -34 153 -37 1058 -38 l977 0 -13
-75 c-25 -132 -109 -254 -295 -425 -213 -197 -351 -454 -221 -414 553 173 689
197 799 139 298 -158 287 -155 466 -155 179 0 168 -3 466 155 110 58 246 34
799 -139 130 -40 -8 217 -221 414 -186 171 -270 293 -295 425 l-13 75 977 0
c905 1 983 4 1058 38 269 122 303 470 61 637 l-79 55 -636 6 c-618 5 -671 11
-607 64 346 287 461 1244 225 1877 l-39 107 51 103 c208 416 127 909 -208
1262 -135 141 -136 144 -120 222 10 43 27 178 39 299 13 121 27 258 32 305 5
47 7 85 5 85 -3 0 -50 -22 -105 -48z m-1960 -899 c250 -67 549 -348 550 -518
0 -19 9 -35 20 -35 11 0 20 16 20 35 1 170 300 451 550 518 734 196 1249 -740
706 -1280 -233 -231 -581 -286 -874 -138 -71 36 -130 63 -132 60 -2 -3 -61
-115 -132 -250 -70 -135 -132 -245 -138 -245 -6 0 -68 110 -138 245 -71 135
-130 247 -132 250 -2 3 -61 -24 -132 -60 -297 -151 -682 -79 -905 167 -500
553 23 1441 737 1251z m-55 -3239 c25 -23 45 -55 45 -72 0 -19 25 -1 61 43 78
95 190 105 270 26 47 -47 49 -60 49 -311 0 -251 -2 -264 -49 -311 -80 -79
-192 -69 -270 26 -40 49 -61 63 -61 41 0 -104 -198 -150 -294 -68 l-56 49 0
260 c0 246 3 262 47 310 75 79 175 82 258 7z m1146 -31 c36 -44 59 -60 59 -41
0 114 205 162 298 70 51 -52 52 -59 52 -314 l0 -261 -56 -49 c-93 -80 -294
-37 -294 63 0 16 -9 29 -20 29 -11 0 -20 -11 -20 -24 0 -108 -203 -155 -291
-67 -54 55 -75 504 -27 594 57 108 210 108 299 0z" />
<path d="M2090 4647 c-352 -186 -235 -697 160 -697 391 0 514 514 166 692 -91
46 -243 48 -326 5z" />
<path d="M3590 4647 c-352 -186 -235 -697 160 -697 391 0 514 514 166 692 -91
46 -243 48 -326 5z" />
If I put this into the document, it works fine. If I load it from a file, the image renders but I can't interact with the class for the path
this is the code for the flie load option:
<object class="imageClass" type="image/svg+xml" data="ImageFile.svg"></object>
thanks for any help on this
I have tried several ways to get this to work looking at options online and the help from suggestions below but I haven't had any success in getting the svg to be clickable at all when loaded from a file.
The only way I have been able to even access the inner elements of the svg file is using the following method with jquery.svg:
(document).ready(function() {
onLoad: function() { var svg = $("#divforSVG").svg('get');
svg.load('svgFile.svg', {addTo: true, changeSize: false});
settings: {}} );
$('#Button').click(function(e) {
var rect = $('#ImagePath');
This i found from the following link:
Modify a svg file using jQuery
This loads the svg file into an element, rather than placing the svg file within an object element in the html page, as seems to be the way suggested. This works, changing the colour by clicking on the button, and can apply this to any inner part of the svg file. However, I cannot find a way to bind a click event to the inner elements of the svg file.
The main method of accessing inner elements of the svg file using the object method, as set out in this link, I can't get to work at all to access any part of the svg element.
How to access SVG elements with Javascript
this seems to be the way to do it with normal javascript but I've not made any progress with it. If anyone has any suggestions on how I may be able to bind a click event using the jquery.svg method as set out above, or how to get the object element method working, I'd greatly appreciate it
If you reference a file in another file, that file is no longer part of the document object model, and Javascript can no longer interact with it. The file has its own, separate DOM.
You were right to use an <object> tag, because that gives you the possibility to bridge the gap between the two DOMs (something that would be impossible with an <img> tag). Basically, with
var childDocument = $('object.imageClass').prop('contentDocument')
you get access to the document interface of the SVG content - but only provided the linked file fullfills the same-origin policy.
Note carefully the role that jQuery plays in this. jQuery has been loaded into the parent document and is not present in the child document. So instead of selecting the SVG root element in the child document with $('svg'), you must use $(childDocument).find('svg'). You cannot traverse from one document to the other with .parent(), .children() or other traversal functions. You cannot delegate events from the child document to elements in the parent document.
The jquery-svg plugin would have to work with
var svg = $(childDocument).find('svg').svg('get')
I have a font that I'm using in SVG's that has hollow parts inside some letters:
How do I fill in just that inner part to get something like this?
I feel like it should be something with fill-rule + a clip or mask maybe?
#import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Bungee+Shade&display=swap');
<svg viewport="0 0 100 100">
<rect ry="8" rx="8" id="svg_2" height="100" width="100" y="0" x="0" stroke-width="5" fill="#bfbfbf"/><text font-family="Bungee Shade" text-anchor="middle" x="50" y="78" font-size="100" fill="Red">F</text>
There is no simple way to do what you want.
The trouble is that the font glyph has been designed with a hole in it. There is no CSS property that you can apply to the text that will fill in the hole.
You would need to convert the text to paths, then either:
import the paths into a vector editor and draw the missing fill, or
examine the paths definition and extract the section that corresponds to the "hole"
I suppose the other thing you could try is overlay the "Bungee Inline" font so that it lines up with the holes. You will likely have to fiddle with the font size and letterspacing. But it might work...
With 0.1em of letter spacing and a left margin of 0.145em, the inline font seems to match up fairly well. But for best results, use the tool at djr.com/bungee#tester, where you can generate SVGs quite easily. There's also a JQuery tool that you can use to style text automatically in web pages. It's made by the font's developer, so it ought to work perfectly.
Here's an SVG I made using their tool. It just needed a bit of editing to fit it into a square and add a background with rounded corners:
<svg version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='140' height='140' viewBox='6 39 140 140'>
<path id='shade-notdef' d='M735 -159C749 -159 760 -155 766 -149L896 -41C905 -33 910 -22 910 -4V724C910 756 896 770 864 770H136C122 770 111 767 104 761L-25 652C-34 644 -39 633 -39 615V-113C-39 -145 -25 -159 7 -159ZM711 591V20H160V591Z' />
<path id='shade-46' d='M131 -119C145 -119 156 -115 162 -109L292 -1C301 7 306 18 306 36V114H341C355 114 366 118 372 124L502 232C511 240 516 251 516 269V389C516 421 502 435 471 435L583 528C592 536 597 547 597 565V684C597 716 583 730 551 730H105C91 730 80 727 73 721L-56 612C-65 604 -70 593 -70 575V-73C-70 -105 -56 -119 -24 -119Z' />
<path id='outline-notdef' d='M864 -30C882 -30 890 -22 890 -4V724C890 742 882 750 864 750H136C118 750 110 742 110 724V-4C110 -22 118 -30 136 -30ZM860 720V0H140V720Z' />
<path id='outline-46' d='M105 -10H260C292 -10 306 4 306 36V223H470C502 223 516 237 516 269V389C516 421 502 435 470 435H306V519H551C583 519 597 533 597 565V684C597 716 583 730 551 730H105C73 730 59 716 59 684V36C59 4 73 -10 105 -10Z' />
<path id='regular-notdef' d='M900 -4V724C900 749 889 760 864 760H136C111 760 100 749 100 724V-4C100 -29 111 -40 136 -40H864C889 -40 900 -29 900 -4ZM850 10H150V710H850Z' />
<path id='regular-46' d='M260 0C285 0 296 11 296 36V233H470C495 233 506 244 506 269V389C506 414 495 425 470 425H296V529H551C576 529 587 540 587 565V684C587 709 576 720 551 720H105C80 720 69 709 69 684V36C69 11 80 0 105 0Z' />
<path id='inline-notdef' d='M120 -20H880V740H120ZM870 -10H130V730H870Z' />
<path id='inline-46' d='M178 90H188V324H416V334H188V620H497V630H178Z' />
<rect x='6' y='39' width='140' height='140' rx='10' ry='10' style='stroke:none;fill:#bfbfbf' />
<!-- Text: F (1 bytes) -->
<!-- F -->
<use transform='translate(37.76 150.08) scale(0.144 -0.144)' xlink:href='#shade-46' style='stroke:none;fill:#d74332' />
<!-- F -->
<use transform='translate(37.76 150.08) scale(0.144 -0.144)' xlink:href='#outline-46' style='stroke:none;fill:#d74332' />
<!-- F -->
<use transform='translate(37.76 150.08) scale(0.144 -0.144)' xlink:href='#regular-46' style='stroke:none;fill:#000000' />
<!-- F -->
<use transform='translate(37.76 150.08) scale(0.144 -0.144)' xlink:href='#inline-46' style='stroke:none;fill:#d74332' />
I convert PGN chess pieces into SVG files then load them up into Glyphr Studio that makes a .OTF file so that I use then in various chess programs.
Unfortunately after installing the font the white pieces are all transparent instead of being a solid white piece.
Could someone have a look at my code to see why I have this problem, this is the white rook.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="315.000000pt" height="271.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 315.000000 271.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<g transform="translate(0.000000,271.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M387 2423 c-4 -3 -7 -386 -7 -850 l0 -843 -57 -26 c-67 -29 -126 -82
-155 -138 -29 -57 -36 -173 -13 -233 24 -63 94 -135 158 -164 l52 -24 1205 0
c1161 0 1207 1 1254 19 200 77 252 338 95 481 -24 23 -70 51 -101 64 l-58 23
-2 847 -3 846 -305 0 -305 0 -3 -162 -2 -163 -130 0 -130 0 -2 163 -3 162
-305 0 -305 0 -3 -162 -2 -163 -130 0 -130 0 -2 163 -3 162 -301 3 c-165 1
-303 -1 -307 -5z m473 -298 l0 -165 270 0 270 0 0 165 0 165 170 0 170 0 0
-165 0 -165 270 0 270 0 0 165 0 165 170 0 170 0 0 -780 0 -780 -1050 0 -1050
0 0 780 0 780 170 0 170 0 0 -165z m1912 -1562 c118 -54 118 -202 0 -256 l-47
-22 -1150 0 -1150 0 -47 22 c-57 26 -88 71 -88 128 0 46 28 98 62 116 70 38
70 38 1238 36 l1135 -2 47 -22z"/>
I have a really strange problem and don't know how to solve it.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04.2 together with Python 3.7.3 64-bit and use VScode as an editor.
I am reading data from a database and write it to a csv file with csv.writer
import pandas as pd
import csv
with open(raw_path + station + ".csv", "w+") as f:
file = csv.writer(f)
# Write header into csv
colnames = [par for par in param]
# Write data into csv
for row in data:
This works perfectly fine, it provides a .csv file with all the data I read from the database up to the current timestep. However in a later working step I have to read this data to a pandas dataframe and merge it with another pandas dataframe. I read the files like this:
data1 = pd.read_csv(raw_path + file1, sep=',')
data2 = pd.read_csv(raw_path + file2, sep=',')
And then merge the data like this:
comb_data = pd.merge(data1, data2, on="datumsec", how="left").fillna(value=-999)
For 5 out of 6 locations that I do this, everything works perfectly fine, the combined dataset has the same length as the two seperate ones. However for one location pd.read_csv seems not to read the csv files properly. I checked whether the problem is already in the database readout but everything is OK there, I can open both files with sublime and they have the same length, however when I read them with pandas.read_csv one shows less lines. The best part is, this problem is appearing totally random. Sometimes it works and reads the entire file, sometimes not. AND it occures at different locations in the file. Sometimes it stops after approx. 20000 entries, sometimes at 45000, sometimes somewhere else.. just totally random.
Here is an overview of my test output when I print all the lengths of the files
print(len(data1)): 57105
print(len(data2)): 57105
both values directly after read out from database, before writing it anywhere..
After saving the data as csv as described above and opening it in excel or sublime or anything I can confirm that the data contains 57105 rows. Everything is where it is supposed to be.
However if I try to read the data as with pd.read_csv
print(len(data1)): 48612
print(len(data2)): 57105
both values after reading in the data from the csv file
data1 48612
datumsec tl rf ff dd ffx
0 1538352000 46 81 75 288 89
1 1538352600 47 79 78 284 93
2 1538353200 45 82 79 282 93
3 1538353800 44 84 71 284 91
4 1538354400 43 86 77 288 96
5 1538355000 43 85 78 289 91
6 1538355600 46 80 79 286 84
7 1538356200 51 72 68 285 83
8 1538356800 52 71 68 281 73
9 1538357400 48 75 68 276 80
10 1538358000 45 78 62 271 76
11 1538358600 42 82 66 273 76
12 1538359200 43 81 70 274 78
13 1538359800 44 80 68 275 78
14 1538360400 45 78 66 279 72
15 1538361000 45 78 67 282 73
16 1538361600 43 79 63 275 71
17 1538362200 43 81 69 280 74
18 1538362800 42 80 70 281 76
19 1538363400 43 78 69 285 77
20 1538364000 43 78 71 285 77
21 1538364600 44 75 61 288 71
22 1538365200 45 73 56 290 62
23 1538365800 45 72 44 297 57
24 1538366400 44 73 51 286 57
25 1538367000 43 76 61 281 70
26 1538367600 40 79 66 284 73
27 1538368200 39 78 70 291 76
28 1538368800 38 80 71 287 81
29 1538369400 36 81 74 285 81
... ... .. ... .. ... ...
48582 1567738800 7 100 0 210 0
48583 1567739400 6 100 0 210 0
48584 1567740000 5 100 0 210 0
48585 1567740600 6 100 0 210 0
48586 1567741200 4 100 0 210 0
48587 1567741800 4 100 0 210 0
48588 1567742400 5 100 0 210 0
48589 1567743000 4 100 0 210 0
48590 1567743600 4 100 0 210 0
48591 1567744200 4 100 0 209 0
48592 1567744800 4 100 0 209 0
48593 1567745400 5 100 0 210 0
48594 1567746000 6 100 0 210 0
48595 1567746600 5 100 0 210 0
48596 1567747200 5 100 0 210 0
48597 1567747800 5 100 0 210 0
48598 1567748400 5 100 0 210 0
48599 1567749000 6 100 0 210 0
48600 1567749600 6 100 0 210 0
48601 1567750200 5 100 0 210 0
48602 1567750800 4 100 0 210 0
48603 1567751400 5 100 0 210 0
48604 1567752000 6 100 0 210 0
48605 1567752600 7 100 0 210 0
48606 1567753200 6 100 0 210 0
48607 1567753800 5 100 0 210 0
48608 1567754400 6 100 0 210 0
48609 1567755000 7 100 0 210 0
48610 1567755600 7 100 0 210 0
48611 1567756200 7 100 0 210 0
[48612 rows x 6 columns]
datumsec tl rf schnee ival6
0 1538352000 115 61 25 107
1 1538352600 115 61 25 107
2 1538353200 115 61 25 107
3 1538353800 115 61 25 107
4 1538354400 115 61 25 107
5 1538355000 115 61 25 107
6 1538355600 115 61 25 107
7 1538356200 115 61 25 107
8 1538356800 115 61 25 107
9 1538357400 115 61 25 107
10 1538358000 115 61 25 107
11 1538358600 115 61 25 107
12 1538359200 115 61 25 107
13 1538359800 115 61 25 107
14 1538360400 115 61 25 107
15 1538361000 115 61 25 107
16 1538361600 115 61 25 107
17 1538362200 115 61 25 107
18 1538362800 115 61 25 107
19 1538363400 115 61 25 107
20 1538364000 115 61 25 107
21 1538364600 115 61 25 107
22 1538365200 115 61 25 107
23 1538365800 115 61 25 107
24 1538366400 115 61 25 107
25 1538367000 115 61 25 107
26 1538367600 115 61 25 107
27 1538368200 115 61 25 107
28 1538368800 115 61 25 107
29 1538369400 115 61 25 107
... ... ... ... ... ...
57075 1572947400 -23 100 -2 -999
57076 1572948000 -23 100 -2 -999
57077 1572948600 -22 100 -2 -999
57078 1572949200 -23 100 -2 -999
57079 1572949800 -24 100 -2 -999
57080 1572950400 -23 100 -2 -999
57081 1572951000 -21 100 -1 -999
57082 1572951600 -21 100 -1 -999
57083 1572952200 -23 100 -1 -999
57084 1572952800 -23 100 -1 -999
57085 1572953400 -22 100 -1 -999
57086 1572954000 -23 100 -1 -999
57087 1572954600 -22 100 -1 -999
57088 1572955200 -24 100 0 -999
57089 1572955800 -24 100 0 -999
57090 1572956400 -25 100 0 -999
57091 1572957000 -26 100 -1 -999
57092 1572957600 -26 100 -1 -999
57093 1572958200 -27 100 -1 -999
57094 1572958800 -25 100 -1 -999
57095 1572959400 -27 100 -1 -999
57096 1572960000 -29 100 -1 -999
57097 1572960600 -28 100 -1 -999
57098 1572961200 -28 100 -1 -999
57099 1572961800 -27 100 -1 -999
57100 1572962400 -29 100 -2 -999
57101 1572963000 -29 100 -2 -999
57102 1572963600 -29 100 -2 -999
57103 1572964200 -30 100 -2 -999
57104 1572964800 -28 100 -2 -999
[57105 rows x 5 columns]
To me there is no obvious reason in the data why it should have problems reading the entire file and obviously there are none, considering that sometimes it reads the entire file and sometimes not.
I am really clueless about this. Do you have any idea how to cope with that and what could be the problem?
I finally solved my problem and as expected it was not within the file itself. I am using multiprocesses to run the named functions and some other things in parallel. The reading from database + writing to csv file and reading from csv file are performed in two different processes. Therefore the second process (reading from csv) did not know that the csv file was still being written and read only what was already available in the csv file. Because the file was opened by a different process it did not throw an exception when being opened.
I thought I already took care of this but obviously not thoroughly enough, excluding every possible case.
I had completely the same problem with a different application and also did not understand what was wrong, because sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.
In a for loop, I was extracting the last two rows of a dataframe that I was creating in the same file. Sometimes, the extracted rows where not the last two at all, but most of the times it worked fine. I guess the program started extracting the last two rows before the writing process was done.
I paused the script for half a second to make sure the writing process is done:
import time
However, I don't think this is not a very elegant solution, since it might not be sufficient if somebody with a slower computer uses the script for instance.
Vroni, how did you solve this in the end, is there a way to define that a specific process must not be processed parallel with other tasks. I did not define anything about parallel processing in my program, so I think if this is the cause it is done automatically.
In my project, I need a SVG icon, but I am not good at SVG stuff. So far, I get the SVG image as following:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="768.000000pt" height="766.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 768.000000 766.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
<g fill="#b7e68f" transform="translate(0.000000,766.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
<path d="M3580 7650 c-14 -4 -48 -8 -76 -9 -53 -1 -200 -20 -344 -45 -324 -57
-682 -173 -977 -318 -473 -231 -843 -512 -1200 -906 -279 -309 -514 -682 -676
-1072 -152 -366 -252 -776 -278 -1138 -5 -81 -14 -166 -19 -190 -12 -52 -13
-289 -2 -296 5 -3 12 -61 15 -128 18 -341 111 -754 249 -1108 122 -311 312
-658 489 -890 187 -245 384 -456 604 -646 53 -46 228 -179 310 -236 271 -189
657 -380 970 -481 410 -132 755 -186 1186 -187 534 0 941 75 1422 264 481 188
888 453 1266 821 204 200 290 301 500 590 57 79 185 301 262 455 44 87 79 161
79 165 0 3 9 25 19 48 57 125 142 377 181 538 47 197 52 220 85 449 30 204 39
650 17 850 -36 331 -86 571 -177 845 -376 1142 -1274 2047 -2412 2432 -270 91
-567 153 -878 185 -128 13 -582 19 -615 8z m422 -1601 c35 -12 81 -34 103 -50
22 -15 367 -355 766 -756 791 -793 765 -763 790 -904 10 -57 10 -77 -5 -134
-23 -93 -49 -139 -112 -202 -72 -72 -145 -105 -250 -111 -94 -5 -169 13 -242
58 -26 16 -208 191 -405 390 -198 198 -361 360 -363 360 -2 0 -5 -606 -6
-1347 l-3 -1348 -32 -67 c-85 -180 -286 -276 -466 -223 -121 35 -239 146 -279
263 -10 29 -14 329 -18 1379 l-5 1342 -366 -363 c-201 -199 -381 -373 -400
-387 -148 -111 -375 -92 -508 42 -90 91 -134 226 -112 345 24 133 5 111 799
907 406 406 757 751 782 767 93 60 225 75 332 39z"/>
Currently, the arrow is transparent, in my case, I want to make it red color, how to modify this svg image to support it?
In your example, the SVG circle and arrow are drawn in one patch.
It is necessary to divide one patch into two separate patches for a circle and an arrow.
Then it will be possible to paint them in different colors.
#circle {
#arrow {
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1" width="768" height="766" viewBox="0 0 768 766" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
<g transform="translate(0.000000,766.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" stroke="none">
<path id="arrow" d="m3580 7650c-14-4-48-8-76-9-53-1-200-20-344-45-324-57-682-173-977-318C1710 7047 1340 6766 983 6372 704 6063 469 5690 307 5300 155 4934 55 4524 29 4162 24 4081 15 3996 10 3972-2 3920-3 3683 8 3676c5-3 12-61 15-128 18-341 111-754 249-1108 122-311 312-658 489-890 187-245 384-456 604-646 53-46 228-179 310-236C1946 479 2332 288 2645 187 3055 55 3400 1 3831 0c534 0 941 75 1422 264 481 188 888 453 1266 821 204 200 290 301 500 590 57 79 185 301 262 455 44 87 79 161 79 165 0 3 9 25 19 48 57 125 142 377 181 538 47 197 52 220 85 449 30 204 39 650 17 850-36 331-86 571-177 845-376 1142-1274 2047-2412 2432-270 91-567 153-878 185-128 13-582 19-615 8z"/>
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To adjust the size of the image and make it adaptive:
Remove width="768" and height="766" from the svg header
Wrap the svg in the container <div class =" container ">
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#circle {
#arrow {
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Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
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What I am looking for is a way, either built in or a hack, that makes me able to go from
<svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="6.877ex" height="2.843ex" style="vertical-align: -0.838ex;" viewBox="0 -863.1 2960.9 1223.9" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path stroke-width="1" id="E1-MJMAIN-28" d="M94 250Q94 319 104 381T127 488T164 576T202 643T244 695T277 729T302 750H315H319Q333 750 333 741Q333 738 316 720T275 667T226 581T184 443T167 250T184 58T225 -81T274 -167T316 -220T333 -241Q333 -250 318 -250H315H302L274 -226Q180 -141 137 -14T94 250Z"></path>
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<g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)">
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The SVG is self generated so I would like have a map that that identifies with each SVG symbol (or group of symbols) a character in the string.
I thought of something like class annotation.
Your question indicates that you are looking to reconstruct TeX input from MathJax output, in which case the answer is "no".
On the one hand, MathJax converts input into (essentially) MathML in its internal data structure and renders that; cf. http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/advanced/model.html#the-components-of-mathjax. While you can reconstruct that MathML in many cases, you can't reconstruct the original TeX from it (for SVG, the default configuration makes it even harder).
On the other hand, even TeX-like rendering tools (like MathJax's predecessor jsMath) will have to resolve macros down to a TeX-like internal format (TeX lists basically) in which case you could only regenerate some very basic layout instructions (because real TeX/LaTeX is a programming language for print layout).
Of course, MathJax provides APIs to retrieve the original input from a given element and, in fact, stores it in the DOM in a custom script tag right after the SVG; so if that's what you're after it's much simpler.
Finally, if all you want to know is what Unicode point a certain SVG path represents, then the href of the <use> elements is what you're after, e.g., #E1-MJMAIN-28 matches u+0028.