Concatenate strings in flutter adds "" - string

This is rather a silly question but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm building a flutter app that communicates to an API and in order for the user to be authenticated it sends an token.
Whenever the user logs in I save the token in the Shared Preferences and then when I make an request add the token to the headers or in this case I need it in the url.
However, whenever I concatenate the strings: the server url and the token it adds extra "" to the token. something like:"token-value"
instead of
here's the code:
var preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
token = preferences.getString(token_key);
var url = '$serverURl?access_token=$token';

As far as I understand your question, I would like to answer it.
That's not possible!
var serverURl = '';
var token = 'token-value';
var url = '$serverURl?access_token=$token';
It just prints the correct one!
You can check the string that is stored in the SharedPreferences! That maybe with quotes.

Okay, I figured it out. Since I was sending only the token from the API. I was receiving it with the "" in it.
Instead I now send a json with the token, like: { "token": "token_value"} and then decode it to get the actual value. So when I store it the shared preferences it doesn't keep the "".
So in the backend:
return Ok(new {token = generatedToken});
and in dart
var tokenJson = json.decode(response.body);
var token = tokenJson['token'];
preferences.setString(token_key, token);
Thanks to everyone that helped :)


Azure REST API Returns 200 for me and 203 for other users

I'm creating an app and need the information about the user projects. When I request that for me, a administrator in the organization, the request goes without a problem. When other users request something it gives the 203 code.
I'm using the following code:
var personalaccesstoken = token;
using var client = new HttpClient();
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic",
using var response = await client.GetAsync(
var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
I'm using Oauth to get the token.
Does anyone know why this is not working?
The 203 error code normally caused by an incorrect PAT format. Looks like you are probably failing authentication because the PAT did not be encoded with base64 correctly.
You need to ask the users to check the PAT in their code to see whether it is correct, or generate a new PAT and replace it in the code to see whether the issue would be fixed.

nodejs googlephotos fails to upload with "Authentication session is not defined"

I've got some code based on the samples given at the googlephotos documentation. I basically just took the code provided as-is and modified it to fill in my client id, secrets, etc. generate a URL which I then paste into my brower, and after clicking through to authorize my app I copy the code it gives me and using it to construct a new Photos object.
I tried setting up my scopes as:
const scopes = [
But I also tried:
const scopes = [
const scopes = [
I am able to to get back auth tokens which I can use to build a new Photos object. I try to upload something like this:
const response = await photos.mediaItems.upload("", "test.mp4", "/home/michael/test/test.mp4", "Test Upload");
I get this error along with a stack trace which seems useless:
(node:13122) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: StatusCodeError: 401 - "{\n \"code\": 16,\n \"message\": \"Authentication session is not defined.\"\n}"
I have granted append permission, which is all that should be for this to have the proper authorization, yet it still fails! What am I doing wrong here?
The documentation isn't super-specific about exactly what "auth_token" you are supposed to pass, merely saying:
const photos = new Photos(your_google_auth_token);
without defining what your_google_auth_token is or where it comes from. Google's own documentation for the upload API just says oauth2-token which isn't helpful in getting to the bottom of what this value should be.
In the same code for getting the tokens it just says:
const {tokens} = await oauth2Client.getToken(code)
// The token from above can be used to initialize the photos library.
This error occurs when you naively plug the tokens you get into the constructor like so:
const photos = new Photos(auth_token)
Instead, what you need to do is plug the access_token field of the tokens like this:
const photos = new Photos(auth_token.access_token)

How to use Basic Auth with libsoup via Gjs

I'm trying to query github's api with a token. Github's api accepts generated tokens provided that they're sent as a basic auth header.
The API do not return HTTP 401 if the call is made without auth which means if one wants to query their api using Basic Auth, one must fill the header pre-emptively rather than doing a round trip.
I'm now trying to query the API using libsoup and Gjs.
I have noticed the SoupAuthManager has a function that seems to match perfectly what I need (soup_auth_manager_use_auth here) but can't find a way to invoke it.
This can be used to "preload" manager 's auth cache, to avoid an extra HTTP round trip in the case where you know ahead of time that a 401 response will be returned
This is what I currently use, but it does not work as the SoupAuthManager is a private object of the session; and has therefore no effect on the actual behaviour of the program
let httpSession = new Soup.Session();
let authUri = new Soup.URI(url);
let message = new Soup.Message({method: 'GET', uri: authUri});
let authManager = new Soup.AuthManager();
let auth = new Soup.AuthBasic({host: '', realm: 'Github Api'});
authManager.use_auth(authUri, auth);
httpSession.queue_message(message, ...);
Are there other methods I could use to force Basic Auth on the first roud trip? or are there other library I could use from gjs to call github's API and force the basic auth?
I found the solution. To link the authorisation to the session, one can use the add_feature function. Now this is defined here but it turns out calling it directly doesn't work
instead it seems to work if called like that:, authManager);
finally, the github api rejects any call without a user agent, so I added the following:
httpSession.user_agent = 'blah'
the final code looks like:
let httpSession = new Soup.Session();
httpSession.user_agent = 'blah'
let authUri = new Soup.URI(url);
let message = new Soup.Message({method: 'GET', uri: authUri});
let authManager = new Soup.AuthManager();
let auth = new Soup.AuthBasic({host: '', realm: 'Github Api'});, authManager);
httpSession.queue_message(message, function() {...});

Decrypt or Validate Signature on Azure Mobile Services Token on the server side

After following the guide for creating a custom identity provider for azure mobile services I can easily generate the appropriate tokens. The code is pretty simple and looks like this:
var userAuth = {
user: { userId : userId },
token: zumoJwt(expiry, aud, userId, masterKey)
response.send(200, userAuth);
The definitions for the parameters and code for zumoJwt are located at the link. Azure automatically decodes the token and populates the user on the request object which is what I'd like to simulate.
Basically I'd like to to decrypt the token on the serverside via Node (not .net).
What I ended up doing to validate the token is the following (boiled down). This seems to be about what the azure mobile services is doing on routes that require authorization.
var jws = require('jsw'); //
function userAuth() {
var token = ''; // get token as header or whatever
var key = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(global.masterKey + "JWTSig").digest('binary');
if (!jws.verify(token,key)) {
// invalid token logic
} else {
var decode = jws.decode(token)
req.user = {
userId: decode.payload.uid.split(';')[0].split('::')[0]
The tokens aren't really encrypted - they're just signed. The tokens have the JWT format (line breaks added for clarity):
<header>, base64-encoded
<envelope>, base64-encoded
<signature>, base64-encoded
If you want to decode (not decrypt) the token in node, you can split the value in the . character, take the first two members, base64-decode them (var buffer = new Buffer(part, 'base64')), and convert the buffer to string (buffer.toString('utf-8')).
If you want to validate the token, just follow the same steps you need to re-sign the first two parts of the token (header + '.' + envelope) with the master key, in the same way that the token was created, and compare it with the signature you received on the original token.

Using APIServiceSoapClient for DocuSign

Im tring to user the DocuSign api/sdk to send a document for someone to sign. The examples say something like:
APIServiceSoapClient apiService = new APIServiceSoapClient();
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "Your DocuSign UserName here";
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Your DocuSign Password here";
Which I of course have tried but its not working.
I get the following error:
Security requirements are not satisfied because the security header is not present in the incoming message.
Ive tried
var username = "myemail";
var pass = "mypass";
var iteratorKey = "iteratorkey";
APIServiceSoapClient apiService = new APIServiceSoapClient();
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = username;
//also tried ...UserName = "[" + iteratorKey + "]" + username;
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = pass;
Is this not where all security requirements are met? maybe? Using APIService not DSAPIService if that makes a difference.
I ended up having to use a different way to pass in the credentials. Which I found somewhere else. Im still not sure how to correctly use the other method I tried though so if anyone knows how to use the other method it would be great just because the code is neater and easier to follow.
string auth = #"<DocuSignCredentials>
DSAPIServiceSoapClient apiService = new DSAPIServiceSoapClient();
using (var scope = new System.ServiceModel.OperationContextScope(apiService.InnerChannel))
var httpRequestProperty = new System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpRequestMessageProperty();
httpRequestProperty.Headers.Add("X-DocuSign-Authentication", auth);
System.ServiceModel.OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = httpRequestProperty;
EnvelopeStatus envStatus = apiService.CreateAndSendEnvelope(envelope);
return envStatus.EnvelopeID;
There are two ways to pass member credentials through DocuSign's SOAP API (as opposed to the newer REST API):
SOAP Header via WS-Security UsernameToken
HTTP Header via a custom field “X-DocuSign-Authentication”
The Account Management API only supports the HTTP Header authentication method, while all others can support either method.
Additionally, the DocuSign SOAP API has two API end points: API.asmx and DSAPI.asmx. The API.asmx end point requires the WS-Security UsernameToken in the SOAP header authentication. The DSAPI.asmx and AccountManagement.asmx end points require the HTTP Header authentication method.
