In dnspython you can set the server for queries via dns.resolver.nameservers.
Is there an equivalent statement to set the dns server for DDNS updates via dnspython?
Silly me.
Of course its set when you send it...
response = dns.query.tcp(update, server, timeout = 10)
I have a nodejs web app with websocket , when i run on localhost it's not problem but when i run on public host (have SSL,domain name...) i get error : WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed .
Question here is, where are you trying to connect from
Client OR Server
The error message would indicate you are trying to connect to a localhost, so if you are getting this message back from the client side, then its because your connecting to a non-reachable WS instance. Also, if you WS host is https, you would use WSS protocol vs just WS
As mentioned, without seeing the code its hard to tell
You need to setup your server environment, is your web-server (Apache, nginx) correctly pass requests from world to your node app?..
Is your server firewall pass WS connections?..
IMHO you need a consultation from your provider DevOp's support team.
You are using the following according to your statement:
From what I have read in the various ws api's while researching my own websocket issues I believe you would need to make the following change:
as wss is used for SSL connections.
I am trying to send requests to Zoom API via a HTTP request. When testing on my local machine it works perfectly but when I try it on our production server I get the following error:
msxml6.dll error '80072efe'
The connection with the server was terminated abnormally.
We use Cloudflare for security with our website, does anyone know what the resolution here maybe?
The server is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 using IIS 7.5.
I found the cause of the issue.
It wasn't CloudFlare, it was the server object I was using in my function.
I changed the following line from this:
Set ServerXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
to this:
Set ServerXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
Problem solved.
On my machine, im hosting a node server that is listening on port 5000. Before setting up a forward proxy (squid), i was able to perform a GET on https://localhost:<port>. However, after setting up a forward proxy and setting the environmental variable http_proxy=<ip addr:port>, this GET request no longer works.
The error that shows up is: tunnelling socket could not be established, statusCode=503
Some additional information:
The proxy server works as I am able to connect to the internet via it.
Performing curl instead, on the https:localhost:5000/api works.
Am using request.js for the requests, using agentOptions to specify TLS protocols & ca cert.
I am hoping to understand how the traffic is now different after i add in a proxy. From my understanding, now we have to go through a sort of TLS CONNECT / tunnelling since to the proxy first, since its a HTTPS request, before coming back to my localhost. But in the case without the proxy, how is it that its working?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
you must add
export no_proxy='localhost,'
the https work because you don't use proxy for https , you must set https_proxy='<tour_proxy>'
I am currently using
data["ip"] = socket.client.conn.remoteAddress;;
But this will only show me the cloudflare IPs and I am not a fan of leaking my server's ip so how can I get my client's ip through cloudflare?
After me having to research for a couple of good hours I found out.
This thread says that in 1+, you should be using:
But, if there are cloudfare proxy servers in the path (which there presumably are), then this will only report the true client IP address if the cloudfare proxy servers set the appropriate header to the actual client IP address when they proxy the initial HTTP connection that initiates the connection.
I need to create url like
how should I define this protocol on Google Compute Engine for my instance so that I can access websocket etc.
I am really stuck here. I need to wind this up.
Please reply,
Thanks for your reply,
I configured websocket over nodejs and pointed the url with prefix ws and it worked. I configured node in order to serve http and as well as ws.
for example if
Http =
ws = ws://
and it started working ..
Previously my confusion was..actually I confused with GCE Console, as it gives us ability to configure firewall etc.
Thanks again.