I'm unable to authenticate as an app using Octokit/rest and the documentation as failed me...
Here's my routine for authenticating:
async function getGithub({payload}) {
const auth = createAppAuth({
id: parseInt(process.env.APP_ID, 10),
privateKey: getPrivateKey()
const installationAuth = await auth({
type: 'installation',
installationId: payload.installation.id,
return new Octokit(installationAuth)
Could anybody point me in the right direction?
When I make a request with the client, I just get a 404. I know the repo exists and Github's docs point out that unauthorised requests may result in a 404 if the client has no access.
I've solved it!
I wasn't passing the right information to the bot. The working function looks like this.
async getGithub(context) {
const auth = createAppAuth({
id: parseInt(process.env.APP_ID, 10),
privateKey: getPrivateKey()
const installationAuth = await auth({
type: 'installation',
installationId: context.payload.installation.id,
return new Octokit({
auth: installationAuth.token // directly pass the token
So close!
So I'm using the Node.js Gmail library to send an email to another user. I was thinking of using a Service account to do just that. I've followed their documentation of passing the keyFile property but when I try to run the code, I get a 401 error, Login Required.
Here's what I got so far:
const { gmail } = require("#googleapis/gmail");
function createMessage(from, to, subject, message) {
// logic that returns base64 email
const encodedMail=[...];
return encodedMail;
export default function handler(req, res) {
const auth = gmail({
version: "v1",
keyFile: './google_service.json',
scopes: ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.send"],
const raw = createMessage(
"This is a test",
const post = auth.users.messages.send({
userId: "me",
requestBody: {
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
I've already got my Service Account credential json file and placed it at the root of my project. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
I am working with Angular and Node.js with Express.js. I have all day trying to get the posts from my Instagram account but I have not even been able to get the API token. I understand that you first have to make a request to this URL: https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=[instagram-app-id-lex.europa.eu&redirect_uri=[redirect-uriíritu&scope=[scope-lex.europa.eu&response_type=code&state = {state} (replacing the id and redirect-uri obviously) but I get no response. I already created my app in the instagram api following its documentation and add the tester and accept the authorization from the account settings.
At the moment I have this code en node.js:
const instagram = require('../controllers/instagram/instagram.controller');
const route = '/auth'
module.exports= (app,db, protegerRutas)=> {
app.get(`${route}/instagram`, (req, res)=> instagram.auth(req, res));
app.get(`/handle`, (req,res)=> instagram.handleauth(req,res));
// app.get(`${}`)
// app.post(`${route}/actualizar`, protegerRutas, (req, res)=> actualizar.actualizarDatos(req, res, db))
const Instagram = require('node-instagram').default;
const axios = require('axios');
const clavesInstagram = require('../../config/config').instagram;
const {clientId, clientSecret}= clavesInstagram;
const urlInstagram = 'https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=201577004938695&redirect_uri=https://localhost:3008/auth/handle&scope={scope}&response_type=code';
const redirectUri = 'https://b4ae544459e3.ngrok.io/handle';
const instagram = new Instagram({
clientId: clientId,
clientSecret: clientSecret
module.exports= {
auth: (req,res)=> {
.then( res => {
console.log('\n\nRespuesta: ',res);
.catch( err => {
console.log('\n\nError: ',err);
// auth: (req, res)=> {
// console.log('\n\nAuth Controller...')
// res.redirect(
// instagram.getAuthorizationUrl(redirectUri, {
// scope: ['basic','likes'],
// state: 'your state'
// })
// )
// },
handleauth: async (req, res)=> {
try {
const code = req.query.code; //código devuelto por Instagram
const data= await instagram.authorizeUser(code, redirectUri);
console.log('\n\nData Instagram:', data)
} catch(e) {
// statements
I understand that in the instagram API configuration the URL of my app is added to which they redirect and send the token, the url of my local app is something like this: http://localhost:3008/ and the path to which I want instagram to redirect would be this: https://localhost:3008/auth/handle (I must put it with 'https' in instagram because it does not allow http, so I don't know if this would include me). The problem is that with this code I am not getting the token that should be sent to my route https://localhost:3008/auth/handle. What am I doing wrong? I've been at this for many hours and honestly I can't find a solution. I read the documentation and try to do what it says but I can't do it. Could someone help me with this? I would be enormously grateful.
Thanks in advance.
I am making a Multi-Purpose API Service and as I got the token in the URL working perfect and authorising as expected with a 200. I've been having issues with the token not authorising with curl command or superagent, as its always return a 401 error.
const { DB } = require('../src/Routes/index.js');
module.exports = function auth(req, res, next) {
if(!req.query.apiKey) {
return res.status(401).json({"error": "401 Unauthorized", message: "API Token is missing in the query. You will need to generate a Token and put in the apiKey query."})
} else {
let check = DB.filter(k => k).map(i => i.apiToken);
let t = check.some(e => e == req.query.apiKey)
if(t !== true)
return res.status(401).json({"error": "401 Unauthorized", message: "The API Key you provided is invalid. Please refer to our Docs () and Generate a Token ()"});
return next();
This is the middleware for the token, I am using this in my routers so then the token will authenticate. However, if I remove the if statement for checking if an API Token is present. It seem to fix the issue kinda but always authenticates with any key (even ones not saved in the db) and is still not properly fixed.
and an example for requesting endpoint with token on a Discord Command:
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const { get } = require("superagent");
exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
const { body } = await get(`https://example.com/generators/3000years`)
.query({ image: message.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true, size: 2048 }) })
.set("Authorization", `Bearer MY_TOKEN`);
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`**3000 Years**`)
.attachFiles({ attachment: body, name: "3000years.png" })
You can see that if I authorise with Superagent, it will not work and return a 401 Unauthorised in the console.
I would like to ask why this is doing this and if I did something wrong. Any help is appreciated.
I am trying to connect to the G-Suite's User directory using the google-admin-sdk. I am using an API Key for authorization and I am not able to reach a successful execution.
Here is the code snippet that I'm using:
import { google } from 'googleapis';
import uuid from 'uuid/v4';
const API_KEY = 'my api key goes here';
version: 'directory_v1',
auth: API_KEY
customer: 'my_customer',
maxResults: 10,
orderBy: 'email',
}, (err, res: any) => {
if (err) { return console.error('The API returned an error:', err.message); }
const users = res.data.users;
if (users.length) {
users.forEach((user: any) => {
console.log(`${user.primaryEmail} (${user.name.fullName})`);
} else {
console.log('No users found.');
Login Required
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here?
Also, how do I proceed further for listening to the events emitted by the Google API?
Here is the snippet that works for me now:
import { JWT } from 'google-auth-library';
import { google } from 'googleapis';
// Importing the serivce account credentials
import { credentials } from './credentials';
const scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user'];
const adminEmail = 'admin_account_email_address_goes_here';
const myDomain = 'domain_name_goes_here';
async function main () {
const client = new JWT(
await client.authorize();
const service = google.admin('directory_v1');
const res = await service.users.list({
domain: myDomain,
auth: client
--- Bonus Tip ---
If you face any Parse Errors while using other methods of the directory, remember to JSON.stringify the request body. For example, on the admin.users.watch method:
// Watch Request
const channelID = 'channel_id_goes_here';
const address = 'https://your-domain.goes/here/notifications';
const ttl = 3600; // Or any other TTL that you can think of
const domain = 'https://your-domain.goes';
const body = {
id: channelID,
type: 'web_hook',
params: {
// Remember to put this in an async function
const res = await service.users.watch({
customer: 'my_customer',
auth: client, // get the auth-client from above
event: 'add'
}, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
// This is the important part
body: JSON.stringify(body),
As you can see in the official documentation, every request sent "to the Directory API must include an authorization token". In order to authorize your request, you have to use OAuth 2.0.
You are providing an API key instead, which is not appropriate for this process. API keys are usually used for accessing public data, not users' private data as in your current situation.
You should follow the steps provided in the Node.js Quickstart instead:
First, obtain client credentials from the Google API Console.
Second, authorize the client: obtain an access token after setting the user credentials and the appropriate scopes (a process accomplish in functions authorize and getNewToken in the Quickstart).
Finally, once the client is authorized, call the API (function listUsers).
If you want to use a Service Account for this, you will have to follow these steps:
Grant domain-wide delegation to the Service Account by following the steps specified here.
In the Cloud console, create a private key for the Service Account and download the corresponding JSON file. Copy it to your directory.
Use the Service Account to impersonate a user who has access to this resource (an Admin account). This is achieved by indicating the user's email address when creating the JWT auth client, as indicated in the sample below.
The code could be something along the following lines:
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const key = require('./credentials.json'); // The name of the JSON you downloaded
const jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(
"admin#domain" // Please change this accordingly
// Create the Directory service.
const service = google.admin({version: 'directory_v1', auth: jwtClient});
customer: 'my_customer',
maxResults: 10,
orderBy: 'email',
}, (err, res) => {
if (err) return console.error('The API returned an error:', err.message);
const users = res.data.users;
if (users.length) {
users.forEach((user) => {
console.log(`${user.primaryEmail} (${user.name.fullName})`);
} else {
console.log('No users found.');
Directory API: Authorize Requests
Directory API: Node.js Quickstart
Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account
Google Auth Library for Node.js
I hope this is of any help.
I,ve been using google-auth-library#0.10.0 nodejs just for verifying user identity in my api services, now it changed to 1.0 and everything is broken.
I previously used example from here:
now I cannot figure out how to verify identity using the new library.
Examples here: https://github.com/google/google-auth-library-nodejs
explains how to get access to google apis, I just need to verify identity.
this is my code:
const GoogleAuth = require('google-auth-library');
const auth = new GoogleAuth.GoogleAuth();
const google = require('googleapis');
const authData = {
'googleAuth': {
'clientID': 'xxxxxxxxxxx-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.apps.googleusercontent.com',
'clientSecret': 'sssssssssssssssssssssssss',
'callbackURL': 'http://localhost:121212/auth/'
const CLIENT_ID = authData.googleAuth.clientID;
function verifyToken(token) {
let tokenPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Or, if multiple clients access the backend:
function(e, login) {
if (e) {
return reject(e);
} else {
var payload = login.getPayload();
var userid = payload['sub'];
//console.log(payload, userid, e, login);
return resolve(login);
// If request specified a G Suite domain:
//var domain = payload['hd'];
return tokenPromise;
it was working fine, just to get googleUserId.
now I've this error:
Error: This method accepts an options object as the first parameter, which includes the idToken, audience, and maxExpiry.
I understand I'm not passing properly parameters and maybe its not the method to use..but how can I know which method and how it accepts parameters??? I cannot find any documentation about google-auth-library#1.0...some one is using it in production??
The verifyIdToken changed. Here's a working example.
import { OAuth2Client } from 'google-auth-library';
const client = new OAuth2Client(
idToken: TOKEN,
audience: CLIENT_ID_1 // If you have multiple [CLIENT_ID_1, CLIENT_ID_2, ...]
}, (err, login) => {
Just tested this recently.
Google needs to update their documentation.
Please note that you can specify a maxAge to the verify id token options as well.
Here's the interface copied from the source code
export interface VerifyIdTokenOptions {
idToken: string;
audience: string|string[];
maxExpiry?: number;
As you can see the idToken and audience are required, the maxExpiry is optional.
Source can be found here