Given the Function Name, how to find the Changelist in perforce when that function was added? - perforce

I am looking for a way to find the changelist in perforce if I have the Function name and File in which that function is present ?
For Eg: if "A.cpp" has function added "void b()" via changelist 1234
I would like to get back changelist 1234 by giving the Function name only or both function name and file name. I was thinking to use python script for this but not sure how to proceed.

Use p4 annotate, e.g.:
p4 annotate -c A.cpp | grep "void b()"
Check out p4 help annotate for the options available -- you can use the -I flag to find the origin changelist if the line was added by a merge, you can use the -a flag to find text in earlier versions of the file, etc.


p4python create and submit a new file

How to create and submit a new file using p4python?
create_and_submit_file(full_path_in_depot, new_file_text_content):
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT)
p4 = get_p4() # implemented
try: # Catch exceptions with try/except
connect_and_login_p4(p4) # implemented
# .. implementation here .. p4.some_call()'done')
except P4Exception:
for e in p4.errors: # Display errors
If the file already exists on the local filesystem within a workspace, all you need to do is p4.run_add(file) and p4.run_submit('-d', 'this is my awesome file').
If the file doesn't exist, you need to create it, and if you don't have a workspace, you need to create that too. For the sake of brevity, here's how you'd do that from the command line completely from scratch (this maps pretty directly to P4Python but I don't know enough about your environment to give you code that'll work out of the box so I won't attempt the translation):
echo "my awesome file content" > my_awesome_file
p4 set P4CLIENT=my_awesome_client
p4 --field "View=//depot/... //my_awesome_client/..." client -o | p4 client -i
p4 add my_awesome_file
p4 submit -d "this is my awesome file"
Check out the example for p4.save_client to see a simple example of how you can create/modify a client spec with P4Python and modify the fields to suit your environment (similar to how I used the --field flag to set the View such that the root of my_awesome_client corresponds to //depot/...):

How should be paths to p4 sync -L formatted

I'm trying to figure out what is correct syntax for p4 sync -L. When I try p4 sync -L //one/of/my/files it complains that revision is not specified while if I try p4 sync -L //one/of/my/files#1234 it complains that # and # are illegal.
Well, the documentation says:
a list of valid file arguments in full depot syntax with a valid revision number
Revision numbers are #1, #17, etc. The # syntax is used to reference a label name, client name, or changelist number, which are not revision numbers.
For more details on this, check [p4 help revisions][2]; as it says, you want:
`file#n Revision specifier: The nth revision of file.`
So, specify //one/of/my/files#17, assuming that revision 17 is the revision of that file that you want to sync.
To see the revisions of your files, use p4 filelog //one/of/my/files.

The diff command for files with empty content

If I want to get the difference between the 2 directories, I use the command below:
diff -aruN dir1/ dir2/ > dir.patch
so the dir.patch file should comprise all differences I want, right?
But if dir2/ contains a file with empty content, and that file is not existent in dir1/, for example,
dir2/empty_content_file.txt ------ with empty content.
Then the diff command will not generate any patch for empty_content_file.txt, but it is a needed file.
Is there any expertise or alternative way to do this?
Thank you in advance.
It's because you're using -N option, which is added to explicitly treat absent file as empty. man diff says :
-N, --new-file
treat absent file as empty
The screenshot below shows the operation of "diff -aru" command for inexistent files in the first directory, a message "Only in xxx" will show.

How to find (grep) text for files in a perforce changelist?

How to grep/find for a particular text in all files within a pending changelist?
My use case:
I have a debug_flag in my code and would want to make sure I do not check-in any code with the debug_flag which will cause a compiler error for all others. (Not for me since I have the debug_flag declared locally)
p4 describe changelist# gives you the list of the files in a changelist, but it has some extra information, and the paths are with respect to the depo. Example:
p4 describe 12334
Change 12334 by me on 2014/01/04 00:57:08 pending
Some test changelist
Affected files ...
... //depot/path/to/my/files/file1#15 edit
... //depot/path/to/my/files/file2#12 edit
With a few search/replace or a simple perls script, you can change this text output to a list of files with actual path and then run grep on them:
xargs grep "debug_flag" < file_list.txt

Perforce: How to find the original number of a change list

In perforce changelists get renumbered on submission. So for e.g. when the changelist was created it would be numbered 777 , but on submission of changelist it would get renumbered to say 790.
My question is how do I get the new CL number (790) , if I know the old CL number 777 , or vice versa ?
If you really want the original changelist number, that can be retrieved from Perforce without having to embed the original changelist number in the description. You can use the -ztag command line option to get at it. And you can only get at it through the 'changes' command (as far as I know):
d:\sandbox>p4 submit -c 24510
Submitting change 24510.
Locking 1 files ...
edit //depot/testfile.txt#2
Change 24510 renamed change 24512 and submitted.
d:\sandbox>p4 -ztag changes -m1 //depot/testfile.txt
... change 24512
... time 1294249178
... user test.user
... client client-test.user
... status submitted
... oldChange 24510
... desc <enter description here>
As pointed out, it's probably not that useful. However, I did want to note that it's possible to get at it.
The only way I can think of is adding the original changelist number as part of the changelist description field. First, you'll need a script to store the original changelist number:
#!/bin/env perl
$id = $ARGV[0];
open (CHANGE_IN, "p4 change -o $id|");
open (CHANGE_OUT, "|p4 change -i $id");
while (<CHANGE_IN>)
if (/^Description:/ and not /ORIGID/)
s/(^Description:)(.*)$/$1 ORIGID $id. $2/;
print CHANGE_OUT $_;
close (CHANGE_IN);
close (CHANGE_OUT);
Save this as on the Perforce server with the executable bit set. Then setup a trigger with p4 triggers.
add_origid change-submit //depot/... /usr/bin/ %change%
Version 2012.1 of Perforce introduced the -O (capital oh) argument to p4 describe, which allows you to query a changelist by its original number (before being renumbered by p4 submit).
I find this very helpful, since I often find myself keeping notes about a changeset before it is submitted, then forgetting to note what it was renumbered to on submission.
So if I have a note talking about change 12300, I can now see what it refers to by typing:
p4 describe -s -O 12300
and having Perforce tell me:
Change 12345 by me#myhost on 2013/10/31 00:00:00
Fix that thing I wrote that note about
Affected files ...
... //Proj/MAIN/foo.c
The ztag method mentioned earlier can be used to find the old changelist number of a submitted change:
> p4 -ztag describe -s 12345 | grep oldChange
... oldChange 12300
Adding to Eric Miller's reply, because I can't comment (not enough points):
to just emit the 1 number
p4 -ztag describe $ORIG | sed -e 's/^\.\.\. oldChange //;t-ok;d;:-ok'
OLD=$(p4 -ztag describe $ORIG | sed -e 's/^\.\.\. oldChange //;t-ok;d;:-ok')
or if you want to look up many numbers, this will output a map of new old on each line (may be useful with the "join" command). If there is no old commit, then it re-emits the new commit.
p4 -ztag describe 782546 782547 ... | sed -e '${x;p};s/^\.\.\. change //;t-keep;b-next;:-keep;x;/./p;g;G;s/\n/ /;x;d;:-next;s/^\.\.\. oldChange //;t-ok;d;:-ok;H;x;s/ .*\n/ /;x;d;'
I tried to avoid using GNU extensions to sed.
Unless you do something like Tim suggests the old change list number will be lost on submission.
Change list numbers are only temporary until you actually submit. So if you create a new change list (777 say) and then decide to delete it, the next change list you create will be 778.
It can be a bit more elegant if you use the P4 Python module.
import P4
p4 = P4.P4()
p4.connect() # having a valid p4 workspace/connection is on you :)
c = p4.run_describe('969696') # describe a Submitted, renumbered changelist, i.e. 969696
old_pending_cl_number = c['oldChange'] # print out prior/pending CL# if this exists.
