find_all() in BeautifulSoup returns empty ResultSet - python-3.x

I am trying to scrape data from a website for practicing web scraping.But the findall() returns empty set. How can I resolve this issue?
#importing required modules
import requests,bs4
#sending request to the server
req = requests.get("")
# checking the status on the request
#converting using BeautifulSoup
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(req.text,'html.parser')
#Trying to scrape the particular div with the class but returning 0
container = soup.find_all('div',class_='popover--popover--t3rNO popover--popover-hover--14ngr')
#trying to print the number of container returned.
Output :

See my comment about it being entirely javascript driven content. Modern websites often will use javascript to invoke HTTP requests to the server to grab data on demand when needed. Here if you disable javascript which you can easily do in chrome by going to more settings when you inspect the page. You will see that NO text is available on this website. Which is probably much different to imdb as you pointed out. If you check the beautifulsoup parsed html, you'll see you don't have any of the actual page source derived with javascript.
There are two ways to get data from a javascript rendered website
Mimic the HTTP request to the server
Browser automation package like selenium
The first option is better and more efficient, as the second option is more brittle and not great for larger data sets.
Fortunately udemy is getting the data you want from an API endpoint which it uses javascript to make HTTP requests to and the response back gets fed to the browser.
Code Example
import requests
cookies = {
'__udmy_2_v57r': '4f711b308da548b49394854a189d3179',
'ud_firstvisit': '2020-05-29T13:48:56.584511+00:00:1jefNY:9F1BJVEUJpv7gmNPgYNini76UaE',
'existing_user': 'true',
'optimizelyEndUserId': 'oeu1590760136407r0.2130390415126655',
'EUCookieMessageShown': 'true',
'_ga': 'GA1.2.1359933509.1590760142',
'_pxvid': '26d89ed1-a1b3-11ea-9179-cb750fa4136b',
'_ym_uid': '1585144165890161851',
'_ym_d': '1590760145',
'__ssid': 'd191bc02a1063fd2c75fbab525ededc',
'stc111655': 'env:1592304425%7C20200717104705%7C20200616111705%7C1%7C1014616:20210616104705|uid:1590760145861.374775813.04725504.111655.1839745362:20210616104705|srchist:1069270%3A1%3A20200629134905%7C1014624%3A1592252104%3A20200716201504%7C1014616%3A1592304425%3A20200717104705:20210616104705|tsa:0:20200616111705',
'ki_t': '1590760146239%3B1592304425954%3B1592304425954%3B3%3B5',
'ki_r': 'aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8%3D',
'IR_PI': '00aea1e6-9da9-11ea-af3a-42010a24660a%7C1592390825988',
'_gac_UA-12366301-1': '1.1592304441.CjwKCAjw26H3BRB2EiwAy32zhfcltNEr_HHFK5JRaJar5qxUn4ifG9FVFctWyTUXigNZvKeOCz7PgxoCAfAQAvD_BwE',
'csrftoken': 'pPOdtdbH0HPaHvDfAZMzEOdvWqKZuQWufu8dUrEeXuy5mOOrnFRbWZ9vq8Dfd2ts',
'__cfruid': 'f1963d736e3891a2e307ebc9f918c89065ffe40f-1596962093',
'__cfduid': 'df4d951c87bc195c73b2f12b5e29568381597085850',
'ud_cache_price_country': 'GB',
'ud_cache_device': 'desktop',
'ud_cache_language': 'en',
'ud_cache_logged_in': '0',
'ud_cache_release': '0804b40d37e001f97dfa',
'ud_cache_modern_browser': '1',
'ud_cache_marketplace_country': 'GB',
'ud_cache_brand': 'GBen_US',
'ud_cache_version': '1',
'ud_cache_user': '',
'seen': '1',
'eventing_session_id': '66otW5O9TQWd5BYq1_etrA-1597087737933',
'ud_cache_campaign_code': '',
'exaff': '%7B%22start_date%22%3A%222020-08-09T08%3A52%3A04.083577Z%22%2C%22code%22%3A%22_7fFXpljNdk-m3_OJPaWBwAQc5gVKutaSg%22%2C%22merchant_id%22%3A39197%2C%22aff_type%22%3A%22LS%22%2C%22aff_id%22%3A60680%7D:1k5D3W:2PemPLTm4xaHixBYRvRyBaAukL4',
'ud_rule_vars': 'eJyFjkuOwyAQBa9isZ04agyYz1ksIYxxjOIRGmhPFlHuHvKVRrPItvWqus4EXT4EDJP9jSViyobPktKRgZqc4GrkmmmuBHdU6YlRqY1P6RgDMQ05D2SOueCDtZPDMNT7QDrooAXRdrqhzHBlRL8XUjPgXwAGYCC7ulpdRX3acglPA8bvPwbVgm6g4p0Bvqeyhsh_BkybXyxmN8_R21J9vvpcjm5cn7ZDTidc7G2xxnvlm87hZwvlU7wE2VP1en0hlyuoG10j:1k5D3W:nxRv-tyLU7lxhsF2jRYvkJA53uM',
headers = {
'authority': '',
'x-udemy-cache-release': '0804b40d37e001f97dfa',
'x-udemy-cache-language': 'en',
'x-udemy-cache-user': '',
'x-udemy-cache-modern-browser': '1',
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36',
'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'x-udemy-cache-brand': 'GBen_US',
'x-udemy-cache-version': '1',
'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'x-udemy-cache-logged-in': '0',
'x-udemy-cache-price-country': 'GB',
'x-udemy-cache-device': 'desktop',
'x-udemy-cache-marketplace-country': 'GB',
'x-udemy-cache-campaign-code': '',
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'referer': '',
'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
params = (
('q', 'python'),
('skip_price', 'false'),
response = requests.get('', headers=headers, params=params, cookies=cookies)
ids = []
titles = []
durations = []
ratings = []
for a in response.json()['courses']:
title = a['title']
duration =int(a['estimated_content_length']) / 60
rating = a['rating']
id = str(a['id'])
clean_ids = ','.join(ids)
params2 = (
('course_ids', clean_ids),
('fields/[pricing_result/]', 'price,discount_price,list_price,price_detail,price_serve_tracking_id'),
response = requests.get('', params=params2)
data = response.json()['courses']
prices = []
for a in ids:
price = response.json()['courses'][a]['price']['amount']
data = zip(titles, durations,ratings, prices)
for a in data:
('Learn Python Programming Masterclass', 56.53333333333333, 4.54487, 14.99)
('The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications', 25.3, 4.51476, 16.99)
('Python for Beginners: Learn Python Programming (Python 3)', 2.8833333333333333, 4.4391, 17.99)
('The Python Bible™ | Everything You Need to Program in Python', 9.15, 4.64238, 17.99)
('Python for Absolute Beginners', 3.066666666666667, 4.42209, 14.99)
('The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp', 30.3, 4.64714, 16.99)
('Python for Finance: Investment Fundamentals & Data Analytics', 8.25, 4.52908, 12.99)
('The Complete Python Course | Learn Python by Doing', 35.31666666666667, 4.58885, 17.99)
('REST APIs with Flask and Python', 17.033333333333335, 4.61233, 12.99)
('Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading', 16.916666666666668, 4.53173, 12.99)
('Python for Beginners with Examples', 4.25, 4.27316, 12.99)
('Python OOP : Four Pillars of OOP in Python 3 for Beginners', 2.6166666666666667, 4.46451, 12.99)
('Python Bootcamp 2020 Build 15 working Applications and Games', 32.13333333333333, 4.2519, 14.99)
('The Complete Python Masterclass: Learn Python From Scratch', 32.36666666666667, 4.39151, 16.99)
('Learn Python MADE EASY : A Concise Python Course in Python 3', 2.1166666666666667, 4.76601, 12.99)
('Complete Python Web Course: Build 8 Python Web Apps', 15.65, 4.37577, 13.99)
('Python for Excel: Use xlwings for Data Science and Finance', 16.116666666666667, 4.92293, 12.99)
('Python 3 Network Programming - Build 5 Network Applications', 12.216666666666667, 4.66143, 12.99)
('The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course', 21.833333333333332, 4.5664, 12.99)
('The Complete Python Programmer Bootcamp 2020', 13.233333333333333, 4.63859, 12.99)
There are two ways to do this, here is re-engineering the requests which is the more efficient solution. To get the necessary information, you'll need to inspect the page and look at which HTTP requests give which information. You can do this through the network tools --> XHR when you inspect the page. You can see there are two requests that give you information. My suggestion would be look at the previews of the responses on the right hand side when you select the request. The first gives you the title, duration, price, ratings and the second request you need the id's of the courses to get the prices of the courses.
I usually copy the CURL of the HTTP requests the javascript invokes into and this converts the necessary headers, parameters and cookies to python format.
In the first request, headers, cookies and parameters are required. THe second request, only requires the parameters.
The response you get is a json object. response.json() converts this into a python dictionary. You have to do abit of digging in this dictionary to get what you want. But for each item in response.json()['courses'] all the necessary data for each 'card' on the website is there. So we do a for loop around where the data sits in the dictionary we've created. I would play around the with response.json() till you get a feel for what the object gives you to understand the code.
The duration comes in minutes therefore I've done a quick convert to hours here. Also the id's need to be a string because in the second request we use them as parameters to get the necessary prices for the courses. We convert ids into a string and feed this as a parameter.
The second request then gives us the necessary prices, again you have to go digging in the dictionary object and I suggest you do this yourself to confirm that nested in that is the price.
The data we zip up to combine all the lists of data and then I've done a for loop to print it all. You could feed this into pandas if you wanted etc...

To get required data you need to send requests to appropriate API. For that you need to create Session:
import requests
s = requests.Session()
cookies = s.get('').cookies
headers={"Referer": ""}
for page_counter in range(1, 500):
data = s.get('{}&q=python&skip_price=false'.format(page_counter), cookies=cookies, headers=headers).json()
for course in data['courses']:
params = {'course_ids': [str(course['id']),],
'fields/[pricing_result/]': ['price',]}
title = course['title']
price = s.get('', params=params, cookies=cookies).json()['courses'][str(course['id'])]['price']['amount']
print({'title': title, 'price': price})


Trend Micro deepsecurity delete a computer: HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request

Trying to delete a computer from TMDS (Trend Micro Deep Security) with the python script provided.
The script was copied from TMDS and slightly altered. I added a line where the document which opens also is being read.
tmds_del_comp_list.txt => contains the computername to delete. eg: computername.domain.domain contains the api_key.
The ipaddress and port has been changed for obvious reasons.
To confirm, the deepsecurity module has been installed in the same directory.
Directories deepsecurity, deep_security_api.egg-info, build and pycache are present.
# DEL operation, /api/computers/{computerID}
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, warnings
import deepsecurity
from import ApiException
import creds
# Setup
if not sys.warnoptions:
configuration = deepsecurity.Configuration() = 'https://ipaddress:1234/api/computers/{computerID}'
# Authentication
configuration.api_key['api-secret-key'] = creds.api_key
# Initialization
# Set Any Required Values
# api_version = 'v4'
reed = open('tmds_del_comp_list.txt', mode='r' )
computer_id =
api_instance = deepsecurity.ComputersApi(deepsecurity.ApiClient(configuration))
api_version = 'v1'
api_instance.delete_computer(computer_id, api_version)
except ApiException as e:
print("An exception occurred when calling ComputersApi.delete_computer: %s\n" % e)
error received:
An exception occurred when calling ComputersApi.delete_computer: (400)
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Content-Type': 'text/html;charset=utf-8', 'Content-Language': 'en', 'Content-Length': '435', 'Date': 'Thu, 06 Oct 2022 09:24:22 GMT', 'Connection': 'close'})
HTTP response body: <!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title>HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request</title><style type="text/css">body {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;} h1, h2, h3, b {color:white;background-color:#525D76;} h1 {font-size:22px;} h2 {font-size:16px;} h3 {font-size:14px;} p {font-size:12px;} a {color:black;} .line {height:1px;background-color:#525D76;border:none;}</style></head><body><h1>HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request</h1></body></html>
Before this error i received different errors, which i corrected. I had a .env file instead of
I have tested out if my tmds_del_comp_list.txt file was actually being read, it was not so that's why i added the line with the read function. ( when i did print print(reed) nothing came up)
The api_version was wrong, from the documentation i understood that TMDS version 20 corresponds to version v4 in the API. After changing it to v1, no more error. When double checking the version in the browser https://ipaddress:4119/rest/apiVersion I get 4. Bit baffled by this.
I find the url weird. The {computerID} bit is what i find weird since it does not correspond to any variable. I do not see how it works together with the rest of the code, unless api_instance.delete_computer adds computer_id to {computerID}. There's no indication that what i think is correct or not.
api_instance.delete_computer(computer_id, api_version)
Googling does not really bring any relevant information up.
I'm a beginner with python, api's and deepsecurity.
Any leads, pointing to the obvious and constructive help/comments/etc are very welcome.
Edit1: looking back at all the docs available, i see that "computerID" should be an integer, which in our organisation, it is not a number or integer but a vm name + domain name.
Maybe there's a number connected to every VM reporting to TMDS. Maybe i'll try to Get/List all computers to see what id's they have.
I did try that and i could not find an ID number with just a number.
This is probably not the issue.
path Parameters
integer <int32> \d+
The ID number of the computer to delete.
Example: 1
Edit2: When clicking on the arrow down next to GET/computers from link <>
I get to see this link which points to the correct endpoint i presume and where #operation should be replaced by GET. When doing so i get a 404 response. I got a 404 when changing the endpoint to /get/computers.
Conclusion, end-point is probably correct, when it is not, i do get an error that the url is wrong.
An exception occurred when calling ComputersApi.list_computers: (404)
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1;mode=block', 'Set-Cookie': 'JSESSIONID=codewithlettersandnumbers; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax', 'Content-Type': 'text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1', 'Content-Length': '105', 'Date': 'Thu, 06 Oct 2022 14:56:58 GMT'})
HTTP response body:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=/SignIn.screen">
Edit3: Testing a simple GET/computers with Postman gave me a clue that the actual key was wrong. I corrected that and got a 200 response. So the key was wrong. I corrected that on my python script but i still get the same 400 error.

How to fetch only parts of json file in python3 requests module

So, I am writing a program in Python to fetch data from google classroom API using requests module. I am getting the full json response from the classroom as follows :
{'announcements': [{'courseId': '#############', 'id': '###########', 'text': 'This is a test','state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:25:54.135Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:25:53.029Z', 'creatorUserId': '###############'}, {'courseId': '############', 'id': '#############', 'text': 'Hello everyone', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:24:30.952Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:24:48.880Z', 'creatorUserId': '##############'}, {'courseId': '##################', 'id': '############', 'text': 'Hello everyone', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:23:42.977Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:23:42.920Z', 'creatorUserId': '##############'}]}
I was actually unable to convert this into a pretty format so just pasting it as I got it from the http request. What I actually wish to do is just request the first few announcements (say 1, 2, 3 whatever depending upon the requirement) from the service while what I'm getting are all the announcements (as in the sample 3 announcements) that had been made ever since the classroom was created. Now, I believe that fetching all the announcements might make the program slower and so I would prefer if I could get only the required ones. Is there any way to do this by passing some arguments or anything? There are a few direct functions provided by google classroom however I came across those a little later and have already written everything using the requests module which would require changing a lot of things which I would like to avoid. However if unavoidable I would go that route as well.
Use the pageSize field to limit the number of responses you want in the announcements: list request, with an orderBy parameter of updateTime asc.
More Information:
As per the documentation:
orderBy: string
Optional sort ordering for results. A comma-separated list of fields with an optional sort direction keyword. Supported field is updateTime. Supported direction keywords are asc and desc. If not specified, updateTime desc is the default behavior. Examples: updateTime asc, updateTime
pageSize: integer
Maximum number of items to return. Zero or unspecified indicates that the server may assign a maximum.
So, let's say you want the first 3 announcements for a course, you would use a pageSize of 3, and an orderBy of updateTime asc:
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
service = build('classroom', 'v1', credentials=creds)
asc = "updateTime asc"
pageSize = 3
# Call the Classroom API
results =, orderBy=asc ).execute()
or an HTTP request example:
&key=[YOUR_API_KEY] HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]
Accept: application/json
Method: announcements.list | Classroom API | Google Developers

How to extract information using BeautifulSoup from a particular site

My objective is to extract info from site after entering pin code of the respective area and copy all info from there. Whether outlet is opened or closed. There has to be loop.
This site has an underlying API that you can use to get JSON responses. To find the endpoints and what is expected as request and response you can use the Mozilla developer tools and Chrome devtools under network.
import json
import requests
SEARCH_ADDRESS = "California City, CA 93505"
urlEndpoint_AutoComplete = ""
urlEndpoint_Search = ""
search_Location = {"type":"address", "searchText":SEARCH_ADDRESS, "language":"us"}
locations =, data=search_Location)
local = json.loads(locations.text)[0] # get first address
local["place_address"] = local.pop("name") # fix key name for next post request
local["place_id"] = local.pop("id") # fix key name for next post request
local["shopTypes"] = ["ACC", "ARA", "AFS", "AUT", "BTN", "BWL", "BKS", "AAC",
"CEA", "CSV", "DPT", "DIS", "DSC", "DLS", "EQR", "AAF", "GHC", "GRO", "HBM",
"HIC", "AAM", "AAX", "MER", "MOT", "BMV", "BNM", "OSC", "OPT", "EAP", "SHS",
"GSF", "SGS", "TEV", "TOY", "TAT", "DVG", "WHC", "AAW"]
local["range"] = 304.8
local["language"] = "us"
results =, data=local)
{'center': {'latitude': 35.125801, 'longitude': -117.9859038},
'range': '304.8',
'merchants': [{'mmh_id': '505518130',
'latitude': 35.125801,
'longitude': -117.9859,
'shopName': 'Branham M Branham Mtr',
'shopFullAddressString': 'California City, CA',
'isOpen': False,
'nfc': False,
'shopType': 'AUT',
'distance': 0.34636329,
'country': 'USA'},
{'mmh_id': '591581670',
'latitude': 35.125442,
'longitude': -117.986083,
'shopName': 'One Stop Market',
'shopFullAddressString': '7990 California City Blvd, California City, CA 93505-2518',
'isOpen': True,
'nfc': True,
'shopType': 'AFS',
'distance': 43.04766933,
'country': 'USA'},
I think use selenium to control the Navigation and the entering of the Pin then use BeautifulSoup to work with the Page Source after you action. Here is the documentation it's easy enough to get you started.
Selenium --
BeautifulSoup --

Cant scrape google search results with beautifulsoup

I want to scrape google search results , but whenever i try to do so, the program returns an empty list
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
keyWord = input("Input Your KeyWord :")
url = f'{keyWord}'
src = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(src, 'lxml')
container = soup.findAll('div', class_='g')
Complementing Andrej Kesely's answer if you getting empty results you always can climb one div up or down to test and go from there.
Code (say you want to scrape title, summary and link):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import json
headers = {
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19582"
html = requests.get(' cream',
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
summary = []
for container in soup.findAll('div', class_='tF2Cxc'):
heading = container.find('h3', class_='LC20lb DKV0Md').text
article_summary = container.find('span', class_='aCOpRe').text
link = container.find('a')['href']
'Heading': heading,
'Article Summary': article_summary,
'Link': link,
print(json.dumps(summary, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))
Portion of output:
"Heading": "Ice cream - Wikipedia",
"Article Summary": "Ice cream (derived from earlier iced cream or cream ice) is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It may be made from dairy milk or cream and is flavoured with a sweetener, either sugar or an alternative, and any spice, such as cocoa or vanilla.",
"Link": ""
"Heading": "Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams",
"Article Summary": "Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream, built from the ground up with superlative ingredients. Order online, visit a scoop shop, or find the closest place to buy Jeni's near you.",
"Link": ""
Alternatively, you can do this using Google Search Engine Results API from SerpApi. It's a paid API with a free trial.
import os
from serpapi import GoogleSearch
params = {
"engine": "google",
"q": "ice cream",
"api_key": os.getenv("API_KEY"),
search = GoogleSearch(params)
results = search.get_dict()
for result in results["organic_results"]:
print(f"Title: {result['title']}\nSummary: {result['snippet']}\nLink: {result['link']}\n")
Portion of the output:
Title: Ice cream - Wikipedia
Summary: Ice cream (derived from earlier iced cream or cream ice) is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It may be made from dairy milk or cream and is flavoured with a sweetener, either sugar or an alternative, and any spice, such as cocoa or vanilla.
Title: 6 Ice Cream Shops to Try in Salem, Massachusetts ...
Summary: 6 Ice Cream Shops to Try in Salem, Massachusetts · Maria's Sweet Somethings, 26 Front Street · Kakawa Chocolate House, 173 Essex Street · Melt ...
Title: Melt Ice Cream - Salem
Summary: Homemade ice cream made on-site in Salem, MA. Bold innovative flavors, exceptional customer service, local ingredients.
Disclaimer, I work for SerpApi.
To get correct result page from google, specify User-Agent http header. For only english results put hl=en parameter in URL:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
keyWord = input("Input Your KeyWord :")
url = f'{keyWord}'
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0'}
src = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(src, 'lxml')
containers = soup.findAll('div', class_='g')
for c in containers:
print(c.get_text(strip=True, separator=' '))

is that posible scraping (crawling) tooltip after click map marker?

I can't request left mouse click event to marker for activating tooltip through selenium.
[My intention]
scraping (crawling) text from tooltip window on map marker from this web service with selenium (python code)
daum service web map:
<map id="daum.maps.Marker.Area:13u" name="daum.maps.Marker.Area:13u"><area href="javascript:void(0)" alt="" shape="rect" coords="0,0,40,38" title="" style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;"></map>
<div class="tooltip myInfoWindow"><h4><a class="map_zone_name" href="#"><em class="map_zone_id" style="display:none;">2390</em><span title="제주대 후문주차장">제주대 후문주차장</span><span class="bg"></span></a></h4><p><a title="제주도 제주시 아라1동 368-60">제주도 제주시 아라1동 368-6...</a><br>운영차량 : 총 <em>4</em>대</p><p class="btn"><em class="map_zone_id" style="display:none;">2390</em><a class="btn_overlay_search" href="#"><img src="/template/asset/images/reservation/btn_able_socar.png" alt="예약가능 쏘카 보기"></a></p><img src="/template/asset/images/reservation/btn_layer_close.png" alt="닫기"></div>
P.S : is it possible crawling text of tooltip window on google map marker
When you click a tooltip, an xhr request is sent to using a zone_id, you may have to filter out the zones you want by using the page content, I don't have any more time to spend on this right now but this recreates the requests:
import requests
from time import time, sleep
# These params will be for
# which we can get the zone_ids from.
params = {"type": "start", "_": str(time())}
# We use the zone_id from each dict we parse from the json receievd
params2 = {"zone_id": ""}
with requests.Session() as s:
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)"})
r = s.get("", params=params)
result = r.json()["result"]
for d in result:
params2["zone_id"] = d["zone_id"]
params2["_"] = str(time())
r2 = s.get("", params=params2)
Each d in result is a dict like:
{u'zone_lat': u'37.248859', u'zone_id': u'2902', u'zone_region1_short': u'\uacbd\uae30', u'zone_open_time': u'00:00:00', u'zone_region1': u'\uacbd\uae30\ub3c4', u'zone_close_time': u'23:59:59', u'zone_name': u'SK\ud558\uc774\ub2c9\uc2a4 \uc774\ucc9c', u'open_weekend': u'close', u'zone_region3': u'\ubd80\ubc1c\uc74d', u'zone_region2': u'\uc774\ucc9c\uc2dc', u'zone_lng': u'127.490639', u'zone_addr': u'\uacbd\uae30\ub3c4 \uc774\ucc9c\uc2dc \ubd80\ubc1c\uc74d \uc544\ubbf8\ub9ac 707'}
There probably other info in that that would allow you to filter by specific place, I don't speak korean so I cannot completely follow how the data relates.
The second requests gives us a dict like:
{u'retCode': u'1', u'retMsg': u'', u'result': {u'oper_way': u'\uc655\ubcf5', u'notice': u'<br>\u203b \ubc18\ub4dc\uc2dc \ubc29\ubb38\uc790 \uc8fc\ucc28\uc7a5 \uc9c0\uc815\uc8fc\ucc28\uad6c\uc5ed\uc5d0 \ubc18\ub0a9\ud574\uc8fc\uc138\uc694.<br>', u'notice_oneway': u'', u'zone_addr': u'\uacbd\uae30\ub3c4 \uc774\ucc9c\uc2dc \ubd80\ubc1c\uc74d \uc544\ubbf8\ub9ac 707', u'total_num': 2, u'able_num': 2, u'visit': u'\uc131\uc6b02\ub2e8\uc9c0 \uc544\ud30c\ud2b8 \uae30\uc900 \uc804\ubc29 \ud604\ub300\uc5d8\ub9ac\ubca0\uc774\ud130 \ubc29\uba74\uc73c\ub85c \ud6a1\ub2e8\ubcf4\ub3c4 \uc774\uc6a9 \ud6c4 \ud558\uc774\ub2c9\uc2a4 \uc774\ucc9c \ubc29\ubb38\uc790 \uc8fc\ucc28\uc7a5 \ub0b4 \uc3d8\uce74\uc804\uc6a9\uc8fc\ucc28\uad6c\uc5ed', u'zone_alias': u'\ud558\uc774\ub2c9\uc2a4 \ubc29\ubb38\uc790 \uc8fc\ucc28\uc7a5', u'zone_attr': u'[\uc774\ubca4\ud2b8]', u'state': True, u'link': u'', u'oper_time': u'00:00~23:59', u'lat': u'37.248859', u'zone_name': u'SK\ud558\uc774\ub2c9\uc2a4 \uc774\ucc9c', u'lng': u'127.490639', u'zone_props': 0, u'visit_link': u'', u'zone_id': u'2902'}}
Again not sure of all that is in there but you can see html tags under u'notice and lots of other info.
