How to get the most recently image in a folder? - node.js

How can I get the most recent image that was added to a folder and save that image file path to a variable? I have checked on here (stack overflow) but don't see a post that specifically answers my questions. This is what I have so far it lists out all the files but I am unsure how to get them sorted by most recently modified. This is a unique and specific question. I don't mind if this code is used or not as long as the result is code that can get the most recent file in a folder.
(async () => {
var lastdownloadedimage = "";
var pathtocheck = "C:/Users/user1/Downloads";
var pathtocheckimage = "C:/Users/user1/Downloads/ot.png";
const testFolder = pathtocheck;
const fs = require('fs');
var lastdownloadedimage;
var filescount = 0;
var filename = [];
var filedates = [];
var filessortedbytimefromcurrentdateaccending = [];
var files;
//create a tuple for the file date and name
var filedata = [];
//fs.readdirSync(testFolder).forEach( filescount++);
files = fs.readdirSync(testFolder);
filescount = files.length;
filedates = fs.statSync(pathtocheckimage).mtime.getTime();
filename = fs.readdirSync(testFolder);
for(var currentfiletocheck = 0; currentfiletocheck < filescount ; currentfiletocheck++){
//get current date
//find dile that is closest to current date
//use the index of that file data to find the file name
//save the files name to a variable
//filename[currentfiletocheck] = fs.readdirSync(testFolder)[currentfiletocheck];
//filedates[currentfiletocheck] = fs.stats.mtime.getTime()[currentfiletocheck];
//filedata[currentfiletocheck][0] = filename[currentfiletocheck];
//filedata[currentfiletocheck][1] = filedate[currentfiletocheck];
filedata.sort(function(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
for (var i = 0; i < filedata.length; i++) {
var filenamessortedbytimefromcurrentdateaccending = filedata[i][0];
var filedatesortedbytimefromcurrentdateaccending = filedata[i][1];
lastdownloadedimage = filedatesortedbytimefromcurrentdateaccending;
// do something with key and value

I have taken a different approach, and rather than gather the timestamps and sort them, I iterate over the files and compare each timestamp with the next one - keeping the timestamp and file path of the later timestamp each time.
Note that this will also check directories, so you will have to implement a filter if you want to ignore them.
let fs = require('fs')
let dirToCheck = '.'
let files = fs.readdirSync(dirToCheck)
let latestPath = `${dirToCheck}/${files[0]}`
let latestTimeStamp = fs.statSync(latestPath).mtime.getTime()
files.forEach(file => {
let path = `${dirToCheck}/${file}`
let timeStamp = fs.statSync(path).mtime.getTime()
if (timeStamp > latestTimeStamp) {
latestTimeStamp = timeStamp
latestPath = path


Search for all children items in parent folder google drive api

Since in V3 children was deprecated, i'm trying to get another way to search inside parent folder (using parent id) and get all children inside within subfolders too.
Didn't find a way how to do it in drive docs.
Please advice.
The following works for me:
function getChildFolders(folderId){
var q = "mimeType = 'application/' and '"+folderId+"' in parents";
var children = Drive.Files.list({q:q});
var res = [];
for(var i=0; i<children.items.length; i++){
res = res.concat(getChildFolders(children.items[i].id));
return res;
But getting all (grant)child folders at once does not seem possible indeed.
Unfortunately, Drive API doesn't have a search filter like "return all children of FOLDER_NAME". The only available search queries are found in Search for Files.
But, there's a somewhat similar filter you can use, but this time, using the parent folder's ID. This applies to subfolders too.
So for example you have this URL of the parent folder which contains your files.
Use the search query
'123456789' in parents
and it will return all the files inside that folder.
Give the Files.list Try-it a test.
Perhaps you could use this 2 functions..
* Export Array Files N' Folder Names from Drive Folder
function listCurFoldersEFilesName(folderId) {
var data= [];
var j =0 , i = 0;
var folders = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId).getFolders(); //returns a FolderInterator
while (folders.hasNext()) {
var folder =;
var folderName = folder.getName();
data[j] = folderName.trim();
var files = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId).getFiles(); //returns a FileInterator
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =;
var fileName = file.getName();
data[j+i] = fileName.trim();
return data;
* Export Array Files N' Folder IDs from Drive Folder
function listCurFoldersEFilesIDs(folderId) {
var data= [];
var j =0 , i = 0;
var folders = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId).getFolders(); //returns a FolderInterator
while (folders.hasNext()) {
var folder =;
var infolderId = folder.getId();
data[j] = infolderId;
var files = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId).getFiles(); //returns a FileInterator
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =;
var infileId = file.getId();
data[j+i] = infileId;
return data;

How do I replace a string in a PDF file using NodeJS?

I have a template PDF file, and I want to replace some marker strings to generate new PDF files and save them. What's the best/simplest way to do this? I don't need to add graphics or anything fancy, just a simple text replacement, so I don't want anything too complicated.
Edit: Just found HummusJS, I'll see if I can make progress and post it here.
I found this question by searching, so I think it deserves the answer. I found the answer by BrighTide here:
Basically, there is this very powerful Hummus package which uses library written in C++ (crossplatform of course). I think the answer given in that github comment can be functionalized like this:
var hummus = require('hummus');
* Returns a byteArray string
* #param {string} str - input string
function strToByteArray(str) {
var myBuffer = [];
var buffer = new Buffer(str);
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
return myBuffer;
function replaceText(sourceFile, targetFile, pageNumber, findText, replaceText) {
var writer = hummus.createWriterToModify(sourceFile, {
modifiedFilePath: targetFile
var sourceParser = writer.createPDFCopyingContextForModifiedFile().getSourceDocumentParser();
var pageObject = sourceParser.parsePage(pageNumber);
var textObjectId = pageObject.getDictionary().toJSObject().Contents.getObjectID();
var textStream = sourceParser.queryDictionaryObject(pageObject.getDictionary(), 'Contents');
//read the original block of text data
var data = [];
var readStream = sourceParser.startReadingFromStream(textStream);
var string = new Buffer(data).toString().replace(findText, replaceText);
//Create and write our new text object
var objectsContext = writer.getObjectsContext();
var stream = objectsContext.startUnfilteredPDFStream();
// replaceText('source.pdf', 'output.pdf', 0, /REPLACEME/g, 'My New Custom Text');
The version used at the time of writing an example was 1.0.83, things might change recently.
Recently I got an issue with another PDF file which had a different font. For some reason the text got split into small chunks, i.e. string QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890- got represented as -286(Q)9(WER)24(T)-8(YUIOP)116(ASDF)19(GHJKLZX)15(CVBNM1234567890-)
I had no idea what else to do rather than make up a regex.. So instead of this one line:
var string = new Buffer(data).toString().replace(findText, replaceText);
I have something like this now:
var string = Buffer.from(data).toString();
var characters = REPLACE_ME;
var match = [];
for (var a = 0; a < characters.length; a++) {
match.push('(-?[0-9]+)?(\\()?' + characters[a] + '(\\))?');
string = string.replace(new RegExp(match.join('')), function(m, m1) {
// m1 holds the first item which is a space
return m1 + '( ' + REPLACE_WITH_THIS + ')';
Building on Alex's (and other's) solution, I noticed an issue where some non-text data were becoming corrupted. I tracked this down to encoding/decoding the PDF text as utf-8 instead of as a binary string. Anyways here's a modified solution that:
Avoids corrupting non-text data
Uses streams instead of files
Allows multiple patterns/replacements
Uses the MuhammaraJS package which is a maintained fork of HummusJS (should be able to swap in HummusJS just fine as well)
Is written in TypeScript (feel free to remove the types for JS)
import muhammara from "muhammara";
interface Pattern {
searchValue: RegExp | string;
replaceValue: string;
* Modify a PDF by replacing text in it
const modifyPdf = ({
}: {
sourceStream: muhammara.ReadStream;
targetStream: muhammara.WriteStream;
patterns: Pattern[];
}): void => {
const modPdfWriter = muhammara.createWriterToModify(sourceStream, targetStream, { compress: false });
const numPages = modPdfWriter
for (let page = 0; page < numPages; page++) {
const copyingContext = modPdfWriter.createPDFCopyingContextForModifiedFile();
const objectsContext = modPdfWriter.getObjectsContext();
const pageObject = copyingContext.getSourceDocumentParser().parsePage(page);
const textStream = copyingContext
.queryDictionaryObject(pageObject.getDictionary(), "Contents");
const textObjectID = pageObject.getDictionary().toJSObject().Contents.getObjectID();
let data: number[] = [];
const readStream = copyingContext.getSourceDocumentParser().startReadingFromStream(textStream);
while (readStream.notEnded()) {
const readData =;
data = data.concat(readData);
const pdfPageAsString = Buffer.from(data).toString("binary"); // key change 1
let modifiedPdfPageAsString = pdfPageAsString;
for (const pattern of patterns) {
modifiedPdfPageAsString = modifiedPdfPageAsString.replaceAll(pattern.searchValue, pattern.replaceValue);
// Create what will become our new text object
const stream = objectsContext.startUnfilteredPDFStream();
* Create a byte array from a string, as muhammara expects
const strToByteArray = (str: string): number[] => {
const myBuffer = [];
const buffer = Buffer.from(str, "binary"); // key change 2
for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
return myBuffer;
And then to use it:
* Fill a PDF with template data
export const fillPdf = async (sourceBuffer: Buffer): Promise<Buffer> => {
const sourceStream = new muhammara.PDFRStreamForBuffer(sourceBuffer);
const targetStream = new muhammara.PDFWStreamForBuffer();
patterns: [{ searchValue: "home", replaceValue: "emoh" }], // TODO use actual patterns
return targetStream.buffer;
There is another Node.js Package asposepdfcloud, Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for Node.js. You can use it to replace text in your PDF document conveniently. Its free plan offers 150 credits monthly. Here is sample code to replace text in PDF document, don't forget to install asposepdfcloud first.
const { PdfApi } = require("asposepdfcloud");
const { TextReplaceListRequest }= require("asposepdfcloud/src/models/textReplaceListRequest");
const { TextReplace }= require("asposepdfcloud/src/models/textReplace");
// Get App key and App SID from
pdfApi = new PdfApi("xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb");
var fs = require('fs');
const name = "02_pages.pdf";
const remoteTempFolder = "Temp";
//const localTestDataFolder = "C:\\Temp";
//const path = remoteTempFolder + "\\" + name;
//var data = fs.readFileSync(localTestDataFolder + "\\" + name);
const textReplace= new TextReplace();
textReplace.oldValue= "origami";
textReplace.newValue= "aspose";
textReplace.regex= false;
const textReplace1= new TextReplace();
textReplace1.oldValue= "candy";
textReplace1.newValue= "biscuit";
textReplace1.regex= false;
const trr = new TextReplaceListRequest();
trr.textReplaces = [textReplace,textReplace1];
// Upload File
//pdfApi.uploadFile(path, data).then((result) => {
// console.log("Uploaded File");
// }).catch(function(err) {
// Deal with an error
// console.log(err);
// Replace text
pdfApi.postDocumentTextReplace(name, trr, null, remoteTempFolder).then((result) => {
}).catch(function(err) {
// Deal with an error
P.S: I'm developer evangelist at aspose.

How to get over 1000 records from a SuiteScript Saved Search?

Below is code I came up with to run a Saved Search in NetSuite using SuiteScript, create a CSV with the Saved Search results and then email the CSV. The trouble is, the results are limited to 1000 records. I've researched this issue and it appears the solution is to run a loop that slices in increments of 1000. A sample of what I believe is used to slice searches is also below.
However, I cannot seem to be able to incorporate the slicing into my code. Can anyone help me combine the slicing code with my original search code?
var search = nlapiSearchRecord('item', 'customsearch219729');
// Creating some array's that will be populated from the saved search results
var content = new Array();
var cells = new Array();
var temp = new Array();
var x = 0;
// Looping through the search Results
for (var i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
var resultSet = search[i];
// Returns an array of column internal Ids
var columns = resultSet.getAllColumns();
// Looping through each column and assign it to the temp array
for (var y = 0; y <= columns.length; y++) {
temp[y] = resultSet.getValue(columns[y]);
// Taking the content of the temp array and assigning it to the Content Array.
content[x] += temp;
// Incrementing the index of the content array
//Inserting headers
content.splice(0, 0, "sku,qty,");
// Creating a string variable that will be used as the CSV Content
var contents;
// Looping through the content array and assigning it to the contents string variable.
for (var z = 0; z < content.length; z++) {
contents += content[z].replace('undefined', '') + '\n';
// Creating a csv file and passing the contents string variable.
var file = nlapiCreateFile('InventoryUpdate.csv', 'CSV', contents.replace('undefined', ''));
// Emailing the script.
function SendSSEmail()
nlapiSendEmail(768, 5, 'Inventory Update', 'Sending saved search via scheduled script', '', null, null, file, true, null, '');
The following code is an example of what I found that is used to return more than a 1000 records. Again, as a novice, I can't seem to incorporate the slicing into my original, functioning SuiteScript. Any help is of course greatly appreciated.
var filters = [...];
var columns = [...];
var results = [];
var savedsearch = nlapiCreateSearch( 'customrecord_mybigfatlist', filters, columns );
var resultset = savedsearch.runSearch();
var searchid = 0;
do {
var resultslice = resultset.getResults( searchid, searchid+1000 );
for (var rs in resultslice) {
results.push( resultslice[rs] );
} while (resultslice.length >= 1000);
return results;
Try out this one :
function returnCSVFile(){
function escapeCSV(val){
if(!val) return '';
if(!(/[",\s]/).test(val)) return val;
val = val.replace(/"/g, '""');
return '"'+ val + '"';
function makeHeader(firstLine){
var cols = firstLine.getAllColumns();
var hdr = [];
var lbl = c.getLabel(); // column must have a custom label to be included.
return hdr.join(",");
function makeLine(srchRow){
var cols = srchRow.getAllColumns();
var line = [];
line.push(escapeCSV(srchRow.getText(c) || srchRow.getValue(c)));
return line.join(",");
function getDLFileName(prefix){
function pad(v){ if(v >= 10) return v; return "0"+v;}
var now = new Date();
return prefix + '-'+ now.getFullYear() + pad(now.getMonth()+1)+ pad(now.getDate()) + pad( now.getHours()) +pad(now.getMinutes()) + ".csv";
var srchRows = getItems('item', 'customsearch219729'); //function that returns your saved search results
if(!srchRows) throw nlapiCreateError("SRCH_RESULT", "No results from search");
var fileLines = [makeHeader(srchRows[0])];
var file = nlapiCreateFile('InventoryUpdate.csv', 'CSV', fileLines.join('\r\n'));
nlapiSendEmail(768, 5, 'Test csv Mail','csv', null, null, null, file);
function getItems(recordType, searchId) {
var savedSearch = nlapiLoadSearch(recordType, searchId);
var resultset = savedSearch.runSearch();
var returnSearchResults = [];
var searchid = 0;
do {
var resultslice = resultset.getResults(searchid, searchid + 1000);
for ( var rs in resultslice) {
} while (resultslice.length >= 1000);
return returnSearchResults;
I looked into your code but it seems you're missing the label headers in the generated CSV file. If you are bound to use your existing code then just replace
var search = nlapiSearchRecord('item', 'customsearch219729');
var search = getItems('item', 'customsearch219729');
and just use the mentioned helper function to get rid off the 1000 result limit.
I appreciate it has been a while since this was posted and replied to but for others looking for a more generic response to the original question the following code should suffice:
var search = nlapiLoadSearch('record_type', 'savedsearch_id');
var searchresults = search.runSearch();
var resultIndex = 0;
var resultStep = 1000;
var resultSet;
do {
resultSet = searchresults.getResults(resultIndex, resultIndex + resultStep); // retrieves all possible results up to the 1000 max returned
resultIndex = resultIndex + resultStep; // increment the starting point for the next batch of records
for(var i = 0; !!resultSet && i < resultSet.length; i++){ // loop through the search results
// Your code goes here to work on a the current resultSet (upto 1000 records per pass)
} while (resultSet.length > 0)
Also worth mentioning, if your code is going to be updating fields / records / creating records you need to bear in mind script governance.
Moving your code to a scheduled script to process large volumes of records is more efficient and allows you to handle governance.
The following line:
var savedsearch = nlapiCreateSearch( 'customrecord_mybigfatlist', filters, columns );
can be adapted to your own saved search like this:
var savedsearch = nlapiLoadSearch('item', 'customsearch219729');
Hope this helps.

Node JS for loop does not work

In node js, after running the for loop, descrip does not contain anything, no field written into the descrip array, why?
data = data['data'];
var course = data['course'];
data = data['sections'];
var descrip = new Array();
for (var i = data.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var data = data[i];
var section = data['section'];
var day = data['day'];
var date = data['date'];
var start = data['start_time'];
var end = data['end_time'];
var location = data['location'];
var res = 'Section: '+section+'\nDate: '+date+' '+day+'\nLocation: '+location+'\nStart: '+start+'\tEnd: '+end;
Assuming you expect data to be an array, data.size - 1 will be -1 since data.size is null. So it will exit the loop immediately. You probably want data.length.
The length of an array in JavaScript is returned by the length property:
for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// no block scope in JS, using data as a variable name here overwrites array
// var data = data[i];
var _data = data[i];
var section = _data['section'];
var day = _data['day'];
var date = _data['date'];
var start = _data['start_time'];
var end = _data['end_time'];
var location = _data['location'];
var res = 'Section: '+section+'\nDate: '+date+' '+day+'\nLocation: '+location+'\nStart: '+start+'\tEnd: '+end;
Also, as pointed out in the comments by #Red Alert, you're overwriting your data variable in the for loop (JavaScript has no concept of block scope). I've renamed it _data, but you could probably come up with a more meaningful name to distinguish between the array and the element of the current iteration.

How can I create a new document out of a subset of another document's pages (in InDesign (CS6) using ExtendScript)?

I need to offer a feature which allows InDesign users to select a page range in an InDesign document and create a new document out of those pages. This sounds simple, but it isn't...
I have tried many different ways of doing this but they have all failed to some degree. Some methods put all pages in a single spread (which sometimes makes InDesign crash). The best I've been able to do (see code below) still has problems at the beginning and the end (see screenshots below):
The original document:
The new document:
The question: How can I create a new document out of a subset of another document's pages (in InDesign using ExtendScript) without having the problems shown in the screenshots?
note: The behavior of the script is quite different in CS5.5 and CS6. My question concerns CS6.
The second screenshot was obtained by applying the following code to the document shown in the first screenshot:
var firstPageName = { editContents: "117" }; // This page number is actually entered by the user in an integerEditbox
var lastPageName = { editContents: "136" }; // This page number is actually entered by the user in an integerEditbox
var sourceDocument = app.activeDocument;
var destDocument = app.documents.add();
destDocument.importStyles(ImportFormat.paragraphStylesFormat, new File(sourceDocument.filePath + "/" +, GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE);
destDocument.importStyles(ImportFormat.characterStylesFormat, new File(sourceDocument.filePath + "/" +, GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE);
destDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = sourceDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits;
destDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = sourceDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits;
destDocument.documentPreferences.facingPages = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.facingPages;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageSize = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageSize;
var sourceSpreads = sourceDocument.spreads;
var nbSourceSpreads = sourceSpreads.length;
var firstPageFound = false;
var lastPageFound = false;
var i;
var newSpreadNeeded;
var currentDestSpread;
for (i = 0; !lastPageFound, i < nbSourceSpreads; ++i) {
newSpreadNeeded = true;
var sourcePages = sourceSpreads[i].pages;
var nbSourcePages = sourcePages.length;
var j;
for (j = 0; !lastPageFound, j < nbSourcePages; ++j) {
if (sourcePages[j].name === firstPageName.editContents) {
firstPageFound = true;
destDocument.documentPreferences.startPageNumber = parseInt(firstPageName.editContents); // We want to preserve page numbers
if (firstPageFound) {
// Copy this page over to the new document.
var firstInNewSpread = false;
if (newSpreadNeeded) {
currentDestSpread = destDocument.spreads.add();
newSpreadNeeded = false;
firstInNewSpread = true;
var newPage = sourcePages[j].duplicate(LocationOptions.AT_END, currentDestSpread);
var k;
for (k = 0; k < newPage.index; ++k) {
if (sourcePages[j].name === lastPageName.editContents) {
lastPageFound = true;
I was hacking around and came up with this little script. Although it approaches the problem from the opposite direction, it seems to work fine here. Also, I'm still running in InDesign CS5, but maybe it will work for you. Hopefully I got the gist of your question?
This will extract pages 3 through 5 into a separate document:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var newFilePath = doc.filePath + "/subset_" +;
var newFile = File(newFilePath); // Create a new file path
doc.saveACopy(newFile); // Save a copy of the doc
var newDoc =; // Open the copy
var firstPageNum = 3; // First page number in the range
var lastPageNum = 5; // Last page number in the range
var firstPage = newDoc.pages[firstPageNum-1];
var lastPage = newDoc.pages[lastPageNum-1];
// Remove all text from the last page in the range to the end of the document
var lastPageFrames = lastPage.textFrames.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i=0; i < lastPageFrames.length; i++) {
var frame = lastPageFrames[i];
var parentStory = frame.parentStory;
var lastFrameInsert = frame.insertionPoints.lastItem();
var lastStoryInsert = parentStory.insertionPoints.lastItem();
var textAfter = parentStory.insertionPoints.itemByRange(lastFrameInsert,lastStoryInsert);
// Remove all text from the beginning of the document to the first page in the range
var firstPageFrames = firstPage.textFrames.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i=0; i < firstPageFrames.length; i++) {
var frame = firstPageFrames[i];
var parentStory = frame.parentStory;
var firstFrameInsert = frame.insertionPoints.firstItem();
var textBefore = parentStory.insertionPoints.itemByRange(0,firstFrameInsert.index);
// Remove the pages that aren't in the range
var allPages = newDoc.pages.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i=0; i < allPages.length; i++) {
var page = allPages[i];
if (i < firstPageNum || i > lastPageNum) {
